What You Need Is A Progressive Web Design!

Landing Pages

Lytron will transform your website into a money making machine


Lytron Marketing Agency is coming up with a progressive web design program this year. Our Web Design Fort Lauderdale service is one of our branches which will spearhead our program in this great and wonderful city. We will promote your business by showing off your most important asset which is your product of course.  We will exhibit the best features that your product has to offer in a manner that the customer will experience their positive attributes just by looking at them and reading about them. We have highly skilled graphic artists  expert content writers who will do this.


Each of our clients that are being served by our Web Design Fort Lauderdale knows how effective we are at showcasing their products.


We have been serving many of you for a long time now and we know what you need in terms of pushing your products in relation to how they appear on your websites. We treat each of you according to how you provide your own customers with product satisfaction. Each of you has your own specialties which your customers also want to see, and this is exactly what your customers will find on your websites. They can relate themselves to your products. and this means that they’re going to buy them.


Our Web Design Fort Lauderdale service has come up with new ideas that will make your customers feel welcome at your websites as they click your advertisements and find themselves in your very hospitable landing page. There’s a fresh feeling that’ll interact with your customers as they start to surf in your customer centered website navigation system.


They will find it highly entertaining as they go through your every item without feeling bored but rather highly interested.  We saw to it that both back and front end users will truly enjoy the creativity that we will imbue into your website. They’re going to find the adventure truly exhilarating and this will not be lost to them as they start sharing this to their social media pals.


And we also improve accessibility from any computer platform being used, especially mobiles. Our Web Design Fort Lauderdale service progressive approach in designing your websites makes it possible for your web content and graphic to be available to all kinds of computer devices which will give your products an advantage over that of your competitor’s.


If it’s a dynamic sales performance that you’re looking for and you want to continue to stay in the upper echelon rankings, we can help you in that area without fail. We have the capabilities of carrying out the programs we’ve just mentioned because we have the most modern tools to do that. We are always upgrading our capabilities without ceasing, including our staffs training and schooling.  Web design is like rushing water, which never stops bringing changes in every place which it happens to pass by.


We don’t want you to be swept away by onrushing renovations that websites are subjected to regularly, and that is why our Web Design Fort Lauderdale service is always following the rules set down by Google.


We have proven that we can deliver by the number of satisfied customers that we have in our portfolio right now. We have several dozens of them affiliated with us right now. We’d be happy to oblige to extend to you the same courtesy.  Call us or send us an email. We are at your service, always.



Contrasting responses regarding the work of SEO consultants:


First, the hired SEO consultants will come with plans and have them implemented; that’s it. They have done what they are paid to do.


The second response is from the hiring companies themselves. They perceive recommendations not very important and will either forget all about them or only use them with limited applications. In both situations, the SEO consultants are at fault.


What we do, if you ever hire us, is ensure that what we have done will be fully implemented and that the results will be enjoyed by the company who invested money in us.


We give you additional brains, eyes, and hands to give more power to the recommendations we make and the good part is that we don’t charge extra for it. Planning, implementation, and management of the SEO solutions that we have worked so hard for your utilization will be considered one single package for your benefit. There is a continuum in the planning and implementation process of the entire program which will be most advantageous to you.


SEO based marketing moves very fast. Your personnel will be overwhelmed by the fast development and may find it difficult to catch up, more so implement the changes. This will create a vacuum in your business which I’m sure will have a detrimental effect on your sales.


The importance of seo consulting – You need professional consultants to save your business from unwanted work backlog that are very difficult to unload.


You don’t have to do it alone. I mean run your business using your own resources without outside help. Your competitors will have huge advantages over you in terms of link building, web content, and other SEO related programs. What we offer you is more than what other SEO consulting companies have in their portfolios.  During the implementation of the recommended SEO solutions that we have provided to you, we will train your personnel to handle the entire operation on their own when the proper time comes.


We will provide you with consulting leadership, tips, recommendations, and suggestions until such time that we have developed leaders from your own rank and files.


So what we’re offering you in fact is more than SEO consulting. With the time you will learn how to track visitor visits, time spent on your website, customer conversion rate, keyword related traffic, and more. We pass this on to you in easy to understand detailed reports.


There’s nothing that we can’t do to help your company survive the very close competition of online business. The spider will find your website SEO friendly and ready for the big time. The work is done by you and us cooperating in every area of operation. You won’t be totally dependent on us since we will be collaborating with your experts as well. This way all areas of the operation will be aptly covered and nothing will be left in the dark.


The importance of seo consulting – After we have finished upgrading your business operation, the consulting service will continue to ensure that whatever changes in the algorithm will not put your business at a disadvantage but will rather adapt to it nicely.

Google My Business – Google Maps

SEO Basics

Boosting your local ranking by using Google+ can bring a lot of good things to your business.


We can help your business reap huge dividends by providing you with a strategy using local SEO techniques. Customers rely so much on their computer to look for the things they buy using Google. You can benefit from this right now if you want to.  Many business owners have realized the importance of submitting their contact information to local directories to influence Google +. If you haven’t done so, don’t delay any more because your neighborhood competitor might be using it now.


How would you like to take advantage of the following? There’s a report that will open your eyes to how important it is to be included in the local listings.  Using Google will provide you with the benefits which your business will definitely need. This report according to MDG Advertising is a living proof of how customers rely on their computers when buying the things they need. Customers depend on Google to look for local suppliers and establishments if they want to buy something. A lot of customers with mobiles surf the internet when trying to find places to buy the things they want and 61% end up in purchases.


Getting your business to the Google directory is the easiest thing to do. But before we do this we will have to talk to you and obtain some important data that will help us in our research concerning the industry you’re in.  We‘ll make sure that you are listed in the proper and correct directory. Local backlinks are also important to help improve your business’s online presence. The more exposed you are, the more people will buy from you.


We will also analyze why your customers are giving you the ratings you are having now and make sure that they will help you more than painting you in a negative picture. This will be offset if you have a social media account. We will help you set up one. If you have one already, we will see to it that it’s working on your behalf.  They will help a lot in improving customer acceptance greatly. High customer trust and approval rating is very important in building consumer confidence. We will see to it that you will enjoy a highly positive rating.


We have been helping a lot of startup business cope up with the heat of competition. As more and more local business owners have realized the importance of Google+ to boost their presence on the internet, it would be wise to do the same.


Google My Business – Google Maps


One sure thing to give your business a good push is that we can supply you an almost unlimited number of power keywords, both long and short tail, to break into the front page within your geographical SERP. Your business may be located in a big or small city, it doesn’t matter; we can help set you up to put your business on Google maps. With one click, your local buyers will know where you are.


We will work closely with you in the beginning, which is the most crucial phase of the SEO upkeep. We should be very active in observing what’s going on in Google to get the best results. One example was that Google changed the pure type of search to blended. Now if you’re not aware of this, your business may disappear from the view.


One sure thing to give your business a good push is that we can supply you an almost unlimited numbers of power keywords both long and short tail to break into the front page within your geographical SERP. Your business may be located in a big or small city it doesn’t matter; we can help set you up to put your business on Google map. With one click and your local buyers will know right away where you are.


We will work closely with you in the beginning which is the most crucial phase of the SEO upkeep. We should be very active in observing what’s going on in Google to get the best results. One example was that Google changed the pure type of search to blended. Now if you’re not aware f this business may disappear from the view.

The Importance Of Press Release Distribution!

Website 1

What is a press release?


It’s a short summary of what your business is all about and what it does to the community or demographic that you are targeting. The number of words may vary from 300-500 words. Not too short that it’ll be unable to explain what you want to your customers to know yet not too long that it will bore readers.  What we want to do is to make it even more widespread, reaching as many as target people on the planet as possible. This will instantly be recorded by the major search engines and made available to MSN News, Google News, the Topixcom, and Ask.com. Press releases are given more priority by media companies and are published ahead of the regular news items.


The Importance Of Press Release Distribution! –  The purpose of the press release is to make customers aware of the importance of the event that you are promoting or the product that you are selling.


It is also responsible for making your company more humane run by people who are socially responsible.  It creates more exposure for your establishment, making it more familiar to the buying public. And once these are prepared and integrated, they will become part of Google News and Yahoo News releases of the day and your information will be disseminated in a matter of minutes to the world.


And you’ll gain more benefits by doing business with us because your press releases will also find its way to any computer owner who has Google alerts set up, which indeed is a huge number of people. Since a lot of people know the importance of Google alert in their research, you will enjoy additional advantages by using other means of press release venues. You have a captured audience in the making. And if that’s not enough, will also find ways to other news outlets including syndicated distributors which will be responsible for feeding your press release directly to the readers. In this manner, more links are created once they’ve been in the internet making it another vehicle for your product’s exposure.


The Importance Of Press Release Distribution! – What should be included in a press release?


Not only the products of course. It should include the new developments in the company such as new products, community activities, any awards being received by the company and more.  So while the Press releases are included in the daily activities of the news organizations already mentioned above, it also becomes part of Google .com organic search within minutes and becomes a part of their search terms. This is really huge. Anyone can click your press release and they instantly become available.


And you will be provided 3 URLs in addition to what you already have. You will also be provided with an anchor text and the suitable keywords of your choice.  Other highly respectable PR sites will include you in their backlinks and this will be a great opportunity for your website to make it to page one. People reading them will treat them just as they are reading the regular news and that makes your press release highly credible devoid of any promotional manipulation.

What Are The On-Page Optimization That You Need!

Lytron 7 Easy Resize.com

What Are The On-Page Optimization That You Need!


Optimizing your web page will bring a lot of benefits to your online business.  But this is more easily said than done if you don’t have the exact know how. We know that making our website customer friendly is one very important key to keeping customers satisfied and willing to come back for more servings. This is what we do best at Boca Raton SEO Services. We know that SEO optimization is a very progressive process and change is very much a part of it.



You may have instituted lot improvements in your website only to find them useless the following week. What you need are solid measures which will stand the test of changes in the algorithm. If your changes are just window dressings, your online business will one of the first to be swept away when Google institutes another change in the way the algorithm works.


Nothing is easier than listing down the requirements that will help your SEO related plans get higher page rankings. However, it’s more to your advantage if we first look at just what changes that your website needs in order to optimize your webpage to the maximum. And one of these is your choice of keywords. You can list as many keywords as you can to ensure that your product is being targeted every time a customer clicks one of them. You know how it works. You list your keywords according to how popular they are. You will have to choose mostly long tail keywords. You’ll get more results by using, for example keywords such as “genuine leather dog collars “than using just “dog collars”.


What Are The Optimization That You Need!


And remember: you need a landing page. This is the place where the customers will find themselves after they click your advertisement. It should have an impressive title and everything it should be perfect, including the product description.  The keywords should also be in it.


And then you have also have to improve your backlinks, those that flow from them to yours. Having an excellent article writer should not be lost on you because backlinks need high quality content to work to your advantage. Customers will only be able to familiarize themselves with your products by reading them through your superior web contents extolling your products to the highest heavens.


Search engines also visit your page title.  So it should also contain the keywords; to be highly effective it should contain only 70 words at most.  Making it longer will give the search engine a reason to curtail it. They should be descriptive of what is on the webpage.


Don’t be trigger happy in changing your URL. It’s already indexed and unless you’re creating another product, you have to institute a 301 redirect or what the customer will get is only -Error 404- which means that your URL can’t be found.


The metadata should be another important place where the search engine will visit. Limiting it to less than 160 words will keep it within the search engine’s target. This is a very important part of a web page that should not be forgotten. The keywords should be well represented there as well.


On-page optimization measures will help bring your website on top of the rankings or way down below. We can institute the on page-optimization solutions to your advantage and benefit.

The Importance Of Keywords Analysis

Think Locally But Market Globally

Are you having trouble with your online business? Having some problems with your choice of keywords?


If you took them for granted you will indeed find your business in hot water because what you’re using now is not compatible with your products. Instead of working for you, they are working against you.


Why do you need to have the appropriate or the exact keywords in your web content? Why is it that your present keywords are not getting you the rating that you expect? You’ve been languishing on page 3 for a very long time now or even lower than that and you’re not earning the income that you want so much.


Well, for one thing: keywords are responsible for your customer conversion rate.


And this is the most crucial figure that you should watch because this will decide the future of your online business. Is your business going to continue or not? It’s not the number of visitors that comes surfing to your website that will pay for your operational expenses and buy you’re your products. It’s the number of customers who will find your product good for them and buys them.


So if you have 250 visitors, but only 5 buys from you, which is a lowly 2 percent, your business won’t survive.  And why is this? It’s because your keywords don’t connect to your products at all. When the customers click the keywords, your product is nowhere to be found. Your product keywords aren’t popular or are at the lowest of the list of the possible keywords to use. You have to make sure your keywords are the right ones for your products to be able to earn more sales.


Keywords means a lot if want your website to prominently start on page one of the SERP or the Search Engine Results page. This is where your web pages are rated as a result of the of the SEO query based on your keywords. So if your keywords are not hot to the search engine’s touch, your website will never see the front page at all. If the search engine ignores your keywords, then your website’s online presence will be jeopardized, along with the viability of your business.


The Importance Of Keywords Analysis – Don’t use just any keywords.


Use the ones that best describe your website’s products.  In this connection, using “long tail” keywords, for example will work better than the shorter ones. If your product deals with hair products, don’t use a key word that says hair only. Your product is going to get lost in the enormous number of products that will appear as a result of the query  that don’t have any relationship with what you’re selling. You can use instead something like “hair smoothing cream” or “hair frizz removal lotion”.  Those keywords will point directly to your products.


Remember: you don’t want more customer visits, just more purchases. With many unwanted visitors crowding out your target demographic, they’ll just look for another website which is easier to use.


Your keywords should keep your bottom line highly profitable and should only attract customers that are the buying kind.

Importance of Video Marketing


Videos move the world today. From movies to seminars to sales presentations, people’s interest is at the highest when video presentations are included.


We are not talking about ordinary videos but those created by professionals; videos which are very relevant to the subject at hand or more specifically to the products being sold. A lot of products have very little difference; what makes one sell better than the other is the ability of the marketing department to exploit the correct strategy to call the attention of the buyers.


Most online businesses don’t have marketing departments or their own sales force to move their products. The sales depend a lot on how a website is ranked. What I mean is that the survival of an online company from small to medium sized is in the hands of web design and SEO experts. Before customers can find your website, it should be ranked first.


Now after getting ranked higher, the customers will start queuing to see it and they’ll expect to be impressed.


Now here comes the job of another expert. Your website should offer something that holds on to the customers. The longer they stay, the higher the chances they’ll buy and the lesser your bounce rate will be. This is where the importance of videos fit in. This is one way of building up of consumer base. People will flock to your website especially if it’s really something special, unique and an authority on the product.



Importance of Video Marketing –  Banners and photos have their uses as well. But compared to videos, it’s like you’re talking about 3D versus 2D movies.


There’s no comparison really.  Videos have a way of getting customer interaction.  Moving pictures are easy to recall. It’s easy to remember what both the eyes and the ears have experienced, compared to just viewing the photo. And it’s more enjoyable too. The tendency for customers to go back to your website and inform their social media pals will be a tremendous boost to your business venture. Your competitor will eat your cyber dust.


Giving your videos the HD quality will even make it more popular.  It’ll be easy for customers around the world to get access to it and your of business success has just been realized more than you expected.  Animations and other types of presentations, with living colors, streaming in uninterrupted and smooth flow will do wonders to your products. You can present your videos both online and offline. It can be presented both in TV and both the desktop and mobiles.  The magnitude of exposure is beyond any other scope available.


For beginners, videos will just be terrific. Everything the customer wants to know about the online company can be presented in few minutes in a detailed and entertaining manner. Of course you need an expert video specialist to do it for you. Your video should be better than that of your competitor.  Customers will buy your product more if you make them laugh and enjoy your video presentation very much.

Importance of Writing Unique Content

For On Page SEO Content Quality Is Still Top Priority


Article writing will always be relevant to your website. It’ll help boost your web presence, especially if you follow the SEO guidelines.  There’s nothing that can take its place in terms of relevancy and performance;  it, your business will be hard pressed to follow the right direction towards success.  With SEO working in favor of your web content, your website will find itself, where it should be, on page one. An excellent article writer will push your fortunes with SEO compatible web contents.

How will the customers know that the product you’re selling is the one that they need without the articles that’ll extol them? Another aim of the article is to explain your product’s relevance to the buying public. What are its advantages over the other products with the same usage? Is it more effective, is it safer, is the price cheaper, what are the ingredients and the proof that it really works?  The article or web content is highly responsible in selling the product once the customers have settled down in your website.  Your timely and fresh web contents will help the customer decide when buying your products. What else is there without the web content? Nothing!

The article writer is also responsible for making your web content and keywords work together. You know that your product’s success will depend on how the keywords are used, how many times they are used, and where they are used. The keywords are usually placed in the first paragraph and they are interspersed in the web content and again, they should be included in the last paragraph.

Importance of Writing Unique Content – A good article writer may explain your services briefly. That’s it.

There’s no need to suffocate the readers with what your product is capable of doing.  One of the most important aspects of content writing is showing how a customer is going to get benefited from your product.  What are the advantages that he or she will personally derive from it? Explaining the product in relation to customer needs will get more positive responses than concentrating on the product alone.  Whether you’re selling services or goods, it will be more to your business’s advantage and customer’s personal benefit if they know what’s in store for them rather than what makes the product great.

Fresh web contents are a must and it’s the role of your article writer to submit at least two a month. Or you can increase it even to 4 or 6 in a month. The most important part of the web content is getting you to where you want your business to go, what direction you want to take your product, and how you’re going to do it. Of course you can vary your approach. You can target the general public or just concentrate on a certain customer base.  If you have more web content per month it’ll be easier for you to keep your customers visiting your website. Yesterday’s news will not be as interesting compared to today’s headlines.

Mentioning your customer satisfaction and trust rating will do a lot in increasing your number of customer visits and the purchases that follows. And also, don’t limit your web content posting to your website. There are a lot of offline options that are more effective at getting a lot of positive responses such as Facebook or Twitter. Mobiles have also increased their influence in helping promote your products.

The articles are your smoking gun. Your web content gets the job done.

Importance Of Competition Analysis

fort lauderdale web design 9

The techniques are almost the same; it’s the approach that really varies.


While you use real physical materials in the real world, in the cyber world your website is the center of the struggle.


You have to be able to overcome your competitor’s selling technique, not by knowing what he’s doing, but by doing what you can. In this connection, you will need experts to help you. Don’t ever think that your rival’s success is due to their own making. Believe me; they have experts working for them. It’s them against you. You need an equalizer to keep the momentum in your favor and this is where experts can help you most.


Importance Of Competition Analysis – The technique is to start within your website. Strengthen it.


Your web design and SEO measures will help a lot in giving your business some muscles. Again, you can’t win without outside help.  No matter how unique your product is, how strong your marketing technique and how hard working you are there is limit to what you can do. You must be looking at your profit figures and in your mind business is good and you want to increase it some more.


So, you increased your stocks; what about it? How are you going to convince more customers to buy those additional stocks? Your business must be in plateau and your additional stocks will burden your operational cost and you’ll find yourself unable to sell them. And then you’ll begin to slide down.


Knowing your rival’s weakness is equivalent to knowing your strength. Looking at their operational details is also the same as looking at yours. You can’t analyze your competitors operation without analyzing yours. The wind blows both ways; why am I telling you this? Because, for sure, your competition is not sleeping either; it’s their experts against yours. And what if you don’t have any? Your business is going to fold up sooner than later.


Get into your competitor’s shoes. Think what opportunities are there to explore to your advantage. Think what your competitors might have to use against you. And you can do the same to them. Your products and their products are the same; it is the brand that differs.  That’s where the great difference lies. That’s where the main analysis should focus on. Exploit your products strength to the hilt and hit on their weakness unceasingly. There are ways to do this without being confrontational.


So will you lower your prices or give temporary promotional discounts? Lowering your prices will give you a lot of difficulties when increasing them again later. If you give promotional discounts such as adding give away to your products, your pricing scheme will remain intact and you won’t have to explain why you’re reverting to your original price later when the promotion ends. Your competitor will have a more difficult time explaining theirs.


Improve your website’s interaction capacity. Offer free and faster deliveries if possible and longer warranties. Always keep in mind what you can do to offset your competitor’s capabilities. And this is where experts can assist your business to be the front runner always.


You don’t have to break your head on what your competitor’s ideas are. You don’t have to copy them either.  There’s a chance that you’ll do it wrong. Give the headache to the experts and do what you do best. Run your business.

Importance of Link Building

With Todays Web Design Content Is King

So how do you expect to get links on your own?


  • Follow the standard SEO procedures such as quality web content, spectacular web graphic design, develop some more off pages programs such as putting up your own social media advertising on TV and magazines improve your website’s interactive capabilities and keep your keywords product sensitive.


We’ll work together for your link building towards a more profitable online business venture.


How are your links helping your online business; who did your link building; how effective are they?


If you’re traveling a long distance, a map or a GPS will come in handy to guide you until you arrive safely at your destination; don’t forget to take a look at the road signs which will serve as links. Without these links your trip is going to be difficult and you might get lost along the way. The links are there already and all you have to do is use them properly to help have you have a successful and relaxing trip.


This is exactly the same with your website. You should have very efficient and useful links that will take your customers to your products without any difficulty. If the way to your online enterprise is bumpy, hazy and difficult to travel, you’re going to experience very low revenues to support your online presence. One of the surest ways to get those much needed customer visits is to give them a working “map” like a magic carpet ride to your ecommerce site.


Link Building


Link building and SEO go together. Search engines find links essential to building up your ranking status. They serve as one of the building blocks of your website’s ultimate pertinence in internet business. They pave the way to your success or failure.  And remember: this is an “off page,” one of the few essentials that will really put your website on page one.


So if you’re planning to hit the big time and have those neon lights blazing as far as several miles, you need a very skilled and experienced link building team to keep your online business presence highly visible. This may sound cliché: not all link builders are the same. All of them may call themselves specialists, but some are really better than the others. It’s more important to get a quality link, those that carry enough influence to carry you to the top. But is that possible? Don’t you need have something exchanged to get the connection?


Yes, of course you have to have something worthy to get the necessary connections. Getting links may seem like a numbers game, but not high quality links. Looking at your website, are you considered a quality link yourself? You should be able to find the solution to that. So in order to get highly working links your website should also have what it takes. And that is where an excellent website designer and SEO expert will come in handy. Before you can get high quality links, you should be a high quality website yourself.


Let’s build up your website first and when it’s strong enough, let’s start building up the links. Your site should be important enough to be considered as an authority. Whatever it is your dealing with, your website should have a clout of influence over and it should also have the power to increase the traffic of the other websites that you are hoping to build a link with.