Restructuring Your Core Offering

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Traditional business measurements include profit, market share, and sales growth. But are those the true measurements of success?


Are numbers the primary way we should measure success (or failure)? Shouldn’t there be more meaning to what we do as entrepreneurs than dollars, cents, and charts?


If you are like me, the answer is an unqualified “Yes!” I believe that in the coming decade and beyond businesses will find new, better ways to measure what they do, including things like:


  • Meaningfulness
  • Motivation
  • Ambitions
  • Genuine Client Benefit


All of these new, non-traditional measurements can be summed up by the phrase “creating space for meaning”. But what does that mean, exactly? I’m glad you asked!


The New Industry Leaders


Thinking about your business in new and creative ways is always worthwhile. It can lead to breakthroughs, innovations, and triumphs.


Here are some entrepreneurs who changed their paradigm by thinking creatively about the way they measure their business:


Tara Gentile founded a traditional branding business called Quiet Power Strategy. But when her business became stagnant, she reimagined it as a community-driven membership that she named Co-Commercial. Here, in her own words, is why she decided to put her personal values ahead of traditional business measurements.


Scott Olford created the multi-million dollar “information” business Lead Craft. Then he closed it for good so he could launch a transformational program called the Relevancy Engine. Here’s his story.


Lewis Howes is a widely recognized online marketing expert. But instead of continuing to grow his business, he ditched it in order to write a book called “The Mask of Masculinity”. Why? Find out here.


These are all successful entrepreneurs who decided to stop embracing the normal and traditional path in favor of more rewarding and enlightening business discoveries, ones that include seeking answers to important questions like:


  • Why am I working so hard and enjoying it so little?
  • Does what I contribute to the world truly matter?
  • What’s the reason for my hard work?
  • What can I do to create genuine positive change in my client’s lives?


Like all of these people, I’ve been thinking a lot about the meaning of what we do as entrepreneurs. It can’t be all about the money, can it?


There’s got to be something more. And what I’ve discovered is that there most definitely is. And as an online entrepreneur, it’s critical to your happiness that you move beyond traditional measurement tools and embrace results that offer perspective, such as:


  • Measure impact rather than income
  • Focus on love notes rather than list size
  • Count the content you create rather than the followers you attract
  • Measure transformational results for your clients rather than sales


“Okay,” you probably are thinking. “That’s all well and good. But how can I actually do it? How can I change the way I measure my business so that it actually offers more meaning than simply more data?”


Again, I’m glad you asked!


Restructuring Your Core Offering – Meaningfulness


Back in the ‘90s, the big book in business philosophy was Steven R. Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. In it, Covey talked about shifting your paradigm, changing the way you looked at your business, your marketplace, your world in order to gain a new, exciting, and innovative perspective.


By looking at the world in a new way, it’s often easier to see the underlying reasons behind why you do what you do – in other words your unapologetic belief statements.


Discovering these are the key to creating the baseline foundation that can define every decision you make, every piece of content you create, and the path to every new discovery that lies just beyond the horizon.


Mine include these:

  • There is a plethora of untapped human potential that is the key to changing everything in the world. This type of inner genius is present in everybody and is just waiting to be discovered – and it can be uncovered by effective, consistent branding.
  • The choices we make effect not only our lives but also those of everybody around us. So when we strive for greatness, we not only help benefit ourselves but also our families, our co-workers, our clients, and our friends. We can be the lighthouse that uncovers the possibilities for everybody else.
  • Our mission in life is to discover our own truths in order to help others discover theirs. And the path to this enlightenment lies in branding.


By shifting your paradigm inward, it’s possible to make genuine positive change outward.




Guiding values provide the foundation for any business. If they are built on solid ground (truth) the business can prosper. But if they are rocky at best, it’s going to be nearly impossible to achieve the success you envision.


That’s why defining your inner values is so essential to your long-term strategies and overall success. Yours are going to be your own. I can’t define them for you. But I can share some of mine:


  • Truth – You could say this is my “flagship” value. The goal of my business is to shine the light of truth by helping people discover their own truths about themselves, their brands, and their businesses.
  • Intelligence – Brands and businesses alike need to use smart processes in everything they do. Otherwise, too much time will be wasted on wheel-spinning and inefficiency. As a branding entrepreneur, I focus on challenging people’s assumptions about “why” they do, not “what” they do.
  • The Big Idea – Everybody has the potential to be their best and bravest version of themselves. Our goal is to help our clients discover the path to making big, dramatic changes through innovation, truth, and intelligence (see above).


Measuring success exclusively by dollars and cents doesn’t work in the 21st Century. It’s not going to lead you where you want to go. Plus, it can destroy your spirit (not to mention your business) if you put ALL of your focus on tangibles.


Instead, shift your paradigm by expanding how you measure success by looking at “worthiness indicators” such as:


  • Client Satisfaction/Impact
  • Mentions/Positive Reviews
  • Published Content
  • Web Visits/Transformational Results


Ultimately, these are going to offer you a better picture of whether or not your business is successful. But more importantly, they can help lead you to genuine fulfilment, happiness, and the joy that comes with contributing to make the world a better place.

Chasing the Shiny New Thing

One of the most common mistakes first-time business owners make is constantly chasing after the latest shiny new thing.


Chasing trends, trying to hard to be cool and new, and clinging to the superficial is a fast way to an early demise.


The problem with basing your decisions on things that are trending is that new things are always trending, knocking the old things off the list and out of the minds of your prospective customers. This is especially true now that most people can tap into what’s new and cool on their Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media accounts.


Chasing the Shiny New Thing – Branding and Trends


Chasing after trends is exhausting. It’s also frustrating.


That’s because people have short attention spans, both individually and collectively. If you doubt this, simply go back and look at what was trending a month ago … or even a week ago.


Odds are the majority of topics on the Google or Yahoo trending lists from even the short-term past are already long forgotten.


So basing branding decisions for your business on trends is short-sighted as well as exasperating.


Branding Mistakes


Chasing after the shiny new thing is human nature. But it’s also cooked into our consciousness to be attracted to the next big thing that comes along, too.


Rather than making decisions like what products to offer, which marketing platforms to use, and how to present your brand based on current trends, try to look at the big picture rather than the current moment.


Pool business owners choose to chase trends. Smart, successful ones become trending themselves by building their businesses on reliable, time-honored branding techniques that always work regardless of what’s currently popular.


Want to learn more? Avoid the biggest branding mistakes and create successful brands by teaming up with Lytron Design.

Creating Your Ideal Client

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What does your ideal client look like? Do you even know?


When you are first starting out, the ideal client is anybody willing to pay you money to do practically anything (legal, that is). After all, beggars can’t be choosers.


But as you gain experience and your list of accomplishments grows, you can afford to be more exclusive with who you choose to collaborate with. And ideally, the amount you earn will also increase – at first incrementally and then exponentially, at least in the ideal scenario!


When I first started out, I couldn’t afford to be choosy. Just to get my foot in the door, I had to take whatever came my way. But eventually, with time, effort, and trial-and-error (often more error!), I was able to start to build both my business and reputation.


Today, I enjoy an exclusive client base that includes some of the most respected businesses in the world.


So today I want to share with you the tools you need to do the same with your business. And it all begins with imagining what your “perfect client” looks like!


Creating Your Ideal Client – Start by Looking in the Mirror


The better you understand what your own motivations are, the more prepared you will be to realize what your clients are looking for.


After all, your clients choose you for a reason. Price may be the first thing. But it’s rarely the only thing. Or even the most important thing.


You don’t always buy the cheapest products you can find, do you? Instead, you are drawn to products and services that tend to share your values and experience. The same holds true for your clients.


So begin your search for the perfect client by taking a look at what you perceive as perfection in yourself:


  • What do you strive to be?
  • What are the core foundational elements of your business?
  • Why do you want people to choose you over everybody else?


Answer these questions honestly and you can begin to understand what type of clients you want to attract, collaborate with, and make genuine connections with.


Creating Your Ideal Client – Judge Your Current Clients


We don’t always like to pass judgments on other people. But sometimes it can be helpful to understand what qualities we value and which ones we dislike.


Try this exercise: Create a list of your current clients. If it’s not that big, include as many former clients as you can remember. Now, quickly and without thinking too much about it, rank them from best to worst.


It’s often easiest to start with the best and worst, then move towards the middle. Don’t spend more than a couple of minutes on this list and don’t overthink it … just do it!


Now, take a look at the top 3 and the bottom 3 and discard all the rest. Then make a short bullet-point list of the best qualities that the top 3 share and another list of the worst qualities that the bottom 3.


Congratulations! You now have a clear picture of what you are looking for in new clients and what to avoid.


Creating Your Ideal Client – How Do You Reflect These Qualities?


Now comes the hard part. It’s time for a little soul searching.


Look at your list of best qualities and answer this question with startling honesty: What to you do in your everyday life that reflects these qualities? Don’t compromise or try to shade the meaning of your answer. It’s okay if you aren’t currently doing all the things you should be doing. In fact, that’s the whole point of this exercise.


Now, Look at your list of the worst qualities and once again answer the question: What are you doing in your everyday life that reflects these qualities? Don’t shy away from the truth. Be brutally honest with yourself.


After you meditate on these two lists, you can now move forward with actually creating your description of the perfect client.


The Rest Is Up to You


Understanding what you are looking for in a client is a helpful way to make your business more successful. But it’s also path to more happiness in what you do, more genuine fulfillment, and a better contribution to the world you inhabit.


You are the expert on you. You know your business better than anybody else. And only you can take what you have learned about your perfect client and use it as a map to finding the genuine success that you deserve.

When It Comes to Customer Service, It’s Personal

When It Comes To Customer Service Its Personal 1


If you want to create a deeper, more meaningful connection with your online customers, you need to make your interactions seem more personalized.


When people feel as if you know them and they know you, they are more likely to come back to your website again and again as opposed to an impersonal competitor. Engaging customers on a personal level is the key to your online business’s success.


When It Comes to Customer Service, It’s Personal – What’s My Name?


Countless studies have shown that people respond positively to hearing their own names during live interactions. The same premise holds true for online interactions as well.


Using customer’s names in emails, text messages, online offers, and elsewhere helps reinforce the idea that you have an interpersonal relationship with that person. In the same way that people like to hear their name spoken, they also like to see it in print — whether it’s online, on their phone, or elsewhere.


Capture your customer’s first and last names during the initial interaction then store this string to use it throughout your future contacts. This will help build relationships with your customers and keep them coming back for more.


When It Comes to Customer Services, It’s Personal – Put a Face to Your Name


While it’s important for the customer to hear their name, they also need to hear yours. On your website and during your interactions with your online customers, make a point of including your name and, if possible, a photograph of you so that they can put a face with your identity.


This helps strengthen trust bonds with customers and inspire confidence in your business relationship. When appropriate, you also can include personal details about your life, such as introducing your spouse and children, including photos of your home, and talking about vacations, your career, education, and more.


If you want strong relationships with your online customers, make it personal.


First Impressions Critically Important for Websites

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When meeting new people, first impressions are important. How people look, the way they act, how friendly and helpful they are all influence your decision whether or not to interact with them.


The same holds true for web pages. In fact, first impressions are even more important when people land on your web page. That’s because visitors will make judgments about the credibility of your web page in as little as 50 milliseconds after they land there.


And one out of every five people who visit your website will leave and never come back.


The First Crucial 10 Seconds


There are two primary questions people ask themselves when landing on a new website:


  1. Is it safe?
  2. Does it provide specifically what I’m looking for?


If a website doesn’t seem safe — in other words if people fear their laptop, smartphone, or another device might become infected by a virus or their personal data may be stolen — they will jump off instantly. With so much malware out there, it’s a legitimate concern.


Similarly, most internet users today don’t have the patience to waste time with a website that isn’t exactly what they are looking for. Within 10 seconds, visitors are likely to size up your web page and decide if you are giving them what they want. If not, they will click off and likely never return.


First Impressions Critically Important for Websites – Testing Your Web Pages


That’s why it’s a good idea to continually test your web pages to see how it measures up to these two questions. Test it yourself using different devices than the ones you usually use.


Plus, you want to have other people test your websites as well. Ask friends or co-workers to give you their initial impressions. Or incentivize your customers to respond to a brief survey to share their thoughts.


The Colors You Choose for Your Website Matter

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Picking out the color scheme for your website is one of the most important decisions you will make.


Colors have a subliminal effect on your web page visitors. So the best colors for your specific website will depend on what you want to people to do once they land there.


Many businesses will simply choose colors that match those in its logo or products. But there is a lot to learn about the psychology of colors. Before you make any decisions, you should consider the questions of colors carefully.


Improving Conversions


The objective of any website is to get conversions of its visitors. That simply means getting people to do what you want them to do when they arrive on your web page, be it purchase a product, take a poll, sign up for a mailing list, and so on.


Picking the right colors for your target visitors can improve your conversions. For example, women tend to dislike gray, orange and brown and tend to like blue, purple, and green.


Men, on the other hand, don’t like purple, orange and brown but are drawn to blue, green, and black. So if you are marketing to a target audience composed of one particular sex, your color scheme should match its preferences.


The Colors You Choose for Your Website Matter – Color Psychology


Certain colors subconsciously project specific emotions. For example, blue tends to cultivate trust in the page visitor whereas yellow is for warnings.


Green is often best for products related to the environment and the outdoors while orange can create a sense of urgency or impulse in page visitors. Black is often associated with luxury and high value.


Colors help your website express itself visually so that it can appeal to people’s emotions. Choose the right one for your website and you can improve conversions, build customer loyalty, and achieve your objectives.


Monetizing Personal Data with Your Website

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People will return to businesses if they feel as if they have a personal relationship with them.


Think about your own experience: When employees at your favorite coffee shop know your regular order or your local bookstore calls you when your favorite author has a new book out, aren’t you more likely to go back there?


Capturing and storing personal information about your customers can help build trust relationships with them and keep them returning to your online business again and again.


 The Value of Birthdays

One of the easiest types of personal data to capture and store is birthdays. When you ask your customer for their birthday, you can use this data to create special offers, discounts, and other personalized birthday celebrations.


Most people like to have their birthdays recognized and celebrated. Storing a customer’s birthday as a data string in their digital personal information file allows your business to make your customers feel special and strengthen your trust relationship with them.


Monetizing Personal Data with Your Website – Other Personal Data


Birthdays aren’t the only personal information you can collect and store about your customers. Information such the name of the city where they live, whether or not they are married or have children, and where they went to school can be invaluable in building trust bonds.


Product preferences are another great way to let your customers feel as if you know them personally. If they always buy the same products or brands from you, your business can create a personalized marketing plan that will ensure they come back to your website to purchase those products every time.


People like to be recognized and appreciated, even by the businesses they deal with only online. By learning and storing personal information such as birthdays and product preferences, you can build customer loyalty and increase retention.


Pictures of People Connect Better with Page Visitors

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When you post articles, blogs, or other content on your web page, it’s important that you always include some sort of image to go with it.


But not just any image will do. Visitors to your web page will connect better on an emotional level if you include an image that includes at least one person, rather than simple pictures of objects of products.


Numerous studies have shown that Internet users prefer websites that include pictures of people over pictures of things.


The Human Touch


Human beings are social entities and they like to make connections between people and their stories. When you include an image that includes a real person, people will project their thoughts and ideas onto that image.


But when you simply post a picture of a thing, the viewer can’t make that imaginative connection as easily. They can’t empathize with an object in the same way that they can with a real live human being.


The Voyeuristic Effect


People also like to look at other people. But they don’t always get the opportunity to do so as much as they would like in real life.


Think about your own experiences. In the office, or even in your own home, if you were to stare at another person as long as you wanted it probably would make you both feel uncomfortable.


But you can look at an online photo of a person as long as you like.


This is known as the voyeuristic effect of online marketing. Professional marketers know that if they include images of young, attractive people with their postings, it will attract and hold the eye of the viewer longer.


Pictures of People Connect Better with Page Visitors – SEO Fort Lauderdale — Effective Web Pages


Your web postings will have more effect if they include photos of actual people whenever possible.


People love looking at people. Use that to your advantage.


“Lytron Lead Generation” Is Good for Your Business!

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When it comes to attracting new customers, retaining existing customers, and expanding both the scope and profitability of your business, practically everything today depends on your organization’s online presence.


According to a recent study conducted by UPS, for the first time ever more customers today are turning to the Internet to find the products and services they want than real-world, brick and mortar businesses.


Lytron Lead Generation – Making Your Business Count


That means that if you want to capture the largest share of online customers as possible, you need to have an effective, professional digital marketing strategy. After all, that’s where the majority of your customers are looking for businesses just like yours right now!


“Lytron Lead Generation” has the experience, knowledge, and ideas that can raise the online profile of your company so that you can connect with those customers.


 Crafting an Online Strategy


At “Lytron Lead Generation”, we can help you create appealing, effective websites that attract the attention of online customers, then compel them to interact with your business.


Whether your goal is to build customer loyalty, provide your clients with an interactive experience they will never forget, or simply to sell your business’s product and services, “Lytron Lead Generation” can help you craft the effective strategy you need to meet and exceed your organization’s objectives.


We have the web design Fort Lauderdale businesses want and have helped hundreds of small businesses just like yours achieve success in the digital marketplace … and we can help you, too!


In the 21st Century, online customers are too important to ignore. Don’t leave money on the table by not pursuing this rapidly growing base of prospective customers.


Let “Lytron Lead Generation” help your business develop the effective, interactive, and profitable online marketing strategies that will propel your business to the top.

Fitting Puzzle Pieces Together

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Successful online marketing is sort of like assembling a jigsaw puzzle: To get the results you want for your business, all the pieces have to fit together.


Fortunately, the marketing professionals at “Lytron Lead Generation” are skilled at solving your online puzzle so you can maximize your connections with your customers and clientele.


Social Media Marketing


Today, one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is your social media marketing. An increasing number of customers now use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others to get recommendations about local businesses, search for new products, and find the services they need.


Enhancing your social media profile is just one of the many tasks “Lytron Lead Generation” can help you achieve. Our social media marketing experts understand the intricacies of social media and can help you get the most mileage from your postings.


Fitting Puzzle Pieces Together – Search Engine Optimization


Search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others are now the primary way people look for products and services. According to a recent study, for the first time ever people now buy more products online than they do in real world stores and malls.


So if you want to attract the highest percentage of prospective customers searching online for the types of products or services your business offers, your websites, home pages, online catalogs and other web pages need to be optimized.


“Lytron Lead Generation” has the skills, experience and knowledge in search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to maximize the number of people who find your business online. We can revamp your web pages so that they contain the features that Google and other search engines prefer.


Fitting Puzzle Pieces Together – Consistency and Branding


Another thing “Lytron Lead Generation” can help you with is your branding. It’s important that prospective customers encounter consistent branding across every online platform.


Providing your clients with consistent branding helps bring all the pieces of the online marketing puzzle together.