EVERYMAN Archetype
To appeal to an Everyman you need to make them feel a sense of belonging. Brands that revolve around everyday activities might use this archetype with the message that it’s ok to be normal.
Everyman Brand Culture
There is a place for you here!
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Everyman Brand Voice
Friendly, Humble and Authentic
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Everyman Brand Experience
Feel a sense of belonging
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Develop ordinary solid virtues, be down to earth, the common touch realism, empathy and lack of pretense

To be left out or to stand out from the crowd. Losing one’s self to blend in or for the sake of superficial relationships
These are the three Jungian archetypes that represent the pursuit of belonging: The Everyman, the lover, and the joker.
If your brand is the Everyman Archetype, you seem like the guy or girl next door. You offer people a connection to a community of like-thinking individuals.
Customers feel like they understand and share your viewpoint. The Everyman archetype appeals to customers who strive to be understood and appreciated.
The Everyman above all wants simply to belong. They tend to blend into society as ‘everybody” and don’t like to stand out in the crowd. They’re friendly and easy to talk to without being overly funny or overly rude or overly loud.
Brands who identify with the Everyman archetype relate to people on a “real” level. The Everyman marketing campaign usually evolves around everyday life activities and routines. Their message: It is perfectly fine to be normal. Ex: IKEA, Kit Kat, Visa.
People long to connect, socialize, and belong. This archetype helps us to meet these needs. Some people who have a stronger need for belonging may be especially attracted to brands that help them connect with others, but all of us even when we try to hide this under the surface, have a desire to interact and be accepted by other human beings.
Rather than be concerned about having an impact on the world, explore or provide structure to others, this archetype may often ask the following questions: Can I be part of a certain group and still be me? How do I obtain pure love? What do I have to change in order to better enjoy my life?
The majority of people are drawn to this and other similar archetypes. They watch reality TV shows and news to follow stories of passion and betrayal (Lover) or to laugh with a stand-up comedian (Joker) or to watch movies with Sandra Bullock where she is just a Regular Gal (Everyman).
We are living in times where social media and technology make it even harder for people to hang out as they did before, so they feel even more isolated. These archetypes promise to help satisfy repressed and unsatisfied needs.
Home or family life brands fit this archetype perfectly while elitist positioning or “we’re better” messaging would be a turn-off. Appealing to an Everyman requires honest, humble, friendly, and down-to-earth communication that doesn’t exclude.

Archetype Personality
The girl or guy next door
You seem like the guy or girl next door. You offer people a connection to a community of like-thinking individuals. Customers feel like they understand and share your viewpoint. The Everyman appeals to customers who strive to be understood and appreciated.
Everyman Characters

Chris Gardner
Pursuit of Happiness

Ron Swanson

Drew Barrymore

Homer Simpson


Everyman VIDEO ADS
TV and Social Media ad commercials are great opportunities for storytelling. Creative minds use brand archetypes to gather a community around a story.
Family Life
Everyday Apparel
Beers & Drinks
Comfort Foods
Home & Reno
Work hard and
stay humble
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