More Storage Lets You Do More with Your Website

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You may have noticed that computers, tablets, and smartphones are getting smaller and faster than ever before. While some of that has to do with technological advancements like high-definition screens and improvements in processing speeds, none of it would be possible without the huge leaps that have taken place in data storage.


While some of that has to do with technological advancements like high-definition screens and improvements in processing speeds, none of it would be possible without the huge leaps that have taken place in data storage.


When the original iPhone was introduced in June 2007, it had only 8 GB of storage. The iPhone 7, which was released this year, has up to 128 GB of storage.


More Storage, More Capabilities


Most of us have had the experience of unboxing a new smartphone, turning it on and being surprised and delighted by how fast it is compared to previous versions. Whether it is an iPhone, an Android, or Google’s new Pixel, today’s devices are faster, sharper, and lighter than ever.


And as data capacities and processing speeds continue to improve exponentially with every new release, they will be able to do new and exciting things.


For example, virtual reality is something that is finally beginning to become a reality after decades of talk about it. Several companies, including Oculus Rift, have introduced VR headsets and content producers are just beginning to offer VR entertainment.


Soon, viewers will be able to watch sporting events, concerts, and even their favorite television shows while immersed in new worlds of virtual reality — all of which is made possible by expanded storage capacity.


More Storage – What Can Your Website Do?


Today, the world is changing faster than ever before. If you are still using an outdated website that hasn’t yet adapted to what consumers are looking for, it could cost you real dollars and cents.


Let “Lytron Lead Generation” help you bring your website design into the future.

Collaboration Is the Key to New Innovations

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The traditional “top-down” business model in which executives or ownership make all the decisions and those on the organization’s lower rungs implement them is dead.


Today, for businesses to succeed they need innovative, fresh, new ideas. No matter how creative your upper-level management is, you’re going to need to depend on other people. You’re going to need to collaborate.


An “Open Ideas” Policy


The people who know best about how to improve the products or services your business offers typically are the ones on the front lines. It’s critical that ideas be harvested from line-level employees.


They are the ones dealing directly with customers, clients, vendors, and other people important to your business. So they are the ones most likely to know the best ways to improve your business, its operations, its products, or its services.


Innovative organizations need a constant flow of new ideas. Implementing an “open ideas” policy in which any employee is empowered to offer suggestions on ways the business could improve without fear of reprisal or embarrassment is key.


Collaboration Is the Key to New Innovations –  Rewarding Creativity


Your workers will be less likely to keep their great ideas to themselves if you offer to reward or recognize them for their contribution to your business’s success.


Some companies have implemented a “Big Ideas” program in which any employee can make recommendations on ways to improve products, services, or anything having to do with the way the organization is run.


Under this type of program, if the employee’s “Big Idea” is implemented and results in an increase in profits, a reduction in expenses, or more efficiencies, they can share in the benefits in the form of a bonus. Or they might simply be recognized publicly for their contribution to the company’s success.


In either case, soliciting ideas from every member of the team then rewarding and/or recognizing their contribution is one of the most effective forms of collaboration.

What’s Next for Smartphones and Tablets?

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In recent years, digital devices have become practically universal. Just a little more than a decade ago, most people were still communicating via flip phones, razor phones and — if they were really cutting edge — a BlackBerry.


Today, people are texting, using video chat, sharing high-definition videos, and exchanging data and content on smartphones and tablets that are slimmer, faster, and more powerful than ever before.


So what does the future hold for smartphones and tablets? And what kind of innovations are left that will make our current devices seem quaint and antiquated in another decade or so?


What’s Next for Smartphones and Tablets? Fixing Faults


While today’s devices are convenient, they still have some drawbacks that need to be improved or corrected.


For one, most users who use their devices constantly are also continually struggling to keep their smartphones and tablets charged. It’s a good bet that device manufacturers like Apple, Samsung, and now Google are furiously developing batteries that hold a charge longer — think days rather than hours.


What the WiFi?


Another likely improvement is speed and WiFi coverage. While the networks have been expanding every year since wireless devices were first introduced, there are still a lot of spots where users can’t get coverage or where WiFi is still lacking.


Improvements in bandwidth, coverage, and device processors should make smartphones and tablets faster and give them more capacity so they can accommodate even more improvements in picture and video quality — including virtual reality.


What’s Next for Smartphones and Tablets? Where’s the Wires?


Apple already has eliminated the headphone jack on its newest iPhone 7 and it’s a good bet other manufacturers will soon follow suit.


Headphones tethered to devices with wires will likely become a thing of the past. And look for earpieces to be replaced with high-tech glasses that provide augmented reality, smartphones that double as VR viewers, and other tech that hasn’t even been imagined yet.

3 Types of Online Marketing You Need to Be Using Right Now

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Most business owners today understand that many of their customers have migrated to the Internet and use their smartphones and tablets to do most of their shopping.


Yet many continue to pour cash into traditional marketing platforms that yield lesser and lesser results. These include buying ads in newspapers, TV commercials, billboards, and other 20th Century platforms that don’t attract 21st Century consumers.


If you aren’t using online marketing to promote your business and products, you definitely should be. Here are three types of online marketing you need to know about — and invest in — right now.


Marketing  – SEO


Search engine optimization describes techniques used to boost your websites ranking on search engines like Google and all the others. One of the biggest benefits of SEO is that most of it is free to do, yet can yield you enormous results.


When the link to your website is listed at the top of the search results for the keywords that describe your business or products, you can expect an avalanche of new web-based customers.




Pay-per-Click (PPC) are those little ads that appear in the margins of the websites and pages you visit online. The biggest benefit of this type of online marketing is that you only have to pay when somebody clicks through from the ad to your website.


That means you are already likely to make a sale which can help pay for the PPC ad: Win/win!


Marketing – Blogging 


Blogging isn’t marketing. It’s writing, right? Yes and no.


Posting blogs can help promote your business directly. But it also can help retain existing customers longer by providing them with useful content. People will come back to your blog over and over again if you keep them entertained and informed, building customer loyalty at the same time.


If you aren’t using these three types of online marketing — as well as others like social media, contextual marketing, and others — you should consider starting right away.

Programming Languages

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Web designers use computer programming, or coding, to create web pages that look a certain way, or allow visitors to perform specific actions on the page.


When you commission “Lytron Lead Generation” or another web design firm to build your web page, web designers will take your ideas about the page should look like and what it should do and then use programming languages, or code, to translate your ideas onto the actual web pages.


Programming Languages –Your Browser’s Function


When somebody visits a web page online — whether it is on their home computer, their laptop, tablet, or even their phone — a computer program within their device known as their browser translates the code created by the web designer to produce the web pages that you see on your screen.


The code itself is simply a text file. It’s the browser that does the work of taking these tiny lines of code and building them into an actionable web page.


The browser uses HTML, CSS and other computer programs to build the page.


Programming Languages – JavaScript and Other Languages


In reality, HTML,  CSS, and other programs are not really languages. They simply manage page structure and style information. But web designers need to be able to master these programs first before moving onto actual programming languages such as JavaScript.


While HTML provides the basic structure of sites, and CSS controls a web page’s presentation, formatting, and layout, Javascript is what actually controls the behavior of all of the different elements on the page.


Today, web designers have more shortcuts than they had in the past. There are design platforms such as WordPress and others that will do much of the coding for you automatically.


But experienced web designers like the ones at “Lytron Lead Generation” know how to optimize even these advanced programs to enhance the look, feel, and functionality of your web pages.

Adding Revenue Opportunities

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Your website is finished. It looks great. It works properly. And, most importantly, customers are finding it and spending money at your business.


Finished? No! Now it’s time to add additional revenue opportunities to your website.


‘The Buying Mood’


When people go online, find your website, and decide to buy something, they often are in a “buying mood”. This is that unique moment when they have let their guard down — if only slightly — and are ready to spend some money.


To maximize your website’s profit potential, it’s your job to find new ways for people to keep buying once they achieve this magic moment.


Adding Revenue Opportunities – Upgrades Keep the Additional Offers Coming


One way to keep getting online customers to spend more money with your business is to continue to add additional offers.


Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has this down to a science. Whenever you buy anything on their website, Amazon will instantly and automatically offer you an array of similar or related products that you can add to your shopping basket.


Or they recommend other products purchased by other people who also bought the product you just clicked on.


In both instances, Amazon is seeking to take advantage of customers who are in the “buying mood”, and so should you.




Another way to get more revenue out of people who already have spent money on your website is to offer upgrades. These are expanded versions of the products they have just purchased.


For example, if you are promoting a subscription service that costs $5 per month for one year for a total of $60, as soon as the customer takes that offer you can offer an additional year at a discounted price. Or try to sell a lifetime subscription for an even higher price.


Additional offers and upgrades are low-risk propositions: If the customer declines, you still have the original sale. But if they accept your second offer, keep going with more offers. It only adds up to more revenue for your business.

Monetizing Your Website

Keep Content Short Snappy and to the Point

The goal of most websites is to attract visitors. After all, you wouldn’t go to the time and expense of creating and maintaining your site if you didn’t want anybody to see it.

For many websites, another primary goal is to make money. If your website is to promote your business or allow your customers to buy your products or services directly online, it’s already monetized.

But what about other websites that not necessarily commercially focused, such as blogs or fan pages? Is it still possible to use these sites to make money?

Monetizing Your Website – Making Money with Your Blog

If you have a blog and have attracted a lot of regular readers, it’s possible to monetize your website by promoting products or services related to your main topic.

For example, if you write a blog about cooking fundamentals or share recipes online, you can sign up to be an Amazon Affiliate and promote products such as cookware, utensils and even ingredient on your blog.

When you are in the online retailer’s web affiliate program, you can include links in your content to products sold on Amazon’s website. Every time somebody clicks through and buys one of these products through your affiliate link, you receive a small commission on the sale.

Monetizing Your Website – Making Money with Your Fan Page

If you maintain a website that celebrates a particular subject, such as a sports team or a celebrity, you can monetize your fan page by promoting products and services related to what you are promoting.

People who visit fan pages are often enthusiastic about your subject matter. That means they likely already are open to buying anything related to your subject.

Look for creative ways to promote or offer items related to your subject matter and you can easily use your website to make money.

The Commercial Value of Birthdays

The Commercial Value of Birthdays

One thing that everybody has is a birthday. It’s the one special day of the year in which your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others commemorate your day with good thoughts, well wishes, and genuine greetings.

While not everybody wants to celebrate their birthday — especially as they get older — they happen every year whether you like it or now.

But birthdays also have substantial commercial value. If you are a small business owner, capturing data such as your customer’s birthdays can be a valuable marketing tool. Sending birthday greetings, exclusive birthday offers, or even small gifts such something free can convert an occasional customer into a lifelong, raving fan of your business.

Birthdays and Employee Relations

Another commercial benefit of birthdays to employers has to do with employee relations. Any successful manager will tell you that the secret to developing a loyal, committed staff is constantly providing rewards and recognitions that employees feel are genuine and meaningful.

Recognizing employees on their birthdays is one of the easiest ways to accomplish this. Some companies will have their entire management team or executives sign birthday cards that are sent to employee’s homes on their birthdays.

Other companies will keep track of employee birthdays and commemorate their special days with cakes, lunchtime parties, and other ways to celebrate each individual worker so that they feel special and appreciated.

The Commercial Value of Birthdays – Business Birthdays

It’s not only people who have birthdays. Businesses do as well.

Celebrating relevant anniversaries of the founding of your business with a special sale, exclusive offers, or other marketing promotions is a good way to attract customer loyalty to your brand.

Birthdays are something everybody experiences every year, whether they like it or not. Your business can benefit from birthdays by using these occasions to build customer loyalty, reward and recognize employees, and build your brand via online marketing.

“Lytron Lead Generation” Is Good for Your Business!

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When it comes to attracting new customers, retaining existing customers, and expanding both the scope and profitability of your business, practically everything today depends on your organization’s online presence.


According to a recent study conducted by UPS, for the first time ever more customers today are turning to the Internet to find the products and services they want than real-world, brick and mortar businesses.


Lytron Lead Generation – Making Your Business Count


That means that if you want to capture the largest share of online customers as possible, you need to have an effective, professional digital marketing strategy. After all, that’s where the majority of your customers are looking for businesses just like yours right now!


“Lytron Lead Generation” has the experience, knowledge, and ideas that can raise the online profile of your company so that you can connect with those customers.


 Crafting an Online Strategy


At “Lytron Lead Generation”, we can help you create appealing, effective websites that attract the attention of online customers, then compel them to interact with your business.


Whether your goal is to build customer loyalty, provide your clients with an interactive experience they will never forget, or simply to sell your business’s product and services, “Lytron Lead Generation” can help you craft the effective strategy you need to meet and exceed your organization’s objectives.


We have the web design Fort Lauderdale businesses want and have helped hundreds of small businesses just like yours achieve success in the digital marketplace … and we can help you, too!


In the 21st Century, online customers are too important to ignore. Don’t leave money on the table by not pursuing this rapidly growing base of prospective customers.


Let “Lytron Lead Generation” help your business develop the effective, interactive, and profitable online marketing strategies that will propel your business to the top.

Technology the Key to Collaboration

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Just a few years ago — a decade at most — if you needed to collaborate with another person or team on a project, it typically involved driving to their offices, or even getting on an airplane and flying halfway across the country.


Today, however, thanks to advancements in digital technology, collaboration on SEO or other projects is infinitely simpler and more convenient. The days of frequent flyer miles and high-mileage car odometers is mostly a thing of the past.


Collaboration Platforms


Collaboration is often the best approach to tackling any project, regardless of its scope or complexity. While one person may be able to offer creative solutions, multiple people can bring their different perspectives, experiences, and knowledge to the same problem.


Today, there are many different platforms that facilitate collaboration between multiple people working on the same project — even when the many different contributors are scattered all over the world.


Technology  – Video Conferencing


For communicating with other team members, video chat sites such as Skype, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, and others offer high-definition video communication between two or more people in real time.


Many of these platforms allow you to share screenshots, images, documents, Excel files and more with other participants so that everybody can literally be on the same page when working to find a solution to the same problem.


Document Sharing


Other invaluable tools include document sharing sites such as Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud and others let team members view, edit, and add new documents that the entire team can access remotely from practically any device.


Collaboration remains one of the best ways to harness the ideas of multiple team members so they can work toward a common goal. Today’s online tools make collaboration easier than ever and eliminate most business travel.


Thanks to these types of online tools, practically the entire world can be accessed from your desktop.