Your Business Appeals to a Certain Kind of Customer



Who is buying the products or services you are selling? In all likelihood, it’s probably the same person. At least in general. While the ideal is for everybody to want what you offer, in reality, that’s not usually the case. There are very few products that have universal appeal.

Some people like Coke and others like Pepsi. Or Dr Pepper. Or Sprite. Each of those brands has determined what the characteristics are of the people who prefer their soda pop over all the others, then crafted a brand that appeals to exactly that type of person, tapping into a multi-billion dollar market. If you can do this with your business, you can open up a whole new world of opportunity.

Who Are You?

Before you can understand who your target customer is, you need to think about the image your company projects. Then you need to think about whether the branding you have created so far by chance is the optimal branding for the customers you want or who already are predisposed to preferring your products or services.

This is the magic key that opens up new markets for your business and can lead to your taking the next step in scale. If so far you have appealed only to people living near your store or office, learning about the most effective branding can take you nationwide, or even global.

Lytron Strategic

It’s hard to do this on your own. But Lytron Strategic helps small businesses just like yours discover their most effective branding every day. We collaborate with you to answer the question of what your customer looks like by determining how your business is perceived. Then we develop a plan to project exactly the image you want to bring those customers to your door or website.

You business appeals to a certain type of customer. Learn who that is and you can break through to the next level.

Online Marketing Lets You Expand Your Customer Base

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If you own a local small business, odds are most of your customers live or work within a few small miles of your geographic location – whether it’s a retail storefront, an office, a workshop, or a factory. Many people prefer to do business with people in their neighborhood, especially if it’s a service industry such as plumbing, electrical, car repair, and so on.

But thanks to the global reach of the internet, you no longer need to rely only on the few thousand people in your area. Instead, you can market and connect with people from coast to coast or even internationally just as easily as you can customers walking through your front door.

Global Marketing

In fact, an increasing number of people today are using online stores to buy more of the products they want. When was the last time you drove down to the shopping mall, parked your car, and walked inside to buy what you wanted? More likely, you Googled it, found an online seller, and had it shipped directly to your doorstep.

So if you are still putting most of your focus on driving people to your physical location, you are marketing to a shrinking number of prospective customers. There are more people searching online right now for the exact products or services you sell than will ever visit your store in person.

Lytron Strategic

If you have been in business for a while, you probably already know how to greet people visiting your store, steer them toward what they are looking for, and possibly even upsell them or promote some additional purposes. But what do you know about online marketing? Maybe not so much.

But you don’t have to. Fortunately, Lytron Strategic already has you covered. We can collaborate with you to develop effective, affordable online campaigns that bring you new customers from all over the country, even worldwide.


Use All-Original Images and Content

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The images and content you use on your web pages should always be original. If you do use a photo, video, or writing created by somebody else, unless you have their permission in writing and/or have paid a licensing fee, you can get in legal trouble if you use it online as part of your marketing.

Taking or using your own pictures, making original videos, or writing original content is the best way to offer your customers something fresh and new while avoiding accusations of plagiarism or copyright infringement later.

Creating Content

Thanks to today’s technology, coming up with original art, pictures, and even videos is super easy. Your smartphone probably has as much production capability and camera tech on it than was available in Hollywood’s biggest studios just a few decades ago.

If you are experienced at writing, you can create your own textual content as well. Otherwise, you can hire professional writers to create clear, concise, and effective content for you. Connecting with original words and images can attract the attention of new customers, retain existing clients, and build long-term loyalty bonds that can build your business.

Lytron Web Design

If you aren’t experienced at designing web pages or aren’t sure which images or other content make the strongest connections, Lytron Web Design has you covered. We can assist you in finding original art, creating all-new content, and making fresh and exciting websites that genuinely connect with customers.

Trying to take shortcuts by using other people’s images or writing is not only risky but also fails to put your personality and stamp on your web content. It can also lead to legal problems. At Lytron Design, we have the experience, knowledge, and tools to create original, refreshing web content for your business that brings you the results you want.


Make Emotional Connections with Customers



The most effective marketing makes instant emotional connections with customers. You probably remember watching a TV commercial that unexpectedly moved you to tears.

Your digital marketing doesn’t need to be that dramatic to be effective. But it should still include images, colors, text, and other content that prospective customers can experience on an emotional level. All of your digital design needs to be developed to make people feel something about your company, your brand, your products or your services.

Emotional Triggers

So what are these emotional triggers? It depends on your business and the message you are trying to project. Frequently, including personal information or revealing details about your life offers people a way to connect with your business emotionally. Start paying attention to the way other businesses build their brand online and you will start to see how effective this can be.

Another way is to include powerful photographs, illustrations, videos, and other images that tug at the heartstrings. When done skillfully, there is no faster way to draw people into your brand. As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we have been helping small business owners develop powerful online marketing strategies that reach people’s feelings to make strong emotional connections. We can help you discover new customers, build loyalty bonds, and develop a recognizable brand while building a positive company reputation.

When you can make people feel something on a human level, you can create strong bonds that can lead to long-term, lucrative business relationships.

People online today are bombarded with thousands of images and messages every hour. The experienced, professional web experts at Lytron Web Design can help you find the most powerful, effective messaging for your business that instantly connects with people on a deep and powerful emotional level.

More Isn’t Always Better

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Every market has a saturation point. It could be a global market for a mass market ad campaign or a hyper-local market for a highly specific product or service. The size and scope of the market doesn’t matter. At a certain point, people within that market are going to become overwhelmed by a specific promotional campaign and instead of attracting new people, it will start to repel them.

You can probably think about certain ads that you have grown tired of or even annoyed with. Maybe it played incessantly on your local television or radio station. Today, an oversaturated market is more likely to be found online and may include something like an Instagram ad that always pops up in your feed every time you click on the site.

Cautious Saturation

The key to a successful digital strategy is to neither over-saturate nor under-saturate the marketplace, regardless of its size or scope. What you want to do is to find the “sweet spot” where the maximum number of customers are located but without overwhelming them with your online content to the point where they are turned off to your business rather than turned on

Finding that perfect point is a unique skill. But it’s one we have been perfecting at Lytron Strategic pretty much since the global internet began.

Lytron Strategic

At Lytron Strategic, we understand that bigger isn’t always better. In fact, too much of a good thing can actually do more harm than good to your brand and business.

We can help you develop, distribute, and maintain highly effective brand messaging that promotes your business and develops customer loyalty, rather than harming your reputation and turning people off. Our brand strategists have the experience, knowledge, and tools to find new customers, build brand loyalty, and bring growth and prosperity to your business.


Brand Perception vs Reality

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How do people perceive your brand? If you have been working inside of your business for awhile, it’s hard to be objective. You may believe people see your business one way, but in reality, they actually view it in an entirely different light.

Yet brand perception is one of the most important influences on whether or not people choose your product or services. A carefully curated brand can draw in new customers, retain existing ones, and keep your business expanding and growing for many years to come.

Perception Is Reality

In digital marketing, there is no absolute. The business environment is so big and there are so many people entering and exiting the marketplace constantly that it’s practically impossible to say this business is absolutely this one thing or that thing. Brands evolve, businesses shift focus, and the whole digital market is constantly in flux.

This isn’t a bad thing. It simply means you get to define your business any way you like. However you want people to see your business — either on its own or in relation to your competitors — it’s possible to create this perspective through purposeful, well thought-out branding strategies. And once you hit on the exact brand you want, you can sustain that image in the minds of your prospective customers through effective brand management.

Lytron Strategic

At Lytron Strategic, we specialize in developing appealing brands that instantly connect with people on an emotional level. Our experienced web strategists have the tools, knowledge, and experience to craft the brand you want for your business, and then build that brand through highly effective digital marketing campaigns that attract and retain loyal customers.

If you want people to perceive your brand a specific way, the professionals at Lytron Strategic can help nurture, develop, and promote the exact brand perception you want for your business.

Geo-Specific Keywords Can Instantly Build Traffic

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One small change to your digital marketing strategy can instantly transform your online ads from passive to highly active. All you need to do is to add geo-specific keywords to your online content.

What do we mean by “geo-specific”? Simply where geographically you are targeting customers for your business. Add a few simple keywords such as a town, a neighborhood, or even a street tell Google and other search engines to point prospective customers in that specific geographic area toward your business.

Hyper Local

For example, let’s say you own a body shop in the Banksville neighborhood of Pittsburgh. If you post online ads, blog posts, and other digital content related to your business and never mention where you are located, the search engine algorithms will simply point your content at global customers — both literally and figuratively. But if you focus on keywords like “Pittsburgh auto body shop”, your content is more likely to turn up on the phones, tablets, and laptops of people in Pittsburgh.

But there are probably hundreds of body shops in Pittsburgh. So by making your keywords even more geo-specific — such as “Banksville body shop” — you can narrow the search down even further Now you are competing now with dozens, but with only a handful of other local body shops for the attention of people in your hyper-local area.

Lytron Web Design

The smaller the size of the competitors, the more likely people are to choose your business. Using geo-specific keywords can narrow down the search and bring more people who are actively looking for exactly the kind of products or services you provide in your specific area.

Lytron Web Design can then optimize your content even further so that people will choose your business over everybody else. Let’s work together to get your business at the top of the search engines that drive digital marketing.

If You Can Dream It, We Can Build It

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graphic designers discussing over computer at their desk

For a small business owner, visualization is one of the most effective ways to plan for the future. All it requires is for you to think about what you want your business to look like in the future.

When you dream of how your business will be in five, ten, or even twenty years down the road, you can start to make plans to bring it where you want it to go. And Lytron Web Design can help you transform your vision into reality.

Dream Big

Thinking about your business’s future doesn’t cost anything. The only limitation is your own imagination. But it can lead you to places you never considered before, including expansion, new product development, and entry into new markets, possibly even global ones.

Taking the next step is where Lytron can help. Once you settle on some ambitious plans that are also grounded in reality, we can work with you to develop a path to achieving your goals. Generally, we will break down the overall objective into smaller, achievable steps. Then we can plan out a game plan to knock these off one by one until together we reach the big, exciting goals for your business.

Lytron Web Design

Why are we so confident we can help you grow your business and achieve your biggest dreams? Because we already have helped dozens of other small, local businesses do just that. And we can do it for you, too.

At Lytron Web Design, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the proven track record of success that you can rely on for the future of your business. We can help you every step of the way, from understanding where your business is today to visualizing its future to setting up a game plan to reach your goals. If you can dream it, Lytron Web Design can help you achieve it.


Successful Online Strategies Are Geographically Focused

If you own a small business in Pittsburgh, do you really want to devote your time and money to marketing to customers in San Francisco? Or Sydney, Australia? Or China?  It all depends on what you are selling.

For example, if you are a local business that provides in-person services — such as in-home health care or vehicle towing services — there is absolutely no reason to focus your marketing efforts any further than your own zip code, in most cases. But if you specialize in products or services that can be used anywhere in the world — such as digital content production or physical products that can be delivered — there may be benefits to expanding your marketing globally.

Think Local, Act Global

Small business owners have to consider three customer groups: Local, National, and International. Local would be people who live and work in the same area as you. This could be as close as a single street or as broad as an entire city or region.

Let’s say you own an air conditioning repair service in Philadelphia. To optimize your marketing, you could focus specifically in your neighborhood or expand it as far as Bucks County or western New Jersey. But there would be little value in promoting your business in Ohio, for example.

Lytron Strategic

But what if you own a business that can deliver its products digitally, such as a stock photo licensing company? Or if you have physical products that can be delivered anywhere, such as a teddy-bear delivery business? In this case, there are huge benefits to promoting your business online across the entire country or even worldwide.

Identifying the potential markets for your products or services is the first step in developing a successful online marketing campaign. At Lytron Strategic, we can help you reach customers across the street or on the other side of the world, depending on your specific needs.




Social Media’s Popularity Keeps Increasing

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Think people are getting tired of social media? Think again! If anything, social media is only getting more popular, not less.

In fact, social media apps attract an estimated 4.89 billion users worldwide in 2023. Considering there are about 7 billion people in the world in total, that’s a pretty significant percentage of people checking their TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media accounts.

And it’s not just the biggest apps that are attracting all the attention. With new social media platforms launching every day, it’s not surprising that the average person uses at least seven different social networks every month, according to Sprout Social, an online social media aggregator.

Multi-Platform Plan

So if you are focusing your social media marketing on just one or two platforms, you could be missing the lion’s share of potential online customers. To truly be successful, your business needs a multi-platform plan that focuses on both the biggest and most popular platforms as well as the up and coming apps.

People are fickle. They also have a tendency to chase after the newest, shiny thing. The most successful social media strategies take this into account, using a broad cross-section of platforms to capture the most customers as possible.

Lytron Strategic

How can you keep up with this fast-moving industry? If you spend most of your time and attention running your business, you can’t. Fortunately, Lytron Strategic already has you covered. Our team of experienced, knowledgeable social media strategists is familiar with the biggest sites as well as the newest ones. And we can develop a social media strategy for your business that addresses all of them.

Social media is bigger than it has ever been before. But, really, it’s only in its infancy. As this highly popular and potentially profitable industry continues to grow, Lytron Strategic can help your business capitalize on its popularity for your own benefit.