When customers click on your website, shop in your online store, or even visit your brick and mortar business, you want to ensure that they have the most positive, problem-free experience possible.


If something goes wrong — such as their having a technical issue, a negative customer service interaction, or they fail to get the products or services they want in a timely manner — you need to know about it as soon as possible.


Resolving a problem to a customer’s satisfaction can often strengthen loyalty bonds and make the formerly unhappy customer a raving fan of your business.


Valuable Information


But you can’t fix a problem if you don’t know about it. And an unhappy customer who believes you don’t care about their business can be poisonous to your business. If they complain about your website or business to their social media contacts alone, it could cost you hundreds of potential customers.


One of the fastest and easiest ways to identify and correct problems is through post-interaction opinion surveys. As a consumer or web user, you may find these to be annoying. But if a customer has a genuine problem with your business, it offers them a fast and efficient way to be heard.


And post-interaction opinion surveys give business owners the opportunity to win back the business of unhappy customers and convert potential toxic complainers into raving fans of their business.


Post-Interaction Opinion Surveys Offer Multiple Benefits – Opportunities to Improve


Post-interaction opinion surveys also give web page owners valuable input as to how they can improve their visitors’ experiences.


When you are looking at your own web page every day, it’s hard to see it objectively. But opinion surveys from existing customers give you key insights that you otherwise might now see.


Post-interaction opinion surveys are relatively easy to create. Many web page design programs have plug-ins that will automatically generate them for every customer who visits your page.


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