Make a Habit of Visiting Other Websites

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Expert Analysis 3

As a business owner, you want your website to be as inviting and compelling as possible. One of the most effective ways to do that is to frequently visit other business’s websites and see what they are doing. When you see something you like, let us know and we can try to incorporate it into your business website.

Websites are continually evolving. So there is always something new and exciting. Finding out what is getting people’s attention right now and making it a part of your business website is a great way to capture a larger market share and keep people coming back to your business again and again.

Cutting Edge Websites

We get calls, emails, and texts from clients all the time saying, “Have you seen what this website is doing?” or “Have you visited this website yet?” Frequently, our web designers are already familiar with what the website is doing, even if we haven’t visited that specific website yet.

Our web team keeps up with the latest advances in website technology. So we usually can incorporate whatever you find into your website to make it more dynamic, more compelling, and more successful. And if you do happen to show us something we have never seen before, you can rest assured we will reverse engineer it so that we can do the same thing for your business.

Lytron Web Design

We love hearing from clients who are excited about improving their websites. That’s what we want, too.

At Lytron Web Design, we strive to make your website better, bigger, and more exciting for your visitors using the latest techniques, tricks, and technologies. By frequently visiting other websites to see what’s new, you can find new ways to make your own business more successful. Let’s build a better website together for your business.

Use All-Original Images and Content

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The images and content you use on your web pages should always be original. If you do use a photo, video, or writing created by somebody else, unless you have their permission in writing and/or have paid a licensing fee, you can get in legal trouble if you use it online as part of your marketing.

Taking or using your own pictures, making original videos, or writing original content is the best way to offer your customers something fresh and new while avoiding accusations of plagiarism or copyright infringement later.

Creating Content

Thanks to today’s technology, coming up with original art, pictures, and even videos is super easy. Your smartphone probably has as much production capability and camera tech on it than was available in Hollywood’s biggest studios just a few decades ago.

If you are experienced at writing, you can create your own textual content as well. Otherwise, you can hire professional writers to create clear, concise, and effective content for you. Connecting with original words and images can attract the attention of new customers, retain existing clients, and build long-term loyalty bonds that can build your business.

Lytron Web Design

If you aren’t experienced at designing web pages or aren’t sure which images or other content make the strongest connections, Lytron Web Design has you covered. We can assist you in finding original art, creating all-new content, and making fresh and exciting websites that genuinely connect with customers.

Trying to take shortcuts by using other people’s images or writing is not only risky but also fails to put your personality and stamp on your web content. It can also lead to legal problems. At Lytron Design, we have the experience, knowledge, and tools to create original, refreshing web content for your business that brings you the results you want.


If You Can Dream It, We Can Build It

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Graphic Designers Discussing Over Computer At Their Desk

For a small business owner, visualization is one of the most effective ways to plan for the future. All it requires is for you to think about what you want your business to look like in the future.

When you dream of how your business will be in five, ten, or even twenty years down the road, you can start to make plans to bring it where you want it to go. And Lytron Web Design can help you transform your vision into reality.

Dream Big

Thinking about your business’s future doesn’t cost anything. The only limitation is your own imagination. But it can lead you to places you never considered before, including expansion, new product development, and entry into new markets, possibly even global ones.

Taking the next step is where Lytron can help. Once you settle on some ambitious plans that are also grounded in reality, we can work with you to develop a path to achieving your goals. Generally, we will break down the overall objective into smaller, achievable steps. Then we can plan out a game plan to knock these off one by one until together we reach the big, exciting goals for your business.

Lytron Web Design

Why are we so confident we can help you grow your business and achieve your biggest dreams? Because we already have helped dozens of other small, local businesses do just that. And we can do it for you, too.

At Lytron Web Design, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the proven track record of success that you can rely on for the future of your business. We can help you every step of the way, from understanding where your business is today to visualizing its future to setting up a game plan to reach your goals. If you can dream it, Lytron Web Design can help you achieve it.


Using the Wrong Image Can Cost You …

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Portfolio Autentico E1578270367985

The photographs, videos, graphics, and other images you use on your web pages can make or break your business. Use the right images and people will love visiting your pages and be more willing to take the action you want them to take.

But if you use the wrong image, it can turn people away, damage your business’s reputation, and even cost you real money. But because the internet is still essentially in its infancy and most small business owners aren’t knowledgeable about copyright law, companies use stolen or unauthorized photos, videos, and other images on their web pages all the time — putting themselves at genuine financial risk.

Image Control

If you use a photo of a famous person, for example, and you don’t have their written permission or a legally binding contract, that person can (and probably will) come at you for damages. The same holds true is you use a video somebody else made without their permission. Or if you include a graphic that wasn’t originally your own,

There are so many ways you can make the mistake of using an unauthorized image on your web pages that most small business owners are at huge risk of liability. For example, even if you use 100% original photos taken by you in your own place of business, if you include the images of customers or employees and you don’t have a signed release form, you could be in trouble.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we have been helping small businesses create attractive, compelling web pages with fully legal photos and other images for more than a decade. We understand the intricacies of copyright law and we can ensure your websites are never in violation or your business is at risk.

When you want great-looking web pages will fully licensed and approved art, Lytron Web Design can help you achieve your goal.

People Land on Your Website. Now what?

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Teamwork Consulting Fort Lauderdale Web Design Zoom 1

What happens when somebody finds your website online? It’s one thing to attract visitors. But the real challenge is keeping them there. And convincing them to come back again and again.

Having a great-looking website and optimizing your pages so that they attract traffic is not enough. Your web pages need to offer something to visitors, something that will keep them there longer. Traffic alone is worth nothing. Consider this formula:

Traffic + Action = $Profits.

Million Dollar Minute

Think of it this way. If 10,000 people find your web page amid the millions (billions, really) of other web pages online, but they stay there only a few seconds before clicking away, then all you have invested in developing your online presence has been for nothing.

But if you can keep those same 10,000 people on your website for just one single minute, they are far more likely to take the sort of action your website is designed for them to take. And if that action is to spend just $100 with your business, then that minute is worth $1 million to your business.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we create attractive, inviting web pages that visitors will love. Then we optimize them so you can maximize traffic to your pages. Finally, we create meaningful, interactive content that keeps people on your pages longer and pushes them toward your desired Call to Action — whether its to buy your products or services, give you their sales lead information, sign up to receive your marketing materials, or whatever it is you want.

We are experienced at getting results for our clients. So if you have a great-looking website, and a ton of traffic, but nothing to show for it in terms of the bottom line, you need to let Lytron Web Design take you over the finish line.

Professional Web Design Brings Faster, Better Results

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Lytron Team

Small business owners often face a dilemma: Should they spend the money on a professionally designed website? Or should they simply hire their niece or nephew who is studying web design in college to build their website for them?

While the latter is certainly the cheaper alternative, your business is too important to trust to amateurs, regardless of whether they are related to you or not. If you want professional results, it’s best to trust the professionals.

Professional Web Design

The difference is that experienced web designers already have learned what works and what doesn’t. They understand the intricacies of attracting and retraining site visitors, as well as how to get them to keep coming back to your business again and again. There’s no trial and error, no on-the-job training, and no wasted resources at your expense

Instead, you simply get the sleek, professional, and effective website your business needs to attract more customers online and build your bottom line. Today’s consumer is far more likely to seek out a new business online — usually using their phone rather than a laptop — than any other method. So offering new visitors an effective, attractive, and professional-looking website is absolutely essential to your business’s success.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we are committed to helping small business owners just like you capture their share of the local online commerce in their immediate area and beyond. Our team of experienced, professional web designers have the tools, knowledge, and creativity to build, launch, and maintain an appealing website that gets the results you want.

Taking care of your relatives is admirable. But so is running a successful business supported by professionals with the experience to create highly effective websites that make money for your business. Lytron Web Design has the answers you’ve been looking for.

To Improve Your Website, Visit Your Competitors’


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Competitive shopping is when business owners visit other similar businesses in their area to see what they are up against. It’s a highly effective, time-tested concept that lets you assess your competitors while looking for ideas you can incorporate into your own enterprise.

The same idea exists in the virtual world as well. To improve your own business website, it’s worthwhile to frequently visit those of your direct competitors. Look especially for the things they are doing well as well as what you perceive as their weaknesses. Both can help you improve our own website.

Landing Pages

When you land on a competitor’s website, what immediately engages your attention? Are you compelled to move further into the page? Or is there something that distracts you or turns you off?

These are important questions because they apply just as much to your business’s website as they do to your competitors. And once you view the competing websites you visit with a critical eye, you can apply that same scrutiny to your own pages to make improvements and make visiting them a better experience for your page visitors.

Lytron Web Design

The web page creators at Lytron Web Design can help you implement any upgrades you want into your business websites. We can even help you understand what your competitors are doing better than you and how you can take their best ideas and make them your own in unique and effective ways.

Visiting competitors’ websites is an important tool in improving your own. Lytron Web Design not only creates web pages we also constantly upgrade them. If you discover a competitor’s page that you think is highly effective, send us a link so we can check it out. Improving your web pages so they are a better experience for your customers and bring you more sales is our top priority.

Informed Customers Are Engaged Customers

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Web Design Software 1

Keeping your customers informed of updates, changes, and improvements to your business via your website helps build loyalty and prevent customers from migrating to your competitors. When people believe you care about keeping them up to date about what’s going on in your business, it can often make them feel as if they have a stake in your success.

Websites are a convenient way to communicate what’s happening with your business right now. Conversely, if your website includes outdated or incorrect information, it can turn even your most loyal customers away, damaging your reputation and affecting your integrity.

Frequency of Updates

So how often should you update your website with the latest information? Whenever it becomes relevant. Some businesses will make updates to their websites, monthly, weekly, or even daily. In some instances, even a couple of times per day if the information is relevant and affects the way people interact with your business.

Updates to your website can include major things such as changes to your hours of operation or business address, but also minor things like new products or services, price changes, and even new hires. Generally, the more information you can share with your customers online, the more connected they will feel with your business. And this kind of loyalty keeps bringing people back.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, our experienced web builders and coders can help you launch your business website and then continually update it so your customers have the latest information. The more you share, the more people will care about your business.

The most successful businesses treat their customers like they are members of their family. By constantly sharing new information with people through website updates, you can engage people more frequently and keep them coming back to your business again and again.


Multi-Page Websites Offer Information without Overcrowding

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Lytron Credibility Visibility

There are a lot of things about your business that people need to know. First, there are simple things like where you are located and what hours you are open. Then there’s more detailed information such as what services you offer. Finally, there are the more esoteric elements like why people should choose you over your competitors and why your existing customers trust you.

Now, all of this information can be crammed onto a single web page and many small businesses try to do exactly that — with disastrous results. Overcrowded websites turn off more people than they attract. Smart companies have multi-page, interlinked web pages that are instinctive to navigate and keep people visiting their pages longer while getting more useful information out of them.

Multi-Page Websites

Generally, a successful business website will start with a home page. This is usually where people land once they click on the link leading to your business from a search engine like Google or Bing.

From there, smart designers include drop-down menus, hyperlinks, and other tools to lead visitors to other pages that offer more specific information that is instantly useful, all the while maintaining the same design and structure as the overall web package.

Lytron Web Design

Lytron Web Design specializes in creating interactive multi-page websites for small businesses seeking to maximize their online presence. Our team of experienced web page builders can create attractive, appealing interlinked pages that give people the information they want about your business while drawing them toward your specific call to action.

Attracting people to your web pages is one thing. Keeping them there and giving them what they want is another. The expert digital builders at Lytron Web Design can do both, creating highly appealing pages that give the results you want while building long-term customer loyalty.

Let Lytron Tweak Your Website for Better Results

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Lytron 20 Years

Do you like your current business website? Are your customers familiar with it? Then maybe you don’t want to change it altogether. A better plan might be to let Lytron Web Design simply tweak it so that it looks the same but provides better results.

Optimizing websites so that they function better is one of the most important things our web designers do at Lytron. Many clients prefer that their web pages look pretty much the same. But they enjoy the benefits of having them found by more people, easier to navigate, and better to lead to sales or other desired results.

Tweaking Your Website

It’s important to continually reassess your website, even if you are happy with the way it looks and customers seem to like it, too. That’s because the algorithms the big search engines use to rank and display web results are constantly changing. So even if you make no changes at all, you may find your website is suddenly yielding fewer results than it used to.

But Lytron Web Design is constantly keeping up with what’s new at Google, Bing, and other popular search engines. We can make sure your website looks the same but is showing up more frequently when people search online for businesses like yours. We can tweak your website so that you stay on top of the pack, rather than falling down the list of search results.

Lytron Web Design

Whether you want a whole new website or simply want to get better results from the one you have, Lytron Web Design has the tools, experience, and know-how to get the results you want. Businesses today depend on the internet to bring in a continual flow of new customers, as well as retaining existing ones.

At Lytron, we can optimize your current website so that it produces the results you want.