Lytron Design’s Step-by-Step Branding Process

Brand Workbook Mockup 3 1

Every brand is unique. But the approach Lytron  takes to helping clients discover and understand their specific brand follows a predictable pattern.


Here is the step-by-step branding process we use to create flourishing, successful brands for our clients. While there are many variables – after all, your brand is distinctly about you! – the strategy is proven to be successful.



Step 1 – Connecting with Our Clients


In order to understand your brand, the branding professionals at Lytron  have to understand you. What makes you tick? What do you want out of your business? What do YOU see as your road to success.


Getting to know our clients is the first and – arguably – most important step in the collaborative process of crafting your unique brand. Generally, we begin with a 15- to 20-minute phone call in which we get to know each other and gain an understanding of how we can help each other successful achieve your specific objectives.



Step 2 – Let’s Talk about Brand Design


After our discovery call, it’s time to start thinking visually. How do you envision your brand “looking” like?


We often encourage our clients to visually brainstorm in one of a number of ways:


  • Creating a vision board that builds a roadmap to what your specific version of success looks like
  • Building a Pinterest page with brand design you like
  • Filling out a questionnaire that includes answers that help us navigate your brand to where you genuinely want it to be
  • Participating in a 60- to 90-minute Skype chat to get “down and dirty” into branding strategies, ideas, and concepts.

By the end of all this prep work, the Lytron  team generally has everything it needs to get going on your unique and successful branding for your business.



Step 3 – Defining Brand Assets


The next step is identifying the special features of your brand that make it unique. These can include specific products or services but also things like your personality, your company culture, and even your aspirations and hopes for the future.


You define your business by focusing on what makes it unique and identifying the factors that will make prospective customers and clients choose it from among all the other competitors.



Step 4 – Brand Building


The next step is truly magical. Combining our expertise with your passion for your business, Lytron  collaboratively creates a unique and consistent branding strategy for your business.


This can take a variety of forms including everything from logo design, marketing strategies, blog and social media posts, and everything in between.


While the basic steps tend to be universal, where they take us together is always magical. And at Lytron , we can’t wait to get started on our journey together with your business!


7 Secrets to Cracking the Brand Psychology Code

7 Secrets To Cracking The Brand Psychology Code

Do you want to hear a secret? How about seven of them?


Today, I want to talk about brand psychology. Specifically, the seven most effective ways to use the way most people think to attract new, high-quality clients and customers to your brand.

As you already know, your brand is the most important thing to your business. More important than the products or services you offer. More important than where you are located or what industry you work in. It’s even more important than the size, scope, or profitability of your business.


That’s because your brand represents you: Your values, your passions, your strengths, and your potential.


So naturally, you want to attract people to your brand because it means they have genuine connections with you (and your business). And that leads to long-term rewards, long-term revenues and profits, and long-term SUCCESS!

So how about those secrets?


Secret Number 1 – People Are Motivated by Their Emotions


When most people choose a product, they measure its cost against competitors, conduct an analysis of its benefits vs drawbacks, and compile a spreadsheet on short-term vs long-term value, right? WRONG!


People almost always buy impulsively. And they make buying decisions based on EMOTIONS rather than LOGIC. They only use logic later to justify their decisions.

That’s the way people have been making decisions for thousands of years. It’s simply human nature. And this truism plays a critical role in the success or failure of your business and here’s why:

If you want to convince people to buy your products or services, you need to appeal to their emotion FIRST and their logic SECOND.

Another way to put it is like this: Win their heart and their head will follow.


Secret Number 2 – Humans Are Prone to the Mob Mentality


We all like to think of ourselves as individuals. We think for ourselves, make decisions based exclusively on our own thinking, and aren’t influenced at all by other people, right?


People are by nature social animals. So they are ALWAYS influenced by other people. In fact, we rarely do anything without first consulting … or at least thinking about … what other people would do in the same situation.


Consider the case of picking a restaurant. Imagine you are driving down the street looking for a place to eat because you are very hungry.

You see two restaurants: One has a line out the door and the other looks completely empty. Which one are you going to choose?

Will you pick the empty restaurant because you can get seated right away and satiate your hunger more quickly?

Nope! Most people are much more likely to get in line at the other restaurant. Why? Because there must be a reason why it’s so popular!

It’s human nature to pay attention to group think. We want to be part of the pack. We choose to benefit from the wisdom of the group rather than trying to figure out each little detail of life on our own.

And this plays into your business because …


Secret Number 3 – People Want to Be Part of Something Bigger than Themselves


When people make buy decisions, they usually aren’t just buying an individual product or service. Instead, they are buying into a BRAND.


That brand represents something about themselves: It proves that they are cool, they are smart, they are tuned in, they are successful, they are beautiful, they are loved, and so on.


Specific branding is tied to archetypes, which are proven mechanisms that provide buyers with a shortcut to specific values.


So if you want to connect with more customers, you need to create a brand that offers the same values that your prospective customers are actively searching for.


And you can use these archetypes as a sort of shorthand to make those connections.


Secret Number 4 – People Are Attracted to the Next New Shiny Thing


Okay, let’s just get one thing out of the way: People have short attention spans.


They are attracted to shiny things. New things. The next thing. The next new shiny thing.


And guess what? With the rise of the internet and online social connectivity, people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day.


What does this have to do with your business? Plenty!


It means the window of opportunity you have to attract people’s attention to the products and services you offer is getting smaller and smaller by the minute.


So the way to short-circuit the problem of short attention spans is by selling your BRAND, not your PRODUCTS.

Remember: Brands are feelings. Products are solutions. So when you sell people based on their feelings … they become open to the possibility of using your products to solve their problems in the long-term.



Secret Number 5 – People See Patterns Everywhere


The way our brains work is to cut through tons and tons of stimuli and data by using patterns to get to the most important information.


The human mind is constantly working to identify patterns. It’s how we learn to understand the world around us. It’s what keeps us safe in dangerous situations. It helps us navigate everyday life. And it’s the way we can attract new customers to our brand.


How? By aligning your brand messaging with the kinds of patterns people are looking for.


When people see familiar patterns that coincide with specific emotions, they will instantly and permanently be connected to your brand.



Secret Number 6 – Familiarity Breeds … Attraction


There’s an old axiom that goes, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” In other words, the more time we spend with something, the more we learn to hate it.


But that’s not always the case. At least not when it comes to branding.


Marketers have known for years that the more exposure audiences have with a specific brand message, the more comfortable they become with it.


Think of that jingle that always gets caught in your head. You probably haven’t heard it just once. More likely, you’ve seen it on a TV commercial or heard it on the radio thousands of times. And now it’s part of you.


The same holds true with your brand messaging. Your brand needs to be constant as well as consistent.

Okay, finally …



Secret Number 7 – People Crave Excitement


This final secret has to do with the reward system that is built-in to everybody’s brain.


People live their lives in a state of continual reinforcement. They want to feel that the decisions they make are the right ones. And the best way to satisfy this need is by offering rewards.


What kind of rewards? The most effective ones are those that are attached to specific emotions: Love, sex, hunger, and fun.


All of these cause the body to naturally release a hormone known as dopamine into the bloodstream. Dopamine is what makes us feel good. It makes us feel safe. And it convinces us that we made the right choice, regardless of what that choice was.


7 Secrets to Cracking the Brand Psychology Code-  If your band can make a genuine emotional connection with your prospective customer to the point where it causes their minds to release dopamine, you’ve already won!


7 Secrets to Cracking the Brand Psychology Code – So there you have it: The seven biggest branding secrets based on psychology, physiology, and most importantly .. basic human nature!


7 Secrets to Cracking the Brand Psychology Code – But there’s more. Lots more. To get even more attuned to how you can use your brand to connect emotionally with customers to create raving fans for life … call the branding experts at Lytron  .

Emotional Branding Creates Uniqueness

Emotional Branding Creates Uniqueness

The other day, I was thinking about a specific nutritional supplement. Like most people these days, I immediately went to my phone and Googled it.


Not surprisingly, I instantly got connected with literally thousands of businesses wanting to sell me that specific product.


And that caused a lightbulb to go off in my head:


Consumers today have a practically unlimited number of choices.


And that got me thinking about how businesses can stand out from the crowd of competitors to get people to choose their products from among all the thousands of others.


The answer? Emotional Branding.


How People Choose


When people make buying decisions – either online or in real life – the use three basic criteria:


  • Personal Perspective
  • Psychological State
  • Emotion

The most important of these for the people offering products is emotion. If you can find a way to get people to create an emotional attachment to your product, your business, and your brand … then you already have succeeded in capturing the marketplace.


Think about the brands you use in your everyday life. Maybe you prefer Coke to Pepsi. Maybe you drive an Audi rather than a Kia. Or perhaps you like the Green Bay Packers over the Detroit Lions.


Now think about why. Without exception, it’s because you have a deep-seated emotional connection with that specific brand. After all, it’s only human.


Basic Human Emotions


Think back to the Psych 101 class you took in college. Science has identified eight basic human emotions:


  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Surprise
  • Joy
  • Sadness
  • Anticipation
  • Trust

If you can connect one of these emotions with your specific brand – preferably not fear, anger or sadness! – you can tap into your prospective customer’s primary human emotional need.


And then you can create a resounding message that creates a genuine connection with buyers.


Emotional Branding Creates Uniqueness – Creating good ties


So how can you create these emotion bonds to transform passive shoppers into customers who are fiercely loyal to your brand? There are a number of effective strategies:


  1. Reverse Engineering – Choose one of the “positive” emotions from the list above then work backwards to figure out how to get your brand content to invoke that emotion in buyers.


  1. Offer Solutions to Everyday Problems – People are going online to find solutions to universal problems. If you can figure out ways to offer up your brand as that solution, you’ve already won.


  1. A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words – Great images make it easier for people to connection emotionally with your brand than dense written content. Images that offer universal solutions — such as life contentment, professional success, happy relationships, and so on – can draw people into your brand and start building those valuable trust bonds.


  1. Build a Perfect World – People are naturally hopeful about the future. When you can show how your brand can help make people’s future better, most will be open to buying into that future – especially if you can paint a visual image that connects.


  1. Overcome Objections – Simultaneously, most people are naturally skeptical. Identify potential drawbacks to people choosing your brand then preemptively explain why they are invalid.


  1. Use Your Storytelling Skills – Finally, create emotional bonds by sharing personal stories about your brand, your company, even your personal life or your happy customers. Stories offer immediate connections with genuine emotion.


Whew! That’s a lot to get started. To learn more, get together with Lytron and start creating emotional branding for your business.


3 Simple Steps to Attracting the Best Clients

3 Simple Steps To Attracting The Best Clients

Most people can put their clients in one of two categories: Good clients and bad clients.


You probably already know who your bad clients are.


They’re the ones who require a lot of hand holding, push back against your best ideas, and demand maximum time and attention while providing minimal revenue.


But your good clients?


They appreciate your expertise.


They act on your best ideas.


And they just seem to CLICK with you. Happy face emoji!


Working with good clients is 1,000% easier than working with bad ones. It’s more rewarding, more fun, and most importantly … more profitable!


So here are three actionable things you can do right now to find GREAT clients for your business.


Step 1 – Go Where Your Ideal Clients Are


The famous bank robber Willie Sutton was once asked by an interviewer, “Willie, why do you rob banks?”


He replied, “Because that’s where the money is.”


You may not be a bank robber (at least I hope not), but we all could learn a lesson from Willie Sutton’s somewhat sarcastic answer.


If you want to find great clients who align with your values and interests all you need to do is go where your own values and interests take you.


Sound simple? That’s because it is!


Let’s say you promote fitness products. If so, you probably already are into things like working out, eating right, and working on your personal satisfaction. That means you are comfortable in places like gyms, yoga studios, nutrition centers, and other places where you would naturally gravitate.


Guess what? So are other people who share your interests and values! So that’s where you should begin your search for the ideal clients!


To be crystal clear: The first step to finding good clients is to go places where good clients would naturally hang out. Duh!


These don’t have to be physical places, either. If you are an online marketer, you probably want to spend time hanging out on sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on. (In fact, you probably already do … which is exactly the point!)


If you work with hand-made crafts, try Etsy. And local arts and crafts shows.


If you promote tech, you probably want to spend some time in high-end electronics stores. And in digital chatrooms devoted to new technology.


The point is this: Whatever type of products or services your business offers, you need to start showing up at places where people need/enjoy/are passionate about these types of things hang out.


You may have heard the famous quote: “99 percent of success is just showing up.” For business owners, it’s showing up at places where the likelihood of finding like-minded prospective clients or customers is highest.


Okay, so on to Step 2 …


Step 2 – Share Your Passion


Okay, being in PROXIMITY to people who share your interests isn’t enough. You also have to engage them. And the best way to do that is to share your passionsPASSIONATELY!


Obviously, you want to talk about your products and services, eventually. But first about your personal values …


What makes you happiest …


What makes you angriest …


What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning …


And most importantly what makes you stand up and cheer!


At this stage, you aren’t going to make genuine connections with people by playing is safe. You can’t be afraid of offending or turning off people who don’t share your values, interests, or passions.


You probably aren’t going to win those people over anyway. And if you do, they likely will be the kind of bad clients who are going to demand too much of your time and return little value to your business.


Instead, be honest. Be sincere. Be you. And the people who are drawn to you are going to be the ones most open to hearing about your business.


Step 3 – Prove Yourself


Okay, you’ve put yourself in proximity of people who share your interests. You’ve openly and proudly expressed your passions to get their attention.


What now?


The next step is to demonstrate your ability to solve an actual problem they are experiencing. You need to answer this question for them: How can the products or services your business offers provide an actual solution that will make their lives better?


Answer that successfully and you’ve not only got a new client … you’ve got a customer for life!


A few final points:


  • Be as specific and immediate as possible. Avoid vague promises or long-term benefits.
  • Use real-world examples to prove yourself.
  • Focus on problem-solving, not benefits.

Okay, take a breath.


I get it.


I understand that finding great clients isn’t easy. If it were, everybody could do it and every business owner would be successful. But we both know that’s not the case.


There are winners and there are losers. And YOU are a winner!


You’re better than everybody else, aren’t you? That’s because you are willing to put in the work.


And the more work you put in finding great clients for life right now, the easier it will be later for your business to be successful.


Want to learn more? Lytron has plenty of ideas for making your business successful. Call us. Let’s talk!

Lytron Can Help You Discover Your Brand

Lytron Can Help You Discover Your Brand 2

If your business isn’t getting the acclaim it deserves from your customers, it could be because they don’t understand your brand.


The brand you present can make or break your business. It determines whether customers make genuine emotional connections with the products or services you offer. And it directly influences both your bottom line and the overall success (or failure) of your business.


If you don’t currently have a clearly defined brand message, it’s not too late. Lytron  specializes in helping businesses just like yours define and promote positive, effective branding that helps ensure your business’s success.


So how is your brand defined? It often comes down to your answers to a couple of key questions.



Lytron Can Help You Discover Your Brand –  What’s Your Personal History?


One way to connect make genuine emotional connections with customers is to incorporate your personal history into the story of your business. If people can relate to your personal history, they can develop positive feelings about your brand, your products or services, and your business.


How you started your business important, but so is the “Why”. Go back to the beginning and think about what motivated you to take this course in the first place. Often, there is a genuine, emotional experience that can be crafted into part of your branding.



Lytron Can Help You Discover Your Brand – What Makes You Unique?


Whatever type of business you are in, there are bound to be competitors. So what makes the products and services you offer unique from everybody else in your industry?


Identify the distinguishing positive characteristics about your business and it can open the door to effective, high-profit branding ideas for your enterprise.


We have lots more ways to develop your business’s own distinct brand. These are just a few of the initial steps we take to help you create genuine, emotional responses among your customers. Call Lytron   to learn more.


Is It Time for You to Rebrand Your Business?

Is It Time For You To Rebrand Your Business

 If you’ve been following Lytron  at all, you probably already know that it’s all about the branding.


Branding connects directly with people’s emotions, which allows them to make genuine emotional connections with your business … connections that can last a lifetime.


But if your branding is not working, if it’s not tapping into people’s emotions … or, even worse, if it’s connecting with the WRONG emotions in people … it may be time to consider rebranding.


Okay, so what exactly is rebranding? Does it mean burning your business to the ground and starting all over? Not necessarily.


Rebranding Fact Number 1 – There are Degrees of Rebranding


For some businesses, going back to the drawing board IS the best approach.


New name. New faces. New products. Possibly even a whole new INDUSTRY!


But for most business owners, rebranding comes in a wide variety of forms. For some, it could simply mean tweaking a few things such as coming up with a new logo or refreshing the overall brand message.


Your brand is continually evolving and growing, just like you as a business owner. Think about it: The things that were important to you when you were first starting out are probably vastly different than your priorities today. And tomorrow likely will be fresh challenges … and opportunities.


So while your branding should be consistent, you also shouldn’t be afraid to consider rebranding if it will serve your overall success goal.


Speaking of success goals …


Rebranding Fact Number 2 – Your Business Has Changed


By its very nature, entrepreneurship is all about growth.


Over time, just about everything inside your business changes: The products you offer, the people you employ, even the target audience you seek to connect with.


So the rebranding connection becomes: Does the outside of your business (your brand) still match the inside of your business (your core values). If the answer is “No”, then the solution is simple: It’s time to rebrand!


Rebranding Fact Number 3 – The World Has Changed


Okay, maybe you have stayed the same but the world around you has changed. This is actually a more common scenario.


Think about any industry: For example, the typewriter business.


For a while there in the early 20th Century, the typewrite business was booming. There was a high demand among businesses worldwide for reliable, efficient, and affordable typewriters. And companies like Underwood, Oliveti, and Royal thrived.


But then the world changed. Technology skyrocketed and typewriters became ancient history.


So in order to survive, these companies had to pivot. And that meant rebranding.


Typewriters may not be the best example … after all, most of these companies failed to adapt and were driven out of the market entirely .. but the point remains the same …


When the world changes, successful companies need to adapt. And that can mean rebranding.


Rebranding Fact Number 4 – Your Brand Is a Little TOO Familiar


Let’s say you’ve been in business for awhile and your sales are strong. In fact, you are so successful that other players have entered the market by emulating your success.


Pretty soon, your brand is indistinguishable from all the competition because you aren’t offering anything unique anymore.


In this instance, rebranding can be effective in order to reposition your brand in opposition to the rest of the marketplace.


Rebranding Fact Number 5 – Restructuring


Businesses don’t stay the same forever. New leadership comes in and (justifiably) wants to put their own stamp on things.


Or companies are sold to new ownership who want to take the enterprise in a new direction.


Or you decide you need to bring in a partner. Or you acquire a competitor. Or your business gets gobbled up by a bigger fish.


All of these things happen to businesses all the time.


In any case, things change.


Rebranding often offers a solution to reimagining your business so that it remains vital to prospective customers despite the shifting sands of the marketplace.


Rebranding Fact Number 6 – Expansion


Most businesses are like sharks: They need to constantly be moving and feeding otherwise they die.


In practical terms, that often means moving into new cultures. Or expanding into new geographic locations.


In this instance, rebranding may offer a practical solution: The need to appeal to a broader audience than originally intended.


For example, European or Asian audiences may not be as open to your all-American branding message.


While your successful branding core can remain the same, there may be opportunities to rebrand your business so that it broadens its appeal.


Rebranding Fact Number 7 – New Blood


Companies always need new customers. But they also need fresh ideas and creative thinking. And that means new top talent.


The brightest minds graduating business school usually aren’t looking to join “dinosaur businesses”, or companies that have been around since the Stone Age.


Young people usually want to go with the new, the exciting, and the companies pushing the envelope with new ideas and high-potential markets.


You need people like that. So if your brand is stale, worn out, or ancient … rebranding could be in your future.


Rebranding Fact Number 8 – All About the Benjamins


When it comes down to it, all business are ruled by one thing: The numbers.


Whether you are privately owned or publicly traded, there is always pressure to perform better: More profits, more sales, more markets, more customers. More MORE!


If you aren’t achieving these objectives or exceeding the expectations of your investors, board of directors, or stockholders, you need to do something to turn the ship around.


Rebranding could hold the key.


Okay, that’s a lot to process. But as you can see, the one constant is that branding needs to be consistent, genuine, and successful.


If it’s not working the way you need it, then you should consider rebranding your business.


And when you are ready to rebrand, Lytron  is ready to help.


The Pricing Paradox

The Pricing Paradox

Pricing is one of the trickiest elements of running any business. Whether you are selling cars or houses, wingnuts or laptops, the price point you decide on can make or break your business.


Set prices too high and you can freeze yourself out of the marketplace. But setting prices too can not only cut into your profits, but also frame your products as low-end or cut-rate.


Pricing is especially complicated for entrepreneurs who essentially are selling themselves in the form of their brand. Many take an accountant’s approach to profits:


In order to make $XX,XXX amount of money in a week/month/year, I have to make YY,YYY number of sales at a price of $ZZ.


That’s a lot of variables! It’s also TOO MUCH MATH (Brain explodes!)


But the pricing paradox is universal. It’s something that every entrepreneur, business owner, and even corporate CEO have to grapple with all the time.


Yet you shouldn’t let it ruin your day. In fact, the pricing paradox is completely fixable. Setting the perfect price point is even EASY once you know how to do it!


So let’s learn how …


Common Pricing Errors


Before we get to the right way to set pricing, let’s look at the biggest mistake most people make: Underestimating their value.


Like most new entrepreneurs, I entered my chosen marketplace wanting to make a name for myself. But I also had the intelligence to realize that NOBODY KNEW WHO I WAS.


So in order to instantly stand out from all the rest of the competition, I offered my services at drastically discounted prices.


This had two results:


  • It instantly brought me a lot of business
  • It simultaneously had me working my rear end off and not getting anywhere financially


This is actually very very common … especially among people making the jump from traditional 9-to-5 office work to the exciting world of owning their own business.


When you work for a company, most of the real costs of running that business are behind the scenes. You punch the clock. So you don’t worry about things like paying the rent on office space, utility bills, insurance, taxes, vacations, sick time, and overhead.


But when you jump into the driver’s seat, all of these things are now YOUR responsibility.


So when you set your prices low to establish your reputation and build your client base, you actually often end up LOSING MONEY rather than making it. And that’s not a sustainable business model.


Yes, losses are generally considered to be an acceptable part of a new business. In fact, any MBA program will teach you that they need to be built into your startup costs. But you can’t bleed money forever.


Eventually, you need to get paid what you are worth.


Determining Your Value


Undervaluing your worth when you first launch your business is actually very common. But successful businesses sooner rather than later make the pivot to proper pricing.


The first thing you need to do is understand your true costs. A month or two of running your business should be enough to gain the knowledge you need to estimate your business expenses.


Once you can put a dollar amount to your true costs, then you can start to build the formula you need to set your most beneficial price point.


Raising Prices


Now comes the really tricky part: Convincing all those clients you attracted with bargain basement pricing to start paying you what you actually are worth.


Plus, appealing to new clients who are open to paying your new (higher) prices.


There are a couple of important factors to keep in mind:


  • You Are Worth It – You need to prove that your are unique and valuable. Show that the products or services you offer are superior and represent a strong price-value proposition.


  • Say Goodbye to Unwilling Clients – If your current clients balk at paying you what you are worth, it’s probably time to say goodbye. You are growing as a business owner and if they aren’t willing to grow with you, then you will need to replace them with new clients who will.


  • Make the Transition Easier for Your Clients – But before you write off any old business, make sure you doing everything you can to hold onto them. This may include “grandfathering” in your original clients at a lower rate (temporarily) until you can grow your business at your higher price point. Or it can mean scaling back the products and service your offer at the lower prices and gradually introducing new pricing for bigger and better products or services.


  • Offer Additional Value – One of the most effective ways to get higher prices for existing products is to offer additional value. This can take the form of faster or free delivery, improved quality, better and more responsive customer service, and so on. What you offer is going to be specific to our business. But offer SOMETHING.


Your Business Goal


Raising prices is never easy. But it’s almost always necessary.


Ultimately, it comes down to setting your business goal: Do you want to grow and be more successful (YES!) or do you want to be loyal to your existing client base at the ultimate cost of your livelihood (NO!).


When it’s time to raise prices, you will need to be confident enough in your abilities to prove to your existing and future clients that you are worth their investment in your business.


And when you can do that, the result is … PRICELESS!


Ready? Set. Grow!

Ready Set. Grow

If you have been running your business for a while now, you probably already are familiar with some of the warning signs that you are working too hard:


  • You are tired all the time


  • Your stress level is through the roof


  • “Success” always seems just a little bit further down the road.


Don’t worry. These aren’t signs that you are doing something wrong. Instead, they are an indication that you are doing everything right!


That’s because these warning signs mean you genuinely care about the success of your business and that you are willing to fight to achieve it.


They also may mean it’s time to start taking your brand to the next level by brining in some outside help.


Ready? Set. Grow! – You Aren’t Superman (Or Superwoman)


When new enterprises first launch, by their very nature they tend to be one-person operations. But eventually they reach a point where they become too much for one person to handle … no matter how committed they are to its success.


If your successful businesses is growing too big for you to handle entirely on your own, it’s time to bring in outside help.




The reason is very simple: It will help you achieve your goals faster, capitalize on the momentum you have created, and allow you to focus on the things you excel at.


Ready? Set. Grow! – You Owe It To Your Customers


Another great reason to rely on professionals to build your brand and expand your business is that your customers deserve it.


When you try to do everything by yourself, inevitably some things are going to fall through the cracks. Deadlines get missed or ignored entirely. Product quality starts to slip. And if customer service starts to fall short of your expectations, you have nobody to blame but yourself.


If you do nothing to correct this, sooner or later the size and scope of your enterprise will begin to regress rather than grow. Sales fall short of projections. And profits shrink. None of which is an acceptable outcome.


Work Harder and Smarter


Whoever first said “Work smarter, not harder” obviously didn’t own their own business. When it’s your reputation on the line (not to mention your livelihood!), you need to work both harder AND smarter!


But if you find yourself running faster but not getting anywhere – or at least not as far as you think you should get —  it’s a red flag that you are cheating yourself the compensation you deserve. It could mean a number of things:


  • Inefficiencies
  • Your brand isn’t connecting
  • You are overworked and overwhelmed
  • All of the above


I’m not going to tell you to take a step back from your business. Instead, what you need to do is take a step forward.


You Need Help


You could continue to keep running your business on your own. But if it isn’t working now, why would you think everything will suddenly change?


Lytron has the experienced, knowledgeable brand developers who can help you take your business to the next level. Our multi-pronged approach to building your brand – and consequently your business, your customer base, your sales, and your profits – is the solution you’ve been looking for and didn’t even know it.


You work hard to make your business successful. Lytron can help you finally achieve the success you deserve.



Expanding Your Brand (Trusting Others)

Expanding Your Brand Trusting Others

Successful business owners quickly learn that there is an inverse relationship between the growth of their business and the demands on their time.


In other words, the bigger your brand becomes, the busier you become … and the less time you have to spend working on the “big picture” elements that are essential to building your brand.


It’s a Catch-22.


But there’s an obvious solution: Hire people to help you.


Notice that I said “obvious” solution. Not a “simple” solution.


That’s because hiring outside help is often one of the hardest things for newly successful business owners to do.


After all, YOU know your business better than anybody.


You are the BRAINS behind your business. But you don’t have the be the BRAWN as well.


Building a successful brand is all about scaling your business. If you have the greatest small business ever created, that’s terrific. But it’s not going to mean a thing until you scale it upward to become the biggest mid-sized business … the biggest large business … the biggest (and best) major corporation.


Okay, maybe we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves. Let’s talk about hiring …


WHAT before WHO


The success of your business has led to the discovery that you can’t do it all on your own anymore.


Congratulations! That’s a good problem to have!


You need help. So how can you find people who are going to help grow your business while remaining true to the driving vision you have for your brand?


Before you decide WHO to hire, you need to determine WHAT you need employees to do. In other words: What can you delegate?


Start by making a list of your current work routine. Be as specific and honest as possible. What tasks do you do every day, every week, every month?


Got it? Okay, now take out a highlighter and mark those tasks that are non-essential to the growth of your business. In other words, identify the things you currently do that aren’t doing anything to build your brand.


These are WHAT you can delegate to employees. And knowing that, it’s time to start bringing new people on board.


Finding the Best People


It’s always better to have a very clear understanding of what jobs you can delegate to others before starting your search for help. Not only does it help you clearly describe the job to prospective employees, but it provides you with a clear vision of how your business will operate once they are on board.


The first thing to keep in mind is that hiring people is supposed to help you build your brand, not make your life even more complicated.


So when you can clearly tell people, “I need you to do A, B, and C but X date and time”, you aren’t wasting your precious time managing people instead of managing your brand.


The second thing to focus on is hiring people who can help you, not the other way around. This may sound mercenary, but you are in business to make money, not friends.


Look for people who are:


  • Experienced at the specific tasks you need
  • Have a strong track record of success within the type of environment you are creating
  • Can back up these success claims with proof (references, testimonials, documents)

There’s no way around it: Hiring is a cumbersome process.


If you want good people (and you do) and you don’t want to cycle through a bunch of losers before hitting on some winners (and you don’t have time for that), then investing the time and energy up front can pay off later.


Budget time for interviewing, checking references, and onboarding people with clear and specific instructions.


Then be prepared to supervise and manage people while simultaneously growing your brand and building your reputation – at least until you can grow big enough to hire mid-level supervisors and managers to handle this task for you.


Avoid the Biggest Mistake


There are two types of prospective employees: Experts and implementers.


Experts are people who have a specific knowledge that can contribute to your brand’s success. Maybe it’s previous experience they have had in your field. Or maybe it’s a natural talent or skill they were either born with or learned, such as being good with numbers or being a personable salesperson.


Implementers are people who can effectively perform a specific task as long as they are given instruction and are provided with enough supervision so that they stay on track most of the time.


So which type of employee does your business need? Experts or implementers?


Probably both.


The key to successful hiring is picking the right people for the right role. The biggest mistake is doing just the opposite: Choosing the right people but for the wrong job.


You may hire somebody who is an expert but if you ask them to just do a specific task over and over again, sooner or later they are going to get bored, or frustrated, or both and quit. Or fail.


Or you can hire an implementer but if you ask them to come up with new ideas to grow your business you are going to be the one who becomes frustrated.


So to be successful you need to hire experts for expert tasks and implementers for implementation jobs.


So how can you avoid this mistake? By understanding what your business needs then zeroing in on that specific hire. (Now do you see why it’s so important to understand what exactly you are hiring for?)


Listen, nobody said it was going to be easy.


But the effort will be worth it if you can free yourself from the mundane tasks that are currently preventing yourself from focusing on the key to success for your business: Building a trusted brand.


Want to learn more? Lytron  has the expertise and experience you need to successful grow your brand. Contact us today for a free consultation.



Next Steps: Brand Management

Next Steps Brand Management

Up until now, we have focused on building your brand. Now it’s time to move onto the next step: Managing your brand once you have built it.


Congratulations! You have graduated! But the biggest challenges lie ahead.


That’s because building your brand was hard. But managing it so that it continually grows, constantly expands, and forever finds new customers, new fans, and new profit potential is the BIG TIME.


So let’s get started. First, a vision exercise …


For the next two minutes, close your eyes and think about what you want your business to look like five years in the future. I’ll wait here.


Did you do it? What did you see? Ideally, you saw a future where:


  • Your day-to-day operations practically ran themselves.
  • Every action you took as the brand leader promoted and expanded your brand.
  • Your brand was well-known, well-respected, and most of all trusted.

Okay, that’s the ideal. That’s what we are striving to achieve … and not just sooner or later, either. You want your business to look like this as soon as possible and to continue to resemble this utopian vision for as long as your business is operating.


The good news is that everything you imagined can be achieved. In fact, it’s within reach. All it takes is effective brand management.


Brand Management: Identify Systems


As a new business owner, you probably are doing ten million things a day just to keep your business afloat. That’s perfectly normal.


But your goal needs to be a business that practically runs itself so that you can focus on building your brand and growing your business. So how can you achieve that goal?


The first step is to identify the things you do all the time. Maybe they are daily tasks. Or possibly they are monthly responsibilities. Whatever the timetable, identify the brand-related actions that are on repeat within your business ops.


Now break each of these actions into their own systems. And then create a specific set of standards you can use to operate each task efficiently. Once you can get these tasks running efficiently, you already are on the path to a self-running business.


Eventually, your business growth rate will allow you to then delegate these tasks to others. And that frees you up even more for “big picture” thinking and actions.


Systemization of routine tasks eventually will lead to increased quality control, better services, and an improved customer experience. And that will make building your brand even easier.


Brand Management: Subsystems


We’ve talked about the macro of running your day to day. Now let’s discuss the micro.


Each task you identified above actually is a series of smaller tasks. These are known as subsystems.


Now all you need to do is take these subsystems and apply the same standardization to each that you did your larger systems. Once you can ensure that the quality and consistency of these smaller tasks is just as high as the standards you applied to your overall systems, you have built the foundation for successful brand growth.


Brand Management: Measurable Objectives


You can only judge something if you can measure it. For example, let’s say you never tracked your daily sales (Unimaginable, I know. But this is just a hypothetical!).


If you don’t know what you sold yesterday, or last week, or last month, how can you set goals for sales growth next year? Impossible.


That’s why it is critical to track and measure everything your business does within reason. Not just macro things like daily sales and weekly revenues, but smaller things like how long it takes you to perform specific tasks, or the overall efficiency of Promotion A versus Promotion B.


Metrics are essential to growing any business. They give us not only the data we need to understand where our business has been, but the tools we can use to plan for where we want it to go.


Your business needs to have measurable objectives that is based on empirical data. That means hard and fast numbers that don’t lie, can’t be manipulated, and don’t care whether you agree with them or not.


Once you create measurement systems, then you need to apply these metrics according to significant time frames: Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually.


Each smaller subset helps build the larger. And each allows you as the brand manager the ability to make specific, strategic decisions to “move the needle” where you want it to go.


Then you can set targets that allow you to work towards specific goals. All of which will help not only measure your business but also improve it.


Managing your brand is often a bigger challenge than simply launching it. To be successful in your industry, you need to be diligent in understanding how your business fits in relation to the competition and what you can do to improve your standing.


Need more ideas for managing your brand? Lytron Design can help. Call, email, or contact us today.