Your ‘Call to Action’ Needs to Be Clear and Obvious



Business websites don’t exist in a vacuum. They serve a specific purpose. That purpose needs to be immediately obvious and evident to people who click on your website.

Known as the “Call to Action” — or “CTA” for short — it’s the entire reason your business’s website exists. It’s what you want people to do when they arrive there, whether its to buy your products or services, gain knowledge about your brand and business, or simply sign up to receive further marketing messages in the future.

What Companies Want

Not all websites are simply online catalogs where people can click to buy particular products or sign up for specific services. In many instances, business websites are simply promoting a brand, educating the consumer on the company’s values, or setting the stage for a long-term relationship with page visitors.

Yet whatever the purpose of your particular website, its content needs to clearly steer visitors to the particular action you want them to take. In many instances, this is to enter their email address and/or phone number. Data capture like this offers an opportunity for your business to continue to market to that particular customer long into the future. And it likely will be effective because that person not only landed on your website while looking online for something specific but gladly handed over their contact information, in effect inviting you to continue to market your branding, products or service to them.

Clear and Obvious

Through content, images, and even website architecture, skilled web designers can make your web page’s CTA clear and obvious so that even the most casual visitor will be gently nudged toward the action you want them to take.

In today’s digitally dominant environment, businesses spend a lot of time, money, and effort on their websites. Shouldn’t they serve exactly the purpose you want them to serve?

‘Embracing an Era’ Offers Helpful Branding Strategy

One of the most popular branding strategies today is known as “embracing an era”. This is when companies try to associate their products or services with a particular point in time.

What era you embrace depends on the branding message you are trying to project. The era could be as recent as the early 2000s or as distant as the Roaring ’20s. The idea is to take your prospective customers back to a simpler time that is associated with happier memories and events, offering a temporary escape for people through the products or services your business offers.

Top to Bottom Branding

When you choose to embrace a particular era, nearly every aspect of your business can reinforce this decision, from advertising to decor, even to the fonts you use on your signage or marketing materials. For example, an ice cream store may choose to commemorate the Victorian Era with employees wearing costumes from that era.

Or a business seeking to link its branding with the 1970s might use thick and curvy fonts and neon colors in its signage and advertising. Larger companies might license music from a particular era or use celebrities famous during a particular decade to be their spokespersons.

Nostalgic and Fun

Associating a particular era with your business injects a bit of nostalgia into your branding while making it fun for people to interact with your products or services. By including references to a particular era in your branding, you can create instant connections with people that serve as a sort of shorthand for your specific message — whether it’s the buttoned-down “Mad Men” era of the early 1960s or the patriotic preppiness of the 1980s.

With today’s world becoming increasing complicated, associating your branding with a past era lets customers escape into a time that was simpler and more familiar.

Social Media Is Addictive … and That’s Good for Your Business!

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You may have noticed in recent years that you are spending more and more time on your smartphone. And it’s not texting with loved ones or checking the latest sports scores.

Social media platforms like Twitter, Snapchat, and especially TikTok have become more addictive. And that’s not an accident. The people that own these big platforms spend a lot of time and energy working to make them practically impossible to put down. And their success can be good for your business.

Advertising Platforms

One apps like TikTok and Instagram, people can scroll through hundreds of short videos every hour without ever putting down their smartphones. That’s because these videos are digitally engineered to provide exactly the type of content that most appeals to that specific viewer.

The algorithms that run these sites keep track of what content you like, which videos you spend the most time watching, and which ones you share with other people. This information is then collated, analyzed, and used to keep reinforcing your feed with more and more content that it “knows” you are going to enjoy. As a result, once you start, it’s practically impossible to stop watching.

While that may be bad for your eyeballs — not to mention your productivity — it actually can be great for your business. That’s because these platforms essentially are free for users but come stocked with lots and lots of advertising. And these ads are pinpoint-focused the same way the content is.

Your Ad Here

So when you focus your digital marketing budget on streaming apps like TikTok and Instagram, you can get more for your money because your ads will only go to people who already are predisposed to want the kind of products and services your business offers.

Social media is changing the way businesses reach customers. By getting onboard now, you can grow your business while harnessing one of the greatest marketing tools every built.

To Improve Your Website, Check Out Your Competitors

Competitive research has always been an important part of business marketing. You have to know what other businesses like yours within your geographic area are doing in order to compete. And when you see a good idea on a rival’s website, it’s okay to adopt it as your own.

Not only that, but it’s also a good idea to reach out to your competitors and build relationships with them so you can learn from their experience and share your own within your common industry. Business isn’t war and your competitors aren’t your enemy. There’s plenty of business to go around and having a relationship with people who work in the same field as you is always rewarding.

Good Business

It’s a good idea to allocate at least part of your work week to competitive analysis. This includes networking with owners of competing businesses.

Start by going online and doing a simple search for businesses like yours within your community. Then visit their websites and see what they do similar to you, what they do differently, and what “works” and what doesn’t.

But competitive research isn’t all done online. When you have time, get in your car and drive over to your competitor’s physical location. Look around. Talk to their employees. Then introduce yourself to the owner. Don’t hide the fact that you own a competing business. Using subterfuge and deception will only cause hard feelings. Instead, offer your friendship and show a genuine interest in their lives. It’s possible to be both friends and competitors.

Best Practices

When you find something your competitors are doing better than you, take it and make it your own. It’s perfectly ethical to use other people’s good ideas to make your business better. Remember, the goal isn’t to reinvent the wheel. It’s simply to be better.

Competitive research is a great way to improve your understanding of your market and build your business bigger, stronger, and better.


Be the Face of Your Business

One of the most powerful marketing tools is the power of personality. When customers can put a face with a business, it instantly creates a loyalty bond that can result in increased trust, more familiarity, and repeat visits to your business website.

Who better to represent your business online than you? Nobody knows better about what your customers want, what solutions your business has to offer, and how you can connect the two through your products and services. So why not make you the face of your business in your online branding?

Person to Person

Some of the most successful marketing campaigns of all time were centered on a single person. Dave Matthews single-handedly put his fast food franchise, Wendy’s, in the public consciousness by personally appearing in his own restaurant chain’s commercials. Frank Perdue did essentially the same thing with his family’s chicken business.

When you put yourself out there as the face of your business, it instantly gives prospective clients somebody with whom they can make meaningful connections. People are much more likely to trust a real person than they are a logo, a mascot, or a trademark.

Lytron Strategic

Lytron Strategic can craft an online campaign that puts you front and center. Your image can be featured on your web pages, in your marketing materials, and even in your direct messaging to customers old and new.

People want to put a face with a business. When they feel as if they know you, they are much more likely to trust you and buy the products and services you are offering. By making yourself the face of your business, you can attract new customers while reinforcing trust bonds with existing ones.

Let Lytron Strategic share your story to inspire people, create genuine trust connections with customers, and take your online marketing to the next level.

Keeping Your Websites Fresh

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Websites Fresh

Websites aren’t a “one and done” proposition. To keep visitors engaged, they need to be updated, refreshed, and even redesigned every couple of years.

Website fatigue can be a real challenge for commercial websites. When people return to your business’s pages again and again, they become overly familiar with your websites. And as the old saying goes, “Familiarity breeds contempt”. To keep customers coming back again and again, it’s critical that you keep your website fresh, engaging, and interesting over multiple visits.

Refreshing Websites

Think back on your own experiences. The elements that you found exciting and inviting on your favorite websites quickly became tiresome and trite after repeated visits. The same images, colors, designs, and content quickly can become stale, unappealing, and even repellent.

Visitors to your web pages can have the same experience if you aren’t constantly refreshing, tweaking, and improving your business’s web pages. You want people to come back over and over again but you don’t want them to become bored or dismissive of your websites. The solution is to continually improve your online presence with the help of Lytron Web Design.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, our experienced professional web coders have the skills, tools, and knowledge to keep your web pages engaging for visitors regardless of how many times they click on your business websites. We continually monitor, update, and improve your online offering so that it is appealing and engaging to visitors old and new alike.

Don’t let an old, boring website turn customers away. To be successful in online marketing, you need to be innovative, proactive, and keenly aware of your page visitors’ expectations. With Lytron Web Design constantly updating and improving your web pages, you can instill the same delight and excitement visitors had the first time they clicked on your pages every time they visit your online business.