Business Rebranding with Lytron Web Design

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20 Years Lytron 1

Sometimes businesses need to hit the “refresh” button. Perhaps they’ve suffered a setback such as a lawsuit or recall. Or maybe they have hit a plateau or are even starting to show a loss. Whatever the reason, even the biggest companies sometimes have to start over with a rebrand.

Putting a new face on your business can help rejuvenate it, even after a tough period. New logos, new messaging, and newly designed websites can help present your existing business as something entirely fresh and exciting, allowing you to instill confidence among your existing customers while attracting an entirely new generation of future ones.


Rebranding is when you take all of the time and effort you have invested in your business up until now and reframe and refresh it so that people see it in an entirely different light. From the moment they click on your website, they have a new and exciting experience that instills new interest in the products and/or services you offer.

Lytron Web Design can help you plan and execute the rebranding of your business so that you can regain your past successes plus look forward to new ones. Our team of experienced, professional web designers have the ideas, knowledge, and tools to make everything that’s great about your business look brand new again.

Lytron Web Design

Sometimes businesses need to be refreshed. At Lytron Web Design, we have some great ideas about how to get people interested in your business again. Our team of web designers have helped dozens of companies refresh and restore their websites in new and exciting ways.

Get people excited about your business again. With Lytron Web Design, we can help you recapture that “lighting in a bottle” that inspired you to go into business in the first place.

People Want Reassurance Before Giving Personal Information

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We have all heard horror stories about people who have had their identities stolen, their computers hacked, or their bank accounts emptied by unscrupulous thieves. As a result, we are all extra cautious when interacting online, especially with new businesses.

Yet it’s important for small businesses to collect information about new customers so they can tailor future marketing campaigns to individual preferences. Knowing things like people’s names, addresses, and even their birthday and buying habits is invaluable for your business’s ongoing relationship with that customer.

That’s why it’s critically important that you build trust with your site visitors by prominently including the following phrase: “We will never share your personal information with anybody else.”

Trust Bonds

Your customers want to feel as if they can trust your business. The fact that they have landed on your web page in the first place indicates that they have at least a passing interest in the types of products or services your business offers. To click through to the “Buy” action, they need to feel as if they can rely on your business’s reputation for fairness, honesty, and transparency.

As such, they need to know that if they give you something of value — in this case, their personal information — you are going to treat it with the respect that it deserves. They want to feel as if they can rely on you not to sell it to a third party or use it for anything other than to do business with them. That’s why it’s so important to reassure your site visitors that you will treat their personal data with integrity, responsibility, and honesty.


Where to include this all-important phrase will depend on the overall design of your specific web page. But typically it should be prominently featured somewhere near the spaces allocated for collecting personal information.

At Lytron Strategic, we know how to build websites that build trust with your customers.



Why ‘Right Now’ Is Critical to Your Success

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Pexels Photo 1036622There may never be a moment more important to the success of your business than right now. While you could say that for practically any time, it’s actually true, well, right now.

There are a number of factors all converging that make right now the perfect opportunity for expanding the size and scope of your business. Some have to do with technology, some with the current social situation, and some with the recent past. But all together, they add up to a once-in-a-lifetime chance to grow and grow big … right now.

Opportunity Factors

First, let’s talk about technology. Communities around the country and even the globe are converting to 5G capability. While what that means in terms of technology may be complicated, the simple meaning is that phones, laptops, and computers are now faster than ever, able to handle bigger files, and can stream practically unlimited video seamlessly and constantly.

Second, the world is emerging from a once-in-a-century global pandemic. People who have been locked in their homes for 15+ months are now emerging with money to spend and a desire to try new things.

Finally, the economic consequences of the pandemic were enormous. Many businesses were not able to survive the shutdown. But many of those that did now find themselves with far less competition and a lot higher demand for their products and services.

The Bottom Line

The confluence of all these circumstances means your business is poised to have its greatest success ever — as long as you have the tools and strategy to take advantage of the situation.

Lytron Design is committed to growing your business through digital marketing, brand management, website development, and other strategies that allow you to take full advantage of this rare opportunity to grow your business.

There literally has never been a greater time for your business than right now. Let Lytron Design help you make the most of the moment.

What Does Your ‘Brand’ Mean to People?

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Logo 05Your brand is how people perceive your business. If it’s positive, clear, and easily absorbed, your branding can practically sell your products and services on its own. But when your brand is neutral or even negative, confusing, and difficult for people to easily grasp, it actually can be counterproductive to your business.

Branding is important because it’s how people understand your business, not just your customers. In fact, people besides your customers are more important to your business because they represent your potential market share, not your actual market share. So developing branding that can instantly and positively be grasped by people is essential to the success of your business.

What Is a Brand?

A brand is more than just a logo, a catchphrase, or even the quality of your products or services, although all those things go into it. Your brand is the idea of your company. It’s how people think about your business.

Consider the branding of some of the world’s most successful companies. Brands like Microsoft, Disney, Starbucks, and Ford work because people understand them. They may not know all of the individual products or services each business offers, but they immediately and positively respond to their branding.

These companies have developed successful branding not just by offering top-quality products and/or services through the years. They have focused on branding messages in everything they do, from advertising to logo development to the way their employees behave when interacting with customers and clients.

Your Brand

The brand you choose for your business will determine your ultimate success or failure. Consequently, branding isn’t something that should come as an afterthought. Instead, it should be the starting point in creating every level of marketing for your company.

Don’t leave branding to amateurs. Lytron Design has been helping small businesses just like yours create effective, emotionally bonding branding that can attract new customers and grow your business’s reputation.

Great Logos Build Genuine Connections

web design software

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7 Things to Do During Coronavirus Downtime

7 Things to Do During Coronavirus Downtime

If your business is shut down fully or partially as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay busy. Use the downtime productively by taking steps to prepare your business for potential growth after the national emergency is over.


If you are a small business owner, you can’t afford to stay home during the crisis even if your doors are temporarily closed. There are still plenty of things you can do to keep in touch with customers, reorganize or restructure your business, or even prepare a complete overhaul of your branding and marketing.


7 Things to Do During Coronavirus Downtime – Here are 7 things to keep you productively busy until the crisis has past and business can return to normal.


  1. Conduct a Deep Cleaning of Your Business


Lots of business owners plan someday to give their store, warehouse, or office a complete top to bottom cleaning. Well, that someday has arrived.


Take advantage of having no customers, no employees, and no people in your business to give it the deep cleaning you have always dreamed of doing. You now have plenty of time (and no excuses) to roll up your sleeves and get to work scrubbing, organizing, and preparing your business for its eventual reopening.


Online businesses may not have physical spaces to clean, but owners can still clean out files, reorganize customer lists, and even scroll through all of their old smartphone contacts to find new leads and opportunities.


  1. Stop Doing Normal Marketing


If you haven’t done it already, now is the time to stop your routine marketing. You can’t effectively promote sales or look for new prospects if your doors are shuttered. Pause your scheduled Tweets and Facebook posts. They could be confusing or even offensive to readers dealing with life and death issues.


Instead, pivot to crisis-era marketing. For example, if you are in a travel-related industry you can focus on helping people reschedule their plans or get refunds for cancellations of bookings. Look for ways to connect with customers in meaningful, helpful ways. Let people know what you are doing to help.


Because you have more downtime, now is also the time to focus on developing those marketing or branding projects that you have filed away for later.


  1. Revisit and Rework Existing Content


Go back and make all the content you have out there already work harder for you. For example, if you have been posting blogs about your business and industry, go back and rewrite them so that they have better SEO optimization.


Change keywords in all of your postings so they attract more Google hits and position those better keywords so they are more attractive to search engines.


You can also recycle old Tweets and Facebook posts by giving them updated art or a quick rewrite. File them away for future use after the crisis is over.


  1. Redo Your Marketing Materials


If you have brochures, catalogues, or other materials related to your products or services, now might be a good time to take a fresh look at them – especially if you haven’t updated them in years. This includes both physical and digital marketing materials.


For example, revisit your business description on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Update your LinkedIn bio. Refresh the fact sheet you normally pass out at conventions or trade shows. Use your downtime to make your old marketing materials new and fresh again.


  1. 7 Things to Do During Coronavirus Downtime – Revamp Your Website


For any business, keeping your website up and running is literally money in the bank. So, doing anything disruptive like routine maintenance or scheduled updates can be costly during peak business times. But not right now.


Take advantage of this time by doing all the scheduled updates, maintenance, and rewrites to your website that you have planned for the next year. It could even be a great time to rethink your business website altogether so that when customers return in the future, they find a refreshed, reworked, and completely redone website for your business.


  1. 7 Things to Do During Coronavirus Downtime – Organize Your Resources


Use the time you have now to do all the time-consuming, boring tasks you (hopefully) won’t have time for late. This includes things like going through all the photos in your phone or on your laptop and organizing them into categories. Or adding descriptive tags to all your blog posts so they can be easily accessed by category.


  1.  Rebrand Your Business


For some businesses, a shutdown that lasts weeks or even months can be the end of the line. For others, it can be a time of rebirth and renewal.


Make use of this unexpected opportunity to completely rebrand your business. Develop new approaches for attracting customers. Enlist the help of seasoned experts to position your business for success once the crisis is over. Draw up new strategies for growing your customer base, market share, and even product offerings.


The worst thing you can do for your business during this global health crisis is to do nothing. Use the time productively to support your business, inform your customers, and restructure your brand so that your business can emerge healthier, stronger, and better.





In the Midst of Crisis, Check in with Customers

In the Midst of Crisis Check in with Customers

Many businesses have been closed for weeks. There have been no customers, no sales, and in many communities there’s no end in sight.


Keeping your business running during the COVID-19 global pandemic is probably a moot point at this point. Unless you are in an industry that has been designated an “essential business” – such as a doctor’s office, a grocery store, or even an auto mechanic – you probably are planning for the future rather than focusing on the present.


The problem is that your customers have short attention spans. When business returns to normal in a few weeks or possibly months, inevitably their habits will have changed. Maybe they have turned to other providers for the products or services you offer. Or perhaps they have grown accustomed to doing without altogether, especially in these uncertain economic times.


So, what can you do to keep connected with your customers throughout this downtime and gently remind them that your business exists and serves an essential need in their lives? Here are a few ideas.


In the Midst of Crisis Check in with Customers – Be Empathetic


If you have been avoiding the TV or radio in recent days – and, honestly, who could blame you? – you probably haven’t noticed that advertisers have shifted gears. Gone are the blaring, pushy ads that urge viewers to visit stores or buy products or services.


Instead, the airwaves are filled with gentle, sympathetic commercials that let viewers know that the advertiser understands what their customers are going through and want to help in any way they can. Usually, they end with a statement such as “We’re all in this together” or “When this is all over, we will be stronger”.


It’s time for your business to share a similar message of support and empathy with your customers. Even if your doors are closed and you aren’t planning on offering products or services in the short-term future, you can still build trust bonds with your customers by letting them know that you are thinking of them, that you sympathize with their plight, and that you are even sharing in their pain.


In the Midst of Crisis Check in with Customers – Share Your Actions


People want good news right now. In fact, they need it. With the news filled with stories about illness, death, and an uncertain future, most people simply want to be reassured that everything eventually is going to be all right. And that in the meantime, the community is rallying together to take care of each other


Right now, it’s a good idea to get on social media and share accounts of what you are doing to help people – either your employees or people in the community, or both:

  • Have you allowed your people to work from home?
  • Did you break into your “rainy day fund” to offer financial support for workers who have been furloughed?
  • Are you helping people you have had to lay off to find local resources where they can file for unemployment, get needed food and supplies, and seek health care if they need it?
  • Have you donated much-needed supplies such as masks or gloves to health care workers on the front line of the battle?

It’s important to help your employees and people in your community, but it’s equally critical that you let people know what you are doing.


Informing your customer that you are helping people during this crisis reinforces your reputation as a positive influence in your community. And it offers a glimmer of hope and good news that people are so desperately seeking.


In the Midst of Crisis Check in with Customers -Be Available


Finally, your customers are going to have questions: When will you reopen? Can they still get your products or services now even on a limited basis? Do you have a timetable to return to normal operations?


If you have sent everybody home, there’s probably nobody left to answer the phone. Yet the worst thing that can happen to a business that is struggling to stay relevant is to be completely inaccessible to its customers. An unanswered phone or answering machine sends the wrong message to people actively seeking to connect with your business.


If you can’t go into the office, forward the phones to your home or your smartphone so you can take whatever calls are still coming in. Divert online text messages and emails to your personal accounts so you can instantly respond to inquiries. Visit your social media sites such as your business’s Facebook page or Instagram account frequently – at least a couple of times per day — so you can personally respond to postings quickly.


This crisis won’t last forever. Eventually life will return to normal. Your job as a business owner right now is to keep engaging with your customers so they remain loyal to your business.





COVID-19 Crisis Prompts Drastic Measures

COVID 19 Crisis Prompts Drastic Measures

The coronavirus crisis has profoundly affected businesses worldwide. From the smallest one-person digital startup to the biggest corporations in the world, business leaders right now are making make-or-break decisions to ensure their survival.


In many places, businesses are shut down by government order. Even those that remain open are dealing with the fallout from the crisis. People are starting to realize that the global effects of coronavirus are long-term, not short-term. Many have stopped buying things they don’t need and instead are panic-buying essentials like canned food, toilet paper, and medicine.


At this point, serious questions need to be considered by business owners:


  • Can you afford to wait out the crisis even if it lasts two months or longer with dramatically reduced income?
  • Should you continue to pay vendors, landlords, and bank loans or risk having your credit damaged through late payments or even defaults?
  • What can you do to protect your employees while still making smart decision for your business?
  • How can you effectively market your business in a global environment of anxiety, despair, and panic?


These are serious questions for serious times. And the answers you come up with are bound to affect your business for years to come.


Future Outlook


In times of crisis, business owners need to face the hard numbers:


  • How much cash do they have on hand?
  • How much income can they realistically expect?
  • How long can they hold off creditors?
  • What are their anticipated expenses and what can be cut?


Running the numbers offers a sober reality about how long you can expect to keep your business running.


The first thing many business owners need to do is to learn more about their options for maintaining their cash flow. Contact your bank, your landlord, and your loan manager to discuss options for temporarily suspending payments.


Look into what government programs are available to ease the pain of the COVID-19 drop off. In the US, lawmakers recently approved a $2 Trillion aid package that includes billions for low- or no-interest small business loans. Make sure you are the first in line for any aid for which your business qualifies.


If you do have cash on hand or other capital, consider stocking up on necessary items or investing while prices are still low. Sooner or later the market is going to rise and when it does, prices will too. If you can get ahead of the curve now, it might be a smart business decision.


COVID-19 – The Employee Dilemma


All business owners want to take care of their employees. But if there is no income, it’s difficult if not impossible to keep paying people.


The best thing you can do right now is to have a plan and communicate it to your workers as best you can.


If you haven’t already allowed people to work from home and it doesn’t disrupt the flow of your business, do it now. Protecting people’s health by limiting their exposure to each other and the virus must be your top priority.


If people must come into work, implement a plan to regularly clean and disinfect any surface people might touch. Allocate latex gloves, face masks, and any other personal protective equipment that you can get our hands on. Enforce social distancing recommendations.


Be transparent about what you are doing to protect people’s jobs. Your workers will be loyal to your business if they know you are doing everything in your power to take care of them.


If you must lay off workers, make sure to stay in touch with them regularly and provide updates on when they can expect to return to work. If you can afford to keep paying them, if only for a short time, the goodwill may be a good investment in your business’s future.


Make available information about unemployment benefits, food distribution, and other government and charitable aid that can help them get through until they can come back to work. And be human: Check in regularly with your people often to see how they are doing.


COVID-19 – Marketing Choices


Thanks to social distancing, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are enjoying some of their highest traffic volumes ever. But their ad revenues are shrinking because companies don’t want to advertise products people aren’t buying right now.


Spend your marketing dollars wisely. Rather than buying expensive ads, shift your focus to things like email blasts to customers that inform them what your business is doing to help the community. Stay active on social media, providing updates about things like business hour changes, store closures, and product availability.


Take steps to make your business as accessible as possible to customers, even if you have to shut down temporarily.


A lot of Main Street small businesses that have shut down have posted signs in their windows informing customers that they are closed but don’t offer any way of contacting them to find out when they are reopening. Get your phone number email address, and social media contacts out there so you can continue to interact with people.


Serve Your Community


Finally, do everything you can to take care of the people in your community, even if it doesn’t directly benefit your business’s bottom line. Crisis like this are a test of people’s character. So the choices you make now will affect the way people see you and your business once all of this is over.


Remember, for many people this literally is a fight for survival. We are all in this together. Be a good citizen, make the best decisions for people, and serve your community first. Be a good person and the rewards will follow later.

What Can You Do to Help?

What Can You Do to Help

After the COVID-19 global pandemic is over, businesses will be judged by what actions they took in the time of crisis to help other people.


Did they take care of their employees who were suddenly left without a regular income? Did they contribute to the welfare of their customers who were filled with anxiety and uncertainty? Did they give back to their community, especially the first responders, medical professionals, and others on the front lines of the crisis?


The actions you as a business owner take now will likely determine whether your business makes it or not after the crisis is over. A national emergency is a test of character for individuals and organizations alike.


It also offers you a rare opportunity to step up and do something heroic.


Fight for Survival


People’s instinctive, natural first response to any type of danger is to hide and wait until it is passed. During this crisis, this may be acceptable and even recommended for individuals, but not for small business owners.


Instead, people who own their own businesses find themselves in a fight for survival. Nobody could have anticipated that the coronavirus crisis was going to essentially shut down most non-essential businesses for an extended, undetermined amount of time. Even if you had known, would it have been possible to take steps to do anything to keep your business going? Probably not.


Instead, business owners are now charged with finding long-term solutions to what hopefully will be a short-term shut down. Here are a couple of suggestions.


Be an Essential Business


In California, New York, Illinois, and other places hit hardest by the virus, officials have ordered that any non-essential business be shut down until the crisis has passed. For the owners of these businesses, this likely will be disastrous. Most small business owners don’t have the capital to keep going with little or no income for even a few weeks, let alone an open-ended period that possibly could last months.


That’s why it’s important that you get your business declared an essential business by any means necessary. Right now, there is no clear definition and much confusion about what does and does not constitute an essential business. Governments have never had to make these determinations before. And there is no consistency from one jurisdiction to the next.


In Pennsylvania, for example, all liquor stores were ordered closed by the state governor. But in Illinois, they remain open. In some states were cannabis has been legalized, dispensaries were ordered closed. But in others, recreational marijuana is considered an essential business.


Where there is confusion lies opportunity. Get on the phone with whoever the decision maker is and explain why your business is essential. Call your attorney and ask what suggestions they have. Contact competitors and bond together to save your industry. Find out if similar businesses are remaining open in other states or jurisdictions and use that as justification for keeping yours open.


Staying in business even with limited sales and possibly no staff is better than closing your business altogether because you may never be able to reopen.


Publicize Your Actions


News organizations always have huge news holes to fill. But since the COVID-19 crisis began, there has been a profound lack of good news to report. So news outlets are desperate for something, anything, that is positive.


Newspapers, TV station, even national news organizations see it as part of their mission to their viewers and readers hope. They literally need news to balance out all the bad news. So, give it to them.


The first step is figuring out what you can do to help your community.:

  • Can you afford to keep paying your employees even for a few weeks?
  • Do you have supplies you can contribute to medical caregivers such as masks or equipment?
  • Can you temporarily retool your production line to accommodate the most urgent needs?
  • Can you coordinate volunteers to sew masks or deliver food to people trapped in quarantine?

Do something, anything that will help people. Then tell people about it.


Nobody is going to criticize you for helping other people. In fact, it will frame your business as heroic in a time of crisis. Not only will this help your community in the short run, but it will improve your business’s reputation and possibly help you survive in the long run.


Pay Attention to Recovery Programs


Finally, local, state and federal governments are scrambling to find ways to rescue the economy. This likely will take the form of direct payments to taxpayers, bailouts to big industries like airlines or banks, and low-interest or interest-free loans to small businesses.


This type of funding likely will be critical to saving your business. So, it’s imperative that you pay attention to what’s available and be the first in line for what you qualify for.


There won’t be a never-ending flow of free money. It almost certainly will be short-lived and on a first-come, first-served basis. So be diligent and take advantage of what is available.


For small businesses, the coming weeks and months are going to be a fight for survival. The steps you take now will determine whether or not your business is going to make it.


Keep Communicating with Your Customers


All across America, many businesses are temporarily closed. For small business owners, the challenge today is maintaining their connections with their customers even if they don’t have products or services they can offer currently or in the short-term future.


It is imperative that businesses continue to communicate with their customers throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Although nobody knows when life will return to normal, eventually it will. And when it does, you want to make sure people still feel connected to your business.


Digital Marketing


One benefit of the coronavirus crisis is that many businesses have a captive audience. Most people are stuck at home. And for the time being, at least, they have little else to do but look at their social media, read their emails, and scroll through their text messages.


That creates the ideal opportunity for small businesses to remind their customers that they exist. If you are still offering products and services – even if it is in a modified form – tell people about it.


Many retail businesses including restaurants and even bars have pivoted to pickup and delivery as a way of keeping their cash flow alive. But people aren’t going to order from you if they don’t know you are open.


And if you are temporarily shuttered, it’s still valuable to keep communicating with your customers.


Most small businesses need to be communicating with both existing and potential customers on a daily or near-daily basis through Facebook posts, Instagram stories, Twitter Tweets, emails blasts, text strings, and any other digital marketing opportunity that exists.


Have Something to Say


Before the crisis, you probably used your digital marketing platforms to let customers know about offers and promotions, special pricing, sales items, and other information.


For many small businesses today, however, this information is no longer relevant. For the next few weeks, instead you need to come up with something else to say about your business.


One of the best things you can do is to let people know what you are doing to contribute to the fight against the virus.


  • Have you made contributions of supplies or equipment to local hospitals or medical centers?
  • Are you continuing to pay your employees?
  • Have you volunteered your services to local government or relief efforst?
  • Are you volunteering at a local food bank or making cash contributions to the Red Cross or other charities?


All of these things will have the dual benefit of creating a point of contact with your customers while simultaneously letting people know that you genuinely care about your community and are engaged with the efforts to help people affected by the crisis.


Remaining Actively Engaged


Another type of information you can promote through digital marketing is what you are doing while your business is closed. Are you bringing some employees back to do deep cleaning? Are you reorganizing your inventory? Are you drawing up plans for reopening?


Let people know what you are doing during the crisis. Parcel the information out so you have something to communicate daily. Look for new opportunities to share news and information that people can use.


Try to find ways to remain relevant to both your customers and the community at large so when things do return to normal people will feel as if you never went away.


Blog Posts and eBooks


If you haven’t already started a blog for your business, now might be a good time to start. Blogs are a fast, easy and affordable way to provide high-value content, something that is especially important to people who are temporarily trapped indoors and don’t have a lot else to do.


eBooks are another way to keep your business relevant. They are brief yet informative books containing relevant information about your business or topics related to your industry that can be distributed for free or given away as a way of drawing in new leads. And once they are written, you can use them again and again to build your business’s credibility and boost its reputation.


However you do it, it’s important that you keep giving your customers something that reminds them that your business exists. Sooner or later this crisis will end. And when it does, continual communication will help ease the seamless transition from crisis to normalcy.