Website Engineering Starts at the END and works BACKWARDS

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Building a successful website begins with the end: What are the results you want to achieve? Identify your specific goals and the experienced and knowledgeable web design professionals at Lytron Web Design can build the site that gets you there.

Reverse-engineering your web page to deliver your unique and specific goals is the easiest and fastest way to get your business where it needs to be. Once we know what you want from your website, we can build it to suit your specific outcome.

Specific Goals

The operative word here is “specific”. If your goals are vague or generic — such as “I want to reach more customers” or “I want to make my business more well-known in my community” — it’s going to be hard to dial down and achieve these generic outcomes. To get optimal results, website creators need hard numbers: How many more customers do you want to reach in what specific timeframe? How will you measure how well-known your business is in your community and where do you want to set the goal base on this metric?

These kinds of questions help quantify the results you want by offering the ending point our web designers can use to start building your web pages. In web page creation, it’s always best to start at the end and work backward.

Planning and Development

So before you even begin to think about building a website for your business, it’s critical that you spend some time thinking about what exactly you want that website to do. Things like real numbers, hard deadlines, and specific outcomes offer our web designers the starting point from which they can reverse engineer your professional web pages to reach your specific goals.

At Lytron Web Design, we believe if you build it, they will come — but only if you know exactly what you want to achieve with your business’s web pages.

Love Your Family But Trust Professionals

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When you own your own business, people are constantly asking things of you, including your own family. Siblings or cousins with children who recently graduated from a graphic design school, for example, may offer their services to design your business website.

It’s a good idea to remember the old axiom: Family is family. But business is business. You might want to do your relative a favor, but do you really want your business represented online by a website designed by an amateur?

Customer Contact

In today’s business environment, the first point of contact most people are going to have with your business is online. So if they find your website only to discover that it is hackneyed, amateurish, and unhelpful, they aren’t going to care who designed it. They will simply move on to somebody else.

You owe it to your business to give it a professionally produced website that is created by a web design company with a proven track record of success. At Lytron Design, we’re a family-owned business, too. But we understand that when it comes to making contact with prospective clients, it pays to be all business.

Web Professionals

At Lytron Design, we collaborate with clients to create websites that reflect their distinct personalities. But we also strive to accomplish your specific goals, whether they are to build your online reputation, capture leads, or convince visitors to buy right away. For more than two decades, we have helped hundreds of small businesses achieve their online goals. And we can help you expand the scope and size of your business with a professionally produced website that gets results.

Your business is unique. So your website should be as well. It’s admirable to love your family. But when it comes to creating, launching, and maintaining your business website, it pays to leave it to the professionals at Lytron Design.

Which Websites Do You Visit Most Frequently?

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Lytron Fort Lauderdale Strategic Agency 3

Everybody has a few websites that they visit every day, or possibly even several times per day. While these often include social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, there likely are also a few business websites that are also on your “Favorites” list.

The question is “why”? What is it about these business websites that keep you coming back again and again? Answer that question and you can unlock the key to making your own business website more popular and successful!

Perceived Value

One element of a successful business website is that it offers “perceived value”. Visitors get something worthwhile when they visit. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be something that costs the website owner money.

Helpful and useful information in the form of blog posts is one example. Exclusive offers and rewards are another. Or perhaps it’s some type of exclusivities such as access to a VIP tier status or preferred customer class. When people feel as if there is perceived value in visiting a specific business website, they are more likely to keep coming back again and again.

Encouraging Loyalty

The challenge for the owners of business web page owners is to convince current and prospective customers to visit their site instead of their competitors. The key to achieving this goal is to build strong loyalty bonds among your clientele.

Increasing the perceived value is one way. But so is capturing important personal data about your customers — including information like birthdays, product preferences, geographic location, and so on — then using this information to personalize the experience they have when interacting with your business website.

When people feel like they are one of your most important customers, they are more likely to return to your business website more frequently — and be more open to your calls to action, such as subscribing to an elite service, buying more products, and even endorsing and promoting your business on their social media platforms.


People Today Have Less Time than Ever for Your Website

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Teamwork Consulting Fort Lauderdale Web Design Zoom 1

When it comes to web design, the most popular trend today could be summarized with the phrase: “Get to the point!”

Most adult users of the internet have been using the web now for nearly two decades. So they know what they want, where to look for it, and what to do once they get there. As a result, most people don’t have much time to waste when they arrive on your website. They simply want to do what they came there for — buy a product, order a service, learn more about your business – and move on to the nex thing.

Lytron Design

With this in mind, experienced web designers like those at Lytron Design are creating optimized websites that meet users’ needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Elements that were popular just a few years ago — including big photos, lots of text, and numerous links that took visitors all over the place — have been replaced with simplicity, directness, and instinctive design. Nobody has time to read a lot of instructions or try to figure out how to use your website anymore.

Today’s web design assumes users know what they are doing. People today are too busy for anything else.

Optimized Web Experience

While much has changed, business websites still serve the same purpose: To promote your brand, products, services, or whatever you want to focus on. It’s the say they give this to people that has changed.

The first rule of business is “Give the people what they want.” And what your customers crave is a sleek, easy-to-use website that offers results quickly and simply. At Lytron Design, we can transform your clunky, outdated website with optimized design that meets the expectations of today’s users.

Stop living in the past. Strive for the future with optimized websites from Lytron Design.

The One Critical Question Your Website Needs to Answer …

Contact Us Concept With Wood Block And Symbols 1Websites can include lots of important and essential information, such as a business’s location, its hours of operation, and even a description of the products and/or services it offers. But there is one essential question that your website absolutely has to answer if you hope to attract and retain loyal customers: How does your business benefit their lives in real, practical, and immediate terms?

People are online searching for businesses like yours because they want the kinds of things you offer. So if you can convince them that your business solves a problem they are having or meets an urgent need, they will always choose your business. And if you can deliver on that promise, you can make them customers for life.

Problem Solved

For example, let’s say you own a business that provides pet grooming. There likely are dozens — if not hundreds — of other pet grooming shops in your city. So how can you convince the casual visitor to your website that they should choose yours above all of your competitors?

It won’t be by listing facts like operational hours or even prices. The best way to capture their business is to explain how you — and only you — can solve their urgent and immediate problem: The dog they love is dirty and needs to be cleaned by caring, experienced professionals who will treat their pet as if it were their own.

Urgent Need Met

Most people don’t search for businesses online because they plan to do business in the future. In today’s society, people are accustomed to getting what they want right now, immediately, without having to wait. So in order for your business to be successful, your website needs to offer immediate solutions to common problems.

Lytron Web Design has helped hundreds of small businesses just like yours frame their offerings as solutions for prospective customers looking to meet their urgent needs. And we can help you, too. Call today for a FREE consultation!

Do Websites Still Matter?

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Screenshot 2020 07 17 At 3.47.59 AmWhen people are looking for products or services online, it’s easy for them to be overwhelmed with the variety of choices. A single Google search can result in literally millions of options.

So how do consumers decide on one business over the other? Frequently, the biggest factor is what their website looks like.

Professional Websites

Beauty is only skin deep. You can’t judge a book by its cover. While these maxims may be true, they don’t apply to websites. Many prospective customers make buy or no-buy decisions exclusively on how professional a businesses’ website appears.

When a website is amateurish, outdated, or is difficult to navigate, you can expect people to spend very little time on it — or even abandon it altogether. But when a business’s website looks modern, sleek, and professionally produced, it instantly instills confidence in the mind of the consumer and they are much more likely to spend a lot more time visiting it — and eventually opting into the business itself.

Digital Decisions

With so many choices, people online don’t have time to spend scrolling through endless web pages. Decisions are often made on an instinctive level and are typically based on things like website appearance, ease of use, and how attractive the pictures are. It’s just human nature.

So for your business to succeed online, you need a website that looks good, is simple to use, and inspires visitors to learn more about the products and services you offer. The reality of the digital age is that you may only get a split second to appeal to people. So your website needs to have instant appeal.

Lytron Design specializes in creating visually optimized, appealing, simple-to-navigate websites that highlight your business’s best features while drawing people in to learn more about what you have to offer. We help make your business stand out from your competitors so web users choose you among all of your competitors.

One Business, Two Websites

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Google Maps 2 1Most businesses today have an attractive, simple-to-navigate website where online customers can browse, book, and buy. But successful businesses actually have two versions of their company website: One for internet users and one for people using portable devices.

Mobile-ready websites represent the next stage for companies seeking to expand their online presence. They tend to be simpler, cleaner, and less wordy than their web-based counterparts. That’s because they are designed to be viewed by people using smartphones, tablets, and other devices with much smaller screens.

Capturing Customers

Traditional websites designed to be viewed on a laptop or home computer have the luxury of space and clarity. They can feature more content, bigger images, and sharper detail.

But thanks to advancements in smartphone technology, significantly faster WiFi speed, and the availability of broadband practically everywhere, an increasing number of consumers are abandoning their computers and doing most of their web surfing on their smartphones. So businesses need to react by creating mobile-friendly websites that are designed to be viewed on these types of devices.

Streamlined for Surfing

Try viewing a website designed for a computer screen on your smartphone and you will instantly see the problem: Text that is too small to read, buttons that are too small to push, and significantly lower loading speed.

Mobile-ready websites have specific features that make them easier to use for people using smartphones and other portable devices, including larger navigation buttons, reformatted content, and images optimized for viewing on iPhones, Androids, and other mobile devices.

Smart companies have smarter, mobile-friendly websites. Successful businesses recognize the trend towards smartphones and take the appropriate steps to ensure they capture the largest possible pool of prospective customers.

If your website has not yet been optimized for mobile viewing, you are absolutely missing out on the growing trend towards mobile surfing.

Breakthrough Web Design Trends for Fall

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Web DesignSummer is already in full swing but many businesses already are getting ready for fall — especially when it comes to their web design. This year, as more consumers make online searches their primary way of seeking out the products and services they want, having a cutting edge website is more important than ever.


Web design is constantly changing. But here are some trends that could help your website stand out from your competitors.


3D Illustrations


Remember 3D movies? The kind where you had to wear special glasses in the theater to see the picture properly? Today, revolutionary changes in web design allow some illustrations on websites to appear in three dimensions with the naked eye.


These vibrant, artistic illustrations practically jump off the screen to capture the viewer’s attention. They promote a more interactive experience that delight and compel visitors to return to your page again and again.


Screen-Dominating Text


Web page designers have discovered that really big words are effective at capturing the attention of web viewers. No, not words with lots of letters that are hard to pronounce and difficult to understand, but physically big words that dominate the screen.


Huge fragmented messages on web pages instantly grab the eye’s attention and force viewers to focus on the message being displayed. The communicate urgency and immediacy while engaging the viewer’s imagination.


Non-Traditional Cursors


The popularity of video games has led web page designers to replace the traditional on-screen cursor with innovative alternatives. Now the cursor on your web page can be your company’s logo, a mascot, or anything else the delights and entertains visitors while encouraging them to spend more time there.


Designers can also play around with the function of the cursor. Instead of just pointing and clicking, now cursors can click and hold to add new elements, such as to get a .gif file to load or to play a brief video or animation.


The more interactive and entertaining your website is for visitors, the more likely they are to find it, spend time on it, and interact with your business.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Viewing


Website When you go online to look for products or services do you sit down in front of a computer? Or do you simply whip out your smartphone? Odds are you do both — but are more likely to use your phone 66% of the time, according to a report from the Pew Research Center.


Consumers prefer phones over computers because of convenience, location, and speed. Most people don’t have access to their home computer when they are at work, in their cars, or walking around the streets. But when they want to look for that new book they heard about or find a plumber online, they usually aren’t willing to wait until they get home to do it.


Smartphones provide instant access to the Internet from practically anywhere — which is why your website needs to be mobile optimized.


Faster, Better, Stronger


Mobile websites are different than your primary website. If you spent a lot of time and money developing your website for your business so that customers can find your business online, that’s great. But if they click on that website on their phones and it isn’t optimized for mobile phones and tablets, it’s probably going to be slow to load, too crowded to easily read, and not responsive enough for visitors.


That means a lot of visitors — if not most prospective customers — are going to click off and visit the mobile-optimized website of your competitors rather than stick around and try to navigate your old-fashioned, slow, and cumbersome website.


Website – Built for Speed


With 66% of consumers using their smartphones to shop for products and services, you can’t afford to ignore mobile optimization for your website. That’s like shutting the door to 2 out of every 3 customers looking for your business.


Mobile optimization improves the way the majority of customers interact with your business online. So if you don’t yet have it, what’s stopping you?

UX Website Design: 3 Mistakes to Avoid

UX Website Design 3 Mistakes to Avoid

UX Website Design: 3 Mistakes to Avoid

Here at Lytron Marketing Agency, our Website experience spans over a decade and we have watched UX design evolve from large screen computers to hand held devices. For those who don’t know what UX is, User experience design is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product.



As a Graphic Designer by trade, I started off working with UX design before I realized what it was called. Choosing the best layout and design is apart of ever designers daily task but there are rules and structures within web that cannot be ignored unlike print where there can be more freedom for experimentation.


I read an article from Creative Digest and they gave some mistakes to avoid when working within UX Design but I wanted highlight three of the ones that stood out to me. Painful forms, Overwhelming designs with images and choices and Lack of Clarity are a few of the issues that I face designing here at Lytron Marketing Agency. As we always try to give our clients what they need to get a ROI with efficient forms and call to actions, many times this can be an area of contention, especially with popups. There has to be a balance between having a site that brings leads while still maintaining a sense of fluidity and a positive sign up or registration experience. Not to mention, ensuring that the aesthetics or the website’s images doesn’t overpower the information and content. Finally, the Lack of Clarity is an easy trap to fall in. As my background in Graphic Design dictates, an image is worth a thousand words and you could get lost in designing something that looks amazing but doesn’t clearly guide the user through the key areas of the site.


Having said all of this I am happy to declare that many of our customers are ecstatic about the way we design and we are constantly growing and evolving with the times. If you are interested in getting someone to work with you on UX design on your own site give us a call or chat. We will be happy to help!