Geo-Specific Keywords Can Instantly Build Traffic

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One small change to your digital marketing strategy can instantly transform your online ads from passive to highly active. All you need to do is to add geo-specific keywords to your online content.

What do we mean by “geo-specific”? Simply where geographically you are targeting customers for your business. Add a few simple keywords such as a town, a neighborhood, or even a street tell Google and other search engines to point prospective customers in that specific geographic area toward your business.

Hyper Local

For example, let’s say you own a body shop in the Banksville neighborhood of Pittsburgh. If you post online ads, blog posts, and other digital content related to your business and never mention where you are located, the search engine algorithms will simply point your content at global customers — both literally and figuratively. But if you focus on keywords like “Pittsburgh auto body shop”, your content is more likely to turn up on the phones, tablets, and laptops of people in Pittsburgh.

But there are probably hundreds of body shops in Pittsburgh. So by making your keywords even more geo-specific — such as “Banksville body shop” — you can narrow the search down even further Now you are competing now with dozens, but with only a handful of other local body shops for the attention of people in your hyper-local area.

Lytron Web Design

The smaller the size of the competitors, the more likely people are to choose your business. Using geo-specific keywords can narrow down the search and bring more people who are actively looking for exactly the kind of products or services you provide in your specific area.

Lytron Web Design can then optimize your content even further so that people will choose your business over everybody else. Let’s work together to get your business at the top of the search engines that drive digital marketing.

Where Should You Promote Your Website?


Even if your business has the greatest website ever built, it’s not doing any good unless people are looking at it. So web design is only half the battle. The other half is web promotion.


In order to attract the most visitors, your website should be promoted in both the virtual world and in the real world.


Where Should You Promote Your Website? Online Marketing


By this point, there have been volumes written about how to promote your website online. These types of online marketing can include search engine optimization, keywords, and both free and paid online ads.


The benefit to online marketing is that a little work or a small investment can go global. For example, promoting your website on a friend’s Facebook account or cross-marketing on your social media platforms can provide

exponential exposure.


Where Should You Promote Your Website? Real World Marketing


But marketing in the virtual world isn’t enough. In order to maximize the number of visitors to your web pages, it’s important that you promote it in the real world as well.


This can include such simple things as including your website address on all of your correspondence, including emails and direct mail marketing. But you also should be creative in looking for every opportunity to get your web address out in front of the public, such as putting it on banners, signs, or even balloons or t-shirts.


In fact, anything tangible that you can give to somebody has more value than simply posting your website somewhere. It’s practically impossible for people to remember all the web addresses they see every day. But if you can give them something they can take with them and refer back to later, they are going to be more likely to actually visit your web page.


Getting the most visitors to your Website requires both virtual and real-world marketing efforts.

Google Ads Industry Benchmarks

3 Simple Steps To Attracting The Best Clients

As marketing analysts we’re constantly thinking about the most optimal way to target our potential customers. With so many metrics to keep tabs on, figuring out whether or not you’re getting it right is often easier said than done.

To help shed some light on the situation, the folks at WordStream released a detailed new study on Google Ads industry metrics. The study reveals a ton of helpful industry-specific benchmarks for both search and display ads, including average clickthrough rate (CTR), average cost-per-click (CPC), average conversion rate (CVR), and average cost-per-action (CPA).


Google Ads Industry Benchmarks – Average Conversion Rate



Google Ads Industry Benchmarks – Average Click Through Rate

Ctr-By-Industry-Table Google Ads Industry Benchmarks

3 Types of Online Marketing You Need to Be Using Right Now

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Most business owners today understand that many of their customers have migrated to the Internet and use their smartphones and tablets to do most of their shopping.


Yet many continue to pour cash into traditional marketing platforms that yield lesser and lesser results. These include buying ads in newspapers, TV commercials, billboards, and other 20th Century platforms that don’t attract 21st Century consumers.


If you aren’t using online marketing to promote your business and products, you definitely should be. Here are three types of online marketing you need to know about — and invest in — right now.


Marketing  – SEO


Search engine optimization describes techniques used to boost your websites ranking on search engines like Google and all the others. One of the biggest benefits of SEO is that most of it is free to do, yet can yield you enormous results.


When the link to your website is listed at the top of the search results for the keywords that describe your business or products, you can expect an avalanche of new web-based customers.




Pay-per-Click (PPC) are those little ads that appear in the margins of the websites and pages you visit online. The biggest benefit of this type of online marketing is that you only have to pay when somebody clicks through from the ad to your website.


That means you are already likely to make a sale which can help pay for the PPC ad: Win/win!


Marketing – Blogging 


Blogging isn’t marketing. It’s writing, right? Yes and no.


Posting blogs can help promote your business directly. But it also can help retain existing customers longer by providing them with useful content. People will come back to your blog over and over again if you keep them entertained and informed, building customer loyalty at the same time.


If you aren’t using these three types of online marketing — as well as others like social media, contextual marketing, and others — you should consider starting right away.