Screenshot 2020 07 17 At 3.47.59 AmThe key to any long-term business relationship is value. When what you offer is valuable to your clients or customers — whether it is a product, a service, or simply an idea — then that value creates a strong loyalty that you can benefit from for years or even decades.

But in today’s lightning-fast, scroll-through business environment in which attention spans are shorter than ever, value is not enough. Your business also needs to engage your clients in ways that are simultaneously unique and appealing.

Standing Out from the Crowd

The benefit of offering a product/service/idea that is unique in your marketplace is nothing new. The big business schools have been instilling this idea in their graduates for generations.

What is different in today’s business environment is the need to engage people in ways that are appealing. It’s not enough to have a website that offers high-value content or simple and efficient navigation. Web pages also need to appeal to the eye, inspire the intellect, and instill confidence and comfort in both casual and repeat visitors.

The same premise holds true for every other potential contact portal for customers or clients, including print media, broadcast marketing, and even physical showrooms and offices. There’s simply too much competition today to allow your focus to slip even slightly. By the time you realize you have lost the customer’s attention, 15 other competitors will be vying for their business.

Building Brand Loyalty

Engaging people in ways that are continually creative and effective is hard. If everybody could do it, we would all be billionaires. But the good news is once you land upon brand identity for your business that is both unique and appealing, you can create strong loyalties that will keep people coming back to you time and time again.

Apple has done it. So has Tesla, Netflix, Costco, and countless others. Now it’s your turn. If you’re ready to get started, Lytron Design is ready to help.

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