Your Logo Is a Visual Symbol of Your Business

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Golden Ration Brand Identity LogoMost people are familiar with some of the most popular logos in the world. These include logos like McDonald’s golden arches, Starbucks’ happy green mermaid, and The Walt Disney Company’s ubiquitous mouse ears.

But what makes these logos so effective, so familiar, and so enduring? The answer may surprise you.

The Power of the Logo

In essence, a logo is a visual representation of everything a company strives to be. It instantly and often wordlessly stamps an indelible message into the mind of the viewer. A powerful, effective logo tells people, “This company is good. This company can be trusted. And this company is worthy of your loyalty.”

Logos help consumers differentiate one product from another. But they also do a whole lot more.

A strong, effective logo creates an identity for a business, one that consumers can embrace, value, and even make part of themselves. Popular brands like Pepsi, Mercedes-Benz, and Addidas are often seen on t-shirts, hats, and other items fans of those companies can show off and make part of their own identities.

Your Company’s Logo

If your company doesn’t currently have a logo, you may be missing out on an enormous opportunity to expand your customer base, build lifelong customer loyalty, and create global brand exposure for your business.

If you have a logo already but it hasn’t captured the attention you expected, it may be because it is ineffective or fails to engage with the people you want to attract to your business. A new logo can help create a positive new identity for your business, your products or services, and for everything you value.

Logos alone won’t create success. But they are a critical part of overall branding. Lytron Design specializes in helping small businesses just like yours create effective, magnetic logos and other branding strategies that create measurable results.

Why Reinvent the Wheel?

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A lot of unsuccessful small business owners make their marketing efforts entirely too difficult. They tend to overthink their customer targeting strategies by believing they need to build their entire marketing campaign from the ground up.

This is both time-consuming and costly. A better plan is to use pre-determined templates — known as archetypes — that cast your business in the role your customers already know and can easily understand. You can then adapt proven marketing methods based on your specific template to attract, engage, and convert casual seekers into long-term, loyal customers.

Customer Similarities

Most people actively seeking the types of products and/or services your business offers have a lot in common. The first thing is obvious: They want to buy what you are selling. But other commonalities are more subtle.

Consumers tend to have certain expectations when it comes to company brands. People who are shopping for sports cars, for example, look for brands that are daring, flashy, and risk-taking. You wouldn’t use the same marketing strategy to sell Ferraris as you would to sell Chevy Suburbans, would you?

Ferrari and other brands seeking to attract a specific type of customer rely on brand archetypes, in this instance the Outlaw. Other brands use other archetypes, including the Sage, the Explorer, the Caregiver, the Lover, the Hero, and others.

Save Time, Money, and Effort

Brand archetypes offer a jumping-off point for planning effective, profitable marketing campaigns. They can save your business time, effort, and most importantly money while developing branding marketing strategies that produce results.

The best thing about archetypes is that they are proven to work. Plus, they give you a direction in which you can take your branding any way you want, defining your unique brand the way that best matches your business’s specific qualities.

Lytron Design can help you identify your business’s brand archetype. Then we can help you develop, plan, and implement effective and profitable branding and market strategies that will connect you with customers actively seeking your products and/or services.

As a small business owner, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, Lytron can help you use established, proven branding techniques that will yield immediate results.

Our Simple Questionnaire Reveals the Essence of Your Business

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Group of young adults at small businessWhen you spend every hour of every day working with your business, it’s can sometimes be hard to keep track of the driving message you want to project to the outside world.

Lytron Design can help keep your communications clear, effective, and consistent. Our team of brand messaging experts can develop an effective, profitable brand strategy that will instantly connect with customers and clients who are enthusiastic about doing business with you. And it all begins with a simple questionnaire that helps reveal the essence of your business.

Brand Strategy 

To make genuine connections with people, it’s critical that you understand your business’s core values. And that’s what our simple and quick questionnaire is designed to reveal. Before you can optimize your brand strategy, we need to discover the archetype that best reflects your business’s philosophy, nature, and goal purpose.

Together we can then apply that archetype into the driving strategies that get the best results, including an overall brand strategy, your unique brand message and voice, and your individual brand design. These then can be baked into your marketing plan to optimize results.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Businesses that truly understand their brand get the results they want. Once we help you discover your brand’s nature, we can then apply the archetype that best fits your business to things like digital marketing, Google Ads, social media campaigns, SEO, and much, much more.

It’s a strategy that works. We’ve proven it time and time again with successful businesses throughout South Florida and beyond, including restaurants, construction companies, import/export firms, private schools, transportation agencies, law firms, accounting offices, and more. And now we want to partner with your business.

And it all begins with a simple questionnaire. Contact us today so you can fill it out and get started building your business’s successful future.

Sell Your Brand as Well as Your Products and Services


There’s an old adage that says, “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. But teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”

Something similar can be said about your business. When you promote your company’s products and services, you can gain a customer for a day. But if you sell them on your brand, you can gain a customer for a lifetime.

Brand Immersion 

That’s the theory behind marketing based on brand immersion, an innovative new approach to creating successful, long-term relationships with clients and customers.

Rather than simply advertising a product or service your company can provide — and telling customers why it is superior to your competitors and can improve their lives, the primary objective of most advertising up until now — brand immersion promotes your company’s brand, including its values, its people, and all the esoteric elements that go into making up a powerful, compelling story that customers can believe in.

Giving People What They Want

When people go online to search for products or services, they are looking for something that they need right now. But brand immersion convinces them to buy into your company’s brand, its culture, and its meaning so that they get something even more valuable and useful.

You probably already buy into brand immersion without even realizing it. Most people are loyal to a certain type of car. Or go to the same store to buy their clothes, their groceries, or other life essentials. This lifelong loyalty usually isn’t something that happened by accident. It’s the result of a sophisticated, well-crafted strategy to promote more than just individual products or services but instead an entire culture, an entire brand.

Lytron Design can help craft a successful branding plan that can attract lifelong customers to your business. Contact us today to find out how to get started.

For Small Businesses, Image Is Everything

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Everybody is familiar with big companies like Disney, Ford, and IBM thanks to their highly effective and sophisticated branding strategies implemented over several decades. So is branding just for big businesses?

The answer is an unequivocal “No”. Effective branding is just as important for small businesses as it is for major multinational companies. Your business needs effective, sophisticated branding strategies just as much as the biggest players. In fact, branding is even more important for your small business so you can permanently become part of your industry’s landscape.

What Is Branding?

So what is branding? Essentially, it’s what the outside world thinks about when it thinks about your business. For example, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about The Walt Disney Company? The logo? The theme parks? The successful movies? Probably not. For most people, Disney creates a warm feeling of trust, tradition, and family.

That’s not by accident. Disney and other big companies have been building their brands for generations. And while your business may not be as established and as old as the biggest companies, you can still build your brand and influence established and prospective customers alike through things like:

  • Professionally crafted logos
  • Entertaining and effective ad campaigns
  • Carefully crafted public image
  • Quality products and services
  • And much, much more

In the end, your brand is whatever the outside world defines it. But you can influence that branding image with every decision you make for your business.

Benefits of Branding

Effective branding makes people think about your business differently. Even if you are a small business, your brand can project a bigger image. It can craft credibility in your business’s products, services, and values. It can make your business memorable so people choose you over your competitors. And most importantly, it can attract and retain lifelong customers.

Lytron Design specializes in crafting effective, sophisticated branding for small businesses. To learn more about how we can help your business become an essential player in your industry, contact us today at


Enhancing Your Brand in the Midst of a Global Crisis


Things are bad right now. Many businesses are closed. People are anxious as they stay home and ride out this global pandemic behind closed doors. And let’s not even talk about the stock market.


But believe there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, the threat to public health from the COVID-19 crisis will fade away. And when it does, the steps you take right now to build the      reputation of your business will determine whether it survives or gets pulled into the virus’s economic fallout.


 Now Is the Time for Action


There are two reasons to act right now to protect the future of your business. The first is that to do nothing is to guarantee failure.


Sure, your doors may currently be closed, your customers may be locked in their houses, and you may not even be able to provide products or services at this moment even if you wanted to.


But what about next month when many of the protective orders are lifted? What about this summer when the economy starts to bounce back and life returns to normal? What about 2021 and beyond?


You can’t afford to take a wait and see attitude. If you don’t do something to save your business now, you won’t have a chance later.


 People Are Stuck at Home


The second is that this unfortunate circumstance offers the rare opportunity of giving you a captive audience.


Most people right now literally have nothing else to do but look at their phones, scroll through their Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts, and watch as the world deals with this global crisis.


People are looking for heroes. They want positive stories even in the midst of the unending torrent of bad news coming over their news feeds. They want to be reassured that humanity is resilient and capable of unbelievable bravery even in the face of a dire crisis.


 Communicate with Your Customers


If you haven’t done it already, you need to communicate with your customers right now. Today.


Let them know that you still exist. Be transparent in what you are doing to cope with this crisis. If you are still open for business, tell them that. If you aren’t, tell them when you expect to be. Or at least give them some hope that you eventually will be once the crisis is over.


Tell them what specific steps you are taking to protect their health. Have you increased the intensity and frequency of your cleaning? Let people know. Are you taking steps to shore up your supply chain so you can continue to provide your customers with the products and services they depend on? Tell them that!


Reassure your customers that while it may not be business as usual right now, you are doing everything you can to make sure they are protected and safe and that life will one day go back to  normal. And when it does, you will be there for them


 Do Something to Help


Now is the time to take care of other people. Without putting yourself or your health at risk, what can you do to help your customers? Your employees? Your community?


Do you have enough saved to continue paying your employees even though they are at home with their families? You might consider doing it. Not only will it go a long way toward building strong loyalty bonds with the people who work for you, it also is a good thing to do. It will help your people get through a tough time. And it will allow your customers and your community see you as a company that cares about its people.


Some restaurants that have been ordered closed by local health officials are donating the perishable food they have in their coolers to people in their community or to food banks.


Is there anything your business can do to provide direct help to people? Can you buy groceries or personal care products for your employees or for people in your community?


Now would be a great time to make that donation to the American Red Cross or to other agencies struggling to deal with this global health crisis. Can you volunteer your time or put together a group of workers neighbors to check on the elderly and disabled by phone or text daily?


 Give It Away


This is an extraordinary crisis and it requires an extraordinary response by your business. What can you do to take care of your customers while also reinforcing the loyalty bonds that will be so critical to your success once this crisis has passed?


LA Fitness took down the paywall on their website to give members access to normally paid content video so their clients can continue to do workout routines at home even if they can’t go to the gym. They also suspended dues and automatically extended their members’ subscriptions for the length of the crisis.


The Walt Disney Company added the hit movie “Frozen 2” to their Disney+ streaming service months ahead of schedule so parents dealing with kids stuck at home because of school closings could have a few hours or relief.


Universal Pictures took its movies currently in theaters and put them on on-demand so people sheltering in place can see the latest releases without leaving their homes.


What extraordinary steps can your business take to help people while simultaneously building your brand and reinforcing customer loyalty?


The things you do now will define how people will think of your business once this crisis has passed. Do you want to be the hero of the villain?