Brand Consulting Offers Fresh Perspective

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Businessman Using His Mobile Phone.It’s possible to be too close to your brand. No, in fact, it’s commonplace for companies to take their branding for granted and be blind to how people on the outside actually view their business.

Business owners “touch” their products, services, marketing, and social media all day every day. But ironically, all that focus can create a kind of near-sightedness that allows them to lose touch with the reality of actual perspective.

In other words: Your clients and customers probably won’t see your brand the way you think they do. 

Brand Consulting

Brand consulting is a fast-growing segment of business today that offers an experienced outside perspective into the actual look and feel of your business. Brand consultants are experienced at identifying brand vulnerabilities and offering an honest assessment of how people see your business without the myopia of being too close to it.

At Lytron Design, we offer brand consulting services that give business owners analysis, solutions, and effective marketing strategies that help businesses avoid the pitfalls of overfamiliarity.

We can give your business a clear-sighted analysis from the perspective of an impartial outsider and help you get a clearer picture of how your customers, your competitors, and your target audiences actually view your business. Then we give you the tools to improve your business brand, enhance your reputation within your industry, and expand your market share.

Essential to Success

Nobody knows your business better than you. But working so closely to it on an everyday basis, you may not have the same perspective as people on the outside.

The brand consultants at Lytron Design apply successful, proven strategies to give business owners a genuine, clear understanding of how people actually perceive their business. Then we collaborate with you to develop effective strategies that align your vision of the way you want people to see your business, your services, and your products with the reality of the marketplace.

First Brand Strategy Then Brand Management

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Digital Clickable VcardBranding is one of the most important elements of any enterprise. People aren’t going to trust your business, your products, your services, or you unless they feel comfortable and familiar with your brand.

Yet branding typically falls low on the priority list of many business owners. Most unsuccessful business owners believe people will simply find their business organically or be attracted to their brand just because they are good people.

But while you may be a nice person, have great products and services, and even offer an appealing and innovative business model, that’s not enough in today’s busi9ness environment unless you also have an effective, well-planned brand strategy.

Big or Small Businesses

The size of your business doesn’t matter. Every enterprise — from a one-person startup to a massive multinational conglomerate — needs to have a brand strategy to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace. Branding is the foundation for every marketing platform, from word of mouth to social media to paid print, broadcast, or display advertising.

Consistent, effective branding lets people feel familiar with your business. It helps establish and solidify your reputation before customers know anything else about your business. And it’s what causes them to seek out the products and services you offer and keep coming back again and again.

Brand Management

Yet crafting an effective brand is only the first piece of the puzzle. Once your brand is visible, it’s equally important to continually manage and expand your brand image so that you can build market share, increase return customers, and keep your business growing.

Lytron Design specializes in both brand strategy and brand management. We can help you define your business’s personality in the minds of your targeted customers, then craft a successful brand management strategy that keeps pushing the outer limits of your brand expansion further and further.

When it comes to branding, Lytron Design has the answers you need to successfully influence and promote positive customer interactions.

Does Your Brand Have These 3 Differentiators?


OrganicIn most business schools, one of the first things you learn is that successful brands stand out from the competition. Maybe they offer unique innovation, such as Apple. Or perhaps they have valuable safety features, such as Volvo. Or perhaps they are reliable and familiar, such as McDonald’s.

All of these three elements are known as “brand differentiators” and when you focus on them, you can set your brand and your business head and shoulders above the competition.


What sets your brand apart from your competitors? Are the products or services you offer different than everybody else’s? If so, you already have the first brand differentiator: Uniqueness.

When people look for the types of products or services you offer, yours need to stand out. If you offer the exact same products or similar services as everybody else, there’s no motivation for people to choose you over your competitors. Find the one thing that makes your brand unique and focus on it so you can explain to potential clients or customers what it is that makes you different and better than everybody else in the marketplace.


The second brand differentiator is value. The uniqueness you promote should be quantifiable to people in some specific way.

That could mean price, but it also could mean time value, convenience, safety, or any significant value difference that distinguishes your brand from all the others.


People need to know that your products or services are reliable, dependable, and consistent. Successful businesses focus on creating dependability as their third key brand differentiator. Once customers know they will get the same great products or consistent service from your business, they will return again and again. Plus, they will share their experience with family, friends, and social media contacts.

Brand differentiators — uniqueness, value, and dependability — are what separate average companies from the great ones. Which one does your business want to be?



Understanding Your Brand’s ‘Unique Selling Point’

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Image 2No matter what business you are in, there is always going to be competition. Distinguishing your brand from all the others is key to building sales, capturing market share, and building loyalty among clients and customers.

Your brand’s ‘Unique Selling Point’, or USP, is how you stand out from the competition. Defining your USP and exploiting its potential offers a long-term path to continued successful branding. Here’s how you do it.

USP as Branding

First, it’s important to understand that your brand’s USP is more than just marketing. It is what defines your business as a whole, including everything from operations to product design to choice of marketing platforms and targeted customers.

Second, as the name implies your Unique Selling Point should be the one thing that distinguishes your business from all the others in the same marketplace. It’s not a product feature, it’s a branding concept. For example, the USP of Apple’s iPhones isn’t that they are compact, intuitive to use, or even that they are smart. It’s that they are innovative and cool.

By defining this particular USP, Apple is able to convince millions of consumers worldwide to pay more for their product even though there are others that do essentially the same thing for less money. And this central USP is integrated into everything from packaging to their research and development to the design of their retail stores.

What’s Your USP?

So defining the USP for your brand, products, and business as a whole probably the single most important decision you will make as a business owner. You want a USP that is true, concise, and easy for customers to instantly grasp. Yet it also should be bold, edgy, and focused squarely on customer benefit.

Lytron Design can help you define your brand’s USP then collaborate with you to implement it across all platforms as part of an overall strategic branding campaign. Let’s work together to create a memorable, effective USP that will give you the results you want.



Engagement Is More than Just Value

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Screenshot 2020 07 17 At 3.47.59 AmThe key to any long-term business relationship is value. When what you offer is valuable to your clients or customers — whether it is a product, a service, or simply an idea — then that value creates a strong loyalty that you can benefit from for years or even decades.

But in today’s lightning-fast, scroll-through business environment in which attention spans are shorter than ever, value is not enough. Your business also needs to engage your clients in ways that are simultaneously unique and appealing.

Standing Out from the Crowd

The benefit of offering a product/service/idea that is unique in your marketplace is nothing new. The big business schools have been instilling this idea in their graduates for generations.

What is different in today’s business environment is the need to engage people in ways that are appealing. It’s not enough to have a website that offers high-value content or simple and efficient navigation. Web pages also need to appeal to the eye, inspire the intellect, and instill confidence and comfort in both casual and repeat visitors.

The same premise holds true for every other potential contact portal for customers or clients, including print media, broadcast marketing, and even physical showrooms and offices. There’s simply too much competition today to allow your focus to slip even slightly. By the time you realize you have lost the customer’s attention, 15 other competitors will be vying for their business.

Building Brand Loyalty

Engaging people in ways that are continually creative and effective is hard. If everybody could do it, we would all be billionaires. But the good news is once you land upon brand identity for your business that is both unique and appealing, you can create strong loyalties that will keep people coming back to you time and time again.

Apple has done it. So has Tesla, Netflix, Costco, and countless others. Now it’s your turn. If you’re ready to get started, Lytron Design is ready to help.

Is Your Website Converting Visitors into Customers?

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Screenshot 2020 07 17 At 3.47.59 AmFor businesses today, having a website isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. As traditional business morphs into a new kind of digital marketplace, a website is the best — and possibly only — way to attract new prospective clients and customers.

But is your current website generating the conversions your business needs to be successful? In other words, when people find your website, do they like what they see so much that they instantly become lifelong fans of your business?

Hard Numbers

If the answer is “Maybe” or “I sure hope so”, that’s not good enough in today’s business environment. There’s simply too much competition on the digital landscape to accept mediocrity or uncertainty when it comes to your online profile. Successful businesses need a constant and continual feedback loop on the effectiveness of their conversions. Without the continual flow of information about your business’s digital performance, it’s like running a ship without a rudder.

Lytron Design specializes in creating, improving, and streamlining commercial websites so that they provide constant accurate data streams. Now you can get the feedback you need to ensure your business is attracting more customers, maximizing conversions, and growing both the size and reputational quality of your business.

Too Much at Stake

The signs that the old ways are ending and a new digital era is upon us are evident everywhere. Shopping malls are closing. Once powerful newspapers ad radio stations are teetering on the brink of obscurity. Meanwhile, web-centric businesses are flourishing as consumers seek easier, more efficient ways to get the products and services they want.

If your business website isn’t keeping up with the times, you may soon find yourself on the wrong side of history. Lytron Design has the experience, knowledge, and ambition to thrust your business into the forefront of the 21st Century digital marketplace.

How do you measure success? Let Lytron Design give you the data-driven direction that helps you connect and convert customers.

Engagement Is More Important than SEO

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Fort Lauderdale Web Design Results DrivenThe internet as we know it actually hasn’t been around all that long. It’s easy to forget that just 10 or 15 years ago going online required longer download/upload times, frequent system crashes, and sites that featured mostly text instead of streaming. Not to mention that mobile web browsing was practically non-existent.

Today, things are a lot different. So the way businesses attract new online customers needs to be different, too. Today, engagement with site visitors is way more important than stuffing your website and pages with SEO to attract more people.

Content over Keywords

Remember early webpages that featured keywords stuffed into nook and cranny so they would be more attractive to search engine algorithms? Back in the early 2000s, the only way to get people to land on your site was to have the best keywords in all the right places.

Today, the algorithms that power Google, Bing, YouTube, Baidu, and other powerful global search engines have adapted to the times. Their creators realize that internet users don’t want to land on pages that are all but unreadable because they are “SEO stuffed”. Instead, algorithm coders understand that people want high-quality content that they can genuinely engage with in meaningful ways. So they have adapted their search engines to reflect these preferences.

Future of SEO

SEO is still important. It’s just not as important as engagement with content people actually want. Successful web page designers today value quality over quantity. They consider how people will interact with their websites once they land there rather than simply trying to attract as many people as possible with SEO stuffing and other outdated techniques.

There’s still a place for SEO, keywords, and other traffic tools. But all these things need to take a backseat to content and engagement in today’s online superhighway.

Engage Prospective Customers with Useful Information

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Portrait Of A Cheerful Couple Shopping Online. Technology, E-Commerce, Banking ConceptRegardless of what type of business you are in, there inevitably is going to be a lot of competition. It doesn’t matter if you own a multinational conglomerate or a local small business, there will always be only a limited pool of potential customers. And in order to succeed, you need to attract more than your competitors.

In the Information Age, the most effective way to capture your intended audience is by providing people with helpful information they can use in their everyday lives. When you “give away” things like tips, actionable advice, and recommendations to prospective customers, they are more likely to choose your business over your competitors and then keep coming back again and again.

Blog Posts

One of the most effective ways to engage new customers is by creating original, informational blog posts. A blog post can include useful information about your industry, your products, or even your business itself. And once you build a library of helpful, interesting blog posts, you can distribute them over and over again to new customers on multiple platforms, including social media, direct text messaging, and even on your company website.

Timeless, evergreen blog posts can engage and help build loyalty with new customers for years to come, creating trust bonds that encourage people to return to your business again and again.

Lytron Design

Lytron Design creates and distributes informative, original blog posts that are directly relevant to industry and business. We’ve helped dozens of small businesses define their brand, expand their client list, and engage new customers using the highly effective tools of the Information Age. And we can do the same for your small business.

In today’s digital landscape, if you want to set yourself apart from the competition you need to give people something they can use. Blog posts help attract new, long-term customers to your small business by offering helpful information they can apply to their everyday lives.

One Business, Two Websites

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Google Maps 2 1Most businesses today have an attractive, simple-to-navigate website where online customers can browse, book, and buy. But successful businesses actually have two versions of their company website: One for internet users and one for people using portable devices.

Mobile-ready websites represent the next stage for companies seeking to expand their online presence. They tend to be simpler, cleaner, and less wordy than their web-based counterparts. That’s because they are designed to be viewed by people using smartphones, tablets, and other devices with much smaller screens.

Capturing Customers

Traditional websites designed to be viewed on a laptop or home computer have the luxury of space and clarity. They can feature more content, bigger images, and sharper detail.

But thanks to advancements in smartphone technology, significantly faster WiFi speed, and the availability of broadband practically everywhere, an increasing number of consumers are abandoning their computers and doing most of their web surfing on their smartphones. So businesses need to react by creating mobile-friendly websites that are designed to be viewed on these types of devices.

Streamlined for Surfing

Try viewing a website designed for a computer screen on your smartphone and you will instantly see the problem: Text that is too small to read, buttons that are too small to push, and significantly lower loading speed.

Mobile-ready websites have specific features that make them easier to use for people using smartphones and other portable devices, including larger navigation buttons, reformatted content, and images optimized for viewing on iPhones, Androids, and other mobile devices.

Smart companies have smarter, mobile-friendly websites. Successful businesses recognize the trend towards smartphones and take the appropriate steps to ensure they capture the largest possible pool of prospective customers.

If your website has not yet been optimized for mobile viewing, you are absolutely missing out on the growing trend towards mobile surfing.

Your Logo Is a Visual Symbol of Your Business

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Golden Ration Brand Identity LogoMost people are familiar with some of the most popular logos in the world. These include logos like McDonald’s golden arches, Starbucks’ happy green mermaid, and The Walt Disney Company’s ubiquitous mouse ears.

But what makes these logos so effective, so familiar, and so enduring? The answer may surprise you.

The Power of the Logo

In essence, a logo is a visual representation of everything a company strives to be. It instantly and often wordlessly stamps an indelible message into the mind of the viewer. A powerful, effective logo tells people, “This company is good. This company can be trusted. And this company is worthy of your loyalty.”

Logos help consumers differentiate one product from another. But they also do a whole lot more.

A strong, effective logo creates an identity for a business, one that consumers can embrace, value, and even make part of themselves. Popular brands like Pepsi, Mercedes-Benz, and Addidas are often seen on t-shirts, hats, and other items fans of those companies can show off and make part of their own identities.

Your Company’s Logo

If your company doesn’t currently have a logo, you may be missing out on an enormous opportunity to expand your customer base, build lifelong customer loyalty, and create global brand exposure for your business.

If you have a logo already but it hasn’t captured the attention you expected, it may be because it is ineffective or fails to engage with the people you want to attract to your business. A new logo can help create a positive new identity for your business, your products or services, and for everything you value.

Logos alone won’t create success. But they are a critical part of overall branding. Lytron Design specializes in helping small businesses just like yours create effective, magnetic logos and other branding strategies that create measurable results.