If you have never worked with web design or page creation before, all the technical terms related to coding can seem a little bit intimidating.


Like anything else, however, once you start to work with a design program, it becomes quite instinctual. To help you get started here’s a breakdown of some of the most basic terms you will encounter once you get started.


What Is HTML?


One of the first terms you are likely to encounter is HTML, which is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language.


In layman’s terms, HTML is what provides the basic structure of websites. HTML is a markup language, rather than a programming language. That means it uses tags to identify content.


HRML is enhanced and modified by other technologies, such as CSS and JavaScript.


What Is CSS?


Okay, then. So what is CSS?


CSS is basically a list of rules that can assign different properties to HTML tags. These rules can be applied to individual tags, multiple tags, entire documents, or multiple documents.


In other words, CSS is what you use to control presentation, formatting, and layout.


Website Development & Coding – What is JavaScript?


The last term you need to know is JavaScript. No, it’s not something you read for a film while drinking a cup of coffee.


Instead, JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different elements on your web page. It’s a programming language that was first introduced in 1995, making it a relative newcomer to page design.


Today, however, JavaScript is supported by every major web browser and is used on nearly every website on the internet. It’s the language that allows web developers design sites that are interactive with the people who use them.


Most of the interactive elements on the web pages you visit are powered by JavaScript.


Now that you are familiar with these three important terms, web design should be less intimidating for you!

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