Fewer Words, More Colors

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Archetypes Site 1

There’s a trend among websites today toward wordlessness. Or at least minimalism. Some of the most successful companies are cutting the big blocks of text on their websites and replacing them with images, colors, or simply visual tones.

It’s in response to the marketplace. People today don’t have as much time as they used to. So they are less likely to read deep into the paragraphs of text you post on your website. Plus, most people are looking at the web on their phones, which have smaller screens that make it practically impossible to read blocks of text, even if they were inclined to do so in the first place.

Less Is More

At Lytron Web Design, we can help you attract more customers by giving them less text. Instead, we can collaborate with you to find ways to bring delight and engagement with people through colors, design, graphs, photos, illustrations, animations, and other images that instantly engage with people on an emotional level.

Nobody reads text anymore. At least that’s the thinking among web designers today. And the facts bear it out. Today, people are more likely to click away from dense, complicated websites with a lot of words and linger longer on websites that have instant and emotional visual appeal.

Lytron Web Design

To remain competitive, your business has to stay engaged with what your customers want. And today that’s less verbiage and more images and art. At Lytron Web Design, we have the experience, resources, knowledge, and tools to bring your business website to life by offering less.

When people see your newly designed website that features genuinely engaging images and art, they will stay longer, buy more, and build stronger loyalty bonds with your business. You can rely on the professionals at Lytron Web Design to deliver results.


Nice People to Do Business With

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Expert Analysis 3

People who work with computers, coding, and digital websites often have a bad reputation. You may be familiar with the stereotype of the overbearing, arrogant, and dismissive IT technician. While this may have been true of a lot of “computer nerds” in the past, today just about every business works with the digital marketplace in one capacity or another.

So the reality today is that the people who work in IT, web design, and coding now are just as diverse and typical as the rest of society. Sure, there are still impatient, unfriendly people. But there are also just as many friendly, helpful, and caring computer workers – like the folks you will meet at Lytron Web Design.

The Nice Guys

At Lytron Web Design, our goal isn’t to make you feel stupid or belittle you for your lack of experience in coding or website creation. Instead, our staff is composed of 100 percent friendly people who genuinely care about helping your business expand its online presence. Our only goal is to expand your business’s online presence and build your digital reputation so your business can grow and prosper.

Our team of experienced and helpful web designers seeks to develop a collaborative relationship with you so that we can understand exactly how you want your business to be represented online, and then go to work transforming your vision into reality.

Lytron Web Design

When you partner with Lytron Web Design, you won’t encounter the kind of gruff, unpleasant “IT guys” you may find at other web design companies. Instead, you will find people who are always happy to hear your ideas and who are as passionate as you are about your business.

When you are building your business, you don’t have time for mean people. Lytron Web Design is the collaborative, comfortable web design firm you need to make your business successful.

New Businesses Depend on Great Web Design

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Web Design Software 1

If you are starting a new business, you need to find a storefront to rent, a supplier for your products, and possibly open a line of credit with a bank. But your top priority should be to achieve great web design for your business website.

No matter what line of business you are going into, your success or failure will depend on how appealing and attractive your website is. The fact is that today most people look for the products and services they want online. So if your digital presence is poor – or if people can’t find your business online in the first place – you are already starting at a disadvantage.

Website Importance

How important is your website to your business? It is probably the most important thing that will decide the future of your business. Whether you are opening a retail store, a service company, or even a not-for-profit, your ability to attract, retain, and monetize new customers depends on your ability to attract them online in the first place.

So if your website looks like you made it yourself, if it isn’t optimized to rank high on the most popular search engines, or if it fails to push visitors to your desired outcome, your business will never achieve all of its potential.

Lytron Web Design

Even if you know nothing about web design, your business can still have an amazing, inviting, and optimized website thanks to Lytron Web Design. We specialize in helping local small businesses build great websites that appeal to a potentially global audience.

Our team of experienced web designers has the tools, experience, and creativity to put your business on the map. If you don’t have a great online presence, your business will suffer. But with Lytron Web Design on your side, you are already a winner!

Creating Websites Since the Internet Began

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Many Screens Iphonex

Lytron Web Design is more than 20 years old. That’s nearly as old as the internet itself.

While the first linked computers started in the 1960s as a way for academics to share data, the internet the way we think of it today didn’t exist until around the turn of the millennium in 2000. And its use as a digital marketplace really didn’t expand until the introduction of the first smartphones in 2005. Since then, the web has become the dominant platform for the way people look for the products and services they want close to where they live.

Web History

Throughout this transformation in the way we buy things, Lytorn Web Design has been there every step of the way. For more than two decades, we have been helping local small businesses connect with customers online with professional websites and effective digital marketing strategies.

And as the web has become more sophisticated, so have we. Lytron has helped hundreds of small business owners improve their online reputations, connect with more customers, and boost their bottom line by creating personalized websites that make genuine connections with customers. And we keep up with all the changes and developments in the digital space so that you don’t have to.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we have been there since the beginning. But we also are poised to continue to grow and expand your business as the digital marketplace continues to expand. Now we can not only connect with customers nearby, but also worldwide.

In a relatively short time, the digital marketplace has transformed the way people shop for the products and services they want. And it’s only going to get bigger and more influential.

If you want your small business to keep up with this growth, you need the help of Lytron Web Design.

Competitive Research Yields Benefits

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Serrano Square

If you are a business owner, you spend a lot of time and energy paying attention to your business. But what about your competitors? What they are doing can be just as important as what you are doing.

“Mind your own business” may be polite in social situations. But in competitive business environments, it’s not a smart practice. You are competing with other businesses similar to yours for a limited number of customers and capital. So it’s really important that you understand what they are doing, how they are doing it, and where they are trying to take prospective customers away from you.

Competitive Research

In web-based businesses, the place to perform competitive research is online. It’s a good idea to make a habit of checking on your competitors’ websites as often as you do your own. After all, the digital marketing campaigns they launch are in direct competition to your business. So when they are successful, they take away from your bottom line.

But there’s also value in understanding what your competitors are doing well. If they have an effective marketing campaign, there are lessons to be learned that you may be able to incorporate into your future campaigns. And if they make mistakes, you can learn from them in order to avoid repeating them yourself.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we create professional, effective websites that connect with your potential customer base. We can help you attract new customers, retain existing ones, and discover new ways to expand the size and scope of your business online.

Paying attention to what your competitors are doing is just good business. So is trusting experienced web designers and digital campaign managers at Lytron Web Design to help grow your business and improve your online reputation. Let’s get started making your business bigger, better, and bolder.

Does Your Website ‘Go with the Flow’?


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Successful websites naturally lead visitors to a logical conclusion. People who visit your page should instinctively know what to do and where to go next.

A website’s flow is just as important as its content. Subtle visual cues and advanced design techniques can gently ease people toward your desired action: To buy the products or services you are offering, to give you their email address or phone number for future marketing purposes, or simply to feel good about doing business with your company.

Website Flow

You are manipulated by website flow every time you visit a new website and probably don’t even realize it. There’s no deep or sinister psychological strategy at work going on here. It’s much simpler than that, something car salesmen have known for years: People walk into a showroom because they want to buy a car. It’s the salesman’s job to get the buyer to do what they already came there to do anyway.

Websites work the same way. People landed on your web page for a reason. They sought it out above all the others because you potentially can offer them something they can’t get anywhere else. All you need to do with your web design is get them to do what they came there to do already.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, our web experts can build a website that allows your customers to do what they came there to do. We create a subtle yet effective flow that gently moves visitors to your desired action.

To be successful, websites have to have a desired outcome for visitors. Effective web design makes it easy for people to reach that outcome. It’s simple: People already know subconsciously why they came to your website. You just need to give them what they want. And when it works, you get more visitors, conversions, and sales.

With Winning Websites, Every Detail Matters



Do you remember back in the early days of website design when you would go to a web host like GoDaddy, Blue Host, or Host Gator and use pre-made templates to create your website? Things have changed a lot since then.

For one thing, websites today need to be unique. Template-built web pages look like all the other ones that also were built using the same format. For another, they need to be optimized for mobile use because most consumers today are using their phones, not their laptops, to surf the web.

Changes in Attitudes

To be effective, today’s small business websites need to be unique. Every detail maters, from the color schemes to the images you use to the font type and size to the layout. The days of simply plugging in a few details about your business and launching using a premade template are over.

Today’s consumers want dynamic, engaging web pages that not only offer the products and services they are searching for, but do it in an interesting and personalized way. Old-school web design offers only outdated results. To be current, you need the type of web design people expect to see when they surf the web.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we have been helping small business owners just like you create, launch, and manage effective web pages for more than a decade. We’ve evolved along the way, exchanging the simplicity of the template format to the complexity of the uniquely personalized small business websites of today.

The web pages we build are both mobile-ready and unique. And the tools we use to gather data about both how people use your websites and why they arrived there in the first place allow us to improve your web pages to get better and better results.

Does Your Website Reflect Your Personality?

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Visage Desk

Your small business is an extension of you. So the website you use to promote it should be an extension of your own personality.

Your friends, family, and co-workers like you because of the way you are. In the same way, the people who visit your small business website will be attracted to your products or services if the website itself is a reflection of your personality. It doesn’t matter if you are goofy, fun, studious, outgoing, introverted, or industrious, whatever qualities you possess should be evident on your web pages.

Personality Plus

In fact, your website should not only reflect your personality, it should amplify it. The reason most people choose small businesses over big corporations or online giants like Amazon is that they like interacting with people. So when your website presents an almost exaggerated version of yourself, it can attract more customers.

People want to do business with people, not computers, AI, or robots. So when they arrive on your small business website, it should be immediately evident that your small business is owned, operated, and run by real people just like them. That’s why putting your personality into your website is so important.

Lytron Web Design

At Lytron Web Design, we help small business owners just like you develop, launch, and manage personality-driven websites that attract customers. People are actively looking online right now for exactly the kind of products or services you offer. But if you want to connect with them, you need the help of professionals who know how to maximize your personality to promote your business to real people.

You started your business because you believed you had something to offer people they couldn’t get anywhere else. When you inject your unique personality into your website, you are giving people what they want: You!

One Website Isn’t Enough

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Lytron Fort Lauderdale Strategic Agency 1
Lytron Fort Lauderdale Strategic Agency 1

Today’s small businesses need to have a website where customers can go to learn more about their products and services. With so much commerce switching to online, not having a business website today isn’t practical.

But for small business owners, a single website isn’t going to be enough to penetrate today’s digital-centric marketplace. Instead, the most effective approach is to have a multi-pronged approach that includes both traditional and mobile websites, social media campaigns, direct message capability, and more. Your competitors are likely already doing these things to capture your customers. So if you hope to maintain your market share — let alone grow it — these are the minimum you need to be doing.

Multi-Platform Campaign

Think about the way you look for the products and services you want. Most likely, you aren’t going to drive around your neighborhood looking for a car mechanic, for example. Instead, you are much more likely to Google “car mechanics near me” on your smart phone or tablet. Or you may rely on word of mouth referrals which you would get — you guessed it — from your friends or contacts on social media.

Your customers do the same thing. Everybody does these days. So in order to remain competitive, your small business needs to have multi-platform campaigns that promote your business where you customers are paying attention: Their phones and other devices.

Lytron Web Design

You might think from our name that we specialize exclusively in designing websites. But our business has evolved along with the marketplace. We now offer multi-platform campaigns that penetrate the digital marketplace for small business owners. We can launch and maintain social media campaigns, produce weekly blog content, and even attract business to your primary and mobile websites.

As the business environment changes, successful small businesses need to adapt. With Lytron Web Design on your side, you can capture a larger market share and build your business, your customer base, and your profits.

Color, Design and Images Should Match Your Branding

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Web Design Software 1
Web Design Software 1

When designing a website for your business — or any media, online or otherwise — the choices you make about what colors to use, the fonts you pick, and especially the images you include are hugely important. Most site visitors arrive with certain expectations about your brand. So if they encounter a website that defies those expectations they are going to be confused and possibly turned off.

Consistency in branding is something even small businesses need to be concerned about these days. That’s because thanks to the internet there is no such thing as small businesses anymore. When you are promoting your products and services online, you can attract global customers just as easily as local ones.

The Choices We Make

So keeping your branding consistent through every type of media — physical, digital, print, broadcast, and so on — helps attract new customers, retain existing ones, and continually grow and expand your business.

That means website design is a lot more complicated than it used to be. The days of choosing a pre-existing template and just plugging in your business facts are over. Today’s websites need to match your other media in terms of color, design, images, and content.

Lytron Web Design

It used to be relatively simple to get a small business website up and running. Now there are a lot more considerations to include. But at Lytron Web Design, our team of experienced, knowledgeable web design professionals have the skills and tools to make your business website consistent with the rest of your branding.

The websites we create and maintain for you will add to your brand, not clash with it. They will share color schemes, fonts, images, and more. As a result, your web pages will be more comfortable and familiar to your customers, ensuring they return again and again.