Adding Revenue Opportunities

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Your website is finished. It looks great. It works properly. And, most importantly, customers are finding it and spending money at your business.


Finished? No! Now it’s time to add additional revenue opportunities to your website.


‘The Buying Mood’


When people go online, find your website, and decide to buy something, they often are in a “buying mood”. This is that unique moment when they have let their guard down — if only slightly — and are ready to spend some money.


To maximize your website’s profit potential, it’s your job to find new ways for people to keep buying once they achieve this magic moment.


Adding Revenue Opportunities – Upgrades Keep the Additional Offers Coming


One way to keep getting online customers to spend more money with your business is to continue to add additional offers.


Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has this down to a science. Whenever you buy anything on their website, Amazon will instantly and automatically offer you an array of similar or related products that you can add to your shopping basket.


Or they recommend other products purchased by other people who also bought the product you just clicked on.


In both instances, Amazon is seeking to take advantage of customers who are in the “buying mood”, and so should you.




Another way to get more revenue out of people who already have spent money on your website is to offer upgrades. These are expanded versions of the products they have just purchased.


For example, if you are promoting a subscription service that costs $5 per month for one year for a total of $60, as soon as the customer takes that offer you can offer an additional year at a discounted price. Or try to sell a lifetime subscription for an even higher price.


Additional offers and upgrades are low-risk propositions: If the customer declines, you still have the original sale. But if they accept your second offer, keep going with more offers. It only adds up to more revenue for your business.

Discover the Benefits of Using Web Design for Your Business

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Are you still thinking about getting a website built for your business? If you are still relying on a Facebook business page to attract customers, then you are not making full use of the internet. Having a website is an integral part of modern advertising and marketing. Here are the top benefits of using web design Boca Raton services.


Promote Your Local Business


In this day and age, you need a website to represent your business. In the past, this mostly applied to national companies and web-based businesses. Now, you need a website for your local business. The majority of the public use the internet to find local services and businesses. Without proper online representation, you will get left behind. By hiring web design Boca Raton services, you can have an online destination for those seeking your services or products.


Increase Your Exposure and Make Use of Digital Marketing


You need a website in order to make use of modern digital marketing. If you feel that your sales have been sluggish or that you are not attracting enough customers, then you will likely seek marketing and advertising services. In the past, you could rely on radio ads, television commercials, newspaper ads, and other forms of traditional marketing. This structure has changed with advances in technology. You now need to devote a portion of your marketing and advertising budget to digital marketing. The digital marketing that you use to promote your business will direct customers to a web page on your website. This means you need a website.


Using digital marketing and promoting your local business are not the only benefits that are provided by using web design Boca Raton services. In this day and age, you need online representation. Your website is an extension of your business. Hiring trusted local web design services ensures that your websites honestly reflects your business.


If you have not yet had a website built for your business, then get in touch with a local web design firm today.

Web Design Keeps Up with the Latest Trends

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The world of web design is constantly evolving and changing. Everyone wants to climb on board and take advantage of the latest trends. This can be seen in almost any industry, in addition to web design. If you are thinking about having a site built for your business this year, you may want to take a moment to learn about some of the latest trends in web design.


Feature Rich Animations Are the Top Trend of 2016


Perhaps the biggest trend in web design this year is rich animations. Animations are visible on just about every site that you go to. This includes large scale animations, such as parallax scrolling and pop-ups, along with small-scale animations, such as various menu animations.


Loading animations are also popular. These help keep a visitor entertained while they are waiting for your page to fully load. You will often see loading animations on sites with a lot of images or other feature-rich content.


If you are thinking about using animations on your website, you need to be careful. Using too much animation can detract from your site. It can make it difficult for users to navigate your website and find the information that they would like.


Responsive Web Design Remains the Top Design Trend


For the past several years, responsive web designs have been the most popular trend and they continue to be the most used designs for websites. A responsive web design allows a web design firm to create a site that is viewable on all types of devices. In the past, designers would build a separate site for mobile visitors. Now, you can view the same site regardless of the device that you use.


These are just a few of the top web design trends for 2016. As the year progresses, you can expect to see many more trends come and go. If you are planning on getting web design Fort Lauderdale services, you should make sure that your designers up to date on the latest trends.

Web Design is an Essential Part of Growing Your Business

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Do you want to grow your business? Then you need an online presence. Web design can help your business expand. Though, there is a lot to consider before your website is actually up and running. Here are a few issues related to web design that many business owners overlook. Before contacting a web design service, look over the following information.



Steps Before Hiring Web Design Services


Before you get a hold of web design services, there are a few areas of the design of your site that you should think about. Without a clear vision of what you are looking for, the web designers that you hire will have difficulty creating a website that truly reflects your business. You should begin thinking about the overall look and feel of your site.


Come up with a list of features that you would like included. You might also want to think about the overall color scheme for your site. Decide whether or not you are going to need a new logo. These are just a few of the considerations that you should deal with before contacting web design services.


Web Design is an Essential Part of Growing Your Business – Using Web Design to Reach More Customers


Once your website is up and running, you can rely on web design services to help you reach more customers. Ask about search engine optimization and digital marketing services. Web design is just one aspect of online promotion. Making sure that your website reaches the top of the search rankings is a completely separate service. Many business owners do not think about this before having their site built. Once the site is up, they expect hundreds of visitors to begin visiting their site each day. SEO takes time.


If you really want to reach as many customers as possible, you need to combine web design services with SEO and online marketing.

Web Design Can Help You Reach More Customers

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If you are struggling to keep your sales figures up, then you may benefit from web design services. With professional web design, SEO, and online marketing services, you can reach more customers than ever before. In order to increase your online presence, learn a little more about the various types of services that you can expect from a web design company.


Web Design Can Help You Reach More Customers – Lytron will Develop an Original Website


One of the first steps that a web design team can take to help you reach more customers is to create an original website for your business. Every business needs a website. Having a social media account is not enough. You need an actual web address to send customers or for customers to find you.


Web Design Can Increase Your Visibility on Search Engine Rankings


Increasing your search engine rankings is one of the best ways to naturally gain more customers. Through the use of proper SEO (search engine optimization) techniques, a web design team can organically boost your search engine rankings. Your site can get noticed when internet users search for specific keywords. This is accomplished by optimizing the content on your website for specific keywords, building backlinks, and other SEO methods.


Web Design  Can Promote Your Business Through Online Marketing


Online marketing allows you to reach out and gain more attention in the crowded internet market. Online marketing covers a wide range of options. You could post blogs to your website, add posts to your social media accounts, send out press releases, or even set up an email marketing campaign.


Through the combination of original website design, SEO, and online marketing, you can boost your online presence. This is one of the first steps towards reaching more customers online. If you are not happy with the amount of traffic you receive to your website, or if you do not have a website, then you should get a hold of a web design Boca Raton company as soon as possible.

Create Targeted Landing Pages

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What are landing pages and how can they help your business? They are the pages that users land on after clicking on a link or advertisement. You can create specific landing pages for individual PPC (pay-per-click) advertisement campaigns. Instead of simply linking to your product or services page, you can use pages that serve one primary purpose – to convert traffic into sales.


Find out how to use landing pages from to increase your sales.


Landing Pages Allow Focused Marketing


When you have a general web page describing your various products or service, it is hard to appeal to a specific demographic. You never know where your traffic is going to come from, so you need to market towards a general audience. Using landing pages, you can focus on one target audience.


Consider the message you are promoting in your PPC advertisement. What keywords did you include? Build your entire landing page around that one topic. You do not need to fully explain all of your products or services – just the product or service that you are marketing with your advertisement.


Pages Increase Conversion Rates


Convert your internet traffic into concrete sales leads. Your landing page should offer valuable content that engages the reader. They will have likely followed a link from a PPC advertisement or a search query to reach your page.


Since you know exactly what they are looking for, you can offer them the information that they actually need. This means that your visitors are already interested in what you have to offer. As long as your content flows naturally and closes with a solid call to action, you should notice an increase in conversion rates.


Landing pages allow you to get more out of your PPC advertisement campaigns. Increase your value and get more out of your spending on advertising.


Web Design for Your Small Business

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Why is web design so essential for your small business? In the modern age, every business needs to have an online presence. When a potential customer or client first hears about your business, they are likely to search for additional information about your products or services. Without a website, you could be losing sales leads and missing out on a large segment of the population.


Find out why you need more than just a Facebook page to promote your small business.


Social Media is Not Enough


When you first start a small business, you may think that creating a Facebook page or a Twitter account will be enough to promote and market your business. While you should still utilize social media as a method of reaching more customers, a website provides the best method of representing your business online.


At the most basic level, a website is an online business card for your business. It provides visitors with contact information and other details. It helps to differentiate you from your competition. Having a website has become standard practice for businesses in the modern world.


Choosing to rely solely on social media will make your business appear less professional or legit – anyone can set up a Facebook page in a matter of minutes. It is difficult for customers to verify that the information provided is correct.


Promote Your Products or Services


Using web design to create a website for your small business also helps you promote your products or services. As mentioned, a website could be as basic as a one-page online business card. Though, you can also create individual pages for your various products or services. These pages can provide detailed information, offering potential customers and clients with informative content about the benefits of your products or services.


Even though you could create a Facebook post containing some of this information, it will not have the same impact as providing a full explanation on your website and then posting a summary through social media – with a link back to your website.


In the end, social media is a useful tool for reaching more customers, but it is most effective when combined with the use of a professionally designed website. If you have not yet created a website for your small business, consider contacting a reputable web design company today.

The Benefits of a Responsive Web Design

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As a business owner, you are probably aware that having a website is an essential part of running a business in the 21st century. While the web design team that you hire will handle the process of coding your website or setting up a WordPress site, you still have control over the look and feel that you want for the site. After all, the site is a direct representation of your business in the online world.


With a growing number of consumers using their mobile devices for browsing the internet, responsive web design has become increasingly beneficial.


No Need for Two Separate Websites


In the past, a web design company would create one website for desktop viewing and another website for mobile viewing. Responsive web design eliminates the need for two sites, by allowing the elements on the page to adjust based on the width of the user’s screen.


Improve the User Experience


Using responsive web design can actually increase the overall user experience. If a visitor has difficulty reading text on a mobile device, they will likely leave the website and find another business. By having a website design that works with any device, you will not have to worry about visitors having trouble finding or viewing information on your website.


Increase Search Engine Rankings


Search engine optimization is a lot of work, but having a responsive web design can give your SEO a boost. Google prefers websites that use responsive web design. One of the latest changes to the Google search engine ranking algorithm increased the importance of having a mobile-friendly website. Since you will not be displaying the same content on two separate websites, you will also not have to deal with double content penalties.


WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for the development of quality websites. There are thousands of themes available that can be tailored to fit the needs of your business. When looking for themes, narrow your search to themes that use responsive web design.

Online Grocery Shopping Booming

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As people become accustomed to getting the products and services they need via their smartphones and mobile devices, they are beginning to turn to eCommerce for even the most routine purchases, such as grocery shopping.


According to a new survey conducted by the group 72 Point Inc. on behalf of online organic grocer Door to Door Organics, the number of consumers who shop online for groceries increased 29 percent in 2015. And 19 percent of those surveyed said they did all of their weekly food shopping online.


Virtual Grocery Cart


Grocery shopping is one of the last holdouts for online commerce. That’s probably because many consumers prefer to physically see the food products they are buying to feed their families — especially meats, produce, and dairy products. Don’t you always open the egg container to see if any are broken?


But given the convenience of online shopping, these attitudes are slowly changing. According to the survey, 13 percent of people said that they used a single grocery provider for all of their weekly purchases, but 34 percent said they used more than one. And 53 percent said they visit three or four online and offline stores each week for their food shopping.


Produce Holdouts


Most are still using online services to shop for everything except produce and other fresh grocery items. And of those people who have bought produce online, more than half — 57 percent — told the pollsters that they were disappointed with the quality and freshness of the fruit and vegetables they received.


Most consumers — 58 percent 00 said the would be more likely to buy produce online if websites included information about where the products were picked and packaged. And 51 percent said they would like to be more willing to buy produce online if they knew that it came from local farms.


The survey reveals that attitudes towards eCommerce are continuing to evolve.

3 Design Elements that Can Increase Your Website’s Profitability

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Everyone visits websites every day. But not all websites convert: That is, actually get visitors to spend money.


Here are three fast and simple things you can add to your website to make them more profitable:


Members Only Area


Exclusivity is a time-honored sales technique. It’s human nature for people to want to be part of the elite group, whether it’s a country club membership, getting into the hottest velvet rope nightclub … or being allowed into the “Members Only” are of your website.


Allow visitors to qualify for this upgrade if they provide you with contact information like an email address or phone number. They’ll be happy because they gained VIP status and you can use their contact information for future marketing campaigns.


3 Design Elements that Can Increase Your Website’s Profitability – Urgent Calls to Action


In action movies, a common trope to create a sense of urgency is a countdown clock. Whether it’s a ticking time-bomb or the countdown to a missile launch, audiences will always cheer for the hero when there is a sense of urgency.


You can do the same thing by adding urgency to the Calls to Action (CTAs) on your web pages by including a countdown to an expiration for an offer or limiting special pricing or offers at a certain number of people. This is often all “window shoppers” often need to be pushed into a buying decision.


3 Design Elements that Can Increase Your Website’s Profitability – Encourage Comments – Ecommerce – Marketing


The Comments section of your blog or web page offers an opportunity for people to interact with your brand, company or products. Always encourage visitors to leave comments and make sure you respond in a timely mannner and ask a follow-up question so they can interact with your web page again.


High comment counts are one of the things Google and other search engines consider when ranking your pags. So make sure you add a “Subscribe to Comments” option as well.