For On Page SEO Content Quality Is Still Top Priority

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There are all kinds of things you can do to improve the Search Engine Optimization of your web pages, including both on-page and off-page SEO techniques.


But there is nothing more important than providing your page visitors with high-value, helpful content that they can actually use. If you do nothing else, create high-quality content and your web pages will attract a lot of visitors.


Content and Web Crawlers


Search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and Google use a lot of criteria when judging the value of web pages. But the number one thing they are looking for is high-quality, useful content.


It’s simply supply and demand. People aren’t going to use search engines that don’t give good results they can use right away. So Google isn’t going to rank web pages high unless they meet this measurement first and foremost.


Your web page can have outstanding design, great embedded keywords, and every other type of SEO technique known to programmers worldwide, but if it doesn’t provide visitors with great content they can genuinely use, it’s never going to rank at the top of the search engine results pages for your keywords. It’s really that simple.


For On Page SEO Content Quality Is Still Top Priority – Measure Your Content


To ensure your web page has high-value content, simply ask yourself two essential questions:


Why are people looking for web pages like yours?


What do they expect to find when they arrive there?


If your web page clearly provides visitors looking for specific pages like yours exactly what they want when they land there, there is no way your page won’t rank high. Even if you do nothing else to improve your SEO, your page will attract the attention of the top search engines like Google.


Providing valuable content that people can genuinely use right away is the best way to get your web pages ranked at the top of Google.


Keep Content Short, Snappy, and to the Point

Keep Content Short Snappy and to the Point

One of the unintended consequences of the rise in popularity of the internet is a shortening of people’s attention spans. When you scroll through dozens of websites per day, you generally don’t have time for a lot of in-depth content.


So it is important to remember when creating content for your website that it should be as concise as possible. This will help keep people on your pages longer.


Two Examples


Sentences should be simple and direct. You don’t have the luxury of using a lot of descriptive words and phrases when visitors to your website can click off at any moment.


Whenever possible, use bullet points or phrases rather than long, rambling sentences. For example, consider these two content samples:


“When you visit the luxurious Comfort Spa, you can indulge yourself with many of our top-shelf amenities, including relaxing full-body massage, inviting mud baths, and professional quality all day cosmetic treatments.”


Or …

“Our Comfort Spa offers:

  • Full-Body Massage
  • All-Natural Mud Baths
  • Professional Makeovers
  • And Much, Much More!”


Most people landing on your website probably aren’t going to take the time to read the first sentence, even though it offers more details about the services you offer. But they can get the gist of your business’s offerings at a glance when they see the second example.


Keep Content Short, Snappy, and to the Point – Content and Context


Another consideration when creating your website’s content is how people are going to view it. Many people today use their smartphones to visit the websites they want to see.


If you include dense, descriptive sentences on your website, people may not physically be able to read them on their smartphone screens. But they will be better able to see bullet points or key phrases presented in a manner better designed for the devices people actually use.


Keep Content Short, Snappy, and to the Point – Content and Context – The best advice when creating online content: Keep it simple, brief, and easy to see at a glance.


Short, Simple Videos Can Effectively Build Your Brand

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People today prefer videos. That’s just a fact.


Maybe it’s because society as a whole is getting a little dumber and lazier. Or maybe it’s because the smartphone in everybody’s pocket has built-in high definition video capabilities. Whatever the reason, video is just the medium of choice among most people today.


The value of video is that it’s fast, fun, and effective. You don’t have to wade through dozens of paragraphs to get to the point like you do with text content. You don’t have to know how to analyze an image like you do with photos or other images.


With video, all you need to do is watch. It’s that simple. And in that simplicity lies the key to effectively building your brand.


Video Marketing


Most businesses today need to include video as part of their online marketing, if only because their competitors are almost certainly already doing it.


A video is one of the easiest and most effective ways to build your brand and connect directly with customers. Videos can be as elaborate or as simple as you like.


For example, a television commercial essentially is a professionally produced video that promotes a particular product or brand. But you can often get the same results by simply creating a fun, spontaneous video in which you talk honestly and genuinely about your business, your products, or even yourself.


Short Simple Videos Can Effectively Build Your Brand – Video Distribution


Just a few years ago, getting the videos you produced in front of your customers was kind of a problem. It cost a lot of money to run commercials on TV. And getting people to watch a DVD about your company was practically impossible.


Today, however, getting people to watch your videos is simple. Just post it on social media. Or send a link out via email or text message. You can (and should) even include videos on your company’s website.


Like it or not, video is king. And in order for your business to effectively connect with your customers, it’s critical that you find ways to include videos as part of your marketing.


The Colors You Choose for Your Website Matter

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Picking out the color scheme for your website is one of the most important decisions you will make.


Colors have a subliminal effect on your web page visitors. So the best colors for your specific website will depend on what you want to people to do once they land there.


Many businesses will simply choose colors that match those in its logo or products. But there is a lot to learn about the psychology of colors. Before you make any decisions, you should consider the questions of colors carefully.


Improving Conversions


The objective of any website is to get conversions of its visitors. That simply means getting people to do what you want them to do when they arrive on your web page, be it purchase a product, take a poll, sign up for a mailing list, and so on.


Picking the right colors for your target visitors can improve your conversions. For example, women tend to dislike gray, orange and brown and tend to like blue, purple, and green.


Men, on the other hand, don’t like purple, orange and brown but are drawn to blue, green, and black. So if you are marketing to a target audience composed of one particular sex, your color scheme should match its preferences.


The Colors You Choose for Your Website Matter – Color Psychology


Certain colors subconsciously project specific emotions. For example, blue tends to cultivate trust in the page visitor whereas yellow is for warnings.


Green is often best for products related to the environment and the outdoors while orange can create a sense of urgency or impulse in page visitors. Black is often associated with luxury and high value.


Colors help your website express itself visually so that it can appeal to people’s emotions. Choose the right one for your website and you can improve conversions, build customer loyalty, and achieve your objectives.


Tips for Naming Your Website

Tips for Naming Your Website

One of the first decisions in creating your new website is also one of the most important: What to name it.


The name you choose for your new website will affect how easy it is for people to find, how simple it is to remember, and how popular it will be months or even years from now.


So you want to choose your new website name carefully. Here are some tips to help you choose wisely.


Tips for Naming Your Website – Use a Reputable Registrar


There are many online registrars that can sell you a domain name. But not all are created equal.


While some offer competitive pricing or special deals, trying to cut corners on something as important as your domain name isn’t always the best idea. A better plan is to use a reputable online registrar so you can avoid future problems such as the registrar going out of business or selling your domain to somebody else later on.


You also want to make sure you use a registrar that has good customer service. If there is a problem with something as important as your domain name, you want to be able to get somebody on the line to fix it right away because your whole business could be on the line.


 Your Company Name


Whenever possible, you want to get your company name in the domain name. But if somebody else has already purchased the domain name for your company, what are your options?


One is to offer to buy it from the current domain name holder. Some companies will buy up domain names on the speculation that other companies will want them later.


Another option is to use a different suffix than .com. While .com is the most recognizable, there actually are hundreds of other suffixes you can now use, including .store, .shop, .financial, and even .nyc.

If You Can’t Beat Amazon, Join Them!

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If You Can’t Beat Amazon – Join Them! In 1995, Amazon began as an online book seller. But in the subsequent 17 years, it has become the biggest and most successful online retailer in the world.


But Amazon founder Jeff Bezos isn’t stopping there. The company has acquired such diverse enterprises as the Washington Post newspaper, upscale grocer Whole Foods, and many others.


Many businesses find themselves in direct competition with Amazon, as the online retail giant makes it easier than ever for its customers to buy from them rather than anybody else. In recent years, the company introduced its new Amazon Echo interactive home device that literally allows customers to order practically anything they want simply by asking “Alexa” for it.


In recent years, the company introduced its new Amazon Echo interactive home device that literally allows customers to order practically anything they want simply by asking “Alexa” for it.


And more innovations are certainly coming from Amazon.


If You Can’t Beat Amazon, Join Them! – SEO Florida – Selling through Amazon 


In the wake of such marketplace dominance, many businesses are discovering that it is easier to join forces with Amazon than compete against it.


Amazon makes few products on its own, instead serving as a marketplace for other businesses’ offerings. Companies can sell their products to Amazon directly for resale, or ship their products directly to customers who buy them through Amazon.


While Amazon takes a share of the profits, it is often worth it for companies because they can gain access to the online retailers billions of prospective customers.


If You Can’t Beat Amazon, Join Them! – SEO Florida – Amazon Affiliates


Another way to use Amazon’s market dominance to your advantage is through its Amazon Affiliates program.


When you sign up, you can promote products available on Amazon through your own Website, social media accounts, and elsewhere and when people click through to buy those products, you get a small commission for every sale that is made through your portals.


In the early 21st Century, Amazon has created a market position that is hard for other businesses to compete against. So if you can’t beat Amazon, you might consider joining them.

Monetizing Personal Data with Your Website

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People will return to businesses if they feel as if they have a personal relationship with them.


Think about your own experience: When employees at your favorite coffee shop know your regular order or your local bookstore calls you when your favorite author has a new book out, aren’t you more likely to go back there?


Capturing and storing personal information about your customers can help build trust relationships with them and keep them returning to your online business again and again.


 The Value of Birthdays

One of the easiest types of personal data to capture and store is birthdays. When you ask your customer for their birthday, you can use this data to create special offers, discounts, and other personalized birthday celebrations.


Most people like to have their birthdays recognized and celebrated. Storing a customer’s birthday as a data string in their digital personal information file allows your business to make your customers feel special and strengthen your trust relationship with them.


Monetizing Personal Data with Your Website – Other Personal Data


Birthdays aren’t the only personal information you can collect and store about your customers. Information such the name of the city where they live, whether or not they are married or have children, and where they went to school can be invaluable in building trust bonds.


Product preferences are another great way to let your customers feel as if you know them personally. If they always buy the same products or brands from you, your business can create a personalized marketing plan that will ensure they come back to your website to purchase those products every time.


People like to be recognized and appreciated, even by the businesses they deal with only online. By learning and storing personal information such as birthdays and product preferences, you can build customer loyalty and increase retention.


How Web Search Engines Work


In less than 20 years, the internet has gone from not existing to being one of the biggest and most influential industries in the world.


Google, which was only founded in 1998, is now the most popular search engine on the web. Every day, billions of people use it to find information, buy products, stream video, and many other uses.


The Three Stages of Search Engines


While we all rely on the internet for practically everything today, most people have no actual idea how it works.


Search engines like Google, Bing!, and others use three basic stages. The first is crawling, where content is discovered. The second is indexing, where the discovered content is analyzed then stored in huge databases. And the third is retrieval, which is when you use Google to find what you are looking for on the web.




Crawling involves scanning a website to get a complete list of everything on it, including page title, keywords, and links to other sites.


Google uses automated bots called “spiders” to scan hundreds of new websites every second.


How Web Search Engines Work – Indexing

Once a site has been discovered and crawled through, the search engine will then index it, separating it into its various components so that it can be shared with the search engine’s users according to multiple subjects and uses.  storing it in vast hard drives capable of holding petabytes worth of data.


Google stores the data its search engine indexes in vast hard drives capable of holding petabytes worth of data.


How Web Search Engines Work – Retrieval 


The third and final stage is actually performed by you. When you type keywords into Google’s search engine, you are asking the search engine to retrieve the results it indexed and display them on your device.


Google uses a complex, constantly changing algorithm to display the results in the order the search engine believes will be most useful to you.

On-Screen Tech Support Builds Bonds with Customers

There is a growing trend among many online retailers to provide on-screen tech support boxes right on their business website. You may have seen these text boxes, which usually pop up at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen when the user lands on the web page.


Typically, these on-screen tech support boxes say something like, “Let me know if there is anything I can help you with today!” They also may include an image of a smiling person wearing a headset.


How On-Screen Text Boxes Work


If the page visitor has questions about your products, services, or other aspects of your business, they can simply type in a text message into the text box.


If the on-screen support screen is being monitored by somebody within your company, they can respond right away in real time. Often this responsibility is “pushed” to a specific department, such as customer service.


Depending on the setup you use for the on-screen text box, any customer inquiries may be forwarded to an individual’s laptop, smartphone, or another device.


On-Screen Tech Support Builds Bonds with Customers – SEO — Building Customer Loyalty Bonds


Having an on-screen tech support box right on your website is a great way to build loyalty bonds with your customers. While a very small percentage of customers will actually use the box, people like the idea that there is a real, live person they can communicate with at any time they like.


It helps them feel as if you genuinely care about their concerns and questions. On-screen tech support text boxes also give you the opportunity to resolve customers complaints, fix problems, and even upsell customers to more of your products and services.


These increasingly popular add-ons to your web pages can be a very effective way to enhance both the usefulness and interactivity of your web pages.

Tips for Optimizing Your Website

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When visitors land on your website, do they immediately understand what your business does or what types of products you offer?


If not, the problem usually lies with your web design. How you set up your pages directly influences whether your page visitors are going to stick around or “bounce” to another site.



Things to Avoid


If your web page is too busy, if it includes a lot of annoying animations, or you are still using Flash, your visitors are probably going to be turned off by your content.


Plus, the more moving parts your website has, the slower it’s going to load, especially on smartphones and other portable devices.


It’s fine to include animation, videos, and other moving media. Just make sure they support your content and give your visitors to play them only if they want to watch them.



Tips for Optimizing Your Website – Things to Include


One of the most important ways search engines determine whether or not a particular web page is popular is by how many social media shares it receives.


If people are sharing your page on their Facebook or Twitter accounts, it’s going to significantly improve its rankings on Google and other search engines.


Make it easy for people to share your pages by including social share and “Follow” buttons on every page of your website. Then encourage visitors to use them.



Tips for Optimizing Your Website – Call to Action


When visitors land on your web page, you usually want them to do something specific like buy a product, watch a video, or click through to another page.


Tell people specifically what you want them to do by using a “Call to Action”. Many visitors won’t know what to do next unless you explicitly tell them.


People are more likely to spend more time on your web page if they find it visually appealing and they understand specifically what you want them to do.