Collaboration Is the Key to New Innovations

girl working on a laptop at a restaurant YH4VF7R Easy

The traditional “top-down” business model in which executives or ownership make all the decisions and those on the organization’s lower rungs implement them is dead.


Today, for businesses to succeed they need innovative, fresh, new ideas. No matter how creative your upper-level management is, you’re going to need to depend on other people. You’re going to need to collaborate.


An “Open Ideas” Policy


The people who know best about how to improve the products or services your business offers typically are the ones on the front lines. It’s critical that ideas be harvested from line-level employees.


They are the ones dealing directly with customers, clients, vendors, and other people important to your business. So they are the ones most likely to know the best ways to improve your business, its operations, its products, or its services.


Innovative organizations need a constant flow of new ideas. Implementing an “open ideas” policy in which any employee is empowered to offer suggestions on ways the business could improve without fear of reprisal or embarrassment is key.


Collaboration Is the Key to New Innovations –  Rewarding Creativity


Your workers will be less likely to keep their great ideas to themselves if you offer to reward or recognize them for their contribution to your business’s success.


Some companies have implemented a “Big Ideas” program in which any employee can make recommendations on ways to improve products, services, or anything having to do with the way the organization is run.


Under this type of program, if the employee’s “Big Idea” is implemented and results in an increase in profits, a reduction in expenses, or more efficiencies, they can share in the benefits in the form of a bonus. Or they might simply be recognized publicly for their contribution to the company’s success.


In either case, soliciting ideas from every member of the team then rewarding and/or recognizing their contribution is one of the most effective forms of collaboration.

Inspire Creativity with Your Workspace

busy programmer typing on laptop in office UQVLJPC Easy

Having a workstation that promotes creativity and success is important if you have a job in which creative thinking skills are important, such as a graphic designer or web design professional.


But regardless of your job, most people spend a lot of time at work, so you might as well have an environment that is comfortable and puts you in a good mood so you can be more productive.


Get Some Boxes


Start transforming your workstation by getting a few storage boxes you can use to organize your office and clear out the clutter.


Buy plastic or cardboard boxes at any office supply or home improvement store or get some boxes for free from your local grocery store or other retail business.


Get Rid of the Clutter


The first step is to clean everything off the surface of your desk, other than your computer and telephone. As you are removing each item, ask yourself this question: “Have I touched this particular report/paperwork/other type of clutter in the past week?” If the answer is “yes”, put it into one pile. If the answer is “no”, put it into another.


Most of the items in your “no” pile can be stored away or thrown out. This is especially true if they are printed duplicates of reports or paperwork you already have stored in your computer or can access online.


The majority of the items in your “yes” pile also can be stored or tossed. Unless a particular report or paperwork or other item is something you absolutely need to have access to today, right now, then it has no business being on your desk.


Lighting Your Way


Lighting is an area that is often overlooked but actually can have a profound effect on both the appearance and productivity of your workspace.


You should have two separate sources of light into your room: One from an overhead lighting fixture — or, even better, from a natural light sources such as a window —  and the second should come from a task light.


 Have a Focal Point


Having a focal point in your workspace directs your attention so that you can more easily keep on task. For many people, this is the laptop or PC at your workstation, but it also can be something like a calendar, a to-do list or something else that keeps you on track.