Want to Be More Productive? Try These Four Simple Tips

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Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Vgoo80Svnw0X0Vu&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp Zdvdymlkaaaaaaaam AThe old saying, “Don’t work harder, work smarter” is often the quoted when talking about how to increase productivity at work and home.



It means that there are a limited number of hours in the day so you need to fit the maximum amount of productivity that you can. Be more deliberate about the way you do things and optimize the little moments to add to your overall productivity.



Here, then, are four simple yet effective ways to make you more productive



1. Create Time Limits for Tasks



Minimize wasted time and optimize productivity by setting time limits the tasks you perform each day. Just like the way you are allotted only a half hour or 60 minutes for your lunch break, allocate specific time limits for such activities as going through your email, responding to phone calls, networking, writing reports, reviewing background materials, and so on.



The timer on your smartphone or time-keeping apps can keep you on track throughout your day. And once you are accustomed to working under constant deadlines, you will be amazed how much you can accomplish.



2. Do the Quick Tasks First



At the beginning of your work day, consider all the tasks you hope to accomplish before you go home. Then mentally arrange them by how long each task will take. Knock out the tasks that can be completed in two minutes or less first. This will provide more time for the more challenging and time-consuming tasks.



3. Don’t Attend Meetings



Most meetings you attend at work are an utter waste of time. Decline invitations to all but the most necessary meetings and encourage your co-workers spend less time meeting unproductively and more time actually getting things done.



For meetings that are absolutely essential, have an agenda, set a time limit for each item on it, and move through it as quickly as possible. Discourage people from straying from the most critical subject matters.



4. Work as You Commute



Most office workers spend a minimum of an hour or two each day just traveling to and from work. Make this time productive by using it to knock items off of your to-do list, especially if you ride in a carpool or take the train, bus or subway to work.



Use WiFi and high-speed Internet to work on your laptop while you are away fro your desk rather than wasting this time reading or looking out the window. Instead, make the most of it.

How to Create Headlines that Will Attract Click-Throughs

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Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Uvx2W2Zis7Xwiea&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp Zdvdymlkaaaaaaaam3AThe first thing most people look at when landing on a web page is the headline. If the headline captures their interest, they will be drawn into the content of the rest of the page.


Headline Rule Number 1 — Offer Solutions


The headline of your web page is your first opportunity to begin this process. It needs to offer reassurance to the page visitor that you have what they are looking for. In other words, it needs to offer a solution to whatever problem they are experiencing.


With your headline, you only get one brief moment to get your message across and make a great impression. So there’s no time to beat around the bush. Instead, tell the page visitor exactly what they want to hear.


For example, let’s say you are promoting digital products in the dating and relationships niche for guys looking to learn how to meet more girls.


At Last: “Get Any Girl’s Number in Just Minutes Using this Groundbreaking, Can’t Miss Technique That Works Like Magic!”


This type of compelling headline grabs the visitors’ attention and lets them know you have the solution they are looking for.


How to Create Headlines that Will Attract Click-Throughs – Headline Rule Number 2 — Use Action Words That Build Excitement


If you want the page visitor to continue reading your web page content, use action words that actually push them into continuing.


In the above example, the phrase “At Last” is a way of telegraphing that something unique is coming next and the phrase “Get Any Girl’s Number” uses desire (or the promise of sex) to push the reader into reading the rest of the copy.


Finally, the phrases “Can’t Miss Technique” and “Works Like Magic” build excitement and make them want to learn more.

How to Create Headlines that Will Attract Click-Throughs – Headline Rule Number 3 —  Be a Tease


An effective headline offers solutions, builds excitement, and uses action words to capture the reader’s attention, but it doesn’t always have to just come out and say exactly what it is that you are promoting. Using the same example from above, what if the headline for the same product read:


“Want to Know One Weird Trick that Will Help You Meet More Girls?!”


It informs and promises a solution, but it also captures the interest and imagination of the reader. Teasing the reader without revealing everything in the headline makes them want to keep moving on to your content to find out more.

How Data Gathering Helps Keep Us Safe


Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Fk0Smhcd3Rjvfm8&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp ZdvdymlkaaaaaaaamnaGeorge Orwell’s book “1984” described a dystopian future in which the government – in the form of “Big Brother” – was constantly keeping tabs on everything its citizens did and said.



The leak of classified information by whistleblower Edward Snowden – a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) – made Orwell’s predictions eerily prescient.



‘Big Brother’



Many people now believe that we already live in a Big Brother state and that the government is spying on our phone calls, our emails, our texts, and even our Facebook status updates.



After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the US Department of Defense and the intelligence community sought out new ways to analyze and use data on a grander scale than ever before. There was a real and immediate threat to national security and a war on terror had been declared, so many of the built-in checks and balances of government were temporarily ignored.



Advantages of Big Data to National Security



Big data — such as using SEO to quickly search and index online content — offered fast, effective tools for searching vast data pools for indications of criminal and terrorist activity. They also made it possible to identify and record personal relationships between criminals and terrorists that otherwise might not be seen. Cutting edge data analysis could even predict – with stunning accuracy – rising nation aggressors and threats to our national security, even wars.



Big data tools suddenly were available that could identify and respond to in-progress cyber-attacks. They could even power artificial intelligence that could drive the tools of war – such as unmanned drones and “smart” bombs – that could attack faster and more precisely than humans ever could.



How Data Gathering Helps Keep Us Safe – How Big Data Is Used



The applications for big data in national defense are vast. Some of the ways it currently is being used include:



• Situational awareness and visualization



• Correlating information for problem-solving



• Searching vast amounts of data for relevant information



• Managing enterprise data for cyber security



• Organizing logistical data such as asset catalogs



• Improving the delivery and analysis of public health care



• Open source information including analysis and integration



• In-memory data modernization



• Optimizing enterprise data and operations



• Using big data tools to improve weaponry and war


Like it or not, the use of Big Data as a means of national defense will likely only continue to expand as technologies become more advanced in the future.


When It Comes to Today’s Marketing, Video Is King

Keep Content Short Snappy and to the Point

Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Vhsglo9Lmemwj62&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp ZdvdymlkaaaaaaaamtgHave you noticed that there are a lot more videos now as you scroll through your Facebook stream? And that the number of links to videos on Twitter and other social media sites also has increased?



This is no accident. Video is quickly becoming the primary way for people to communicate with each other. And it’s one of the most effective ways for you to promote your business, products, or brand.



Times Have Changed



Not that long ago — maybe a decade or so — the production costs of video kept most small businesses out of this type of media. But today there are practically zero production costs to creating original, effective video marketing.



That’s because most smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices already come with built-in cameras and microphones. And the picture quality of the videos you can make with these cameras is much better than even the best video camera available on the market a decade ago.



Marketing – Free to Distribute



Then there’s distribution. In the past, if you wanted people to see your marketing videos, you would either have to spend a fortune on an ad buy for TV commercials, or pay a marketing company thousands to get your videos in the hands of producers and other content makers.



Now you can post your video for free on such sites as YouTube, Vimeo and other video sites where they can be seen instantly by millions of people.



You can even directly distribute your videos to your customers via email, text message, Facebook post, Twitter, or any number of other platforms. Or use SEO to get links to your video ranked high on Google.



Best of all, the production and distribution costs to you is next to nothing. Talk about a revolution in marketing!



The Future of Marketing



So it’s no wonder that so many small businesses like yours are turning to video to promote their products, brand, and services: People love them, they are practically free to create and distribute, and they are one of the most effective ways to get your marketing message in front of your customers.

Managing Digital Data Overruns Effectively

Managing Digital

Have you ever had a file cabinet that you kept shoving papers into until it was too full to close?



Digital data overruns work the same way. In both instances, the overflow doesn’t occur overnight, although it can often seem that way.


Managing Digital  Too Much Information



Data growth happens gradually over time until one day somebody discovers it and has to deal with it. This is how big data actually happened. Company files and databases were manageable at first, but then kept getting bigger and bigger. But it wasn’t until recently that companies purposely sought to grow data, making the problem even worse.



In reality, data analysis has been happening all along. Companies had tools to analyze data – such as database administrators, math geniuses, code writers, statisticians and functional algorithms. But at some point the sheer volume of data simply became too big to fit into data center storage.



Break It Down into Manageable Pieces



In response, some companies began running an analysis on select data samples, rather than the full set. This sometimes worked, but most people agreed it wasn’t the answer. When big data tools were developed, they were welcomed with open arms as a cheap and effective way to analyze huge amounts of data. Now companies are looking for ways to make big data tools cheaper, faster, more efficient and easier to use.



Real-time analytics is one of the most widely hailed advances of our time. It provides on-the-fly analysis of large data sets for the first time, so companies can see exactly what is going on right now and respond accordingly in real time.



But like all tech applications, real-time analytics isn’t a cure-all. There are times when they shouldn’t be used. The answer to when they should be used needs to be made on an individual basis based on an organization’s specific overall strategy, market, and customers.

Choosing the Best Meta Title to Get Your Website Noticed

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The terms “meta title” and “meta description” refer to textual words or phrases that describe your website to search engines.


You don’t necessarily have to include these within the content of your web page in order to get SEO value from them. Instead, they are simply there to give search engines and visitors an idea of what your page is all about in a nutshell.


Website – A Nutshell Description


When most visitors reach your page or see it listed on search engine results, they may not be familiar with who you are or what you do. So your meta title needs to provide some immediate, instant information about your business, not just its name and slogan.


Traditionally, a meta title will follow this structure: Keywords | Business Name | Location | Website


So, for example, if you own an exterminator business in Louisville call Bugs-B-Gone, your meta title might be “Exterminators Bugs-B-Gone Louisville”.


Website – Meta Title Tips


Some things to keep in mind:

  • Your meta title needs to be short. Google limits you to 70 characters, but the shorter the better. Between 50 and 55 characters — spaces included — is optimal.


  • The way your meta title appears on search engine results depends on the words the person searching types in. Google will put the words that match your meta title in bold. So keeping your meta title short is doubly important.


  • Use vertical bars to separate the different elements of your meta title. This makes it easier for people to read and helps it stand out better: Exterminators | Bugs-B-Gone | Louisville


  • Your meta title also will appear on browser tabes and social media posts, so make certain it is clear and eye-catching.


  • If you are a local business owner, it’s important to put the specific location of your business in your meta title. This will help limit your audience to only people within your geographic region.


Having a “smart” meta title will connect you with a bigger set of potential customers.

Does Your Business Collect Big Data? It Could Be Worth Something

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Big data is changing the economy as much as it is changing business, ushering in a new data economy in which data can be exchanged for money or used in place of money. Data is quickly becoming a valued resource and a bankable asset.


Yet most businesses don’t post data on their profit and loss sheets and don’t report it as an asset to be depreciated to the IRS. Nor can companies borrow against the value of their data.


So how can data be an asset when it doesn’t look or feel like other real assets?


Data Is Knowledge and Knowledge is an Asset


It’s helpful to think of data as knowledge, which is something that can be bought, sold and traded. For example, when you graduated from college, you had knowledge. You could use this knowledge to get a job.


The company that hired you bought your knowledge by hiring you. Even if you didn’t get a degree, you can gain knowledge from experience then use that to get a job. So knowledge is an asset for both employers and employees.


Does Your Business Collect Big Data – Monetizing Your Data


Yet it’s not something that can be listed on a P&L as a taxable and depreciable asset or used as collateral for a loan.


Why not? Because it’s nearly impossible to assign a value to knowledge because there are too many unknown variables. Two college graduates might have the same degree, but they generally won’t perform exactly the same in the same position. Nor will two people with the same amount of experience perform the same.


So a specific value can’t be assigned because there isn’t an easy way to objectively measure the amount and usefulness of an individual’s knowledge or how they will use it in future situations.


Does Your Business Collect Big Data – Data as an Asset


The same holds true for data – a type of knowledge – that a company owns. Few companies have mapped their data holdings, let alone their applications and future market value.


Yet without this type of clearly defined measurements, it’s almost impossible to assign a true value to data. Instead, data has to be considered a strategic asset rather than a hard asset.

Reaching More People with Your Email Marketing

With Todays Web Design Content Is King

Collection Photo Share Email Thumb?Link Token=Zifbxsgbly3Tfvu&Amp;Collection Gid Dbase64=Lp Zdvdymlkaaaaaaaal0GThe purpose of any business email is to convince readers to take some sort of action, whether it is to sign up for a special offer, buy a product or respond with specific information.


The most important part of your emails is the Call to Action (CTA), or what it is you want people to do after reading your email. Your CTA could be clicking through to your website, buying a particular product, or visiting your store in person.


The CTA should be clearly stated as unambiguously as possible within the body of your email.


 Keep It Brief


People today find emails to be an inconvenient yet necessary part of communicating with other people. The novelty of reading a digital letter rather than a real one wore off a long time ago. So people don’t have a lot of patience for emails that are long on content but short on substance.


In addition to clearly stating your CTA, make sure your emails get to the point quickly. And use brief sentences or bullet points whenever possible.


Reaching More People with Your Email Marketing – Every Word Matters


People usually go through their emails when they are busy doing something else. Because they have a short attention span, you have only a few moments to get the point of your email across. That means every word has to count.


Good persuasive writing understands what motivates the reader. As you write your email, keep in mind what it is your reader hopes to get out of it. It’s your job to convince them that their best interests are at the heart of the email and that your email serves some clearly defined purpose, such as solving a problem that they are having.


Writing an effective email can be a great way to engage your customers efficiently, affordably and successfully. Just make sure you aren’t wasting even a single moment of their time.

5 Fastest Ways to Make People Hate Your Blog

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Blogs are increasingly being used by businesses to build stronger brand loyalty in their customers.


The objective of your blog should be to attract and hold onto the largest possible readers. Yet many bloggers routinely turn away readers by making dumb mistakes that could easily be avoided.


Here are the top five ways many bloggers unwittingly destroy their credibility and turn off readers so they never return:


  1. Talking Too Much about Yourself


Remember: The purpose of your business blog should be to provide readers with content that consistently informs and educates them on new and interesting topics.



Blogs should not be commercials for your products or business. When you only write about what your products and what your business is doing, readers won’t stick around very long. A better plan is to establish yourself as an industry authority and give readers high-value content they can use to increase loyalty bonds and keep them coming back for more.


  1. Shamelessly Promoting Your Products


It’s okay occasionally mention your products or include links to your services, don’t hit readers over the head with your sales pitch. Educate first and sell with subtlety.


  1. Not Selling Enough


Okay, this may sound like exactly the opposite of the item, but it’s actually not. While it’s important to provide your readers with high-value content and avoid barraging them with your sales pitch, you also should remember that your blog is there to increase interest in your company or subject.


Tie your valuable content back to your brand and include a soft sell to get the message across to your blog’s readers.


  1. Not Letting People Leave Comments


Some businesses are so concerned about their online reputation that they try to manage the way they are portrayed on their own blog by shutting off the comments section.


Not allowing comments sends the message that you don’t care what they have to say, that you don’t value their opinions.


While there may be some minimal risk that somebody could post something critical about your business, if you properly maintain your comments section on a regular basis you can address any negativity quickly and effectively, and turn a negative into a positive.


  1. Making It Too Long


People aren’t clicking on your blog because they want to read thousands of words of copy. Keep your blogs short and information-dense. Providing too much information can make reader weary and wary of future blogs posts.


Like they say in show business: Always leave them wanting more!

You May Have a Website, But Is It Mobile Ready?

Your Business

A mobile website is a version of an existing web page that has been optimized to be viewed on mobile devices, which have screens that usually are a lot smaller than the screens on desktops or laptops.


Many websites that were built before the widespread use of smartphones and tablets were written in a language that can’t be easily understood by the browsers used by mobile devices. These browsers usually use faster, more versatile JavaScript to provide content more quickly to their users.


Mobile-optimized websites also account for memory limitations of mobile devices, as well as touch-screen navigation and the bandwidth of wireless networks.


They also can take advantage of the specialized features of mobile devices, such as the ability to take and share high-quality photos and videos, interact in real-time with social media connections, and share texts, links and preferences very quickly.


Benefits of a Mobile-Optimized Website 


According to eMarketer, adult consumers now spend more time viewing media on mobile devices than they use newspapers and magazines combined.


An estimated 73% percent of Americans say their mobile device is now their Number 1 most-used technology device, and 1 out of 4 households have gotten rid of their home phones altogether. Mobile Internet usage is soon expected to overtake desktop Internet access, according to Microsoft Tag.


Cost of Not Having a Mobile Website


That means your customers are making their preference known:


  • Among smartphone users, 74% of all US consumers use location-based services on their smartphones to make buying decisions.


  • ComScore reported that 4 out of every 5 consumers use their smartphones to shop.


  • Of all online searches performed on mobile devices, 80% are spontaneous, according to Hubspot.


  • According to Google, 61% of all mobile web business searches result in a phone call and 59% result in a visit.


That means 8 out of 10 of your customers are using their mobile devices to look for businesses like yours and, once they find them, more than half are going to take action once they find one.


So if your website isn’t already mobile-optimized, we just have one question: What are you waiting for?!