Tactical Strategies to Get Your Emails Opened and Read


Emails tend to be brief and to the point, so every bit of information counts.


And because people in business typically receive dozens, if not hundreds, or emails every day, using the most effective methods to make your emails stand out can mean the difference between their being opened and deleted without being read.


And because people in business typically receive dozens, if not hundreds, or emails every day, using the most effective methods to make your emails stand out can mean the difference between their being opened and deleted without being read.


Because people in business typically receive dozens, if not hundreds, or emails every day, using the most effective methods to make your emails stand apart from all the others can mean the difference between their being opened and deleted without being read.


The Subject Line


The first thing readers see is the subject line, which is where you should offer a brief description of what the email mail message is about. Busy business people will often scan through their lengthy list of incoming emails to find only those that are worth opening. If you leave your subject line


Busy business people will often scan through their lengthy list of incoming emails to find those few that are worth opening. If you leave your subject line blank or use a description that doesn’t capture their imagination, odds are your message will never be read.


Subject lines should be as specific as possible while still being brief, no more than a dozen words at most. You should avoid using bombastic, superlative words such as “incredible”, “amazing”, “sensational” and other adjectives typically associated with spam messages. Educate your intended reader rather than trying to impress them and you are more likely to have your message opened.


Avoid using bombastic, superlative words such as “incredible”, “amazing”, “sensational” and other similar adjectives. Most email services scan incoming emails and will send those with these descriptors right to the “Spam” folder.


Educate your intended reader rather than trying to impress them and you are more likely to have your message opened.


Tactical  – Using Attachments and Links


Perhaps the greatest value of email over other communication methods – such as texting or IMing – is the ability to attach documents such as Word files, audio files, videos, slideshows and others. These are usually attached to the document using the “Attach Files” function and will be listed both under the header and beneath your text copy when the email is opened by your reader. Clicking on either will open the attachment on a separate screen.


These are attached to the email using the “Attach Files” function and will be listed both under the header and beneath your text copy when the email is opened by your reader. Clicking on either will open the attachment on a separate screen.


Links to web pages, addresses and other locations can be embedded within the body of your email. Similarly, clicking on these links will bring the reader to your intended destination.


Using these tactical email techniques will make your emails more likely to be opened and read.

Local SEO Makes It Easier for Customers to Find Your Business

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Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=L7F6Mhb0By1Tkjl&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp ZdvdymlkaaaaaaaalxqLocal SEO is a technique small business owners can use to make it easier for potential customers to connect with their business both online and in the real world.


Thanks to near-universal Internet access and the popularity and affordability of mobile devices, smartphones and tablets are one of the most popular ways for people to search for the products and services they want.


As a result, local SEO — or increasing the profile of your business on geographically local searches from mobile devices — is critical for attracting prospective customers who are in your immediate area.


Google My Business Local SEO


Google remains the most popular search engine on the Internet. So creating a Google+ local page for your business listed is one of the first things you need to do to get local customers aware of your business.


Even if you don’t create a Google+ page, Google may build one for you based on the information it finds about your business online. So it’s important that you make sure any information listed there — including such things as hours of operation, menus, prices, and so on — is accurate.


Another important directory is the Yellow Pages. No, not the thick yellow phonebook of yesteryear, but the website YP, which is the modern digital version that many web browsers use to search for local businesses.


Social Media


Another way people select the businesses they want is through social media. Getting recommendations from social media contacts is one of the most common referrals for most consumers.


As a small business owner, you can improve your online reputation and drive more customers through your doors by launching a multi-faceted social media campaign. It can include such elements as a Facebook Fan page devoted to your business, regular status updates and Twitter postings, an Instagram account where you can share photos related to your business and other efforts.


Local SEO can drive more customers to both your website and to your brick and mortar business, so it’s something most small business owners today can’t afford to ignore.

Are You Ready for ‘Mobilegeddon’?

The Benefits of a Responsive Web Design

Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Wvlainmng9Qf2Ws&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp ZdvdymlkaaaaaaaaljqOn Tuesday, April 21, Google once again changed the algorithm its search engine uses to rank web pages. This time, the change adds more value to websites that have been optimized for smartphones.


While the event is being called “Mobilegeddon”, Googles latest update probably won’t have as big an impact as its Penguin and Panda updates earlier this decade. That’s because this most recent improvement doesn’t affect the ranking of sites viewed on laptops, PCs or even tablets. It only affects smartphone searches.


 Advance Notice Given – Are You Ready for ‘Mobilegeddon’?

Google also gave webmasters plenty of notice of their proposed changes this time. Rather than springing the updated algorithm on unsuspecting web page owners — the way it did to disastrous results with Panda and Penguin — the giant Internet company gave nearly two months’ notice, plenty of time for web designers to optimize their web pages.


Mobile-friendly sites have large text, easy-to-click links and are resized to fit on smaller screens. Web sites with these features will now be ranked higher than similar pages that haven’t been optimized for smartphones.


More People Using Smartphones


The move comes in response to a shift in the way most people access the Internet. Today, an estimated 60% of all searches now come from mobile phones. Google’s objective is to provide its users with the best experience so that it is easier for them to click on the links they want to follow when using their smartphones.


Despite the advance notice, any Google update is sure to cause panic among webmasters. And this latest one is no exception.


Most major retailers and companies that depend on Google for much or most of their business probably were aware of the update and were able to make the necessary changes well in advance. But small business owners who don’t pay as much attention to such things could find themselves suddenly far down the search engine results pages for their keywords.

SEO Risks Worth Taking for Web Design

Rocket Your Website to the Top of the Charts

Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Bm8Clqd3Ehqswxi&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp ZdvdymlkaaaaaaaakpgWhen you take a risk, it essentially means going for something that could potentially go wrong. Of course, everything has some degree of risk, but genuinely taking chances ups the odds of disaster. Yet with big risks come big rewards.


When it comes to web design, you can play it safe and produce adequate, pedestrian web pages for your clients. Or you can try new things, push the envelope, and use your creativity in the hopes of cashing in big.



SEO Risks Worth Taking for Web Design – Worthwhile Risks


Sometimes you need to work outside of your comfort zone and simply take some big chances in the hopes of reaping some big rewards. One example would be hiring a writer who has no SEO experience.


Writing for SEO purposes is different than most other types of writing. It requires a different skill set than, say, a newspaper reporter, a novelist, or even a blogger.


Still, SEO is a skill that can be learned fairly easily. And the more experience a writer has with SEO, the more adept they become at using it within their text. Giving a new writer a chance — and some training — can often have great results for your web design.


SEO Risks Worth Taking for Web Design – Changing Web Design


Many clients are comfortable with their current web design and resist even the smallest changes. But pages that have looked the same for years can be boring to visitors. They can even miss out on some of the newest trends in web design that can make pages more interactive and convert better.


One approach is to let clients know that they can always change back to their old web design if they aren’t happy with the results the new web design brings their business. Pitch the new design as a 14-day or month-long trial and you usually can get more buy in from your clients.


Risks are a part of life. Taking big ones isn’t something you probably want to do all the time. But the occasional risk can often bring you and your business enormous results.

7 Top WordPress Plugins for Web Designers

140 Merom 2

WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform and is used by web designers everywhere. One of the biggest reasons for this is that it supports templating and plugins, so it is simple to use to customize website


Great Functionality and Value


Because WordPress is an open source site, most of the plugins available are free for anybody to use. So that means the price is right as well!


Here, then, are some of the most helpful and popular WordPress plugins for web designers:


1. Google Analyticator — What the Google Analyticator does is add the JavaScript code to your blog or website that enables Google Analytics on your WP Dashboard. This is a helpful tool that tells you not just how many visitors are landing on your pages, but what keywords they are using to find them.


2. Shareaholic — Want to share options to your site? (Of course you do!) The Shareaholic plugin puts a social bookmarking menu on your posts, pages and index (or all three), plus adds related content if you want.


3. nrelate —  Speaking of related content, nrelate (all lower case) is a plugin that automatically generates content links for your pages. You can use the plugins shortcode to manually insert links to related posts that your visitors might find fun or interesting.


4. Viper’s Video Quicktags — Embedding videos into your pages can often be a real hassle. What this plugin does is simplify the proces by adding platform-specific buttons that let you past the URL of the video you want to embed. That’s it. Easy-peasy!


5. WordPress Calls to Action — If the purpose of your web page is to get visitors to do something (by a product, opt-in to your mailing list, etc.), this plugin provides a quick and easy way to create call to action (CTA) pop-ups. It also tracks conversion rates and enables split testing.


6. Events Calendar — This plugin lets you quickly create events and let you do things like have a calendar view, search events and even integrate maps. It’s ideal if you are hosting events, running a club, or doing event planning.

How to Keep Fit When Working in Front of a Computer All Day

SEO News PageSpeed Cancelled

Web designers and other people who work with computers have a disadvantage when it comes to fitness. Because they are sitting in front of a screen for eight or more hours per day, they are more likely to gain weight, be less active and have related health issues.


There’s even a term for it: “Web Spread”.


This is a real problem because as more and more jobs become automated, a growing percentage of the work force will be spending an increasing amount of time sitting at a computer.


Ways to Beat ‘Web Spread’


One recent study that was widely reported in the media bombastically claims that “sitting is the new smoking”. In other words, the sedentary lifestyle a growing number of people are embracing is leading to as many health consequences as cigarette smoking.


So how can the average worker avoid web spread and the resulting health issues? Here’s a few tips:


  • Stand More Often — If you spend most of your workday sitting down, make a point of taking regular breaks. Walk around the office for a few minutes every hour or two. Go outside during your lunch break and walk around the block or parking lot.


  • Snack Better — There’s a tendency to eat mindlessly when working in front of a computer. Many people don’t even realize they are eating — or what they are eating — when they are engrossed in their work. Switch to healthier snacks, such as microwave popcorn, carrot sticks or celery stalks. Not only are these lower in fat, but they contain important vitamins and nutrients that will improve your immunity and overall health.


  • Consider Getting a ‘Standing Desk’ — One of the newest trends in office furniture this year is the standing desk. This is an elevated surface that you can work on while standing up. Typically, these types of desks are adjustable, so they can be used when you are sitting down as well.


Working in front of a computer all day can be hazardous to your health. Add these healthy habits to your workday and you can avoid getting web spread.

Why Online Shopping Is Here to Stay

Miami Web Design

Today more than ever before, consumers are turning to the Internet to find the products and services they want. Given the convenience of shopping online, that’s not surprising.



When you shop online, you don’t have to drive down to the shopping district or mall, you don’t have to deal with the crowds, and you don’t have to interact with ignorant or inattentive sales staff. All you need to do is perform a quick search for what you want, click on a button and it will be delivered to your home within a few days — or even a few hours, in some cases!



Web Design and Online Shopping



The rise of online shopping has been a boom for most web design firms. That’s because even the smallest brick and mortar businesses now need to have a website in order to compete for customers. Most businesses are now taking it a step further and asking for web pages that are optimized for use on mobile devices like smart phones and tablets.



The trend for online retail isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s only going to get bigger.



Shopping – Investing in the Future



In response, many big retailers are looking for ways to simplify and speed up the process so that it’s easier than ever for their customers to get the products and services they want. Free delivery and next-day delivery have become so commonplace that many consumers now take them for granted and may balk at retailers that don’t provide these services.



Other big online retailers, such as Amazon, are now working on providing same-day delivery, investing huge sums in warehouses, distribution centers and delivery systems. Amazon is even experimenting with pilot-less drones that can deliver your order to your doorstep within an hour of placing your order!



For web design firms that seek out innovative and effective ways to make it easier for businesses to connect with customers, the future is very bright indeed.

PowerPoint Pitfalls to Avoid During Your Next Presentation

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PowerPoint has become ubiquitous in business presentations. Whether your are pitching an website upgrade to an existing client or trying to attract a new client, you probably depend on this easy to produce, effective tool to get your message across.


But PowerPoint slideshows can actually hurt your credibility if you don’t use them effectively. PowerPoint should be a tool to improve your visuals, not a distraction.


PowerPoint Pitfalls


Here, then, are some top mistakes to avoid when making your next PowerPoint presentation.


  • Take It Easy with the Sound Effects — When PowerPoint was first introduced more than a decade ago, the stock sound effects were a novelty. Today, they are a distraction, especially when the same sound effect is included with every slide transition or when trite sound effects are used, such as clapping at the end. Your want the people watching your presentation to focus on your message, not on the technology.


  • Standard Clipart Is Cliched — PowerPoint is now used so often that the standard clipart that comes with it has become stale and cliched. Depending on it shows a lack of creativity. A better idea is to scan your own photos or choose more original graphics from one of many online companies. Or consider whether you need graphical images at all. Screen captures often add more realism when making a presentation about a website or software.


  • Pre-Made PowerPoint Templates — Many of the templates the come with PowerPoint are outdated. They often include distracting backgrounds or stale color combinations. Come up with your own distinctive look or incorporate your company logo in the corner of the screen.


  • Too Much Text — Slides shouldn’t simply be scripts of what you are reading. They should depict your idea graphically or summarize key points. Avoid slides that contain full paragraphs, quotations or even full sentences. Bullet points work well. Images and graphics work even better.


  • Be Prepared for Disaster — Anticipate the worst and hope for the best. Have a backup plan — such as pass-outs or a flip chart — ready just in case your PowerPoint doesn’t work for whatever reason.

Great Keywords Make Your Websites Easier to Find

Landing Pages

One of the most common ways for people today to find the products and services they want is to search Google. But how does Google know which websites to lead them toward? Keywords.


What are Keywords ?


Are the words and phrases that Internet users type into search engines like Google and Bing. They also are the words search engine algorithms look for when they scan web pages that tells them what the sites are all about.


Placing the most important keywords for your business in the right places on your website can exponentially improve the chances of your pages appearing on the front page or top spot of Google searches when prospective customers are searching online for the types of products and services you offer.


Where Keywords Should Be Placed


So where should you place the best keywords for your business?


  • The most important place is in the page’s the title tag. The first 64 characters of the title tag are shown as the click-through link on Google search result pages.


  • Your keywords also should appear in the meta description tags, which are what describes the page’s content. Keep meta descriptions less than 160 characters.


  • The H1 tag is the page’s header. You should have only one H1 tag per page. The header needs to both describe the page and appeal to the page visitor.


  • Your keywords or keyword phrase should appear at least once near the top of the page’s content, as well as anywhere it makes sense. Try to get your keywords in at least four to five times per page, but no more than that or it will seem like you are “keyword stuffing” the page.


  • Alt tags are the floating descriptions that appear when you place your cursor over an image. Use your keywords in the alt text of an image and also in the image file name.

Top Tips for Using Images to Increase Your Site’s Conversion Rate

Web design 1

The right images not only bring life to your web pages, they also can make them convert better. People don’t want to simply browse a website. They also want to experience it. When you use the best images, you can boost your site’s conversions and connect better with your target audience.


But there are still plenty of  websites that seem oblivious to the importance of images when it comes to getting the most out of their existing traffic. Here, then, are some top techniques for boosting your conversion rate by being smart about the types of images you use on your web pages:


People Are Ruled by Their Emotions — Most people make a buy decision because they are having an emotional experience. If you can find a way to make your page visitors fee just right, they will take action. Use positive images to bring out positive emotions. These can include such things as a pretty girl smiling or an image that makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside.


The people who land on your pages aren’t dumb. They know what you’re trying to convey with your images. But if you can make them feel happy, proud, wanted or draw out some other positive emotion with your images, they will connect with your web pages and are more likely to follow your call to action.


People Like Cute Mascots — Have you ever wondered why so many companies continue to use cute and cuddly mascots for decades after they were first introduced? It’s because they work. People connect with mascots, so if you include a site mascot on your page, it can be an excellent opportunity to reinforce your branding. Mascots help sites create a powerful image in their audience’s mind. They also are highly memorable.


Mascots can help solidify your marketing motif. They also make it much easier to create the desired emotional effect you want on your web pages. Characters and site mascots act as a type of emotional shorthand that visitors can immediately grasp and hold on to.


The Human Touch – Boost your website’s conversion rate by including human faces on your pages. Images of real people cause your visitors to focus more on your page, drawing them towards a common point of interest.


Validate Your Products — TV commercials are an effective way to get people to buy products because they usually show models, actors or real life people using the product itself. When people are praising products, loving them, going crazy over the, it validates the product in the mind of the viewer.


People want to feel safe before buying anything. They have a built-in need to be convinced that they are making the right decision when they buy. And they fear being wrong. When they see other people being pleased with a particular product, it reinforces the idea that this is something they want and need.


Keep the Focus on Them, Not You — Your customers are interested in themselves. They don’t necessarily care about your product or company. It’s the “me” factor that ultimately can lead to conversions. Show your visitors they are smart to choose your products. Make them feel comfortable with high-quality images. Provide the experience that they arrived on your page to feel. This will open up doors to get more people to convert when they arrive on your pages.