Web designers use computer programming, or coding, to create web pages that look a certain way, or allow visitors to perform specific actions on the page.
When you commission “Lytron Lead Generation” or another web design firm to build your web page, web designers will take your ideas about the page should look like and what it should do and then use programming languages, or code, to translate your ideas onto the actual web pages.
Programming Languages –Your Browser’s Function
When somebody visits a web page online — whether it is on their home computer, their laptop, tablet, or even their phone — a computer program within their device known as their browser translates the code created by the web designer to produce the web pages that you see on your screen.
The code itself is simply a text file. It’s the browser that does the work of taking these tiny lines of code and building them into an actionable web page.
The browser uses HTML, CSS and other computer programs to build the page.
Programming Languages – JavaScript and Other Languages
In reality, HTML, CSS, and other programs are not really languages. They simply manage page structure and style information. But web designers need to be able to master these programs first before moving onto actual programming languages such as JavaScript.
While HTML provides the basic structure of sites, and CSS controls a web page’s presentation, formatting, and layout, Javascript is what actually controls the behavior of all of the different elements on the page.
Today, web designers have more shortcuts than they had in the past. There are design platforms such as WordPress and others that will do much of the coding for you automatically.
But experienced web designers like the ones at “Lytron Lead Generation” know how to optimize even these advanced programs to enhance the look, feel, and functionality of your web pages.