Connecting Active Seekers with the Products and Services They Want

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Mila Bikinis

Right now, there are people online actively looking for exactly the type or products or services your business offers. They could be across the street or on the other side of the world. But they’re there. The key to success is finding the fastest, most effective ways to connect those people with your company.

The internet never sleeps. At any given moment, there are billions of people streaming videos, scrolling through social media, or typing in keywords to find solutions to problems — or the products or services they believe will improve their lives. At Lytron Strategic, our job is to find those people who are searching for precisely what your business offers and then get them to choose you over all of your competitors.

Simple Solutions

There are a myriad of ways to “hack” the internet so that searchers find your business before everybody else. Some are as simple as finding the right keywords. Or optimizing your website so it looks more appealing to Google and other search engine algorithms.

Others are more complicated, such as structuring your websites so they are simple to interact with yet offer sophisticated tools that create genuine and lasting emotional bonds with site visitors, keeping them engaged with your business longer and creating loyalty to your brand.

Lytron Strategic

Big conglomerates have entire office buildings full of people who do nothing but these things all day, every day. But what about small business owners? Most are left to figure it out for themselves. However, the most successful ones recruit the help of small business digital marketing strategists like Lytron Strategic.

Our team of experienced, professional web marketing experts knows how to make connections between active seekers to your products and services. Once they find you, our web design team can create an effective plan to get them to choose your business over all of the others.

Put a Face on Your Business


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People make more genuine connections when they associate a business with an actual person rather than simply a vague concept. When you put a face on your business — putting somebody front and center on your marketing, promotions, and advertising — it can engage people on a personal and emotional level that has a more lasting impact.

Think about your own experience. Don’t you tend to remember commercials or print advertisements that feature one person in particular, be it the owner or founder of the company, a spokesperson for the business, or even simply a model hired to be featured in the marketing?

Face Time

It’s wired into our human psychology to make genuine, emotional connections with people rather than things. We’re naturally social beings. So focusing your marketing on individual people offers a shortcut to positive emotional bonds with prospective customers. To make it easier for people to connect with your business, keep it simple by choosing just one or a few people to be the focal point of your marketing campaigns.

But who should be featured? Somebody with a lot of personal charm and charisma but also a person who seems approachable, open, and friendly. Physical attractiveness is a plus, too, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be somebody who looks like a movie star or who has the body of a professional athlete. Normal people relate better to other everyday people.

Lytron Strategic

At Lytron Strategic, we have plenty of great ideas about how to make your digital marketing more appealing to people actively looking online for businesses just like yours. We can help you choose a face for your business the develop strategies for leading people to your business organically.

When you put a face on your business, people feel more comfortable interacting with it, adding warmth, likeability, and even passion for your products or services.

Your Business Appeals to a Certain Kind of Customer



Who is buying the products or services you are selling? In all likelihood, it’s probably the same person. At least in general. While the ideal is for everybody to want what you offer, in reality, that’s not usually the case. There are very few products that have universal appeal.

Some people like Coke and others like Pepsi. Or Dr Pepper. Or Sprite. Each of those brands has determined what the characteristics are of the people who prefer their soda pop over all the others, then crafted a brand that appeals to exactly that type of person, tapping into a multi-billion dollar market. If you can do this with your business, you can open up a whole new world of opportunity.

Who Are You?

Before you can understand who your target customer is, you need to think about the image your company projects. Then you need to think about whether the branding you have created so far by chance is the optimal branding for the customers you want or who already are predisposed to preferring your products or services.

This is the magic key that opens up new markets for your business and can lead to your taking the next step in scale. If so far you have appealed only to people living near your store or office, learning about the most effective branding can take you nationwide, or even global.

Lytron Strategic

It’s hard to do this on your own. But Lytron Strategic helps small businesses just like yours discover their most effective branding every day. We collaborate with you to answer the question of what your customer looks like by determining how your business is perceived. Then we develop a plan to project exactly the image you want to bring those customers to your door or website.

You business appeals to a certain type of customer. Learn who that is and you can break through to the next level.

Online Marketing Lets You Expand Your Customer Base

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If you own a local small business, odds are most of your customers live or work within a few small miles of your geographic location – whether it’s a retail storefront, an office, a workshop, or a factory. Many people prefer to do business with people in their neighborhood, especially if it’s a service industry such as plumbing, electrical, car repair, and so on.

But thanks to the global reach of the internet, you no longer need to rely only on the few thousand people in your area. Instead, you can market and connect with people from coast to coast or even internationally just as easily as you can customers walking through your front door.

Global Marketing

In fact, an increasing number of people today are using online stores to buy more of the products they want. When was the last time you drove down to the shopping mall, parked your car, and walked inside to buy what you wanted? More likely, you Googled it, found an online seller, and had it shipped directly to your doorstep.

So if you are still putting most of your focus on driving people to your physical location, you are marketing to a shrinking number of prospective customers. There are more people searching online right now for the exact products or services you sell than will ever visit your store in person.

Lytron Strategic

If you have been in business for a while, you probably already know how to greet people visiting your store, steer them toward what they are looking for, and possibly even upsell them or promote some additional purposes. But what do you know about online marketing? Maybe not so much.

But you don’t have to. Fortunately, Lytron Strategic already has you covered. We can collaborate with you to develop effective, affordable online campaigns that bring you new customers from all over the country, even worldwide.


Make Emotional Connections with Customers


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The most effective marketing makes instant emotional connections with customers. You probably remember watching a TV commercial that unexpectedly moved you to tears.

Your digital marketing doesn’t need to be that dramatic to be effective. But it should still include images, colors, text, and other content that prospective customers can experience on an emotional level. All of your digital design needs to be developed to make people feel something about your company, your brand, your products or your services.

Emotional Triggers

So what are these emotional triggers? It depends on your business and the message you are trying to project. Frequently, including personal information or revealing details about your life offers people a way to connect with your business emotionally. Start paying attention to the way other businesses build their brand online and you will start to see how effective this can be.

Another way is to include powerful photographs, illustrations, videos, and other images that tug at the heartstrings. When done skillfully, there is no faster way to draw people into your brand. As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we have been helping small business owners develop powerful online marketing strategies that reach people’s feelings to make strong emotional connections. We can help you discover new customers, build loyalty bonds, and develop a recognizable brand while building a positive company reputation.

When you can make people feel something on a human level, you can create strong bonds that can lead to long-term, lucrative business relationships.

People online today are bombarded with thousands of images and messages every hour. The experienced, professional web experts at Lytron Web Design can help you find the most powerful, effective messaging for your business that instantly connects with people on a deep and powerful emotional level.

More Isn’t Always Better

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Credibility Visibility

Every market has a saturation point. It could be a global market for a mass market ad campaign or a hyper-local market for a highly specific product or service. The size and scope of the market doesn’t matter. At a certain point, people within that market are going to become overwhelmed by a specific promotional campaign and instead of attracting new people, it will start to repel them.

You can probably think about certain ads that you have grown tired of or even annoyed with. Maybe it played incessantly on your local television or radio station. Today, an oversaturated market is more likely to be found online and may include something like an Instagram ad that always pops up in your feed every time you click on the site.

Cautious Saturation

The key to a successful digital strategy is to neither over-saturate nor under-saturate the marketplace, regardless of its size or scope. What you want to do is to find the “sweet spot” where the maximum number of customers are located but without overwhelming them with your online content to the point where they are turned off to your business rather than turned on

Finding that perfect point is a unique skill. But it’s one we have been perfecting at Lytron Strategic pretty much since the global internet began.

Lytron Strategic

At Lytron Strategic, we understand that bigger isn’t always better. In fact, too much of a good thing can actually do more harm than good to your brand and business.

We can help you develop, distribute, and maintain highly effective brand messaging that promotes your business and develops customer loyalty, rather than harming your reputation and turning people off. Our brand strategists have the experience, knowledge, and tools to find new customers, build brand loyalty, and bring growth and prosperity to your business.


Brand Perception vs Reality

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How do people perceive your brand? If you have been working inside of your business for awhile, it’s hard to be objective. You may believe people see your business one way, but in reality, they actually view it in an entirely different light.

Yet brand perception is one of the most important influences on whether or not people choose your product or services. A carefully curated brand can draw in new customers, retain existing ones, and keep your business expanding and growing for many years to come.

Perception Is Reality

In digital marketing, there is no absolute. The business environment is so big and there are so many people entering and exiting the marketplace constantly that it’s practically impossible to say this business is absolutely this one thing or that thing. Brands evolve, businesses shift focus, and the whole digital market is constantly in flux.

This isn’t a bad thing. It simply means you get to define your business any way you like. However you want people to see your business — either on its own or in relation to your competitors — it’s possible to create this perspective through purposeful, well thought-out branding strategies. And once you hit on the exact brand you want, you can sustain that image in the minds of your prospective customers through effective brand management.

Lytron Strategic

At Lytron Strategic, we specialize in developing appealing brands that instantly connect with people on an emotional level. Our experienced web strategists have the tools, knowledge, and experience to craft the brand you want for your business, and then build that brand through highly effective digital marketing campaigns that attract and retain loyal customers.

If you want people to perceive your brand a specific way, the professionals at Lytron Strategic can help nurture, develop, and promote the exact brand perception you want for your business.

What’s Your Long-Term Branding Plan?

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Lytron Business Consulting

When most small business owners get up in the morning, their biggest concern isn’t where they will be five or ten years from now. It’s how they are going to get through today without losing their sanity.

Yet long-term planning is important to the success of any business. And while it’s not always our primary focus, it should offer a roadmap to where we are going and, more importantly, where we want to arrive in the long run.

Branding for the Future

While day-to-day concerns are distracting, developing a long-term plan for your business can help you achieve bigger goals, inspire growth, and push you toward doing bigger and better things.

The first step is developing your long-term goals. Think about what you want your business to look like five years from today, ten years from today, and even two decades from now. It’s okay to let your imagination run wild, but you still have to be practical in what you actually can accomplish. Opening a franchise on the moon, for example, may not be the most realistic goal!

Once you have thought about your plan, write it down. This document can then help guide you as you make decisions that influence the future of your business. As yourself, “How does what I’m doing today help me achieve what I want for the future?”

Lyton Strategic

The experts at Lytron Strategic can help you achieve your long-term branding goals. We can put you on the path to meeting your short-term objectives, which will help you build your business step by step so that in five, ten, and even twenty years from now you are exactly where you want to be (except maybe the moon).

Think big. Your business can accomplish a lot with the help of the professionals at Lytron Strategic.

Discover the Most Effect Brand Archetype for Your Business

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Archetypes Site 1

When it comes to launching your brand, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. In fact, most customers will be more comfortable with your brand if it offers something familiar and approachable.

Originality is an important part of branding strategy, but it’s not the only part. If your brand is too unusual or off the wall, it’s probably going to turn off more people than it attracts. A better plan is often to use an existing brand template as the starting point for launching your business’s brand.

Brand Prototypes

There are tried and true archetypes that define the majority of enterprises. Usually, the one that most closely matches your company’s goals, aspirations, and reasons for existing is pretty much self-evident. All it takes is familiarizing yourself with the most popular brand archetypes and choosing the one that best fits the way you want to define your business.

Then it’s simply a matter of applying that archetype to all future marketing endeavors. Once you figure out the way you want people to see your business, it is relatively easy to apply that brand to everything you do to get the message across to people.

Lytron Strategic

At Lytron Strategic, we have been helping business define their brand through existing familiar archetypes for more than a decade. We’ve found it to be the fastest, most efficient, and most cost-effective way to get the attention of customers and the loyalty of customers.

Our team of experienced, knowledgeable brand strategists can work with you to discover the best existing brand archetype for your company and then develop a game plan for using that prototype in all of your online marketing. The result is often instant, powerful connections with people actively looking online for the exact types of products and/or services your business offers. And because they already are familiar with the type of branding you offer, they likely will choose your more often than your competitors.

Do People Want to Engage with Your Brand?

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Lytron Credibility Visibility

The most successful businesses have brands that people actively want to engage with. Think about companies like Ikea, The Walt Disney Company, or your favorite local sports team. Typically, “fun” and exciting brands don’t need to actively reach out to customers. Instead, people are drawn to them, finding them online or visiting their virtual or real-world locations on their own.

So, is your brand one of these types of engaging, entertaining brands that people are drawn to like moths to the flame? If not, why not? Probably because your branding isn’t hitting the target … yet.

Active Branding

If small business owners think about branding at all, they usually take a passive approach to how people perceive their businesses, products, or services. They focus on quality and service and think that’s enough to get people through the door, or to their website. But it’s not.

To be successful in the digital age, even the smallest business needs to have a carefully crafted brand and messaging that can attract people online and in the real world. Customers need to perceive your business as being something they want to engage with. In other words, you need branding that is active, not passive.

Lytron Strategic

“Well, how the heck do I do that?” Don’t worry. At Lytron Strategic, we have answers.

For more than a decade, we have been helping small businesses just like yours distinguish themselves in the crowded digital marketplace, projecting fun, exciting, and interactive brands that people are naturally drawn towards. Our team of experienced brand strategists can take the best parts of your current branding and blend them into exciting, effective branding campaigns that will put your business head and shoulders ahead of the competition.

Do people want to engage with your brand? They will once the digital branding experts at Lytron Strategic are done developing and promoting your business online.