Top Tips for Using Images to Increase Your Site’s Conversion Rate

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The right images not only bring life to your web pages, they also can make them convert better. People don’t want to simply browse a website. They also want to experience it. When you use the best images, you can boost your site’s conversions and connect better with your target audience.


But there are still plenty of  websites that seem oblivious to the importance of images when it comes to getting the most out of their existing traffic. Here, then, are some top techniques for boosting your conversion rate by being smart about the types of images you use on your web pages:


People Are Ruled by Their Emotions — Most people make a buy decision because they are having an emotional experience. If you can find a way to make your page visitors fee just right, they will take action. Use positive images to bring out positive emotions. These can include such things as a pretty girl smiling or an image that makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside.


The people who land on your pages aren’t dumb. They know what you’re trying to convey with your images. But if you can make them feel happy, proud, wanted or draw out some other positive emotion with your images, they will connect with your web pages and are more likely to follow your call to action.


People Like Cute Mascots — Have you ever wondered why so many companies continue to use cute and cuddly mascots for decades after they were first introduced? It’s because they work. People connect with mascots, so if you include a site mascot on your page, it can be an excellent opportunity to reinforce your branding. Mascots help sites create a powerful image in their audience’s mind. They also are highly memorable.


Mascots can help solidify your marketing motif. They also make it much easier to create the desired emotional effect you want on your web pages. Characters and site mascots act as a type of emotional shorthand that visitors can immediately grasp and hold on to.


The Human Touch – Boost your website’s conversion rate by including human faces on your pages. Images of real people cause your visitors to focus more on your page, drawing them towards a common point of interest.


Validate Your Products — TV commercials are an effective way to get people to buy products because they usually show models, actors or real life people using the product itself. When people are praising products, loving them, going crazy over the, it validates the product in the mind of the viewer.


People want to feel safe before buying anything. They have a built-in need to be convinced that they are making the right decision when they buy. And they fear being wrong. When they see other people being pleased with a particular product, it reinforces the idea that this is something they want and need.


Keep the Focus on Them, Not You — Your customers are interested in themselves. They don’t necessarily care about your product or company. It’s the “me” factor that ultimately can lead to conversions. Show your visitors they are smart to choose your products. Make them feel comfortable with high-quality images. Provide the experience that they arrived on your page to feel. This will open up doors to get more people to convert when they arrive on your pages.

Top Web Design Elements for 2015


It’s a new year, so it’s time to review some of the top web design features that can make your web pages more unique, more attractive and and fresher in 2015.


While it’s not necessary to use each of these cutting edge design elements on every page, by mixing and matching them in different combinations, you can create memorable pages that truly jump out at page visitors:


1. Unique Fonts


Most websites use whatever default font setting is on their dashboard. But you can really make your pages look interesting by choosing modern-looking fonts that are cool and stylish. Just make sure they aren’t so extreme that they make it difficult to read your content.


While choosing a great looking font can improve your web design, once you find a cool font you like, it’s a good idea to stick with it throughout your content. Mixing together too many different fonts on the same page can be jarring and may cause page visitors to click off of your pages more quickly.


2. 3-D Is Out


Using too many three-dimensional effects can make a web page look phony and dated. Instead, go for a flat design look for your web design. Flat design uses simple illustrations that usually have bright, primary colors.


Flat design is appealing because it offers a minimalist look that draws attention to your content, rather than to the cleverness of your web design. It also can make your pages look clean and slick.


Modern looking pages have more white space, compared to older web pages which tended to cram as much as possible into every possible corner of the web page. Today’s web users appreciate simplicity.


Top Web Design Elements for 2015 – 3. Hover Effects Are Back In


For a while there, every web designer avoided hover effects like the plague. But now they are back in vogue among the cool kids.


Hover effects change the color of what you are looking at when you place your cursor over a part of a website. This draws your page visitor’s attention to what you want them to see. Plus, it’s a cool effect that can enhance the user’s experience. Unlike pop-up boxes, hover effects aren’t intrusive. But they can help the visitor keep track of where they are looking on a page.


Top Web Design Elements for 2015 – 4.  BIG Product Images  


While product images have always been a big part of promotional pages, modern web pages tend to have big product images. How big? Close to novelty sized.


Big product images serve a dual purpose: They fill up a lot of space with an attractive image of whatever you are trying to promote. Plus, they allow page visitors to get a detailed look that they couldn’t get from a tiny thumbnail image or a smaller image.


In addition to the primary image, you also can include big images that highlight details you want your page visitors to see more closely.


Including the most up-to-date web design elements on your web pages can make them look modern and appealing to your page visitors so they will keep coming back again and again.

10 Winter Web Design Tips to Warm Your Web Pages

New High Tech Tools Help Target Terrorists

Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Dbjnejlb3Fotvpn&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp Zdvdymlkaaaaaaaag6QThe holidays are finally past and much of the country is settling in for another long, cold winter.


That makes it a great time to bring warm, sunny images to your web pages to make them seem brighter and more cheery for visitors who land on them. Here then are 10 web design tips for warming up your web pages:


1. Don’t Go Overboard — While you want to use warm, fuzzy colors such as orange and yellows during the winter months, don’t go too far. Background colors should be soothing, not glaring.


2. Spread Your Text Around — Don’t bunch your text up in the center of the page, in the margins or in another concentrated area. Spread it around the page to make your web design seem more relaxed and less cluttered.


3. Keep It Short — Visitors aren’t going to read dense blocks of text. Instead, use short, punchy sentences or bullet points to get your message across in as few words as possible.


4. No Motion — Avoid the temptation to add motion of moving GIFs on your web pages. These will only distract your visitors and prevent them from absorbing the warm overall mood you are trying to create.


5. Not Sure? Drop it! — If you aren’t sure why you are including something on your web page — an image, text or something else — it probably doesn’t belong there. Drop it like it’s hot!


6. Don’t Forget the Contact Information — A big mistake many web designers make is to forget to include contact information. If visitors have no way to reach you, it’s a web page FAIL!


7. Avoid Graphics That Aren’t Universal — Visitors to your page will use different equipment to view it. So make sure your graphics are accessible to everyone regardless of their browser.


8. Visit Your Own Websites — Check out your site from different browsers to see how it looks. Colors may look different, images may not be viewable, or other mistakes can be caught.


9. Avoid Blue Text — Don’t use blue as a text color because most visitors  will assume it’s a link.


10. Sparse is Best — Winter lends itself to sparse, wide open spaces. Reflect the season by leaving more open space on your web pages during winter months.

Holidays Offer New Opportunities for Your Web Design



The holidays are a special time. Stores and homes are decorated with brightly colored lights. Holiday decorations are hung and displayed both indoors and out. And holiday music fills the air.


Why should web design be left out of the holiday celebrations?


Whether you are working with your own web pages or somebody else’s, the holidays offer a special opportunity to spruce up your pages with special holiday themes and decor that can make them appear more lively and better engage page visitors by adding a little holiday spirit.


Here, then, are some helpful tips on sprucing up your web design with a little holiday cheer:


  • Add Holiday Images, Descriptions to Your Content — Look for special holiday themes you can use just during the holidays. Include photos, illustrations and images that include beloved holiday designs, such as Christmas trees, angels, ornaments, Santa Claus, elves and other fun and engaging things.


  • Feature Special Holiday Products and Categories — Promote products and product categories that are related to the holidays. For many online retailers, for example, the holidays are the busiest time of they year. Consider offering special pricing, free shipping or other promotions for the holidays.


  • Participate in New Holiday Retail Traditions — Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and other new retail traditions offer you a special opportunity to add value to the retail experience. Feature specialized web design for each of these events to attract new customers and reward loyal ones.


  • Leverage Social Media — You can promote your special holiday web pages that feature your holiday web design on your social media accounts. Encourage your social media contacts, customers and others to “Like” your pages and help promote your business so that it can go viral and make yours a truly special holiday this year!


  • Create Special Holiday Landing Pages — Use your web design to direct page visitors to special holiday landing pages. Here you can offer special holiday greetings, make special offers, and other holiday-related promotions.


While the rest of the world is celebrating the holidays, there’s no reason why your web design shouldn’t do the same. Use these helpful tips to make your holidays special and rewarding.

The 5 Biggest Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Tips for Naming Your Website

When it comes to web design Fort Lauderdale business owners want most, there is a right way to design your pages and a wrong way.


Here are the top 5 most common web design blunders many website creators make:


1. Not Being User Friendly — Customers land on your pages for a reason. If you don’t make it fast, simple and easy for them to get what they came for, they will quickly click off and go somewhere else.


2. Making It Too Easy to Navigate Away from Your Site — The goal of any successful web design is to keep the visitor on the page for as long as possible. If the links on your pages take your visitors to other websites, rather than opening in a new browser window, they may never find their way back to your page.


3.  Being Overly Cutting Edge — Visitors appreciate innovation and cool design, but they will be turned away if your site is too weird or they can’t inherently figure out how to navigate their way around it. It’s okay to be different, but follow standard design conventions.


4. Looking Too Commercial — Obviously, you want your page visitors to buy your products and services. But if your web page looks too much like a commercial, they will change channels quickly.


5. Being Too Hard to Find — If your page titles don’t include your keywords, if your content isn’t optimized, or if your page isn’t ranked in the top spot (or at least the top half of the front page) for your niche keywords, it’s going to be difficult (or even impossible) for your customers to find your page.


At “Lytron Lead Generation” Boca Raton, we specialize in the high-converting, high visibility web design Fort Lauderdale business owners want most. Call us today and let us help get your business noticed online so that you can expand your Internet profile and improve your business’ online reputation.

How to Get the Best Web Design Available Anywhere

Rewards and Recognition Keep Customers Coming Back

When it comes to the effective web design, getting your message across in words is only half the battle. Your pages also need to offer images and a “look” that people find interesting enough to stick around to read your content.


Unless you have a degree in graphic design or years of experience with web design and programming code, you probably are going to have to depend on somebody else for this skill.


While there are plenty of places to go online where you can use pre-made templates for your web pages, you have to remember that many — if not most — of your competitors in the marketplace are using those same open source sites to design their pages.


Unique Solutions to Specific Problems


If you want to be unique, you should think about bringing in an expert to create your buttons, banners, eCovers and other design elements that are going to set your pages apart.


That’s where “Lytron Lead Generation” Boca Raton comes into play. While there are plenty of highly skilled people who can provide you with what you need on a piece-by-piece basis, we provide you with the kind of affordable web design business owners want most, while still giving you complete control over the overall look of your pages.


The Power of  Video


We also can create interesting and informative videos for your site. This is a good idea because an increasing number of people searching for products and services online now prefer watching videos over reading written content. Even Google has gotten into the act, giving higher page rankings to video-based pages.


Plus, right now the demand for video content is higher than the supply, so when you allow “Lytron Lead Generation” Boca Raton to create great videos for you now, you can capture a larger share of whatever niche market you are working in.


Simply the Best!


The bottom lines is this: If you want the finest web design available anywhere, then you need “Lytron Lead Generation” Boca Raton.


We’re simply the best!

You Don’t Have to Watch On the Sidelines

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Lytron: your business success is more assured with us working together.


Lytron offers web design package that will give you a huge edge over your competitors. Our main purpose is for your website to get results in order to make money. That’s the bottom line. No businessman will spend money to make a website just for the sake of making a website. It’s important for the business to earn, and a website can help it.


How long do you think it’ll take a web design agency to put up a working website? How long do you have to wait in order for you to get your ROI or return of investment? We usually do it in less than a week. That’s a pretty good standard considering that all the marketing mix, MAPS, PPC, SMM and SEO are already functioning in a perfect blend.


We don’t only make websites. Everyone can do that. What’s important is for your business to earn money. It’s the easiest part if you want to put up an online company.  What’s important is that the web design company working with you can help your business grow. Growth is only possible if the website continues to call attention to itself. How do we do that?


You know a lot about your business, and that’s a good thing. What we do is make it competitive online. Our SEO experts will help you sell your products online. Our experts will work with you and your people closely, giving advice on how to point your business in the right direction. You don’t have to be concerned about huge expenses since we have very affordable prices.


We can build you user friendly website that will keep visitors coming to your website. Our team will also help maintain the website to keep it up to date such as supplying it with new web content twice a week or every week depending on your preference. The secret to online business success is to keep your contents, graphic designs and links fresh and working. Your website should be dynamic.


It’s difficult to maintain customer interest if every time they come back to your website they find the same things. The changes that we’re talking about are not just for the sake of making changes, but they should reflect new development in your products, the changing mood of the buyers, and what the competitors are doing.


You Don’t Have to Watch On the Sidelines – sites in social media


Putting your websites on social media will really boost your customer visits. What’s more: your customers can access your website from mobiles.


If you want to be in the thick of business here in Fort Lauderdale, don’t take any chances. Work with top rated web design Fort Lauderdale , and that’s us: “Lytron Lead Generation”. Your chances of success are more assured with us. We don’t perform  miracles. We’re just a hard working team, giving you the results according to your expectations. Our magic wands are our pencils and our magic spell is Lytron. You will have all the opportunities to grow with us.


Call us or send us an email right now for free consultations. Don’t wait until later.

Don’t Get Hooked With Unlawful SEO Practices, They’re Bad News

Tips to Increase Your Internet Traffic

Lytron  is willing to walk the miles with you to your success 


To be always on the safe side with Google, you should always follow what’s lawful and legal according to their guidelines. If you happen to wander away from it you’d be punished by deleting your website from their search engine. Using Black hat techniques will earn you their undivided attention and before you can count to 3, you’re out from Google, together with your products and investment.


It’s really frustrating that after several months your business isn’t going anywhere. So you hire professionals to manage your SEO efforts with hopes of getting out of the hole that you’re in right now. You wanted to do everything, including your SEO and despite your best efforts your business seems to stagnate like a sailboat in the middle of the sea without a breeze to propel it forward.


SEO Fort Lauderdale


You told the SEO experts you wanted to hire that you want fast results no matter what. They won’t play it the way you want it so you went around surfing the internet looking for those who advertised for quick fix schemes. Their ideas suit you fine. You believe that the they have the solution to your problems. So they told you to buy backlinks, stuffed your web contents with key words. It doesn’t help that you paste your web contents which you subscribed from other writers.


Then the spider crawled over your website and started indexing it. You had high hopes that what your online business now is on its way to page one in SERP any day now. It may take a while before you’re going to get caught, but it doesn’t really matter. The illegal maneuvers you’ve been using don’t work anyway. Your online business is still inhaling the dusts from your competitors and you’re getting frustrated much more.


Get your business on the proper footing. Team up with SEO agency that’s well versed with white hat practices. Don’t take unnecessary risk. Your present predicament is not permanent. All you have to do is associate yourself with experts who follow the Google algorithms and you will succeed without any doubt. It’s not going to be quick but it’s going to come sooner than if you do it yourself.


You may not have heard about off age SEO practices. These practices are separate from what you do on your website.  A lot of internet business owners are you using these techniques which are very effective in increasing their ranking higher. Out “Lytron Lead Generation” agency has been actively engaging in this type of activity and so far we’ve been getting very encouraging results.



Our entry into social networking sites is helping our customers experience success. We are also into blogging. In fact, our blogs have helped a lot in bringing more awareness to our clients’ products.  We are planning more activities such as forum marketing and directory submission.


We’re working hard to provide our customers the right way to success. You can benefit from what we’re doing now or you can continue with your haphazard ways. It’s your choice whether you follow the rules and succeed or get booted out of Google one of these days.


Call us now and let our SEO Fort Lauderdale experts help you find the road to success. You need all the help you can in order to succeed and we are willing to walk all the way and go along with you to your success.

The Many Aspects Of Web Design That Only Professionals Can Achieve!

Your Business

Lytron is the best Web Design Fort Lauderdale that will help you earn money and make profits


We at “Lytron Lead Generation” are always finding ways how to use highly innovative approach in dealing with your web design. Our main task is for your customers to be aware of your products and call attention to them by making them highly relevant with our expertly made web designs. Web design should be used in promoting your products more than your website.


What I mean is that your website should be used effectively in promoting your product. Your website should be given ample attention, but it should only be second to your product. It’s a case of calling attention to the packing forgetting to extol what’s inside it. It helps if your web design is really attracting customers to your website but it should not be the center of attraction but your products. This is where you get confused. You will be surprised that you have a lot of customer visitations, but very low conversion rate.


“Lytron Lead Generation” would like to help you solve this problem just like we helped all our customers.


Doing the web design by yourself will help you save on expenses, but it’s also highly possible that you will miss a lot of the important details. You may spend less on web design, but you will also earn less. Your investment in web design isn’t a misplaced expense. It will serve you will in the long run. We at “Lytron Lead Generation ” was able to turn our customer’s expense to a lot of profit for them. The less you then invest, the lower your income will be.


Web design has many aspects in it. The banners, graphics, illustrations and other aspect of web designs should be done with an expert touch. Professionals like us at Web Design Fort Lauderdale of “Lytron Lead Generation” can do it better. Again, you may try to do it on your own, but still you need professional guidance to compete effectively.


“Lytron Lead Generation” also offers a host of other services that will make your online business highly competitive. Our expertise in creating online brochures may help to create more awareness of your products. These are highly impressive and attention grabbers and will improve your product’s suitability.


Highly creative web contents and web management are included in our offerings. These are just a few of what we can contribute to your ultimate success. Yes, there are more to web design than what online businessmen can ever hope to know. Yet you don’t have really to concern about them, but rather spend more time on concentrating on running your business while we take care of your website.


Call us at “Lytron Lead Generation” and we will send our Web Design Fort Lauderdale representative to talk to you.


Give your online business an opportunity to make money for you and make your life better. We will work with as partners. Doing it alone is a hard way of doing it. You need friends to keep things moving in the right direction, and we are your friends.

We’ll Help You Sell Your Products with Outstanding Results

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“Lytron Lead Generation” knows what you need is profits and we can deliver them  without any difficulty.


Online business is booming. This is because it’s easier to do it and it entails less expense. If you have the website and the products to sell, then you have something to go on. All you have to do is create a website and install it in a search engine and you’re ready to go. Is that really all there is to it? To fully comprehend the seriousness of the business you can visit and look how your competitors’ websites look like. Compare them with your own. How do your own website measures up to them? Will you visit your own website and buy your products when compared to the others. The reality of the business doesn’t hit you if don’t measure up your own against your competitors. I’m sure their websites look much better and they are more functional. If you want to get into business and make money, you need professionals to help you.



Online business competition is being fought not only between you against your rivals, but also between your web designers and theirs. In real business, the ads have a lot to do with winning customers. The presentation and the frequency of the ads will help a lot in bringing awareness to buyers what your products are and why they’re better than the others. The same thing is being done in online business. The ability of your web designers in keeping your website in high profile and how they address the customers’ needs will help a lot in convincing visitors to become buying customers. In this connection, let us evaluate your business needs for free.



We can arrange meetings with you and discuss the best direction where you want your business is heading to. You can only reach your intended goal if you work with highly experienced professionals. Any web designers can call themselves professionals. However, what is their skill rating, how long have they been in business, how many customers they have been serving and how successful the outcomes are? Our “Lytron Lead Generation” staff has worked with hundreds of customers and our success rate is very high compared to others. We’d like to invite you to visit our website and see what we can do.



If you’re looking for the #1 Web Design Boca Raton, “Lytron Lead Generation” is your best alternative. You won’t find a better deal than what we can offer you. You will have first class graphic designs, high customer interaction and conversion rate, which are second to none. What your website really needs is something that will work; something that the customers will find satisfactory. Satisfaction breeds trust and trust means more sales and more sales means more profits. Isn’t that what online business is all about? It’s going down to brass tacks without being rude, but being down to earth. Our “Lytron Lead Generation” experts have been in competition with other web design agencies and we always come out on top. You will be amazed by the how diverse our customers’ business interests are and how we manage to provide them what they’re looking for.