Email has a bad reputation in marketing circles. Given that there are so many other ways to reach potential customers — including text messages, social media, and mobile apps — email has been marginalized by many companies.


Big mistake. If you need proof that email is still a highly effective way to reach people, consider this simple question: When was the last time you checked your email account? Was it this morning? An hour ago? Just before you opened this blog?


Most People Still Use Email … A Lot


Email isn’t dead as a marketing platform. While there are other ways to reach customers that are faster, better, and easier, most people still cling to their email accounts in the same way they keep paying for landlines for their home telephone service or relying on the postal service for daily mail delivery.


While times have changed, old habits are hard to break.


Startling Statistics Regarding Email Marketing


Need more proof that email is alive and well as a marketing tool? Consider this:


  • 44% of people who receive email made a minimum of one purchase in the past year based on a marketing email they received.
  • 33% of people say they open an email based solely on the subject line.
  • About half of the people on any business’s email list still open or click on the emails the business sends regularly.
  • 70% of people say they used a coupon or discount code they received via email in the past week.
  • Monday is the best day to send out an email because emails sent on the first day of the week have the highest revenue per email.
  • 27% of people said they wished their favorite businesses sent them more emails.


Email is far from dead as a marketing platform. If you want to keep attracting new customers, the road to their hearts is through their email inbox.

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