Where Should You Promote Your Website?


Even if your business has the greatest website ever built, it’s not doing any good unless people are looking at it. So web design is only half the battle. The other half is web promotion.


In order to attract the most visitors, your website should be promoted in both the virtual world and in the real world.


Where Should You Promote Your Website? Online Marketing


By this point, there have been volumes written about how to promote your website online. These types of online marketing can include search engine optimization, keywords, and both free and paid online ads.


The benefit to online marketing is that a little work or a small investment can go global. For example, promoting your website on a friend’s Facebook account or cross-marketing on your social media platforms can provide

exponential exposure.


Where Should You Promote Your Website? Real World Marketing


But marketing in the virtual world isn’t enough. In order to maximize the number of visitors to your web pages, it’s important that you promote it in the real world as well.


This can include such simple things as including your website address on all of your correspondence, including emails and direct mail marketing. But you also should be creative in looking for every opportunity to get your web address out in front of the public, such as putting it on banners, signs, or even balloons or t-shirts.


In fact, anything tangible that you can give to somebody has more value than simply posting your website somewhere. It’s practically impossible for people to remember all the web addresses they see every day. But if you can give them something they can take with them and refer back to later, they are going to be more likely to actually visit your web page.


Getting the most visitors to your Website requires both virtual and real-world marketing efforts.

Without a Website, Who Can Find Your Business?

Without a Website Who Can Find Your Business

Businesses today need to have an online presence. The days of opening a storefront and waiting for customers to discover your business are long gone.


Today, nearly all customers search for the products and services they want online. And why wouldn’t they? It’s faster, easier, and more efficient. And today more than ever, people are all about getting things done quickly.


 The Amazon Effect


Think of your own shopping habits. If you are like most people, the percentage of products you order online has gone up significantly just in the past couple of years.


Part of that has to do with innovative companies like Amazon, which is constantly developing ways to make buying from their website irresistible. Whether it’s promoting voice-activated devices like the Amazon Echo or floating the idea of drone deliveries, Amazon is leading the way in online ordering.


And other companies are following suit. Right now, retail businesses and the service industry are in the midst of a digital revolution. And no business can afford to sit on the sidelines.


Without a Website, Who Can Find Your Business? The Digital Revolution and Your Business


What does that mean for your business? While you may not have the bottomless resources for research and development that Amazon does, you can start somewhere. And for most businesses, that includes a website that customers can access online from their mobile devices.


Click and order retail is the future of business, whether you like it or not. Businesses that don’t embrace this future are going to find out the hard way whether or not they are on the losing side of history.


When you are ready to boost your business’s online presence and take part in the digital revolution that is going on around you, “Lytron Lead Generation” can help. Contact us today to find out how we can help you create the online presence that will put your business in front of prospective web-based customers.


Without a Website, Who Can Find Your Business.

Competitive Research Can Improve Your Website

Competitive Research Can Improve Your Website

Does your website look like everybody else’s? If so, you could be missing out on potential clients and new business because you blend in with the crowd.


The key to promoting your business or personal website online is to be distinctive. And the first step toward standing out from everybody else is to see what other web page owners in your niche are doing. In other words, you need to do some competitive research.


Competitive Research – Capturing Your Customer’s Imagination


The best web design is unique and distinctive. The worst is derivative and bland. Where does your website fit in?


If it’s in the latter, you probably aren’t realizing your full potential. Make a point of regularly checking out what your direct competitors are doing with their websites. If they all look exactly like yours, you probably need to make a change.


While it’s important that you get your core message across clearly and quickly to your web page visitors, you can do it in a way that doesn’t look like everybody else’s website. People looking for products and services online can be prone to “website fatigue” when clicking on one page to another.


But if your website has a unique perspective, great photos or images, and — most importantly — doesn’t look like anybody else’s, you stand a better chance of getting their business.


Making the Leap


Competitive research can help you identify the merits and drawbacks of your website. It’s the only way you can tell if your website is better or worse than those of your direct competitors.


Depending on your industry, competitive research should be done quarterly, monthly, or even weekly. It doesn’t take very long but it offers huge benefits to the quality of your website, and the profitability of your online business.

Fashion News

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Does SEO Even Matter Anymore?

fort lauderdale web design 1

When the internet first became popular, the name of the game for small businesses was search engine optimization or SEO for short. These are the techniques web builders can use to improve the odds of their websites being ranked high on Google, Bing!, Yahoo and other popular search engines.


Beginning in the late ’90s and continuing until just a few years ago, most people used these search engines for school, work, and social purposes. But most importantly for businesses, they also used Google and the others to find the products and services they wanted.


So using SEO to get your business ranked at the top of the search engine results pages for the keywords that best describe your business was critical to your online success.


The Rise of the Mega Monsters


Flash forward to today, when a handful of big online retailers have essentially taken over the marketplace. Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and a handful of others are the go-to websites for the majority of consumers who want to buy products. And apps like Uber, StubHub, Tinder, and other big players have taken over specialized online services.


So where does that leave your business and SEO? Does it even matter anymore?


The answer is: Yes! While most small businesses are never going to be able to compete with the scale or variety of products offered on sites like Amazon, they can still use SEO to attract local customers looking for specialized products and services that are specific to their business.


SEO in the past few years


For example, a consumer seeking to buy a new winter coat, might simply use Amazon or Wal-Mart. But if your business offers a specific brand of coat or coats that serve a certain audience such as long-distance runners, or customers in your specific geographic region, you can still use the web to capture that core customer using SEO techniques.


Mega online retailers may have exploited the internet to attract the lion’s share of web customers, but your business can use the same SEO techniques Amazon and others use to find the prospective customers and clients who are seeking the specific products and services you offer.

Five Basics Every Web Page Creator Should Remember

Five Basics Every Web Page Creator Should Remember

Web design today is more complicated today than ever before. Now that just about everybody is online pretty much all the time, websites always need to do more, more, more.


Keeping up with the latest developments can be a real challenge, especially for new web designers. It’s very easy to become overwhelmed by everything that’s going on to the point where the simplest, most basic things are forgotten.


With that in mind, here are five basic things every web designer needs to keep in mind when creating web pages of any type.


Five Basics Every Web Page Creator Should Remember – Keep It Simple


The last thing anybody wants to see when they log onto a web page is TMI, which stands for “too much information”. Generally, the simpler your website, the better.

Since most people are going to be looking at your website on their phones, it’s important to remove any dense blocks of text. Instead, use photos, illustrations, and key phrases to get your message across.


Make It Instinctual


Web users today don’t read instruction manuals. They want to land on your site and instantly understand what they need to do.


Make your website instinctual so that anybody can automatically use it even if they are totally unfamiliar with your content.


Highlight Your Brand


Don’t get distracted from your core message: Your brand. Whether you are promoting products or services, offering entertainment, or any other end purpose, you have a brand. Find it and promote it above everything else.


Get to the Point


People’s attention spans are shorter than ever. Anything extraneous on your website should be purged so that you can drive your visitors to do whatever it is you want them to do.


Five Basics Every Web Page Creator Should Remember – Make It Personal


One of your biggest goals should be to get people to return to your website again and again. Capture personal information like visitor’s names, email addresses, and phone numbers so you can continue to market to them in the future.


Websites today are more complicated than ever. But if you keep these five simple basics in mind, yours can be successful.