Avoid These 8 Biggest Branding Mistakes

Avoid These 8 Biggest Branding Mistakes

You’ve built your brand. You’ve watched it grow. You have plans for its future. Nothing can stop you now, right? pause…


Reality Check: Most businesses fail. Even people with the clearest brands, the clearest visions, and the best reputations don’t make it.



Hate to burst your bubble. But you shouldn’t be living in a bubble anyway.


Don’t be fooled into thinking that a little success automatically translates into a bright, unlimited future. Just because you didn’t step into any of the early pitfalls doesn’t mean you are going to not have any setbacks.


You will. It’s a part of business.


The difference between a successful business owner and a loser is recognizing that every failure is an opportunity learn to be better.


You are going to make mistakes. But your mistakes should be your own. They shouldn’t be other people’s mistakes.


So give yourself a head start by avoiding these 8 biggest branding mistakes tons of other business owners have made countless times already.



Mistake 1 – Trusting the Wrong People


Your brand will be judged by the company you keep. And while you can control your actions and decisions, you can’t always control those of the people you choose to be partners with.


So it’s essential that you choose wisely. Don’t make decisions on who to bring on board to your brand lightly. Yes, you will need to hire outside help like consultants or marketing agencies. Yes, as you get bigger you will need to rely on other people to help you run the day to day.


But no, you shouldn’t trust everybody. Or even anybody without vetting them first.


And not just people, either. You need to worry about the other brands your brand is associated with as well. If you tie yourself to somebody else’s brand, you better make sure it’s not going to blow up in your face later.


So how can you protect yourself and your brand? By asking questions. Lots and lots of questions.


For example, when hiring an outside vendor, consider things like:


  • Do they understand my brand?
  • Do they have a track record of success helping brands like mine?
  • Are there any red flags I need to be aware of?


Even partnerships with other brands come with enormous risks. Trusting your gut is fine. But knowledge is power. Ask questions like:


  • Are their values consistent with mine?
  • What other partnerships do they have?
  • Would I choose their brand?


Don’t waste your time with people or other brands that you don’t believe in. If you are willing to put in the effort, then time is on your side.



Mistake 2 – Chasing Trends


Trends come and go. But successful business stick around for a long, long time.


If you are constantly chasing after the shiny new thing, then you are going to be constantly frustrated. That’s because the public is fickle. And what’s popular today probably isn’t going to be at the top of the Yahoo! Trending list in a week or two.


Instead, focus on your core beliefs rather than what’s popular. These are unlikely to change much over time. And when they define your business, you truly believe in them, and you can get people to put their genuine trust in them, they can ensure a longer-term success.



Mistake 3 – Being Afraid of Letting Go


Have you ever watched the TV show “Hoarders”? It features people who fill their homes and storage lockers with tons and tons of useless stuff they just can’t let go.


When it comes to running your business, don’t be a hoarder. Instead, learn to become comfortable with change. Let go of outdated or inefficient things that harm rather than help your business.


This includes people, systems, products, promotional campaigns, designs, content, logos, and anything else that doesn’t feed growth and profitability.


Inefficient brands live in the past. Successful brands live in the present and strive for a brighter future.



Mistake 4 – Making Bad Hires


We’ve written in the past about when and how to hire. At some point, growing your brand needs to become a bigger priority than running your day to day. That’s when you need to bring others on board.


But picking the wrong people can sabotage all the success you already have achieved and keep your brand from living up to its potential. That’s why it’s so important to schedule time, money, and resources to hiring the best people for the right positions.


Inevitably, there is going to be some turnover. Life is complicated.


But if you can find excellent people who genuinely believe in what you are doing, you can minimize the amount of time you spend replacing people and maximize the amount of time you focus on big picture branding growth.



Mistake 5 – Straying from Your Core Values


Okay, it’s a tricky world.


In order to attract new markets, you may need to consider new strategies for growth.


But these should never, never, never compromise the core values you established when you created your brand.


Stay true to your core values and people will trust in you.


But if you compromise your message just to attract new audiences, you invariably will lose the customers who are most loyal to you. And once they fall away, there’s usually no winning them back.



Mistake 6 – Brand Wandering


Similarly, you need to stay loyal to the brand you created. If you wander too far away from your successful brand, it’s going to alienate existing customers and drive off prospective new ones.


For example, what if Apple suddenly decided to get into the fast food business? How would the people who own iPhones and Macs think about the company if they started also selling tacos and cheeseburgers or milkshakes?


Apple is smart enough to know its core business is tech. And they have built that brand into a trillion-dollar business that serves passionate customers who are fiercely loyal.


So what’s your core brand?


Identify it and stick with it. And avoid new products or services that don’t align with your proven brand.


Mistake 7 – Taking Your Eye Off the Prize


If you’ve built a successful brand, it’s probably because you had a clear vision of where you wanted your business to go.


Don’t screw it up now!


Preparing for growth means always seeing the big picture. Once you lose sight of where you want to go, it’s difficult to recapture the magic that made your brand successful in the first place.


The business battlefield is littered with brands that took their eye off the prize.


Maybe they chose products or services that weren’t consistent with their core values in order to attract new markets. Or maybe they made bad hiring decisions and spent more time managing people than managing their own brand.


There are lots of distractions out there. As an effective brand manager, it’s your job to keep steering toward the successful goal you have set for yourself and your business.



Mistake 8 – Failing to Define Your Brand Standards


The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning.


The biggest branding mistake you make is failing to define your brand standards, your core values, in the first place.


You can’t build a successful brand without a firm foundation. And that’s one that’s based on a clear understanding of what you stand for.


You need to understand what your business is all about before you can move forward. Failing to do that is going to undermine every step you take as you build your brand:


  • You won’t be able to differentiate what’s good or bad for your brand
  • You can’t hire people whose values are consistent with your brand
  • You can’t guide your brand towards a driving goal
  • You can’t dispose of things that aren’t consistent with your brand


Your brand standards are the driving force behind every decision you make as a brand manager.


So when they aren’t clear, if they are constantly changing, or if they don’t exist at all you already are doomed before you even begin.


Fortunately, helping business owners avoid brand mistakes is what Lytron  does best. Want to learn more? Call or contact us today!


Branding Mistakes Can Prevent Maximum Growth

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Most of us learn best by trial and error. When we make a mistake, we pay the consequences whether it be a sore thumb hit by a hammer or a personal relationship destroyed by inattention.


Then we move on smarter, more experienced, and more knowledgeable about how to do better next time. In most cases, we don’t make the same mistake again.


Branding Mistakes Can Prevent Maximum Growth – Branding Comes First


This same learning method can be applied to running a business. Only instead of physical or emotional pain, mistakes can cause lost customers, damage to brand reputation, or money left on the table.


Unfortunately, branding mistakes are very common among new businesses. That’s because many business owners launch their enterprises without giving much thought to how they want their business to be perceived by their clients or customers. Branding often takes a back seat to things like product offerings, marketing, or even simply hiring employees and renting a storefront.


Big mistake. If you get your brand “right”, it can ensure both the short-term and long-term success of your business. But if you goof it up on the get-go, the rest of your business can be an uphill battle.


Branding Mistakes Can Prevent Maximum Growth – Common Branding Errors


At the very least, branding mistakes can prevent your business from reaching its fullest potential. And that’s a costly error when you think about how many people who are open to buying your products or services but either don’t understand or don’t like your brand.


So what is your brand? That’s a key question and one you as a business owner need to be able to talk about at length with anybody who asks. If you don’t know your brand, nobody else will either.


Defining your brand is critical to the success of your business. It is incorporated into everything from the types of products you offer to the color scheme of your marketing to the language your employees use when they answer the phone.


Define your brand clearly and you will guarantee the opportunity to succeed. But drop the ball on your branding and your are destined to learn a very difficult life lesson.


Add ‘Real Feels’ to Your Business, Brand, or Products

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If you want people to be passionate about your business, you need to make genuine emotional connections. Making people feel connected to your business, your brand, or your products is the single most effective way to create the kind of raving fans every business wants.


These kinds of bonds are created using emotional branding. This is a form of marketing that is less focused on the hard facts about your business or products and more interested in the emotions that they evoke in your ta rgeted customer.


Emotional Branding and You


Think about the brands that you are most passionate about:


Do you always choose Ford trucks or Buick sedans because that’s what your father drove?


Does your family have a go-to restaurant that always hosts your most important celebrations?


Do you have a favorite movie or book that you always recommend to people who ask you about your preferences?


These are all strong feelings that were created by emotional branding.


You feel strongly about these products because you have a genuine emotional connection with them, bonds that are created by time, experience, and actual feelings you have experienced and want to experience again.


When you use emotional branding to create these feelings in your target customer, they establish a bond that can last a lifetime – or even be passed onto future generations of consumers.


Using Emotional Branding


Every business, brand, or product can benefit from emotional branding. Using real-life feelings like joy, trust, appreciation, surprise, and delight can create lifelong bonds that stand the test of time and that can be shared.


But it’s not just positive emotions that can make genuine connections. Things like fear, disgust, sadness, and anger are also widely used to promote products and brands. For example, the entire home security industry is built upon instilling fear in the hearts of homeowners about the safety of their family or the security of their possessions.


Emotional branding is time-tested, highly effective way to build real, durable connections between your business and your customers. Identifying the right emotion for your brand then promoting it effectively to your targeted customers is what Lytron   does best.


Call us today to learn more.

Promoting Your Brand to Build Trust

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There are all kinds of ways to promote your brand’s products or services: Online ads, social media campaigns, discounts and couponing, even traditional advertising.


But one of the best ways to get people to trust your brand is to get other people to go to bat for your business. Things like testimonials, awards or recognition from reputable organizations, and being the focus of articles or features in media related to your market are powerful tools for advancing brand trust.


Truth in Testimonials


The owner of a local small business spent hours talking about his services at an area trade show. He gushed about his reliability, competitive pricing, and expertise to thousands of booth visitors without getting anybody to fill out a lead card.


Then somebody who once used his service happened to tell another trade show visitor about the quality of his brand and the next thing you know he ran out of cards and had to start writing down phone numbers and emails on his smartphone.


The moral of this story is that even if people don’t believe you, they will believe other people when they talk about your brand. Testimonials are one of the fastest and most effective ways to build trust in prospective customers, even more than direct marketing or personal appeals from the business owner.


Brag about Yourself


You may have three advanced degrees, awards from national organizations, and the highest rating from your industry’s most


prestigious organization, but nobody is going to know about it until you tell them.


Promoting your personal or brand’s achievements isn’t bragging, it’s marketing. And it’s one of the best ways to build brand trust. When other people say your brand is worth recognizing, it can open doors to people who otherwise may have ignored your brand entirely.


Traditional marketing is important. But equally or even more important is getting other people to share their faith in your brand. Most people are more likely to believe others when they say your brand is trustworthy than believe you when you say the same thing. Get over it and get going promoting brand trust.


Building Brand Trust the Easy Way

Miami Marketing Agency

When it really comes down to it, earning trust in your brand is pretty simple: Back up your promises with actions.


If you pledge to provide the best quality good in the marketplace, do it.


If you tell people your customer service is second to none, make sure it is.


If you advertise that you have the smoothest return policies and the best guarantee, have it.


In other words, don’t lie. Don’t overpromise. And don’t underdeliver.


Your Reputation on the Line


The harsh reality of fast-paced, web-based business today is that most customers aren’t going to give your brand a second chance.


There are simply too many competitors, too large of a marketplace, and too many barriers to entry being removed for you to expect customer loyalty if you fail to back up your promises with action.


People can literally move on to the next company that provides the same products or services as your brand with the push of a button on their smartphone. So it’s imperative that you treat every interaction as if it is the one and only opportunity to win over that customer for life … because it is!


Know Your Limits


So before you promise anything to your customer, make 100 percent sure you can deliver. There will be pressure to overpromise in order to undercut competitors, or cut corners in order to broaden your appeal … but it rarely pays off in the long run.

Instead, the brands with the best reputations today earn them one customer at a time. Deliver what you promise and that customer will come back … and hopefully will recommend your brand to their family, friends, and social network.


Remember, in today’s online economy, word of mouth is the strongest sales tool. Deliver what you promise and you can earn brand trust and build your customer base exponentially.

The Three Pillars of Successful Branding

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Choosing a branding company is one of the most critical decisions any company can make.


Branding is one of those things that most businesses don’t spend enough time focusing on. But it actually plays a huge role in the enterprise’s long-term success or failure.


Collaborating with a successful branding company that knows what it’s doing can have powerful, immediate impact on things like market share, sales figures, and profitability.


But all too often, business owners either pick a branding partner from among the affordable yet unproven random freelancers currently peddling their wares online or – worse yet – think they can do their branding themselves.


Before you choose a branding partner, consider the three essential elements of successful branding and how they play into your overall business strategy:


  1. Visual Branding
  2. Brand Messaging
  3. Brand Positioning


Some branding partners are good at one of these things but aren’t experienced in the other two. Or perhaps they can be successful on two of these elements but can’t close the deal on the third.


But your business will only have a successful overall branding strategy if your branding partner can hit for the cycle and deliver on all three (more on that in a moment).


So let’s take a look at what role each of these three elements play.


Visual Branding


Visual branding is the element most people are familiar with. When you think of big, successful brands the first thing that typically comes to mind is something visual: the Ford logo, Apple’s iconic symbol of the apple with the bite taken out of it, the US Marine Corps’ symbol that features an anchor, a globe, and an eagle.


These are instant, immediate symbols that can call a brand to mind visually. And while they aren’t exactly easy to create, they don’t generally require as much work or effort to sustain once you land on a visual logo or branding symbol you like.


Yet visual branding designers are available by the boatload online. Freelance designers, artists, and branding “agents” compete ferociously with each other for the opportunity to draw your brand logo or symbol. While this can often lead to competitive pricing, it can also be a time trap.


You see, the symbol of your brand – while important – isn’t as critical to your overall success as the other two branding elements we are about to describe. Yet so many business owners spend so much time pouring over dozens of logo proposals or spin their wheels working with artists and freelancers when they could be doing something much more profitable – such as working on their brand messaging or positioning.


There are plenty of great companies with less-than-perfect visual branding elements. And there are even more businesses with knockout logos or symbols that can’t get off the ground on the more important elements of branding. Speaking of which …


Brand Messaging


The easiest way to describe brand messaging is: Words more than pictures. Brand messaging can include things like a tagline – such as the US Marines’ “Semper Fidelis” or “Semper Fi”, McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It”, or Mercedes-Benz’s “The Best or Nothing” – as well as other words, phrases, or even the overall tone they use to describe their company or products.


The way Pepsi talks about its products is quite a bit different than how brokerage firm Merrill Lynch describes theirs. Yet both are the product of brand messaging specialists who focus their skills and talents on communicating to prospective customers through words and phrasing rather than logos or visual images.


While some branding agencies are adept at integrating design with messaging, it’s a good bet that the art school graduate pitching their visual branding skills on Craigslist, Upwork, or another freelance marketplace isn’t going to have the writing experience or skills needed to succeed at brand messaging.

Finally, there’s …


The Three Pillars of Successful Branding – Brand Positioning


Today, it’s not enough to have a great logo, amazing ad copy, or print or video ads that combine the two. Your business needs to get its message TO its prospective customers first. Otherwise, all the time and money invested in developing visual branding and brand messaging will be squandered.


That’s where brand positioning comes into play. Its also where experienced branding agencies excel in the 21st Century.


You see, all the old paradigms of business marketing were shattered about a decade ago. Traditional marketing platforms like TV, radio, print media, and direct mail don’t have the value they once had.


New media such as social media platforms, podcasting, streaming video, and other technologically advanced models are now the best way to reach consumers regardless of how you have positioned your brand with visual images or ad copy.


The successful branding agency can do all three: Create or improve existing successful visual branding, develop effective and consistent brand messaging that genuinely connects with targeted audiences, and then deliver both of those things on the platforms people actually use today.


The Three Pillars of Successful Branding – Lytron Design


As our name implies, Lytron Design originated as a design firm. But we quickly came to realize that if we were going to successfully deliver the kinds of measurables our clients demanded, we were going to have to expand our offerings to include all three branding pillars.


Currently, we are one of the fastest-growing branding agencies in North America, creating highly effective, hugely successful visual branding, brand messaging, AND brand positioning for small- and mid-sized businesses worldwide.


It’s not enough to pick a branding partner that can do only one or two of these branding pillars well. If you want to truly reach people and expand the size and scope of your offering, you need to collaborate one that can do all three. And that branding agency is Lytron Design.



Envision Your Future Success

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There’s been a lot of talk in business circles lately about vision. Much of it started way back in 2006 when TV host Oprah Winfrey lauded the book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.


This has led to such concepts as vision boards, writing letters to your future self, and setting “powerful anchors” followed in popularity among some entrepreneurs.


Whether or not you subscribe to “The Secret” book’s premise on the laws of attraction – which claim focusing on a specific outcome with your thoughts can cause it to occur – there is obvious benefit to envisioning success.


Or at least understanding how you define it for your business.


Envision Your Future Success – Setting Business Goals


Creating goals for your business is critical to your success. Without them, your enterprise is simply adrift.


But goals give you something to work toward. They also provide key measurements. For example, let’s say you set a goal for doubling your sales and increasing your profits by 25% within two years. These are tangible, specific targets.


Once you have these goals, you can essentially reverse engineer your Business to achieve them: How can you double sales? What specific steps do you need to attract new customers? How can you reduce costs to increase profits by your targeted amount?


Thinking about Your Future


Goals help keep you on track toward a specific outcome. Focusing on goals is important because it gives you something tangible to do daily,weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually for the success of your business.


Do you have specific goals? Are they measurable? If not, that something you can make your very first goal: Creating targeted outcomes that are tied to specific dates, specific numbers, and specific success.


Once you can answer the question “How do you measure success?” you already are on the road to achieving it.


Envision Your Future Success

Work Hard AND Smart

Work smarter, not harder.


If you have been in any type of business for the past couple of decades, you probably have heard this axiom. It usually refers to finding ways to improve efficiency and productivity rather than focusing on the hard labor of running a day-to-day business.


Unfortunately, this business axiom is as outdated as the punch card computer or radio advertising. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, business owners need to work smarter AND harder than their competitors if they hope to succeed.


Change Your Paradigm


“Wait a minute,” you say. “I’m already working my rear end off running my small business but my bank account doesn’t reflect my efforts.”


If you aren’t getting the return on the investment of your sweat equity that you think you deserve, it probably means it’s time to shake things up. Albert Einstein famously stated that the definition of insanity is continuing to perform the same task but expecting different results.


To get better results from your business, you need to change your paradigm. In other words, you need to take a fresh look at the fundamental nature of your business.


Work Hard AND Smart – Who, What, Why, Where and How


What was your vision of success when you first launched your business? If you can’t remember or those goals now seem unachievable, it’s time to change course. Finding another gear for your business is sometimes unavoidable, especially if your enterprise isn’t paying off the way you anticipated.


Thinking about what went wrong can be helpful. But what is more useful is reverse engineering your business so that it gets to where you wanted to go in the first place. Stop putting your big, long-term goals on the back burner and find innovative and exciting ways to get there.


When you are ready to work smarter and harder in order to achieve the long-term goals you originally set for your business, Lytron  is ready to help. Call us to learn more and get started.

Key Ways to Build Customer Trust

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Do your customers genuinely trust your business? If your answer isn’t an immediate “Yes”, then there’s something you need to know.


Trust is critical to your business’s success. If it doesn’t exist in the hearts of your clients or customers, they aren’t going to keep coming back for your products and services.


Fortunately, building trust isn’t easy but it isn’t impossible either. Here are three effective ways to do it.


Play to Your Strengths


The first thing you need to do is figure out what your business does best and then lean into it.


For example, let’s say your customer service puts your competitors to shame. You can build on that by making your outstanding customer service the centerpiece of your next marketing campaign.


Key Ways to Build Customer Trust – Do What You Say


Most people probably aren’t going to inherently trust your company right away. That’s just real life. You need to prove to them you are worthy of their trust and their business.


The best way to do that is to follow through on your promises: Both direct and implied. Make sure you offer the best products possible. Ensure your services are top rate. Then back up that promise with unconditional guarantees.


Build Your Reputation


Having great products or services, backing them up with great customer service, and supporting it all by bending over backwards to ensure satisfaction isn’t enough. People need to know that you exist.


Once you have confidence in your company, other people can as well. Play to your strengths by emphasizing your integrity in your marketing. If you tell people you are worthy of their business then prove it every day and with every transaction, they are going to believe what you say because it’s the truth.


Trust isn’t something that comes naturally. Like anything else worthwhile in Business , it needs to be earned day in and day out.

Going All-In with Brand Immersion

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Working with an effective branding agency can lead to immediate, sustained advantages — including increased brand recognition, penetrating new markets, and the “holy trinity” of more sales, bigger market share, and overall business growth.


Yet collaborating online, by phone, or even through video conferencing with file sharing capability can only do so much. To truly get at the core of your business, it’s sometimes necessary to go “all-in” with your branding partner.


And that’s known as brand immersion.


Full Brand Immersion


Brand immersion involves having your branding partner embedded within your organization for a specific period of time. It may be a few days, a week, or even longer.


During that time, the branding expert can assess all of your brand systems, review your brand messaging, and delve deeply into your brand positioning in order to identify what your business is doing well and what can be improved.


The results are often astounding. Full brand immersion is one of the best ways for you branding agency to get the true inside picture of how your business works, what its genuine struggles are, and how it can be improved. And the takeaway is often worth the investment in time, effort, and money.


First Phase: Brand Auditing


The first step is a complete brand audit. During this phase, the branding agency will conduct a deep dive into the business’s past branding efforts, digging deep into how the business is perceived by the outside world.


Brand auditing often requires full access to analytics, marketing reports, and internal planning documents with the objective of coordinating a complete picture of where the brand marketing has been, where it is currently, and which direction it is likely to go moving forward.


Typical things that are uncovered during brand auditing include:


  • Bottlenecks that can inhibit brand growth
  • Keywords, phrases, and tone that best appeal to targeted audiences
  • Point of view statements that attract the best customers and filter out time thieves
  • Strengths and weaknesses of current visual branding, brand messaging, and brand positioning
  • Content analysis with an eye toward both consistency and effectiveness.


Once a full picture of where the brand stands from the brand auditing, the next step is complete and total immersion.


Second Phase: Brand Immersion


During the immersion stage, the branding agency partner physically travels to the business and becomes embedded in the operation. Generally, this lasts a week but in some cases it can be longer or shorter depending on the branding challenges to be overcome.


During this time, the brand agency meets with the CEO, marketing team, and even business clients to drill down into potential opportunities for improvement based on the brand auditing.


For a brief time, we will become an active part of your business. We listen in on how your reps talk to clients, we will interview our team members to get their candid thoughts on operations and overall culture, and we will speak directly engage with clients to get a feel for existing best practices and potential opportunities.


Finally, we will even spend time with leadership outside of the workplace in order to get a feel for what makes the business tick. We will eat at your favorite restaurants, meet family members, pet the dog, and see you in your true element.


All of these elements of full immersion are critical to determining areas for improvement, branding opportunities, and to gain an understanding of the underlying business culture that fuels its successes.


Third Phase: Report and Recommend


All of the data from the brand auditing combined with the in-person research from the full immersion will then be brought back and compiled, analyzed, and assessed by our team of brand experts.


The result will be threefold:

  • A truthful, unbiased picture of where your brand is right now
  • Recommendations on how to improve visual branding, brand messaging, and brand positioning to achieve optimal results
  • And a road map on how to achieve these mutually agreed upon objectives with maximum speed and efficiency.


Lytron Design has achieved enormous success with this type of full brand immersion. We have worked with a wide variety of clients in a number of industries and geographic locations to deliver tangible, effective branding results that have resulted in measurable successes.


Success Stories


One of the most recent was VTEC Lasers & Sensors, a pilot project funded by the European Commision to support the digital transformation of small- and medium-sized businesses throughout the EU.


Here’s what VTEC founder and president Jan Mink had to say about the full immersion experience of working with Lytron Design:


“We at VTEC had the opportunity to work with Lytron and specifically with Mariana for 4 weeks, supported by DigitaliseSme. It was a great experience, the energy , support and knowledge she has put in makes you directly become a fan of the possibilities of digitalising your companies message. She supported strongly in creating a great website and also presenting VTEC in all the different media and news channels. Based on my experience i can advise you to first contact Lytron if you want to enhance your digital presence.”


Not every company needs brand immersion. But many can benefit from the getting the full, undivided attention of a branding expert embedded within their organization with the objective of creating a comprehensive, highly effective strategy for global branding success.


If you want to learn more about branding immersion and the other services we offer, all you need to do is contact Lytron Design. We can’t wait to partner with you to streamline your branding to achieve outstanding success together.