How Your Website Can Increase Profits


Most businesses today have websites out of necessity. Customers today have an expectation of being able to interact with a company online to learn more about the organization, ask questions or leave comments, or to buy products or orders services directly.

In the past few years, a sea change has happened in global business: Most customers today use their smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices to search for the products and services they want. So if your business doesn’t have a website, you probably are missing out on most of your new business.

Websites and Profits

But it’s not enough to simply have a website. It has to meet the expectations of your online customers. And people also need to be able to find it.

An outdated, confusing, or cluttered website may turn more customers away than it attracts. If you haven’t updated your business’s website in a while — or if you can’t remember the last time you gave it a facelift — it’s probably time to review it.

How Your Website Can Increase Profits – Search Engine Rankings

To capture the largest share of the pool of customers for your specific type of products and services, it has to be simple for people to find your website on Google, Bing, Yahoo and the other popular search engines.

Here’s how most retail scenarios work today: Somebody needs a particular product. Let’s say for example’s sake it’s a frisbee cannon.

They take out their smartphone, type “frisbee cannon” into their  Google app, along with perhaps their hometown:

“Frisbee cannon Detroit”

Up will pop a list of businesses that offer this product. Here’s the important part: 7 times out of 10, the customer will click on the first business listed. And that’s the business that most likely will get the sale (if they are mobile-friendly, right then and there from the customer’s smartphone!).

Choosing the Right Format

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Designers A lot of web designers choose to build their websites using the format they use most often, Flash, without even considering other options such as HTML, CSS or JavaScript.

Flash is one of the most popular formats among web designers because they think it has fewer browser compatibility problems and more user interface options than other formats. But does it really?

Benefits of Flash

Flash is a very powerful tool that allows web designers to create colorful, impressive looking sites that push the boundaries of multimedia. It also has a huge base, so it tends to be more compatible with a broader range of browsers than sites created using CSS.

And let’s face it: Flash lets web designers show off their stuff, impressing clients with the “wow factor” that keeps them on board with your web design.

Choosing the Right Format – Drawbacks of Flash

Yet Flash also has its downside. For example, sites created using  Flash tend to rank lower on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines compared to sites built using HTML. Google’s algorithm still struggles when crawling through Flash sites.

Some web designers believe Flash sites also are less user-friendly than HTML or CSS sites. For example, Flash doesn’t let you highlight text for copy and pasting. You also can’t click the Back button to go back a page.

It’s also harder to increase font size and open links in new windows. So there’s often a price to pay in terms of navigation for the intuitive interface.

Mobility Is an Issue

But perhaps the biggest problem with Flash sites is that they are nearly unviewable on mobile devices such as smartphones. Unfortunately, this is the type of device most users today are using to access the content they want online.

So before you automatically choose Flash for your next web design, consider its drawbacks and benefits.

How to Keep People On Your Web Pages Longer

Landing Pages

When visitors arrive at your web page, one of your primary goals should be to keep them there as long as possible.

The longer people stay on your web page, the more likely they are to buy your products, subscribe to your content, or share your pages with other people.

Here are a few things you can do right now to keep visitors on your web pages longer:

Logos Build Trust

People trust web pages they think are maintained by professional, competent organizations. If you don’t already have a professionally produced logo, hire a graphic artist to create one for you and feature it prominently on your web page.

A great-looking logo will make people more likely to trust your content and stay on your web page longer.

Make Navigation Intuitive 

Most people today visit dozens — if not hundreds — of web pages every day. So if your web page is difficult to navigate, visitors are more likely to click off more quickly.

Navigation on your web page should be intuitive. People don’t want to have to figure out which button they need to click to get where they want to go. Everything should be obvious. If it’s not, it’s probably time to redesign your page.

Make It Clutter-Free

Most people don’t like clutter — whether it’s in their homes or on the web pages they visit.

If your page is packed with unnecessary images or other non-essential content, it’s time to clean house. To keep people on your pages longer, strive to keep them as sleek and clutter-free as possible.

Use High-Quality Images

Given that practically every smartphone, tablet or other device today has a high-quality HD camera built into it, there’s no reason to include blurry, unappealing images on your web pages.

Make sure any image you include is professionally produced and appealing to your visitors.

‘Do I Need to Learn Photoshop to Master Web Design?’

How Virtual Reality Could Help Your Business

Photoshop is one of the tools that everybody says you need to learn in order to master web design. But is it really necessary given the advanced software and other tools available today?

The short answer is: Yes and No.

Benefits of Photoshop

The best thing about Photoshop is that once you master it, you can do pretty much anything with any image. You can crop, create and add filters, cut and paste elements into and out of images, and many other options.

When you are skilled at Photoshop, you can absolutely use these talents to improve the quality of the images on your pages as well as the overall look of your website.

Drawbacks of Photoshop

There are two major downsides to Photoshop: It’s cost and how complicated it is.

Photoshop isn’t cheap. If you are just starting out in web design and don’t have a big budget, there are other things that probably are going to be more important that you will need first.

Plus, it’s complicated to use. So learning Photoshop to the point where you are proficient with it can take a long time. If you have the time to devote to learning it, the long-term value is immense. But if you already are scrambling to handle all the other demands of your online business, having to learn Photoshop may be one of your lowest priorities.

Alternatives to Photographic Image

Photographic image has been around for a long time. But today there are many other tools that perform many of the same functions automatically.

For example, most newer model smartphones include cameras that have software you can use to add filters, crop photos, even manipulate the image all right from your phone.,

Another alternative is buying your images from a stock photo company or hiring a freelancer to develop better photos and other images for your website on a per job basis.

4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular

4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular

Screen Shot 2015-04-16 At 9.44.30 PmWhen it comes to web design, everything you do should contribute to the popularity of your web pages.


It’s important that your web pages look great, but they also need to have great Search Engine Optimization so that people using Google, Bing and other major search engines can easily find them.


Tips for Improving Your Page Rankings


With that in mind, here are four quick and easy things you can do to make your web pages rank higher:


Content Is King


No matter how many backlinks, keywords or other SEO techniques you include on your web pages, if the content isn’t interesting and compelling to visitors, they are  going to click off right away.


Try to include great content that visitors will find useful, entertaining or enlightening. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and ask yourself, “What would I like to see on this web page?”


Join the Online Community


The Internet is a participatory sport. And the more people you can get involved with your web pages, the higher they will be ranked by Google.


Reach out to bloggers who write about your field and ask if they would be willing to review your products. A few positive reviews can not only get the word out about your business, but also drive more visitors to your web pages.


4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular – Network, Network, Network


Similarly, you want to be involved with the online community that is devoted to your niche. Link building and getting good social signals is all about building relationships with people.


Today’s search engines look for ways to understand how people connect with one another. So the more connections you can create between your web pages and actual Internet users, the more value search engines will assign to your web pages.


4 Tips to Make Your Web Pages More Popular – Track Your Business


It’s also important to understand what people are saying about your business. Something as simple as setting a Google Alert to track mentions of your company can keep you informed.

Choosing the Perfect Pictures

Choosing the Perfect Pictures

Despite all the technological developments in smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, when it comes to getting attention for your website a great picture truly is worth a thousand words.

Image really is everything. So having great-looking pictures on your web pages will make your business the ones people are more likely to choose. Visitors will see your site as being more approachable, friendly and interactive if they like the pictures you choose.

Choosing the Perfect Pictures – Look Sharp

When uploading images onto your web pages, clarity and sharpness is critical. This is especially true now that most newer mobile devices have retina displays that can show images even sharper than the human eye can process them.

Consider your website’s images to be just as important as its textual content … or even more important! You wouldn’t publish anything on your pages without running SpellCheck or a grammar program, would you? So why would you post pictures that are washed out, gray or grainy?

Choosing the Perfect Pictures – The Perfect Picture

If  you are using photos you shot yourself, make sure they have at least been put through the Auto Correct function of your photo editing program. If possible, use an expert who can improve the look of your photos through cropping, color balancing, and other tools before posting them.

Another option is to use photos that already have been expertly prepared for display on web pages. There are many websites where you can find high-quality stock images you can use on your web pages for a small fee.

If you’re on a budget, consider using royalty-free images that can be found on such places as Wikimedia Commons. In these type of open source websites, you are generally free to use the photos as you want as long as you follow rules regarding attribution and other factors.

Once you include the right photo on your web pages, you will see the result in the number of visitors your page receives, how much longer they spend there, and how likely they are to convert to your call to action.

5 Fastest Ways to Make People Hate Your Blog

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Blogs are increasingly being used by businesses to build stronger brand loyalty in their customers.


The objective of your blog should be to attract and hold onto the largest possible readers. Yet many bloggers routinely turn away readers by making dumb mistakes that could easily be avoided.


Here are the top five ways many bloggers unwittingly destroy their credibility and turn off readers so they never return:


  1. Talking Too Much about Yourself


Remember: The purpose of your business blog should be to provide readers with content that consistently informs and educates them on new and interesting topics.



Blogs should not be commercials for your products or business. When you only write about what your products and what your business is doing, readers won’t stick around very long. A better plan is to establish yourself as an industry authority and give readers high-value content they can use to increase loyalty bonds and keep them coming back for more.


  1. Shamelessly Promoting Your Products


It’s okay occasionally mention your products or include links to your services, don’t hit readers over the head with your sales pitch. Educate first and sell with subtlety.


  1. Not Selling Enough


Okay, this may sound like exactly the opposite of the item, but it’s actually not. While it’s important to provide your readers with high-value content and avoid barraging them with your sales pitch, you also should remember that your blog is there to increase interest in your company or subject.


Tie your valuable content back to your brand and include a soft sell to get the message across to your blog’s readers.


  1. Not Letting People Leave Comments


Some businesses are so concerned about their online reputation that they try to manage the way they are portrayed on their own blog by shutting off the comments section.


Not allowing comments sends the message that you don’t care what they have to say, that you don’t value their opinions.


While there may be some minimal risk that somebody could post something critical about your business, if you properly maintain your comments section on a regular basis you can address any negativity quickly and effectively, and turn a negative into a positive.


  1. Making It Too Long


People aren’t clicking on your blog because they want to read thousands of words of copy. Keep your blogs short and information-dense. Providing too much information can make reader weary and wary of future blogs posts.


Like they say in show business: Always leave them wanting more!

7 Top WordPress Plugins for Web Designers

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WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform and is used by web designers everywhere. One of the biggest reasons for this is that it supports templating and plugins, so it is simple to use to customize website


Great Functionality and Value


Because WordPress is an open source site, most of the plugins available are free for anybody to use. So that means the price is right as well!


Here, then, are some of the most helpful and popular WordPress plugins for web designers:


1. Google Analyticator — What the Google Analyticator does is add the JavaScript code to your blog or website that enables Google Analytics on your WP Dashboard. This is a helpful tool that tells you not just how many visitors are landing on your pages, but what keywords they are using to find them.


2. Shareaholic — Want to share options to your site? (Of course you do!) The Shareaholic plugin puts a social bookmarking menu on your posts, pages and index (or all three), plus adds related content if you want.


3. nrelate —  Speaking of related content, nrelate (all lower case) is a plugin that automatically generates content links for your pages. You can use the plugins shortcode to manually insert links to related posts that your visitors might find fun or interesting.


4. Viper’s Video Quicktags — Embedding videos into your pages can often be a real hassle. What this plugin does is simplify the proces by adding platform-specific buttons that let you past the URL of the video you want to embed. That’s it. Easy-peasy!


5. WordPress Calls to Action — If the purpose of your web page is to get visitors to do something (by a product, opt-in to your mailing list, etc.), this plugin provides a quick and easy way to create call to action (CTA) pop-ups. It also tracks conversion rates and enables split testing.


6. Events Calendar — This plugin lets you quickly create events and let you do things like have a calendar view, search events and even integrate maps. It’s ideal if you are hosting events, running a club, or doing event planning.

How to Keep Fit When Working in Front of a Computer All Day

SEO News PageSpeed Cancelled

Web designers and other people who work with computers have a disadvantage when it comes to fitness. Because they are sitting in front of a screen for eight or more hours per day, they are more likely to gain weight, be less active and have related health issues.


There’s even a term for it: “Web Spread”.


This is a real problem because as more and more jobs become automated, a growing percentage of the work force will be spending an increasing amount of time sitting at a computer.


Ways to Beat ‘Web Spread’


One recent study that was widely reported in the media bombastically claims that “sitting is the new smoking”. In other words, the sedentary lifestyle a growing number of people are embracing is leading to as many health consequences as cigarette smoking.


So how can the average worker avoid web spread and the resulting health issues? Here’s a few tips:


  • Stand More Often — If you spend most of your workday sitting down, make a point of taking regular breaks. Walk around the office for a few minutes every hour or two. Go outside during your lunch break and walk around the block or parking lot.


  • Snack Better — There’s a tendency to eat mindlessly when working in front of a computer. Many people don’t even realize they are eating — or what they are eating — when they are engrossed in their work. Switch to healthier snacks, such as microwave popcorn, carrot sticks or celery stalks. Not only are these lower in fat, but they contain important vitamins and nutrients that will improve your immunity and overall health.


  • Consider Getting a ‘Standing Desk’ — One of the newest trends in office furniture this year is the standing desk. This is an elevated surface that you can work on while standing up. Typically, these types of desks are adjustable, so they can be used when you are sitting down as well.


Working in front of a computer all day can be hazardous to your health. Add these healthy habits to your workday and you can avoid getting web spread.

Why Online Shopping Is Here to Stay

Miami Web Design

Today more than ever before, consumers are turning to the Internet to find the products and services they want. Given the convenience of shopping online, that’s not surprising.



When you shop online, you don’t have to drive down to the shopping district or mall, you don’t have to deal with the crowds, and you don’t have to interact with ignorant or inattentive sales staff. All you need to do is perform a quick search for what you want, click on a button and it will be delivered to your home within a few days — or even a few hours, in some cases!



Web Design and Online Shopping



The rise of online shopping has been a boom for most web design firms. That’s because even the smallest brick and mortar businesses now need to have a website in order to compete for customers. Most businesses are now taking it a step further and asking for web pages that are optimized for use on mobile devices like smart phones and tablets.



The trend for online retail isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s only going to get bigger.



Shopping – Investing in the Future



In response, many big retailers are looking for ways to simplify and speed up the process so that it’s easier than ever for their customers to get the products and services they want. Free delivery and next-day delivery have become so commonplace that many consumers now take them for granted and may balk at retailers that don’t provide these services.



Other big online retailers, such as Amazon, are now working on providing same-day delivery, investing huge sums in warehouses, distribution centers and delivery systems. Amazon is even experimenting with pilot-less drones that can deliver your order to your doorstep within an hour of placing your order!



For web design firms that seek out innovative and effective ways to make it easier for businesses to connect with customers, the future is very bright indeed.