When it comes to attracting new customers and new business online, SEO isn’t everything … it’s the ONLY thing!


Search engine optimization involves using techniques to make your website or web pages more attractive to the most popular search engines — especially Google, Bing, and Yahoo.


Why Be Popular?


Popularity is something everybody has to worry about, but especially website owners. Why? Because if search engines don’t “like” your web pages, there’s a very good chance that the customers you want and need will never find them.


Here’s why: When people search online for the businesses, products, and services they want, they usually will go to the search engine on their phone, tablet, laptop or computer and type in the keywords that best describe what they are looking for.


For example, somebody needing a muffler repair in Florida might type in “Florida muffler repair”.


Rocket Your Website to the Top of the Charts – Search Engines Rank Websites


The search engine will instantly search through the billions of websites online to find those that contain these keywords. It will then return results to the search according to an intricate ranking process that is based on such factors as where in the content these websites are located and how many times they are repeated.


Search engines stay in business by giving their users the best results for the searches they want. So they also will consider such things as how many social approval signals a website has — such as Facebook “Likes”, how many times people have shared the site’s link on Twitter, and so on.


They also will look at how many other sites link back to the website, giving additional weight to those that are considered “authoritative sites”, or sites that most people would go to in order to find answers to questions they have. Examples include Wikipedia, About.com, and websites maintained by academic institutions and governmental bodies.

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