As Technology Improves, So Does Lytron Web Design

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Boca Raton Building

When Apple unveiled its latest virtual reality/augmented reality headset this week, it was a reminder of how fast technology has improved during the past few decades. It’s hard to believe that the first smartphone was released in just 2007. Yet today most people would find it hard to imagine living without one.

Something else that has rapidly evolved is the way businesses communicate online with customers. Back in 2007, websites accessed via bulky desktop computers were rapidly replacing print ads and mailers for many small businesses. Today, most people are more likely to look for the products and services they want online via their smartphones. And tomorrow, it may be VR/AR headsets or even new tech that hasn’t even been invented yet.

Adapting to Change

Ten years, ago, the kinds of websites Lytron Web Design created for clients were completely different than the ones we make now. Today’s business pages need to be interactive, suited for mobile use, and much, much faster. As tech has improved, people’s attention spans have shortened. So most users don’t have time to read through big blocks of text or wait for pages to download.

We’ve changed the way we do our job to better serve our clients. And we already are thinking about new, more efficient ways to produce better results faster using the latest cutting-edge technology that will soon become commonplace, like wearables.

Your Web Design Partner

From our Boca Raton headquarters, we keep up with the rapidly changing tech landscape so that you don’t have to. Our teams of experienced coders and web programmers are constantly discovering new ways to delivery customers to your business using the latest online tools and platforms.

At Lytron Web Design, we do what we do because we want to be your web design partner today, tomorrow, and far into the future.


It May Be Time to Update Your Website

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Teamwork Consulting Fort Lauderdale Web Design Zoom 1

When was the last time you updated your business’s website? If the answer is, “Never” or “I don’t remember”, it’s probably time to take a new look at it.

In order to continually attract new customers and retain existing ones, business websites need to be fresh, engaging, and interactive. People need to enjoy visiting your business’s web pages and return to them again and again. Plus, the longer you can keep people engaged with your pages, the more likely you are to get them to act on your call to action — whether it’s to buy a product or service, sign up for alerts and notifications, or whatever it may be.

Hit the ‘Refresh’ Button

Updating your website can make engaging with your business online an entirely new experience. First-time visitors will be impressed with your up-to-the-minute graphics and content and long-time customers will stick around to see what’s new and exciting.

Your website is only as good as its ability to keep people looking at it. New and engaging content and graphics can help attract new customers, retain return buyers, and boost both the reputation and value of your brand. Refreshing your website regularly helps you meet your business goals.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we have web page experts who can update and improve your existing business website so that people will want to visit it again and again. We also can help make it easier to find, including search engine optimization that takes advantage of the latest Google, Bing, and other search engine algorithm updates.

If it’s been a while since you updated your business website, it’s time to hit the refresh button. Now you can attract new customers, keep current ones, and get a step up on your competitors by letting Lytron Web  Design update and improve your online presence with new and improved web pages.

What Do You Need to Know About Web Design? Nothing!

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Lytron Fort Lauderdale Strategic Agency 1

Most small business owners don’t have a background in computer coding, graphics design, or even copywriting or content creation. They went into their specific field because that’s where their interests led them, not the computer lab.

Yet small businesses today are reliant on web design, social media, and digital marketing to attract customers and clients. Traditional advertising has been replaced essentially by this high-tech form of trolling for customers.

So how much do you actually need to know about digital marketing and web design? Absolutely nothing! At least, not when Lytron Web Design is on your side.

Lytron Web Design

The professional digital marketing experts at Lytron Web Design already have all the tools, knowledge, and experience to create highly effective websites, digital marketing strategies, and social media campaigns for your small business. Our web designers will build exciting, interactive web pages that customers will love, then craft a campaign to deliver people there who are already actively looking for local businesses just like yours online.

You don’t have to know a thing about computer coding, graphic design, content creation, or anything else having to do with web page design because we’ve already got you covered. Just bring any ideas you already have — such as websites you like or branding you already use — and we will build your websites to your exact specifications.

Building the Bottom Line

Most small business owners already understand that customers mostly use their smartphones or laptops to find the products and services they want. So hyperlocal, interactive, and inviting websites and online campaigns are absolutely essential for getting people to buy your products and services.

Lytron Web Design is the small business owner’s ideal solution for connecting the digital and real worlds in your marketplace. We build websites and digital campaigns that effectively promote your small business, attract new customers, and sell your products and services to build your bottom line.

Look for Good Website Ideas Online

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Lytron Consulting Agency 1

Coming up with an original idea for marketing your business is extremely hard. Through the years, millions of companies have tried countless ways to attract customers. So unless you are some sort of creative genius, developing a plan that has never been seen before is next to impossible.

Fortunately, you don’t have to. There is nothing wrong with taking another business’s website strategy, changing it to fit your specific needs, and making it your own. In fact, it’s what most small businesses do.

You Better Shop Around

Before you start planning a website marketing strategy for your business, spend some time looking at what other businesses similar to yours are doing. And don’t limit yourself to your specific geographic area. Instead, the internet lets you research an unlimited number of businesses anywhere that offer the same types of products and services that yours offer.

Find a few ideas you like and bookmark these websites. Or collect them in a notebook or whiteboard. Take your time. The research phase should take a few days or even several weeks. Then, when you finally are ready to develop your business’s website, you have a library of great ideas to choose from. Mix and match until you find the most eye-catching ideas for your business.

Lytron Web Design

Once you find some ideas you like, it’s time to let Lytron Web Design transform your vision into reality. We can create a professional, optimized website that is certain to attract customers.

Our team of experienced, knowledgeable web designers will build your business website according to your exact specification — implementing all the ideas you have collected from similar businesses worldwide — to create a website that is uniquely your own.

Shaping other people’s ideas into your own is just good business. The reality is that the people whose ideas you copied likely got them from another successful business in the first place. The most important thing is creating an appealing, effective website that makes genuine connections with customers for your small business.

Be Better than Your Competition

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Search Searching Online Network Website Concept

There’s an old joke about two hunters in the woods who suddenly come upon an angry bear. As the two take off running, one hunter says to the other, “I hope we’re fast enough to outrun this bear.”

And the other hunter replies, “I don’t have to be faster than the bear. I just need to be faster than you!”

Small businesses don’t have to be bigger than the market they work in. They just need to be better than their competition. And that’s where Lytron Web Design can help. We create websites, digital campaigns, and other strategic tools to help keep you ahead of your competition so you can capture a larger share of the market.

What We Do

At Lytron Web Design, our teams of creative, knowledgeable digital marketing experts have the tools, experience, and talent to develop custom-made websites and digital campaigns that perfectly showcase your business.

Now you get the products and services your business offers directly in front of the people who want them most: Those who are actively seeking them out online right now. We can help you get ahead of your competition so you can attract more customers, make more sales, and build your bottom line.

Faster than Ever

Advancements in digital technology don’t just happen weekly. They happen daily. Even hourly. The experts at Lytron Web Design keep up with the latest developments and put them to work promoting your business online.

We help you be faster, bigger, and better than your competition by putting your company front and center. Through web design, digital campaigns, mobile optimization, and more, we help you achieve and even exceed your business goals.

Find out why so many small businesses are turning to Lytron Web Design to help them grow their business, expand their reach, and raise their digital profile.

Reacting to Cultural Tech Shifts

New High Tech Tools Help Target Terrorists

New High Tech Tools Help Target Terrorists

Technology changes all the time. And changes in tech often lead to changes in the way people interact with it.

For example, the iPhone was first introduced in 2005, which really wasn’t all that long ago. Prior to that, lots of people didn’t have mobile phones. Ad those that did couldn’t use them for much more than talking. Today, it’s pretty rare for anybody to actually use their smartphone to make a phone call. But they use them for pretty much everything else imaginable.


For businesses to be successful, it’s critical that they pay attention to rapid shifts in technology. Companies that didn’t see the Information Age coming were left in the dustbin of history. Similarly, if your website is still mainly built for use on desktop computers or even laptops, you are way, way, way behind the times!

Most people use their smartphones for finding the products and services they want. And thanks to high-speed internet and pretty much global WiFi, they aren’t willing to wait around for your mobile-optimized website to download onto their phones. If it’s not ready instantly, they are likely going to move on to somebody else. And you may have lost a customer forever.

Local, Fast, and Persistent

Today’s best small businesses take advantage of the advances in tech. They don’t run to catch up with them. And they certainly don’t ignore them.

At Lytron Web Design, we can upgrade your website so that it is not only mobile-ready but also poised to capitalize on the hyper-local nature of today’s commercial internet searches. We can get your business posted at the top of the Google responses. And we can optimize it so that visitors are engaged and will stick around to buy.

There’s too much at stake to be a technophobe in today’s web-based business environment. Lytron Web Design has the solutions your business needs to win the war for online customers.



A Global Team for Your Local Business

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Web Design Software 1

Starting a new small, local business can be difficult, especially when you are competing for a limited number of customers online. Established competitors have the advantage of time, experience, and sometimes a seasoned marketing team.

So how can you level the playing field and even have a competitive advantage starting on Day One? Easy! Lytron Web Design already has everything you need to dominate in your marketplace.

Your Marketing Team

Are you a one-person operation? Even the smallest local business can benefit from the experience and skills of the Lytron Web Design team. We have a fully array of digital marketing professionals who know exactly how to successfully market your business, build your brand, and enhance your online reputation.

From marketing analysts to SEO experts, skilled copywriters to link builders and more, Lytron Web Design has everything your small business needs to get your products and brand in front of the people who are currently actively looking for them online right now. From website building to optimization, Google marketing to direct messaging, video creation to blogging, we are the one-stop shop for everything related to digital marketing.

Our Experience, Your Success

Even if you know nothing about how to create a successful website or launch a top-tier marketing campaign, Lytron Web Design already has you covered. We’ve already helped three hundred local small businesses launch successful websites that get genuine results.

In today’s digital-forward environment, even the smallest business needs a website — especially if you are just entering the marketplace now. That’s because the businesses you will be competing against already have a digital presence and a track record of interacting with their existing customers. At Lytron Web Design, we can boost your brand, attract new business, and compel people to keep coming back to your products and services.

So before you even flip on the lights and unlock the front door for the first time, call Lytron Web Design and build your online presence today!

Even the Smallest Business Needs a Website

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Expert Analysis 3

For small businesses today, having a website isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. Even the smallest of small businesses need an online presence because the Internet is the primary place people today search for the products and services they want.

Think about your own shopping habits. When was the last time you looked in the phone book or the Yellow Pages for some sort of business or service you needed? Odds are the year started with “19–“.

Times Have Changed

If you are launching a new business, your primary marketing needs to be online. A website gives people someplace to go to find the products or services you offer. In most cases, a virtual store will attract far more prospective customers than a brick-and-mortar store. Ideally, you should have both.

Concerned that you don’t know anything about programming or coding and lack the skills to build your own business website? You shouldn’t be. Lytron Web Design has helped hundreds of small businesses build their online presence, enhance their digital reputation, and attract customers from all over the world with professional websites that are optimized to gain traffic.

Our digital web builders will learn about your business, analyze what type of customers you want, then build a sleek, interactive website that connects your products or services with people who are actively looking for them right now.

Good Business

In 2023, having a business website is just good business. Today’s consumer is far more likely to search Google or another search engine for the products or services they want than take any other type of action. In today’s business environment, even word of mouth has taken a backseat to online searches.

To connect with customers, your small business needs a website. Even if you are your business’s only employee, the fastest and most effective way to connect your products and services with the people who want them is to let Lytron Web Design build your business website.


Your ‘Call to Action’ Needs to Be Clear and Obvious


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Business websites don’t exist in a vacuum. They serve a specific purpose. That purpose needs to be immediately obvious and evident to people who click on your website.

Known as the “Call to Action” — or “CTA” for short — it’s the entire reason your business’s website exists. It’s what you want people to do when they arrive there, whether its to buy your products or services, gain knowledge about your brand and business, or simply sign up to receive further marketing messages in the future.

What Companies Want

Not all websites are simply online catalogs where people can click to buy particular products or sign up for specific services. In many instances, business websites are simply promoting a brand, educating the consumer on the company’s values, or setting the stage for a long-term relationship with page visitors.

Yet whatever the purpose of your particular website, its content needs to clearly steer visitors to the particular action you want them to take. In many instances, this is to enter their email address and/or phone number. Data capture like this offers an opportunity for your business to continue to market to that particular customer long into the future. And it likely will be effective because that person not only landed on your website while looking online for something specific but gladly handed over their contact information, in effect inviting you to continue to market your branding, products or service to them.

Clear and Obvious

Through content, images, and even website architecture, skilled web designers can make your web page’s CTA clear and obvious so that even the most casual visitor will be gently nudged toward the action you want them to take.

In today’s digitally dominant environment, businesses spend a lot of time, money, and effort on their websites. Shouldn’t they serve exactly the purpose you want them to serve?

Keeping Your Websites Fresh

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Websites Fresh

Websites aren’t a “one and done” proposition. To keep visitors engaged, they need to be updated, refreshed, and even redesigned every couple of years.

Website fatigue can be a real challenge for commercial websites. When people return to your business’s pages again and again, they become overly familiar with your websites. And as the old saying goes, “Familiarity breeds contempt”. To keep customers coming back again and again, it’s critical that you keep your website fresh, engaging, and interesting over multiple visits.

Refreshing Websites

Think back on your own experiences. The elements that you found exciting and inviting on your favorite websites quickly became tiresome and trite after repeated visits. The same images, colors, designs, and content quickly can become stale, unappealing, and even repellent.

Visitors to your web pages can have the same experience if you aren’t constantly refreshing, tweaking, and improving your business’s web pages. You want people to come back over and over again but you don’t want them to become bored or dismissive of your websites. The solution is to continually improve your online presence with the help of Lytron Web Design.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, our experienced professional web coders have the skills, tools, and knowledge to keep your web pages engaging for visitors regardless of how many times they click on your business websites. We continually monitor, update, and improve your online offering so that it is appealing and engaging to visitors old and new alike.

Don’t let an old, boring website turn customers away. To be successful in online marketing, you need to be innovative, proactive, and keenly aware of your page visitors’ expectations. With Lytron Web Design constantly updating and improving your web pages, you can instill the same delight and excitement visitors had the first time they clicked on your pages every time they visit your online business.