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There are a lot of things about your business that people need to know. First, there are simple things like where you are located and what hours you are open. Then there’s more detailed information such as what services you offer. Finally, there are the more esoteric elements like why people should choose you over your competitors and why your existing customers trust you.

Now, all of this information can be crammed onto a single web page and many small businesses try to do exactly that — with disastrous results. Overcrowded websites turn off more people than they attract. Smart companies have multi-page, interlinked web pages that are instinctive to navigate and keep people visiting their pages longer while getting more useful information out of them.

Multi-Page Websites

Generally, a successful business website will start with a home page. This is usually where people land once they click on the link leading to your business from a search engine like Google or Bing.

From there, smart designers include drop-down menus, hyperlinks, and other tools to lead visitors to other pages that offer more specific information that is instantly useful, all the while maintaining the same design and structure as the overall web package.

Lytron Web Design

Lytron Web Design specializes in creating interactive multi-page websites for small businesses seeking to maximize their online presence. Our team of experienced web page builders can create attractive, appealing interlinked pages that give people the information they want about your business while drawing them toward your specific call to action.

Attracting people to your web pages is one thing. Keeping them there and giving them what they want is another. The expert digital builders at Lytron Web Design can do both, creating highly appealing pages that give the results you want while building long-term customer loyalty.

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