Web Design Can Help You Reach More Customers

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If you are struggling to keep your sales figures up, then you may benefit from web design services. With professional web design, SEO, and online marketing services, you can reach more customers than ever before. In order to increase your online presence, learn a little more about the various types of services that you can expect from a web design company.


Web Design Can Help You Reach More Customers – Lytron will Develop an Original Website


One of the first steps that a web design team can take to help you reach more customers is to create an original website for your business. Every business needs a website. Having a social media account is not enough. You need an actual web address to send customers or for customers to find you.


Web Design Can Increase Your Visibility on Search Engine Rankings


Increasing your search engine rankings is one of the best ways to naturally gain more customers. Through the use of proper SEO (search engine optimization) techniques, a web design team can organically boost your search engine rankings. Your site can get noticed when internet users search for specific keywords. This is accomplished by optimizing the content on your website for specific keywords, building backlinks, and other SEO methods.


Web Design  Can Promote Your Business Through Online Marketing


Online marketing allows you to reach out and gain more attention in the crowded internet market. Online marketing covers a wide range of options. You could post blogs to your website, add posts to your social media accounts, send out press releases, or even set up an email marketing campaign.


Through the combination of original website design, SEO, and online marketing, you can boost your online presence. This is one of the first steps towards reaching more customers online. If you are not happy with the amount of traffic you receive to your website, or if you do not have a website, then you should get a hold of a web design Boca Raton company as soon as possible.

Tips to Increase Your Internet Traffic

Tips to Increase Your Internet Traffic

The primary reason that most businesses have a website is to increase sales. You build a website and then hope that visitors come. But how do you attract visitors? There are multiple solutions, including using pay-per-click and social media paid advertising. Before you spend any money on advertising, you should think about setting aside a portion of your budget for SEO.



Understanding the Basics of SEO


What is SEO? Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website to increase search engine rankings. With SEO, you are attempting to gain internet traffic related to specific keywords. This is accomplished in multiple ways. Here are some of the most common methods of SEO:


  • On-site keyword optimization
  • Building backlinks to your website
  • Website restructuring and HTML improvements
  • Proper use of outbound links

SEO Begins with Keyword Research


One of the first steps in implementing good SEO practices is performing keyword research. This is the process of determining which keywords should be targeted in the content of your website, in links, and throughout your site.


There are two major factors to look at when performing keyword research – competition and search volume. You need to look at the amount of competition for that keyword and the average number of times that internet users search for that keyword each month.


It can be difficult to increase search engine rankings for high-competition. At the same time, low-volume keywords will not provide much of a benefit, if only a handful of people are searching for the term each month. The goal is to find a balance between competition and volume.


Tips to Increase Your Internet Traffic, implementing Keywords with SEO


Once keyword research has been performed, an SEO company then begins optimizing your website for those keywords. How long will it take in order to get results? You may notice an increase in rankings during the first month, but generally you will not see a significant increase in website traffic for 4 to 6 months or longer.


If you are interested in increasing your website traffic, you need to get started with SEO as soon as possible.

SEO Improve Your Search Rankings

SEO Basics

What is SEO and how can it help your business? SEO simply stands for Search Engine Optimization. This refers to practices and techniques for ensuring search engines recognize your web pages. SEO is used to increase your search engine rankings in search results. This is the primary method of organically driving traffic to your website.



On-Site Versus Off-Site SEO


As you begin looking for ways to gain more traffic, you may hear the terms On-Site and Off-Site SEO. On-site optimization involves steps that are taken on your web pages. This includes the proper use of keywords, titles, and descriptions, as well as other tasks.


Off-site optimization includes steps that occur away from your site. A few examples of off-site SEO include the building of backlinks through commenting on forums, sharing links on Facebook and other social media platforms, and sending out press releases.


When you hire an SEO business to help drive traffic to your website, they will likely employ both on-site and off-site SEO techniques.


Search Engine Algorithms Determine Rankings


Search engines use algorithms to determine which web pages are most useful for a particular search query. These algorithms are used to rank web pages based on how helpful or relevant they are to a user’s search. But first, search engines must create an index of web pages. In order to build this index, search engines send out crawlers.


These crawlers search the internet, landing on web pages, and following links, and gathering information about each web page that is visited. This gives the search engines details about the use of keywords on your site, external and internal links, and the actual content of your site.


How Can SEO help Your Business?


When you search for a term related to your business, how far do you have to search before coming across a link to your website? Depending on the industry you are involved in, if you do not show up on the first page, then you may need to improve the SEO on your website.


SEO experts can look at the existing structure of your website and come up with solutions to improve optimization. With SEO, you can begin climbing the search engine rankings, without having to pay for additional advertising. This is an organic solution for driving traffic to your website.

The Benefits of a Responsive Web Design

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As a business owner, you are probably aware that having a website is an essential part of running a business in the 21st century. While the web design team that you hire will handle the process of coding your website or setting up a WordPress site, you still have control over the look and feel that you want for the site. After all, the site is a direct representation of your business in the online world.


With a growing number of consumers using their mobile devices for browsing the internet, responsive web design has become increasingly beneficial.


No Need for Two Separate Websites


In the past, a web design company would create one website for desktop viewing and another website for mobile viewing. Responsive web design eliminates the need for two sites, by allowing the elements on the page to adjust based on the width of the user’s screen.


Improve the User Experience


Using responsive web design can actually increase the overall user experience. If a visitor has difficulty reading text on a mobile device, they will likely leave the website and find another business. By having a website design that works with any device, you will not have to worry about visitors having trouble finding or viewing information on your website.


Increase Search Engine Rankings


Search engine optimization is a lot of work, but having a responsive web design can give your SEO a boost. Google prefers websites that use responsive web design. One of the latest changes to the Google search engine ranking algorithm increased the importance of having a mobile-friendly website. Since you will not be displaying the same content on two separate websites, you will also not have to deal with double content penalties.


WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for the development of quality websites. There are thousands of themes available that can be tailored to fit the needs of your business. When looking for themes, narrow your search to themes that use responsive web design.

Rocket Your Website to the Top of the Charts

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When it comes to attracting new customers and new business online, SEO isn’t everything … it’s the ONLY thing!


Search engine optimization involves using techniques to make your website or web pages more attractive to the most popular search engines — especially Google, Bing, and Yahoo.


Why Be Popular?


Popularity is something everybody has to worry about, but especially website owners. Why? Because if search engines don’t “like” your web pages, there’s a very good chance that the customers you want and need will never find them.


Here’s why: When people search online for the businesses, products, and services they want, they usually will go to the search engine on their phone, tablet, laptop or computer and type in the keywords that best describe what they are looking for.


For example, somebody needing a muffler repair in Florida might type in “Florida muffler repair”.


Rocket Your Website to the Top of the Charts – Search Engines Rank Websites


The search engine will instantly search through the billions of websites online to find those that contain these keywords. It will then return results to the search according to an intricate ranking process that is based on such factors as where in the content these websites are located and how many times they are repeated.


Search engines stay in business by giving their users the best results for the searches they want. So they also will consider such things as how many social approval signals a website has — such as Facebook “Likes”, how many times people have shared the site’s link on Twitter, and so on.


They also will look at how many other sites link back to the website, giving additional weight to those that are considered “authoritative sites”, or sites that most people would go to in order to find answers to questions they have. Examples include Wikipedia, About.com, and websites maintained by academic institutions and governmental bodies.

How Your Website Can Increase Profits


Most businesses today have websites out of necessity. Customers today have an expectation of being able to interact with a company online to learn more about the organization, ask questions or leave comments, or to buy products or orders services directly.

In the past few years, a sea change has happened in global business: Most customers today use their smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices to search for the products and services they want. So if your business doesn’t have a website, you probably are missing out on most of your new business.

Websites and Profits

But it’s not enough to simply have a website. It has to meet the expectations of your online customers. And people also need to be able to find it.

An outdated, confusing, or cluttered website may turn more customers away than it attracts. If you haven’t updated your business’s website in a while — or if you can’t remember the last time you gave it a facelift — it’s probably time to review it.

How Your Website Can Increase Profits – Search Engine Rankings

To capture the largest share of the pool of customers for your specific type of products and services, it has to be simple for people to find your website on Google, Bing, Yahoo and the other popular search engines.

Here’s how most retail scenarios work today: Somebody needs a particular product. Let’s say for example’s sake it’s a frisbee cannon.

They take out their smartphone, type “frisbee cannon” into their  Google app, along with perhaps their hometown:

“Frisbee cannon Detroit”

Up will pop a list of businesses that offer this product. Here’s the important part: 7 times out of 10, the customer will click on the first business listed. And that’s the business that most likely will get the sale (if they are mobile-friendly, right then and there from the customer’s smartphone!).

10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Rankings

Blogs Provide Continuous Contact with Customers

ComputerIf you want your web pages to appear at the top of the Google Search Engine Results Page for your keywords, you have to use the most effective SEO techniques.


Here are 10 fast and easy SEO-related things you can do to instantly improve your page rankings:


  • Don’t include characters like “&” and “?” in your permalinks. Google doesn’t like them and they can slow things down.


  • To make your content more readable, separate ideas and phrases with hyphens whenever possible.


  • But don’t use underscores (__) instead of hyphens because these can confuse the search engines.


  • Any time you include an image or photo, always create alt tags and descriptions that include your keywords.


  • Anytime you can — if appropriate — use internal linking. This is when you link to somewhere else within your page or website, rather than to an external page or document. Search engines like to see internal links and will rank your pages higher if you have them.


  • Use sticky posts when possible. These are posts that include a lot of links that keep you on the page, rather than being sent off to another site.


  • Include a category description paragraph on your page.


  • Encourage page visitors to subscribe to your website, blog or other content using a category specific RSS feed.


  • Make sure you understand the target audience you are addressing. If necessary, do some research by looking at other pages that are aimed at the same audience you want. Then update your content appropriately.


  • Speaking of updating content, make sure you are continually providing high-quality content that your page visitors can actually use in their everyday lives. This will make it more likely that they will return to your pages again and again.


Use these 10 fast and easy SEO tips to improve the SERP rankings of your web pages so you can attract more visitors.

5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Traffic

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Getting the attention of the Google search engine is getting harder and harder. With more 10,000 new websites launching every day, there’s more reason than ever to use SEO to attract more page visitors.


Here are five on-page SEO techniques you can use starting today to drive more traffic to your web page:


Stick to a Single Keyword or Topic


Many web page creators try to do too much with their content. Pick the one keyword phrase or topic that is the most likely for people searching for pages like yours to enter into Google and stick with it.


It’s often helpful if you tie your keyword to your geographic location. For example, instead of focusing on “dry cleaners”, use “New York City dry cleaners” to promote your small dry cleaning business in Manhattan.


Don’t Be Strict about Keywords


Google recently changed its algorithm so that it looks for variations of the same keyword, rather than the exact same keyword every time.


If you are using the same verbatim keyword throughout your content to boost your SEO, it can make your content seem stiff and unnatural. Instead, don’t be afraid to use variations that help with the flow.


Page Titles Are Critical


Google will use the title tag to display your page in its search results. So you want to make sure your title tag explicitly states what your page is all about. It may be your one and only chance to get people to click on it.


5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Traffic – Include Natural Links


Google prefers pages that have natural, high-quality inbound links that lead into them from authoritative sources. pay attention the inbound links leading to your page to make sure they are continually growing and that they come from reputable, high-quality websites.


Implement these five SEO techniques on your pages starting right now and you should see more traffic by the end of the day.

4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular

4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular

Screen Shot 2015-04-16 At 9.44.30 PmWhen it comes to web design, everything you do should contribute to the popularity of your web pages.


It’s important that your web pages look great, but they also need to have great Search Engine Optimization so that people using Google, Bing and other major search engines can easily find them.


Tips for Improving Your Page Rankings


With that in mind, here are four quick and easy things you can do to make your web pages rank higher:


Content Is King


No matter how many backlinks, keywords or other SEO techniques you include on your web pages, if the content isn’t interesting and compelling to visitors, they are  going to click off right away.


Try to include great content that visitors will find useful, entertaining or enlightening. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and ask yourself, “What would I like to see on this web page?”


Join the Online Community


The Internet is a participatory sport. And the more people you can get involved with your web pages, the higher they will be ranked by Google.


Reach out to bloggers who write about your field and ask if they would be willing to review your products. A few positive reviews can not only get the word out about your business, but also drive more visitors to your web pages.


4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular – Network, Network, Network


Similarly, you want to be involved with the online community that is devoted to your niche. Link building and getting good social signals is all about building relationships with people.


Today’s search engines look for ways to understand how people connect with one another. So the more connections you can create between your web pages and actual Internet users, the more value search engines will assign to your web pages.


4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular – Track Your Business


It’s also important to understand what people are saying about your business. Something as simple as setting a Google Alert to track mentions of your company can keep you informed.

SEO News: PageSpeed Cancelled

SEO News PageSpeed Cancelled

Google recently announced that it was cancelling its PageSpeed service, effective earlier this month.


Google’s PageSpeed Service, which was first launched in 2010, uses tools to analyze and optimize websites in order to implement the best web performance practices. Fast and optimized pages lead to better visitor engagement, retention, and conversions.


But Google is pulling the plug on the service, although the free tools it offers will still be available on other open source platforms.


What to Do Now


Google recommended that webmasters using the service login to the PageSpeed console and look at the list of their domains. Any domains that are labeled “Enabled” were affected when the service shut down.


If a web page’s DNS wasn’t changed prior to the shutdown of PageSpeed, it is now completely unavailable.


PageSpeed Cancelled – Options to PageSpeed


Google offered PageSpeed several options – some free and some paid — that they can switch to as an alternative to the service.


Webmasters are advised to check with their service provider to see if they offer provider hosted PageSpeed. In some instances, switching to this version could be as simple as checking a box in the provider’s control panel.


There also are PageSpeed modules available for many of the most common web servers. So web page owners who run their sites of their own server are advised to install one of these.


Google also has developed the open-source Apache module mod_pagespeed. There are currently two pre-built binary modules available: Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4.


Plug-In Option


There’s also a plugin for Nginx that Google has developed. But this must be compiled from the source.


Other options include:


  • IIS – WeAmp has a commercial port of PageSpeed to Microsoft IIS.


  • Apache Traffic Server – WeAmp also has ported PageSpeed to the Apache Traffic server.


  • OpenLite Speed – This platform supports a PageSpeed module that can be compiled and loaded into a webserver.


  • Cloud-Based Alternatives – If webmasters prefer to use a cloud-based product, EdgeCast EdgeOptimizer integrates Google PageSpeed with its CDN offering. Or, many CNDS offer similar functionality that don’t use PageSpeed technology.


PageSpeed Cancelled –  Why PageSpeed Mattered


PageSpeed was designed to allow web pages to load faster for users. It featured a quick and easy setup and allowed users to keep up with the latest optimization technologies without having to constantly search for them online.


One of the biggest benefits was that it used Google’s existing fast and secure infrastructure, which won’t be available for webmasters who switch to open source server modules. It was widely praised for creating happier users and better conversions.