Pictures of People Connect Better with Page Visitors

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When you post articles, blogs, or other content on your web page, it’s important that you always include some sort of image to go with it.


But not just any image will do. Visitors to your web page will connect better on an emotional level if you include an image that includes at least one person, rather than simple pictures of objects of products.


Numerous studies have shown that Internet users prefer websites that include pictures of people over pictures of things.


The Human Touch


Human beings are social entities and they like to make connections between people and their stories. When you include an image that includes a real person, people will project their thoughts and ideas onto that image.


But when you simply post a picture of a thing, the viewer can’t make that imaginative connection as easily. They can’t empathize with an object in the same way that they can with a real live human being.


The Voyeuristic Effect


People also like to look at other people. But they don’t always get the opportunity to do so as much as they would like in real life.


Think about your own experiences. In the office, or even in your own home, if you were to stare at another person as long as you wanted it probably would make you both feel uncomfortable.


But you can look at an online photo of a person as long as you like.


This is known as the voyeuristic effect of online marketing. Professional marketers know that if they include images of young, attractive people with their postings, it will attract and hold the eye of the viewer longer.


Pictures of People Connect Better with Page Visitors – SEO Fort Lauderdale — Effective Web Pages


Your web postings will have more effect if they include photos of actual people whenever possible.


People love looking at people. Use that to your advantage.


Overstuffing Your Webpage with Keywords Is Counterproductive


Search engines like Google and Bing! work by scanning content on the Internet and ranking them according to their keywords. These are words or phrases that tell the search engine what the web page is about.


Using the best keywords in the right places on your web pages can help propel your sites to the top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for Google and other popular search engines.


But using too many keywords in too many places on your web pages can actually be counterproductive to your purpose of attracting new customers, readers, or other website visitors.


An Example


For example, let’s say you own an auto repair business in Fort Myers and you want to attract new customers to your website.


Optimal keywords might include things like “Fort Myers auto repair”, “Fort Myers dent removal”, “Fort Myers towing”, “Fort Myers car repair”, and “auto repair in Fort Myers”.


When you put these words of phrases in places like the headline, sub-headlines, the first 100 words of your content, the last 100 words of your content, photo descriptions, and other places, search engines will see them and understand that your website is about an auto repair business in Fort Myers, Florida.


Keyword Stuffing


While you may have pleased the search engine algorithm scanning and ranking your website, it’s also important to remember who the web page is ultimately intended for: The viewer.


Search engines help people find your web pages. But it’s up to you to get them to stay and read your content once they arrive. If they find keyword stuffed sentences like this, they probably won’t stick around:


“Our Fort Myers auto repair business specializes in Fort Myers dent removal, Fort Myers towing, Fort Myers car repair, and other auto repair in Fort Myers.”


Keywords are important for getting your pages ranked high, but they shouldn’t interfere with the end user’s ability to interact with your web pages.

Including a Poll Builds Customer Loyalty

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One of the most effective ways to make your customers feel as if their opinion counts is to include a poll on your web page, blog, or another online site.


Polls also are simple, fast, and valuable ways to gather critical information that can help your business improve. They let you understand how your customers truly feel about important elements of your business, such as products, quality of service, or other elements.


 Adding Polls to Your Web Pages


Most web page design programs, including WordPress and others, have simple tools that make it easy to insert a poll onto your blog or website. These widgets are tiny bits of code that are automatically inserted into your page. All you need to do is to create the poll question and a few possible answers.


When customers land on your blog or webpage, they will see a professional-looking poll that they can use to share their opinions about whatever question you ask. The widget will then capture and store their responses, as well as all the other participants who take the poll and deliver you the results in a simple, easy-to-understand format.


Including a Poll Builds Customer Loyalty –  Change It Up


Based on the results of the poll you can improve your products, your service, or other elements of your business. Or you can use the data to make other improvements to your business.


There is no limit to the number or type of polls you can include on your web pages. You can change your polls every month, every week, or every day if you want.


Polls are a fast, simple, and effective way to get feedback directly from your customers. The information you collect can be helpful when looking for ways to improve the quality of your business, products, or service.


Rewards and Recognition Keep Customers Coming Back

Rewards and Recognition Keep Customers Coming Back

The people who visit your website have plenty of other options. So how can you be sure that they will keep returning to your web page over all of your competitors?


You can increase the chances that customers will come back to your pages again and again by launching rewards and recognition programs.


Recognizing Your Customers


People like to be recognized. It’s just human nature. So when you come up with ways to recognize return customers who frequent your website, they will be more likely to come back again and again.


Big online retailers like eBay and Amazon are experts at this. They remember their customers’ previous purchases, their preferences, and even items they have looked at before but didn’t buy.


Given today’s advanced online software, even the smallest businesses can create and execute effective customer recognition programs that capture key data about their visitors and then use it to improve their direct online marketing.


Rewards and Recognition Keep Customers Coming Back – Rewarding Loyalty


In addition to being recognized, people also like to feel appreciated.


Creating customer loyalty programs that offer incentives for people to return to your web pages is just good business. You can use special offers, discounts, prizes, and other tools to motivate people to choose your business over your competitors.


You also can reward people for promoting your business to other people, such as giving discounts or rebates for referrals or motivating people to talk about your business on their social media accounts.


Keeping Customers Coming Back


With so many online choices, customers today need incentives to choose your web pages over your competitors. Rewards and recognition programs give customers something of value in exchange for being loyal to your business or promoting it to other people.


Rewards and recognition programs are a good investment in your business’s future.


With SEO Don’t Lose Sight of the Big Picture

With SEO Dont Lose Sight of the Big Picture

The algorithms search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo use to create search engine results pages (SERPs) are highly complicated and top-secret. They also are constantly being updated, improved, and modified.


A lot of web page managers will spend endless hours trying to outsmart these algorithms, constantly scanning the web for anything that will give them an edge over the competition. In some instances, companies will pay thousands of dollars and devote weeks of resources to move up just a few spots on the SERP for their specific keywords.


Given today’s highly competitive online environment, it’s easy to get caught up in this web-based arms race. Unfortunately, it’s also easy to lose sight of the big picture.


Web Page Basics


Inserting a keyword here or moving an image there may marginally improve your page rankings. But if you really want to attract more people to your web pages all you really need to do is to provide high-quality content that people can actually use.


That’s what search engines value most. And it makes sense.


From Google’s perspective, they want web users to use their search engine more than any other because then they can sell more space to advertisers and make more money. And the best way to attract the highest number of web users is to give the best possible search engine experience.


With SEO Don’t Lose Sight of the Big Picture – Give Them What They Want


If people go to Google to find information or products they want to buy and instead discover links to low-quality websites that are only marginally related to what they are searching for, they are going to go somewhere else.


The same holds true for your web pages. If you don’t provide your customers or clients with what they want, they will keep searching until they find what they are looking for.


Google understands this. And you should, too.

Create Business Goals that Are S.M.A.R.T.

Create Business Goals that Are S.M.A.R.T.

You can use your web pages, social media campaigns, and other online marketing strategies to help your business achieve both short term and long term goals. But you will be more likely to achieve these objectives if they are S.M.A.R.T. goals.


S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These criteria originally were created by business consultant Peter Drucker in his “Management by Objective” concept.


Specific Goals


The more detailed you can make your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. Try to stay away from vague objectives that can be interpreted any number of ways.


Specific goals could include things like, “We will achieve an average of 100 new Facebook followers per week for the next three months.”


Measurable Goals


Being able to quantify your progress will help you see where you are in relation to your goals. Make sure there are measurement tools available, such as profit and loss statements, market share, customer service scores, and things of that nature.


Achievable Goals


While setting ambitious goals can help you strive for excellence, raising the bar too high won’t give you the results you want.


A better plan is to set your goals on the far end of the possible.


Create Business Goals that Are S.M.A.R.T. – Relevant Goals 


Goals that are relevant are reasonable, realistic and resourced, and results-based. Everybody on your team can strive to achieve the same goals if they are relevant to your business and its overall objectives.


Create Business Goals that Are S.M.A.R.T. – Time-Bound Goals


Goal setting should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. They should start at a particular time and end at a particular time.


When the clock is ticking, people are more likely to be motivated to achieve your objectives within the time limits you set.


Creating S.M.A.R.T. goals with your online marketing can help your business achieve more.

Blogs Provide Continuous Contact with Customers

Blogs Provide Continuous Contact with Customers

For today’s businesses to be successful, they need to do more than just make connections with new customers. They also need to constantly reinforce that relationship so that they come back to your business again and again.


Most businesses won’t survive if they have only one initial contact with a customer and then never see them again. The key to profitability is to build long-term relationships with people so that they come back to your business every time they need the products and services that you offer.


And it’s even better if your customers are so impressed with the quality of your business that they recommend you to their family, friends, and social media contacts.


The Power of Blogging


If you want to maintain your customer base and nurture these strong loyalty relationships, you need to continually give your customers something they genuinely want and can actually use.


Blogs fit this bill. Blogs offer customers something they will always find valuable: Information. This can include news about your company or its product and services, but it also can include useful information about things that genuinely matter to your customers, even if it isn’t directly related to your business.


In fact, the fewer direct promotions you offer with your blog, the stronger your relationships with your customers can be. When you connect with people as if you are their friend rather than constantly trying to sell them something, they will be more open to listening to what you have to say.


Blogs Provide Continuous Contact with Customers – The Value of Blogging


Blogs are also one of the most cost-effective ways of marketing. Create them once and you can use them multiple times over a wide variety of different formats.


Blogs can be sent directly to your existing customer base via their email or RSS feeds. Or they can be posted on social media sites. Blogs also can be used to attract new customers.


At Lytron Design, we specialize in helping our clients develop effective blogging strategies that can help reinforce strong relationships with existing customers as well as broaden their client base.

With Today’s Web Design, Content Is King

With Todays Web Design Content Is King 1

In order for your web pages to be popular, they have to strike a delicate balance between search engine optimization (SEO) and giving visitors what they want. In effect, web designers have been serving two masters: The giant search engine algorithms like Google, Bing!, Yahoo, and others, and the people who actually visit their web pages.


Now, all that is changing. Google and others are realizing that the pages that score the best in their algorithmic equations aren’t always the pages people really want to see. So now they are changing their criteria to favor high-value web pages that provide users with genuinely usable content that looks and feels good.


Web Design – Content Is King – Give the People What They Want


Like any emerging industry, the internet is getting smarter as it gets older.


Consider the auto industry. Birthed in the first decades of the 20th Century, car makers built vehicles that were utilitarian but had few frills. As production became bigger and cheaper, however, auto companies started building cars people wanted, rather than simply stripped down cars they could use.


 Web Design – If You Build It, They Will Come


The internet is following the same path. Search engine optimization used to be highly formulaic: If you included these keywords, put them in these places, and added a few other SEO tricks, you could be assured of getting a high page ranking on Google.


Now that formula doesn’t work. A better plan is to create web pages that include useful content people actually want. Not only will you attract more visitors, but you will make the search engine algorithm gods happy as well and be rewarded with top rankings.


The web hasn’t stopped evolving. In fact, we are still in its infancy. But adapting to the changing times will help get your web pages ranked higher.

Keywords May Not Be as Important as They Once Were

Pretty much since the internet was invented, keywords have been the holy grail of most web page creators. That’s because search engines use keywords to scan through web pages, identify what they are about, and rank them according to how valuable they will be to their users.


Today, however, keywords may not be as significant as they once were. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others are more sophisticated than ever. And web users themselves are more advanced as well.,


What Really Matters


Make no mistake: It’s still worthwhile to include great keywords within your web content. But search engines are now looking for something more.


Specifically, Google and the others want to ensure that your web pages contain high-quality content that their users will find useful. Today’s search engines are getting much better at determining what users actually want.


So web users are now typing in longer and more detailed searches into their search engine queries. And the search engine algorithms are taking this detailed data to provide better results more quickly.


Keywords May Not Be as Important as They Once Were – The Appropriate Response


Tha means companies need to place value on optimizing their content based on intent, rather than simply finding great keywords. There are three ways to do this:


Investigate — How are customers finding your website? Why are they choosing your web page over all the others?


  1. Optimize — Based on your research, give people what they want. This will, in turn, attract even more online visitors to your web pages.
  2. Adjust — Continually monitor what is working and what isn’t on your web pages. Ditch anything that doesn’t provide you the results you want and double down on the things they do.


While keywords are still important, everything about the internet is more sophisticated than it used to be. Businesses that roll with these changes are more likely to succeed.

Top Quality Web Design Helps Attract New Customers

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Business websites are used for many purposes. Many serve as online versions of real-world stores, allowing visitors to shop for products or services directly from their devices.


But another type of website is designed to attract new customers. These web pages are known as lead generators.


Lead Generators


Lead generating websites will typically offer visitors something that they can use in their everyday life in exchange for customer information the business can use to sell products and services later, such as a phone number or email address.


Whatever the website offers must have perceived value to the prospective customer. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be a high-value item. In fact, it usually is something that has little or no cost to the business.


Top Quality Web Design Helps Attract New Customers – Free Giveaways


The free giveaway offered to customers in exchange for their information is often an information product. These include things like eBooks, audio recordings, digital files, and other items that can be sent and reproduced electronically at no additional cost to the business that owns the website.


For example, assume you own an electronics store in Fort Lauderdale and you want to build your pool of online customers. In this instance, you could create a short eBook about how to improve the speed of your laptop. Or you could create a video discussing how to optimize the sound system in any room.


Top Quality Web Design Helps Attract New Customers – No Additional Cost


Then you could offer one (or both) of these free giveaways to people on your lead generating website in exchange for their phone number or email address, or if they simply “Friend” your business on Facebook.


When people land on your lead generating website, see your offer, and opt-in to your giveaway, it costs your business nothing to send it to them electronically. But you receive a high-quality lead that you can use to promote your products and services in the future.