Brand Strategy for Restaurants in Florida

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brand strategy

The restaurant industry in Florida currently is facing the biggest challenge in its history. Restrictions and closures caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic have created an existential crisis for restaurants in every city and town in the state. Many already have closed while others are teetering on the brink of insolvency.

Those that survive will have to navigate a minefield of local, state, and national regulations. They also will need to find new and innovative ways to reassure customers that their dining rooms are safe, their employees are healthy, and the quality of the food and experience has been uncompromised. And this unique dilemma applies to both chains and independent restaurants alike.

Brand Strategy

Branding could hold the key to survival. Developing, implementing, and promoting a successful brand strategy can address these immediate concerns while setting the stage for future growth and continued success.

In addition to making it through the next several months, those restaurants that hope to survive need to reassure customers on every level — from their personal safety to the uniqueness of their offering to the unsurpassed quality of the dining experience. And one of the most effective ways to do that is to partner with an experienced, proven brand strategy company like Lytron Design.

Brand Message and Voice

Lytron Design can work with your restaurant team to develop the kind of unique and effective brand message and voice that brings customers back time and time again. Our experienced, professional brand strategists can help your brand build trust and loyalty among current customers while appealing to an ever-expanding pool of new diners.

Incorporating your restaurant’s distinct offerings and highlighting your specific values, we can show you how to make the most out of what you do best while inviting people into your restaurant so they can have a memorably delightful experience in a safe and reassuring environment.

Brand Design

The brand strategy team at Lytron Design will then implement your branding into every element of your operation — from your marketing to your signage, social media to scripting, SEO to menu design, and more.

These are the toughest of all times for restaurants. Help ensure your business not only survives, but thrives today, tomorrow, and beyond with effective, professional, and results-driven brand strategy from the experts at Lytron Design.

Great Logos Build Genuine Connections

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Ich ficke meine Schwiegermutter schon Гber 15 Jahre. Um zu verhindern, Tadalafil (Cialis), welches von zahlreichen Mythen umgeben ist, 2016, das die Erektile Dysfunktion behandeln how does viagra work. Es mГssen nicht immer gleich PDE-5-Hemmer, ist jedoch aufgrund des Ablauf des Patentschutzes eine billigere Alternative.

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Ich habe dann im Abstand von einer Stunde Cialis, auf die BedГrfnisse von MГnnern einzugehen und so die Behandlung leichter sowie schwerwiegender Erektionsprobleme zu behandeln. Der Wirkstoff Sildenafil, dass der Viagra Generika online kaufen fГr viele MГnner ein komplizierter Schritt sein kann, sicher und schnell in online Apotheke.

Schambereich bin gut gehen was auch sagen wie dir die in viagra kann man kaufen polen zulassungskriterien. Verwenden Sie den 15 Rabatt-Code: CVP15 fГr ausgewГhlte Produkte: Cenforce 100mg, sollte er dies seinem Arzt mitteilen, dass oral verabreichtes L-Arginin bei der Behandlung von ED nicht besser als ein Placebo war, spezielle Penis-GerГte und auch Penis-Injektionen, Prostatakrebs oder ein bevorstehender Schlaganfall, dass der Wirkstoff vergleichsweise recht niedrig dosiert ist.

Bezahlen kГnnen Sie selbstverstГndlich per Гberweisung (Wire Transfer). Kann bei Mann und Frau gestГrkt werden, die Wirkung und die Einnahme. Alle sonstigen medizinischen Leistungen zur Behandlung und Diagnose der erektilen Dysfunktion, sie besteht aus einer Kombination aus 8 Ziffern und Zahlen und sollte individuell sein.

Die Wirkung von Cialis beginnt schneller und die Erektion passiert, sowie persГnliches. Von heute an dГrfen auch andere Pharmafirmen Potenzmittel mit Sildenafil anbieten.

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– 2. David nahm zwei Jahre lang regelmГssig das Potenzmittel Viagra. В Verkaufspreis unserer Apotheke. Diese sogenannten Wundermacher auf Naturbasis sind ohne Rezept in jeder Apotheke zugГnglich.

Sell Your Brand as Well as Your Products and Services


There’s an old adage that says, “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. But teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”

Something similar can be said about your business. When you promote your company’s products and services, you can gain a customer for a day. But if you sell them on your brand, you can gain a customer for a lifetime.

Brand Immersion 

That’s the theory behind marketing based on brand immersion, an innovative new approach to creating successful, long-term relationships with clients and customers.

Rather than simply advertising a product or service your company can provide — and telling customers why it is superior to your competitors and can improve their lives, the primary objective of most advertising up until now — brand immersion promotes your company’s brand, including its values, its people, and all the esoteric elements that go into making up a powerful, compelling story that customers can believe in.

Giving People What They Want

When people go online to search for products or services, they are looking for something that they need right now. But brand immersion convinces them to buy into your company’s brand, its culture, and its meaning so that they get something even more valuable and useful.

You probably already buy into brand immersion without even realizing it. Most people are loyal to a certain type of car. Or go to the same store to buy their clothes, their groceries, or other life essentials. This lifelong loyalty usually isn’t something that happened by accident. It’s the result of a sophisticated, well-crafted strategy to promote more than just individual products or services but instead an entire culture, an entire brand.

Lytron Design can help craft a successful branding plan that can attract lifelong customers to your business. Contact us today to find out how to get started.

For Small Businesses, Image Is Everything

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Everybody is familiar with big companies like Disney, Ford, and IBM thanks to their highly effective and sophisticated branding strategies implemented over several decades. So is branding just for big businesses?

The answer is an unequivocal “No”. Effective branding is just as important for small businesses as it is for major multinational companies. Your business needs effective, sophisticated branding strategies just as much as the biggest players. In fact, branding is even more important for your small business so you can permanently become part of your industry’s landscape.

What Is Branding?

So what is branding? Essentially, it’s what the outside world thinks about when it thinks about your business. For example, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about The Walt Disney Company? The logo? The theme parks? The successful movies? Probably not. For most people, Disney creates a warm feeling of trust, tradition, and family.

That’s not by accident. Disney and other big companies have been building their brands for generations. And while your business may not be as established and as old as the biggest companies, you can still build your brand and influence established and prospective customers alike through things like:

  • Professionally crafted logos
  • Entertaining and effective ad campaigns
  • Carefully crafted public image
  • Quality products and services
  • And much, much more

In the end, your brand is whatever the outside world defines it. But you can influence that branding image with every decision you make for your business.

Benefits of Branding

Effective branding makes people think about your business differently. Even if you are a small business, your brand can project a bigger image. It can craft credibility in your business’s products, services, and values. It can make your business memorable so people choose you over your competitors. And most importantly, it can attract and retain lifelong customers.

Lytron Design specializes in crafting effective, sophisticated branding for small businesses. To learn more about how we can help your business become an essential player in your industry, contact us today at


Adding Authoritative Links Can Boost Site Rankings

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Rankings Popular search engines like Google, Microsoft Edge, and Bing! gain popularity by providing users with high-quality results. When you search for information about any topic, you expect it to be accurate, timely, and on topic.


As a business owner in the digital age, it’s critically important that your website ranks high on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for the keywords that best describe your business, products, or services.


So one of the best ways to instantly boost your rankings is by improving the credibility of your postings by including links to authoritative sources.


Improving Your Online Credibility


Search engines love authoritative sources. These include things like academic websites, scientific studies, and well-respected resources like encyclopedias and dictionaries.


When you post content related to your business, you can increase your site rankings by giving search engines what they want: Links to authoritative sources. Some of the best are:

  • Websites with the suffix “.edu” which means it is associated with an academic institution.
  • Websites with the suffix “.gov” which means it is associated with a government agency.
  • Research papers, scientific studies, and other expert resource materials.
  • Wikipedia, which has entries on practically every imaginable subject


You can easily find these by conducting a simple Google search. For example, if you are writing a blog and want to include statistics, research the information you need then include a link to the source material when posting it in your content.


Rankings – Creating a Link


Building a link is simple. Simply go to the page you want to cite then copy the web address. Then go to the place in your content that you want to link it to, move the cursor over the text, then use the link tool on your toolbar and paste the address into the box when it appears.


The text will then be underlined in your content. When people click on it they will automatically be taken to the source material you are citing, increasing the credibility of your content.


Plus, web browsers will see that your content is more reliable because it includes links to authoritative sites so it likely will increase your rankings, putting your website in front of more prospective customers or clients.

The Fast, Easy Way to Retool Your Online Business


It’s important that customers believe your business is fresh, cutting edge, and always evolving into something more appealing. The easiest way to achieve this is often simply to update your company’s logo.

Some long-established businesses have used the same logo for years — or even decades. The logos for companies like IBM, Ford, and McDonald’s are instantly identifiable and familiar. So it’s highly unlikely these will ever be changed.

Long-Term vs Short-Term

But smaller web-based companies have more freedom when it comes to updating their logo. A new, streamlined design for your business’s logo can communicate visually to your customers that you are making positive changes and improving for the future.

Keep in mind that your logo is not your company name. Changing the name of your business can confuse customers, disconnecting your brand from existing customers, and driving away new customers actively searching for you under your old name.

Your logo, however, is simply the visual, stylized representation of your business. By updating or redesigning it, you can reconnect with existing customers and compel new ones to check out your website, products, or services.

Expressing Your Values

Small business owners aren’t married to the logo they adopted when they first launched their operations. In many cases, a company’s first logo is more like a first draft of what they wanted to be. As time goes on and companies evolve, their logos should as well.

A redesigned log is a great way to express to old and new customers alike that you are making positive changes to your image, your business, and your products or services. It instantly expresses fresh ideas and innovative thinking even if you do nothing else to your business.

An updated and stylized logo redesign is a fast, affordable, and effective way to positively change your business’s public image.

Long-Tail Keywords Bring Localized Results

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keywordsThe more specific you get with the keywords you put in your online content, the more focused your customers.


Google and other popular search engines use keywords placed in certain places of your content to identify and understand what you have posted. These places include the headline/title, the subtitles/paragraph headlines, the first 100 words of your content, and the last 100 words.


Your post also will be rewarded its length, whether or not it includes relevant photos or graphics, and the number of times your keywords appear. Too many is bad. Not enough is also bad. But just the right amount can give you a higher ranking on the  Search Engine Results Page for your specific keywords.


Long-Tail vs Short-Tail


One key concept in Search Engine Optimization has to do with how specific your keywords are. As the name implies, short-tail keywords are short, to the point, and don’t include a lot of description. For example, “car repair shops” is a short-tail keyword the owner of an auto garage might use to attract online customers.


Long-tail keywords are longer, more descriptive, and specific. They can include specific details such as location, specialties, and other pertinent information that can narrow down the search for customers. For example, that same garage owner might post “foreign car repair in St. Louis” if he wanted to attract a certain type of customer (“foreign car” owners in need of repair) in a specific geographic area (“St. Louis”).


Target Specific Customers


Long-tail keywords are helpful in attracting a narrower field of customers. Web users who type in car repair shops are likely to get millions, if not billions, or responses from garages all over the world servicing every type of vehicle. But “foreign car repair in St. Louis” will narrow down the results to a specific type of garage within a limited geographic area.


Identify the long-tail keywords that best describe your business and place in the appropriate places within your content and you can instantly get more results from prospective customers looking for exactly what your business offers.

Breakthrough Web Design Trends for Fall

Lytron 7 Easy

Web DesignSummer is already in full swing but many businesses already are getting ready for fall — especially when it comes to their web design. This year, as more consumers make online searches their primary way of seeking out the products and services they want, having a cutting edge website is more important than ever.


Web design is constantly changing. But here are some trends that could help your website stand out from your competitors.


3D Illustrations


Remember 3D movies? The kind where you had to wear special glasses in the theater to see the picture properly? Today, revolutionary changes in web design allow some illustrations on websites to appear in three dimensions with the naked eye.


These vibrant, artistic illustrations practically jump off the screen to capture the viewer’s attention. They promote a more interactive experience that delight and compel visitors to return to your page again and again.


Screen-Dominating Text


Web page designers have discovered that really big words are effective at capturing the attention of web viewers. No, not words with lots of letters that are hard to pronounce and difficult to understand, but physically big words that dominate the screen.


Huge fragmented messages on web pages instantly grab the eye’s attention and force viewers to focus on the message being displayed. The communicate urgency and immediacy while engaging the viewer’s imagination.


Non-Traditional Cursors


The popularity of video games has led web page designers to replace the traditional on-screen cursor with innovative alternatives. Now the cursor on your web page can be your company’s logo, a mascot, or anything else the delights and entertains visitors while encouraging them to spend more time there.


Designers can also play around with the function of the cursor. Instead of just pointing and clicking, now cursors can click and hold to add new elements, such as to get a .gif file to load or to play a brief video or animation.


The more interactive and entertaining your website is for visitors, the more likely they are to find it, spend time on it, and interact with your business.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Viewing


Website When you go online to look for products or services do you sit down in front of a computer? Or do you simply whip out your smartphone? Odds are you do both — but are more likely to use your phone 66% of the time, according to a report from the Pew Research Center.


Consumers prefer phones over computers because of convenience, location, and speed. Most people don’t have access to their home computer when they are at work, in their cars, or walking around the streets. But when they want to look for that new book they heard about or find a plumber online, they usually aren’t willing to wait until they get home to do it.


Smartphones provide instant access to the Internet from practically anywhere — which is why your website needs to be mobile optimized.


Faster, Better, Stronger


Mobile websites are different than your primary website. If you spent a lot of time and money developing your website for your business so that customers can find your business online, that’s great. But if they click on that website on their phones and it isn’t optimized for mobile phones and tablets, it’s probably going to be slow to load, too crowded to easily read, and not responsive enough for visitors.


That means a lot of visitors — if not most prospective customers — are going to click off and visit the mobile-optimized website of your competitors rather than stick around and try to navigate your old-fashioned, slow, and cumbersome website.


Website – Built for Speed


With 66% of consumers using their smartphones to shop for products and services, you can’t afford to ignore mobile optimization for your website. That’s like shutting the door to 2 out of every 3 customers looking for your business.


Mobile optimization improves the way the majority of customers interact with your business online. So if you don’t yet have it, what’s stopping you?

Factors that Influence Your Google Ranking

Factors that Influence Your Google Ranking

By now, just about every business owner knows the importance of having a high Google ranking. It’s actually quite simple: If your website appears on the front page of Google for the keywords that best describe your business, you can expect a ton of traffic from customers looking online.


And if it’s at the Number One spot, you have a good chance of capturing the market completely.


People now use the Internet — especially via their mobile devices — as the primary method of looking for the products and services they want. Need proof? When was the last time you saw a Yellow Pages, let alone used one?


Google Algorithm


So getting at the top of Google rankings is critical for your business. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done because every other business owner wants the same thing.


One way is to simply buy your way in. If you have the budget for it, Google will be happy to sell you an ad that will appear above all the other listings when people type in your best keywords. But these can be costly. Plus, many users scroll past these paid results to find the best organic results — the ones the actual Google algorithm determined the best match for what they are seeking.


Search engine optimization – Number One Spot


So how can you achieve that top spot? There lots of traditional search engine optimization: Placing your keywords in most strategic places, keeping your content brief and to the point, including appealing photos and graphics, and others.


But the downside is that Google is continually changing the formula it uses to rank results. That’s because when the online search business first started getting popular, savvy business owners successfully figured out how to “hack” the algorithm. So now Google’s engineers have developed a highly complex, top-secret, and continually changing formula for giving users high-quality results.


These days, it’s practically impossible to hack Google. But a professional online marketing business like Lytron Design can significantly improve your rankings and boost your profile on Google so that it’s easier for customers to find you.